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Orlando May 14, 2010

To our faithful brothers and sisters in Christ;

Here are some “headlines” from Dan Berryman and my recent equipping and evangelism trip
to Burundi:

Revival is under way in Burundi, more churches are needed. People along the road told us that
they have no church in their village and asked for a church.

After the meeting the Burundi loved the reading of the Bible followed by the visual presentation
from the video. They learn more from stories and visually than by reading. Reading even among
the “educated” translators was difficult. They were eager to tell their friends about how God

A few weeks ago, I wrote to you asking for your prayers for our trip to Burundi. I expressed what
was in my heart “how important it is to build partnerships with other people and ministries to
complete the task God has asked us to do; in other words, we need to have more people involved
with us. Ecclesiastes 4:12 came to my mind: ‘Though one may be overpowered, two can defend
themselves. A cord of three strands is not quickly broken.’ ”

God already knew why your prayers were going to be so vital in this trip. As you might know we
stayed one more week in Bujumbura due to ashes from Iceland volcano. Our God is faithful he
delivered us. Your prayers made a difference.

The good news is, that despite all of the circumstances God allowed us to have, we experienced
387 Gospel presentations, witnessed 135 professions of faith, visited with 606 new believers to
follow up, conducted church planting training for 13 pastors from different churches and
denominations along with 31 lay leaders.

You are part of what God accomplished through us in Burundi, Africa. This is exciting! You and us
were all part of God’s body working in the Great Commission and Great Compassion at the same
time. WOW!!!

Bujumbura Friday and Saturday, April 9 and 10, 2010

You prayed: Bible study with translators based on videos called “God Provides” from Crown
Financial Ministries.

God answered: We watched the first three videos on Friday, April 9, 2010. We read the scriptures
in English and Kirundi and then watched the videos. The responses were as follows:
Widow and Oil – After watching the video, a 43-year old widow stood up and said, “God loves us
widows!” The Burundi people cheered during the video when God performed the miracle and the
oil kept coming out of the jar. I asked them about God’s views on debt. The Burundi people
grumbled, talked among themselves, then agreed, “Pay your debt first and give to the church
next.” They were not enthusiastic about paying debt but knew, without my input, God requires
that we pay our debts.

Jeremiah’s Call – The first comments concerned false teachers and priests. They then went on
about waiting on God and future hope.

Abram’s Reward – They laughed at the beginning of the video when Abram and Lot were
discussing if Abram was crazy or not. The Burundi comments focused mainly on God’s call.

During EvangeCube training, emphasis was given to the importance of always reaching out to
others by praying and writing our own testimony to share with others using the EvangeCube to
present the Gospel.

Bujumbura, Sunday, April 11, 2010

You Prayed: Preach in a couple of churches.

God answered: I was invited to preach at New Life in Jesus Christ Church and the blessing not
only to deliver a message but also to serve and partake in the Lord Supper with our Burundian
brothers and sister.

Bujumbura - Monday & Tuesday, April 12 and 13, 2010

You prayed: Develop e3 Partners Ministry's Burundi country strategy plan: “Penetrating the
Heart of Africa by the Power of e3”

God answered: Monday, April 12, the church in Burundi made progress against evil. The spiritual
battle in Burundi is intense. We cannot tell you how many times we have wanted to “throw in
towel”, the sleepless nights, paranormal activity, and the heavy oppression in the air. This is the
first trip to Burundi without the heavy oppression, yet the spiritual attacks continue and we had
to discipline a Burundi co-worker who fell into sin.

Tuesday, April 13, we followed up with churches that were planted in the last two years. The
churches are growing! We will start putting up statistics of the progress of the new churches to
help with prayer from us and accountability from them. Two churches planted last summer have
over 250-members and are continuing to grow.

Wednesday thru Friday, April 14-16, 2010

You prayed: Leadership Development Conference in Karusi for our campaigns in June.

God answered: In Karusi, we taught 13 pastors from 13 different denominations how to share
Jesus. Then we took the EvangeCube into the town and shared Jesus for 90 minutes. We talked to
387 people plus many, many children and 135 adults prayed and accepted Jesus into their hearts.
Pastors confessed that they had never gone to people’s homes to share Jesus. They would wait
for people to come to church never going out into the community. Now the pastors want to go
out into the community.

Each evangelism class included time to go out in the community and share Jesus. After each
evangelism class training, we asked for testimonies. These are the responses from the pastors
after they returned from sharing Jesus using the EvangeCube:

“One man seeing the images on the EvangeCube and hearing the story of salvation said that he
wanted to move from a life of darkness and into the light.”

“A group of Catholics asked what was keeping them from eternal life. The pastor replied, ‘Faith in
Jesus.’ They all prayed for faith in Jesus.”

“The images on the EvangeCube helped villagers understand the gospel.”

“Christians learned from the last panel of the EvangeCube the importance of prayer, the Bible
and church attendance.”

“Heaven and hell images gave people an eternal perspective.”

“Instead of waiting for people to come to church to share Jesus with them, we need to go out to
their homes and markets and share Jesus with them, face-to-face, personally.”

You prayed for: Making arrangements to meet with the governor at the site that First Baptist
Windermere will be developing.

God answered: Karusi Governor Ndayize Sylvestre, a Muslim, welcomed us as official visitors. We
saw and walked in the “promise land”. You also can see it by opening the attached document.

You prayed for: Travel to Rutana and Gitega to visit churches previously planted in these two

God answered: During this trip we had the privilege to follow up with eight past church plants
and 606 Christians in these churches.

Saturday, April 17, 2010

You prayed: Auzelio to leave Burundi and have a safe trip.

God answered: We ended up staying in Burundi six more days due to the volcanic ash. We were
active during our delay. We visited New Life Church’s widows’ ministry and spoke to the poorest
women in a poor nation. We followed up with 606 new church members from previous church
plants. We visited with numerous other ministry leaders in Burundi. There are less than 20 full
time missionaries in Burundi from Europe and the USA. We also ran into South Korean
missionaries. The South Koreans ran to us, they were glad to see a white face.

We appreciate and thank you for your prayers and partnership.

This report is compilation of Dan Berryman’s and my experience in Burundi.

Be blessed.
In His grip always,

Auzelio Santini

Luke 10:1-3
“After this the Lord appointed seventy-two others and sent them on ahead of him, two by two,
into every town and place where he himself was about to go. And he said to them, "The harvest is
plentiful, but the laborers are few. Therefore pray earnestly to the Lord of the harvest to send out
laborers into his harvest. Go your way; behold, I am sending you out as lambs in the midst of

Can we add those photos on report?

Karusi Governor walking at FBCW land parcel (FBCW land is on the right)

Land Boundaries

More stations
Land Overview

Land Overview
Karusi Downtown
Pastors Trained during e3 Leadership Development Conference in Karusi April 2010

Sowing Clinic Building

Pants produced by Sowing Clinic Students

Sawing Clinic
Back yard building – Pr. Joseph and his family are living there.

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