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Hazard Field Trip Project


Earthquake Hotspots in Global Scale
Most Earthquake occur along the coastlines. The coastline is the edge of Oceanic plates
and Continental plates, where most earthquakes occur. (Where Do Earthquakes Happen?)
Earthquake is one of the most dangerous natural disaster. They have many deadly effects. For
example, it can set off landslides and make building fall down. Solutions exits in lowering death
and property damages. We need to educate people who live around earthquake hotspots and
raise their awareness. People need to have preparations in case earthquake happens; government
also need to be prepared for emergency rescue and assistant. Buildings around the hotspots
should be lower and wooden structure. (Linn 2010)

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Earthquake Hotspots in Japan
Earthquake occurs all over Japan, especially along the east coastlines. Japan sits on the
intersection of three continental plates, the Pacific Sea plate, the Philippine Sea plate, and the
Eurasian plate. (Laing 2011) Even though Japan have the worlds best defenses for Earthquakes,
they still face earthquake frequently and some of them are deadly. On April 16th, 2016, a 6.2magnitude earthquake struck the Kyushu Island in Japan; 9 people was killed and hundreds are
injured. (Chow 2016) People in Japan are well educated about earthquake in Japan. Children are
all trained in case of earthquake. For example, they will hide under their desk when earthquake
strikes, and they are not allowing to leave school until adult picks them up. Buildings in Japan
are made with the best earthquake proof materials. Most of the buildings are made of wood,
which absorber massive shocks. (Foster 2011)

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Earthquake Hotspots in Kuril Island, Japan
The South Kuril Islands are the region in Japan with the most earthquake hotspots shows
on the map. They are part of the Kuril arc in the Okhotsk plate. It often crushes westward with
the Northeast Japan arc, along the Hidaka Collision Zone. One of the most famous and deadly
one that occurred here is in October 13, 1963, with Magnitude 7.8. (Carayannis) Nowadays,
people are more educated in these regions so less death and injuries occurs.

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Hurricane Current Location and Movement in Global Scale
Hurricanes occurs near east of Mexico and South West China. Hurricanes occurs when
the ocean have been warmed in the summer. (How Do Hurricanes Form?) according to the map,
the hurricanes center is all near the equator, where its the warmest and receive the most energy
from the sun. Hurricanes are large storms with wind speeds of over 160 mph, and it can unleash
more than 2.4 trillion gallons of rain in a day. (11 Facts About Hurricanes) Which is very deadly
and destructive. The solution is to rise peoples awareness of Hurricanes. Hurricanes center,
moving speed and direction can be detected. People should evacuate before Hurricanes strike.
(Hurricane Preparedness)

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Hurricane Current Location and Movement in Southern China
One of the major location of hurricane is located in south west China. Hurricane, also
known as Typhoon, occurs frequently in China. It starts from North China Sea or the Pacific
Ocean. It mainly happens in China from July to September. (Naumann 2016) Typhoon in China
can be deadly, but most of the time are just heavy rain. One should follow the weather channel
during the Typhoon season, stay inside and pack with rain proof clothes and shoes. (Naumann

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Hurricane Current Location and Movement in Taiwan
As shown on the map, one of the Hurricane center is near Taiwan, with the wind speed of
96-110 mph. According to Central Weather Bureau, this typhoon name Nepartak is currently
located 3,000 km from Taiwan. It is expected to strike Taiwan on Thursday (July 7th, 2016).
(Wang & Wang 2016) People in this area should prepare for heavy rain and strong wind. It is
advised to stay inside.

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Tsunami Legend

Tsunami Hotspots in Global Scale

Hazard Field Trip Project
Like earthquakes, tsunamis also occur along the coastlines. Because most tsunamis are
cost by earthquakes at the seafloor. The coastline is the edge of Oceanic plates and Continental
plates, where most earthquakes occur. (Where Do Earthquakes Happen?) Underwater landslides
can also cause tsunami. Other less common cause of tsunami are volcanic eruptions and large
meteorite impacts at sea. (How do tsunamis occur?) Tsunamis are very deadly that can collapse
houses and bridges. The solutions to this natural disaster are build houses on high ground, build
coastal dikes, evacuation routes, tsunami control forests, etc. (Nelson 2015)

Tsunami Hotspots in Caribbean Sea Region
As shown on the map, tsunami occurs frequently along the coastlines of North and West
Caribbean Sea. The cause of tsunami is the strike between the Caribbean plate with the North

Hazard Field Trip Project

American plate or the South American plate. (Lander, Whiteside, Lockridge 2002) Although
Tsunamis are a minor hazard in this region, it can still be deadly when it happens. Government
should build evacuation routes to lower the death and injuries if tsunami occurs.

Tsunami Hotspots in Hispaniola

As shown on the map, tsunami occurs not as frequently as countries like Japan or South
Asia. However, one of the most current deadly tsunami is the Haiti Tsunami in 2010. It was
caused by seafloor plates movements. Waves with average of ten feet tall strike the southern
coast of the island of Hispaniola and the Bay of Port-au-Prince. (Amore 2010) 220,000 people
dead and 105,000 homes were destroyed. (Bradley 2014) Government had built watch towers
and evacuation routes for preparation.


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Work Cited
11 Facts About Hurricanes. (n.d.). Retrieved July 03, 2016, from
Amore, C. D. (2010, February 23). Deadly Tsunami Swarm Hit Haiti After Quake, Experts Say.
Retrieved July 04, 2016, from
Bradley, M. (2014, January 13). Four Years After the Haiti Earthquake, the Search for Solutions
to Displacement Continues. Retrieved July 04, 2016, from

Carayannis, G. P. (n.d.). JAPAN - Major Earthquakes in Japan and the Southern Kuril Islands in
the 20th Century - Dr. George Pararas-Carayannis. Retrieved July 03, 2016, from
Chow, D. (2016, April 15). Why Do So Many Earthquakes Strike Japan? Retrieved July 03,
2016, from

Foster, P. (2011, March 11). Japan earthquake: Country better prepared than anyone for quakes

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and tsunamis. Retrieved July 03, 2016, from

How Do Hurricanes Form? (n.d.). Retrieved July 03, 2016, from

How do tsunamis occur? (n.d.). Retrieved July 03, 2016, from

Hurricane Preparedness. (n.d.). Retrieved July 03, 2016, from

Linn, J. F. (2010). Protection Against Severe Earthquake Risks in Central Asia. Retrieved July
03, 2016, from

Laing, A. (2011, March 11). Why Do So Many Earthquakes Strike Japan? Retrieved July 03,
2016, from

Lander, J. F., Whiteside, L. S., & Lockridge, P. A. (2002). A BRIEF HISTORY OF TSUNAMIS

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IN THE CARIBBEAN SEA. Science of Tsunami Hazards, 20, 1st ser., 57-94.

NatGeo Mapmaker Interactive. (n.d.). Retrieved July 03, 2016, from

Natural Hazards Viewer. (n.d.). Retrieved July 03, 2016, from

Naumann, S. (2016, January 13). How to weather typhoon season in China. Retrieved July 03,
2016, from

Nelson, R. (2015, Spring). Disaster Archipelago: Japan. Retrieved July 03, 2016, from

Wang, S. F., & Wang, F. (2016, July 3). First typhoon forms, closest to Taiwan Thursday: CWB
| Society | FOCUS TAIWAN - CNA ENGLISH NEWS. Retrieved July 03, 2016, from

Where Do Earthquakes Happen? (n.d.). Retrieved July 03, 2016, from

WunderMap. (n.d.). Retrieved July 03, 2016, from

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