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Worldview Paper
Kristen Tucci
Professor Murrell

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Kristen Tucci
Professor Murrell
13 July 2016
Worldview Paper
Socrates, a brilliant Philosopher once said Strong minds discuss ideas, average minds
discuss events, small minds discuss people. This quote can relate to people all over the world. It
is in human nature to explore topics and ideas throughout one's life. Philosophy is a tool that
helps one obtain knowledge and fully understand how it can be applied to the world. It opens up
different perspectives and shows truth in places one has never looked before.
Philosophy is applied in everything that one could ever learn in an academic setting.
There was a class that I took my Senior year at Indiana Wesleyan University. The class I was
taking was an introduction to Psychology and my professor showed me how to think on a deeper
level. This became a helpful tool for me to use while looking in on philosophical ideas. One
interesting comment she made in class intrigued me to think about how philosophy ties into
everything in the human brain. She told us the story of how there was a family reunion she was
at she noticed something particular.
My professor noticed how there seemed many different conversations going on in
different small cliques.This woman is brilliant and she has a way of looking at the world that
reminds me of how many philosophers look at the world. She said she noticed that the people
with doctorates and masters were in one conversation talking about politics, the family members
with a bachelors and associates talking about a big game coming up, and family members with

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little to no education talking about very simple concepts. Because of the separation of education
they received, and how their minds chose to think, conversations were intriguingly different.
This is what the philosopher Socrates was talking about. It is simply profound for me to
think that one man could predict things about human nature even in this modern day world. I ask
myself how one could be so brilliant. The answer is simple: Philosophy.
Philosophy is brilliant, ever changing, astonishing, surprising, mind-boggling,
enlightening, and introspective. So many intricate ideas flow from one individual who studies
philosophy. Through examining the six general areas of philosophy, one can gain an immense
amount of knowledge about themselves and the world as they know it.
MetaPhysics is a branch of philosophy. This is the starting stone if one wants to look at a
philosophical viewpoint. Once one can master and understand how this branch works, they can
begin to dig deeper into intricate philosophical questions. This is related with the existence of the
world, how one believes that the world works, and how the world revolves to a single individual
person. This is one of the main branches that early philosophers like Plato, Aristotle, and socrates
studied. These men examined the night sky and pondered about why and how the stars were
there. They looked at the human body in a way and was curious on how and why everything
operated the way that it did.
When looking at philosophy in a metaphysical viewpoint, I believe in a religious stance. I
think that the nature of reality is what you can examine with your eyes, feel with your heart, and
stand up for what you believe in. This is what is real to you. I know that everyone has a different
view of reality it all just depends on how you perceive it. A person who has grown up with a
different lifestyle than you may or may not see the world in a similar way as you. It is all about

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how one feels about certain topics. Nobody sees eye to eye with the way reality is, and I think
God intended the world to work in that particular manner.
Another question that is asked is How did we get here? I believe in God. I believe that
there is one God and he put us on the planted to make a difference in another person's life. I think
the world that we exist in is by God creating everything in this universe and all the things that
make up the extended universe. I can not imagine how one could truly believe that the world
started as a speck and expanded into this amazing world. I like to think about how perfect things
are in this world.
Think about a mother being with child. The baby grows and develops in its mother and
forms an unbreakable bond. A mother nourishes herself and her baby. Over the course of nine
months, the baby goes from a small cell, to a living breathing human. Once the child is born it
lives off of the mother's milk produced from her breasts. If you say all of this is because of a
small speck exploding, then I can disagree with you passionately. It shows how there is a God.
C.S. Lewis once said I believe in Christianity as I believe that the sun has risen: not
only because I see it, but because by it I see everything else. He quoted everything I believe in
and there is no doubt in my mind that God is the creator of the universe and all of the inhabitants
Epistemology is the study of knowledge and real belief. I have learned that in a
philosophical standpoint, knowledge is defined as Justified True belief. This branch is
particularly interesting for me because I have never truly looked deeply into this viewpoint until
taking Philosophy.
One of the questions frequently asked is What is knowledge. From my personal
experience I believe that knowledge is something that is learned through personal experience or

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what you have been taught in a controlled environmental setting. Because of my particular way
of thinking, I believe that I would fall under the category of an empiricist of how the world
To further explain what I mean by knowledge this is through controlled education and
personal experience think of water. I can not actually experience and know that two atoms of
hydrogen and one atom of oxygen when formed in a covalent bond is water. This can only be
learned in a classroom and being taught by a professor. One thing I can know through personal
experience is water running in a creek is moving rapidly because I can put my hand in it and feel
it moving in between my fingertips and see with my eyes what water is and how it interacts with
Another question that is frequently asked through an epistemological standpoint of
philosophy is How do you know something is justified or justice has been served? I think
justice is being served means a person getting a punishment that they deserve if someone breaks
the law, that they will be punished in a manner that is rightful to the wrongdoing. It has to be
done for a legitimate and true reason. For example, if one individual murders a family and gets
caught by the authorities, then I believe that that person also deserves death. An old wise proverb
once said An eye for an eye a tooth for a tooth There is a reason why this is such a prominent
concept still in today's world. It is logical.
The philosophy of Logic means deciding between good reasoning and bad reasoning.
Logic is often contorted and skewed perspective in today's current society. Everything with logic
is not what it seems. Logic is a hard one to express an opinion for personally because it is just
defining between right and wrong.

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Personally for myself, logic is looking at a problem or situation and figuring out if the
premises and conclusions matched up. If these things match up, then logically an argument must
be sound. When I was in high school my Advanced Placement English classes talked about how
to identify logical fallacies in advertisements. I found out while researching all of these different
types of fallacies that all advertisement is, is using a skewed form of logic to persuade a target
audience to buy a certain item or them to consume whatever the advertisement is. This is the
most prominent place for a logical fallacy.
Think of those Budweiser commercials. They are always the same. There is the puppy
who is running around on a farm and there is always a horse that it befriends. These two animals
will do anything to stay together to be friends. The horse even at one point breaks out of the
stable and runs by a car that the puppy is in. The bond between them becomes unbreakable. At
the end of the commercial you see the dog and horse running off together and a budweiser logo
is slashed across the sunset sky.
This used the logical fallacy the Red Herring, and an Over Sentimental appeal. The
friendship between the dog and horse has absolutely nothing to do with budweiser. They skewed
logic to make the budweiser appear desirable to a new group of people who love dogs, horses
and friendship. I personally think it was a brilliant act on advertisement. Using logic that is not is
absolutely true is part of the advertisement world.
Ethics Philosophy is looking into how people should act in today's society, and finding a
right conduct for each individual person.
A question that is frequently asked is Why be moral? From the webster's dictionary the
official definition of Moral is concerned with the principles of right and wrong behavior and the
goodness or badness of human character.. This is what the academic viewpoint of someone who

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is moral. Some say that being moral is because of a certain religion that you rely on. Others say
that it is a way that you are raised. Personally, I think one collects their morals through society.
As one grows up and interacts with other around them, they slowly mold their mannerisms to a
mold that is acceptable by society. So why does one choose to abide to these moral laws and not
ignore them completely? The example is relatively simple. To be able to fit into the world of
human interaction.
From the time one was a baby they were being taught what is right and wrong. For
example, if there was a toddler who was playing with another toddler, but there was only one toy.
The moral and correct thing to do in this certain situation is to share the toy and both have turns.
The immoral thing would be to fight and whoever gets the toy, gets to play with it all by
themselves. The parents and people watching them would be the ones to teach the toddlers to
share and not fight. It's a learned behavior.
Think of the world today if everyone began to do immoral things. There would be mass
murder, rape all across the nation, robbery, and terror. People choose to be moral because it is the
glue to the fabric that holds our society together. If people began to choose to be immoral,
everything that has been know for society would fall apart.
Many hot topic discussions of today are ethical dilemmas. One feels as if there are only
two sides to the argument, and there is never a true win on a certain situation One of the big issue
that comes up in today's society. Whether abortion is okay or not. On one side of the argument
says the since it is the woman's body and she is the one who who has to carry the baby, she is
allowed to do whatever she pleases with her body. This also supports getting an abortion if the
woman was raped or sexually abused. The other side of the argument is that every life matters.
No matter what happens , it is the woman's responsibility to make sure that that child is carried to

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full term and is allowed to fully live. Even if this woman was raped or sexually abused by a
The pro-choice people believe that the child inside them is not human. They think that the
baby is not actually human or alive until the baby is breathing on its own outside the womb. I
think this is absolutely absurd. That there is no reason on this earth for a woman to give up her
child's life. I personally am pro-life and I believe that once there is a child starting to develop
inside a womb, then one must do everything in the world to protect it and carry the child out to
full term.
Looking at the world from an ethical standpoint, there is a right and wrong. There is a
black and white side and no grey. What I have noticed with humans is that they only look at the
either-or choices. For example, humans are either pro-choice or pro-life as if those are the only
two options. There are more ways to fall in that situation like: being pro-life only if there was not
sexual assault involved. Humans need to think outside the box and try to not fall into any
category that only gives two options.
One interesting aspect of ethics that I am intrigued by is Male and Female morality.
Usually, morality is cultured around the Male. All through history until recently the Male has
held the dominance in the culture. A male morality is morely centered around obtaining property,
running a business, and supporting a family. A woman's morality, looks naturally at raising
children and running the family. The woman's morality is more sensitive, and caring. This is also
known as Women's Intuition. I find it fascinating that in our human makeup that males and
females have different built in before we are born.

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I think that ethics and morality goes hand in hand. There was a study done by
Ikes and it showed that women are actually naturally more talented at reading facial expressions,
and have better a better range of emotional reading than men.
Political Philosophy is looking at the state, government, politics, and justice. I have not
studied much about political philosophy but I have firm beliefs in what on how the government
should be ran. I think that all governments are an ever changing flow of ideas and concepts that
shift with time. Government must adapt to the current world around them or else it will fail
One question that is frequently asked when studying philosophy in a political mindset, is
What is a government and why is government needed? I think government is something that
keeps order in a society. I think that if there was no government or a leader of a community then
it will fail. One phrase that has stuck with me that especially when pertaining to government, is
all good things that must come to an end This is true for all civilizations and forms of
government. When looking back at history I have noticed a trend with all government systems.
That eventually that they all fail. Some of the greatest civilizations that were ever established
have eventually fallen. This is such a phenomenal concept that shows that even the most
successful rulers and government systems will still fall. Think of Alexander the Great, even him
with his vast empire over most of the eastern world, still eventually failed. This shows that no
government is perfect.
I have decided that when deciding on a government one must decipher if the particular
government is good and true. There is no true good or perfect government. You just have to
decided which one is the least corrupt and go from there. There is so much power in a
government if it turns bad it can into a disastrous problem..

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The government ran by hitler was corrupt. He gave the view to all of his country and he
got an entire country to follow him into killing over 6,000,000 Jews and 5,000,00 unaccounted
persons. This shows how powerful government tuly can be if it is put into the wrong hands. Not
one person should ever have the huge amount of power that hitler did. Not even the President of
the United States has that much power.
I believe that the government should be ran be the people. There should not be one
individual person who is in charge and makes all the decisions of an entire country. That is just
asking for a disaster. I personally love how the government of the United States of America
works. I love how one of the mottos for our government is power for the people There are so
many different branches of government and senates to make out the most fair and true rules you
could possibly do. Democracy is such a complex system compared to dictatorship or monarchy.
We strive to make things fair and true. Currently, I believe that our government system is not in a
good place.
I think the basic Ideas that our government was founded upon, like truth, liberty, and
justice, are what we need to live by. Did you know that there was never supposed to be a
republican vs democrat party? This just ended up happening. Sure there are loads of different
viewpoints towards top button topics, but I personally think government and the way things are
ran should be based on all good intentions. Not one person saying terrible things to another, or
trying to degrade another human being to get ahead in something.
Two philosophies that I have noticed being tied together are ethics and political
philosophy. These things go hand and hand especially in this day and age. One person's set of
ethics and morality will classify them into some form of political party. For example, say you
believe that guns need to be put under greater restrictions, and are for abortions. This certain

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perspective of ethics and morality falls under the political party of Democrats. If you were more
conservative with you believe that things were ran, you would fall into the political party of a
republican. It is amazing how these two groups of philosophy revolve around each other so
predominately. Everything is centered around philosophy.
Another question asked frequently is When is it politically correct to overthrow a
government? This question makes you look at a broad range of topics and looking back history
and when things need to change. Within the past couple 100 years America has grown into a
strong nation. One thing that I have noticed, is when other countries need help, America has been
the one to come to aid. Think about Hitler once again when he was the ruler of the Third Reich.
What would've happened if America and different countries across Europe come together to
overthrow him? Think of how many more people would have lost their lives all because nobody
put their foot down to stop an evil man. I think governments should be overthrown and taken
over when there is more harm than good that is happening.
The situation in Germany is a special situation and the world has never seen a degree of
mass murder like that before hitler's regimine. When a country is murdering masses of people,
become a evil corrupt country, having their citizens flee the country to escape prosecution. Then
I believe that it is necessary for someone to put a stop to the madness. Think about ISIS. Even
though they are not rulers over a particular country, they are a radical terrorist group. This in
itself is a small army or government. I think that with this particular issue America and some of
the world's most promising powerful countries, needs to come together, deploy troops and stop
ISIS altogether before something even more terrible happens.
One of the large questions that is asked when studying or looking at philosophy is the
meaning of life. How did we get here? Why have we been put on this planet? What purpose do

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we serve in the universe? These questions have been around since humans were put on this earth
and one does not know truly what the meaning of life is. I am sure once you die you will have
that all figured out, but the problem is nobody has come back from the dead to answer all these
questions that the living has for us.
From a religious standpoint, I believe that we were put here on this earth for God's Glory.
This is my personal belief and what I think is true. The bible quotes "Everyone who is called by
My name, And whom I have created for My glory, Whom I have formed, even whom I have
made," (Isaiah 43:7). Basically what this is saying, is that we were put on the earth to praise
God, worship him, live for him, and carry out God's will that he has for us on the earth. Since
God is the one who created us, he is the reason for us to live and prosper in a way to honor him.
It is a beautiful way to live by.
Going off a Godly standpoint, We got here by God. We are his masterpieces and prized
possessions. Humans are beautiful creatures of work and it is amazing how God made us so
differently and uniquely made. When I was younger I learned a startling fact that just fascinated
me as a child. I was in bible school one day and a teacher told me God knows every single hair
on your head I thought this was a fascinating thing that he knows so much about each and every
one of us. He loves us no matter what is going on! I think that once we serve our life out here on
earth and go up to heaven with the maker of the universe that we will look down on our world
and be able to look back and fully see Gods plan fully taking place.
When looking at the six branches that our philosophy class I have noticed how often that
all six branches intertwined. With every single individual branch, there was at least two other
branches working toward that particular topic. This is why I believe that philosophy is such a

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beautiful topic to study. Learning about Philosophy is a way to help understand the world in a
way that is deeper than the average person.
Philosophy literally means Love of Wisdom Through going through each and every
branch I have found my personal beliefs in each of the six topics. I noticed that in much of my
thinkings, I have fallen back on my religion each of every time. I have grown up with a lifestyle
that has been centered around Christ. My morals, my view on life after death, and how I interact
with people are based off a religion. This is just how I have grown up. All of my philosophies
that I believe are right and true for me personally. The more I look more into philosophy and the
way the world.
Ephesians 1:13-14 In him you also, when you heard the word of truth, the gospel of your
salvation, and believed in him, were sealed with the promised Holy Spirit, who is the guarantee
of our inheritance until we acquire possession of it, to the praise of his glory. Even though I will
be digging deeper into different perspectives and point of views on how the world was made, or
what is moral or not, I will still keep to my own personal belief that my God is the creator of the
universe and is in all things. Philosophy will help me explore this concept, and push the limits of
the things I know and the things that I will learn.

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Works Cited
Ickes, W. (2003). Everyday mindreading: Understanding what people think and feel. Amherst,
NY: Prometheus.
Lawhead, William F. The Philosophical Journey: An Interactive Approach. Mountain View, CA:
Mayfield Pub., 2000. Print.
The Holy Bible, Containing the Old and New Testaments. New York: American Bible Society,
1962. Print.

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