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Michigan District of Key Club International- Spring Board Trainer May 13-15th

Friday, May 13th







Governor Drake Lambright calls the Spring Board meeting of MDKCI in

Jackson, Michigan to order at 7:03pm.
Secretary Anna Mylvaganam - roll call
a. LTG Division 6 Jonathon Bright is absent
b. LTG Division 14 Celine White is absent
c. Assistant Administrator Audrey Salesberry is absent
d. Zone Adviser Division 1 and 2 John Knapp is absent
Governor Drake Lambright- Pledge of Allegiance
Governor Drake Lambright- Key Club Pledge
a. Realization: taking risks and stepping out of your comfort zone
Rules for the weekend
a. Language and Communication
b. Dress Code
c. No Side-Bar
d. No computers except Anna and Drake
District Administrator Bryan Crenshaw Servant Leadership Presentation
o History of Servant Leadership
o Definition of a servant leadership
o Examples of servant leadership
o Leadership Word Cloud
Governor Drake Lambright: Overview of District Board
a. Executive Board
o Secretary
o Treasurer
o Bulletin Editor
o Governor
b. LTGs
c. Chairs
d. Dont abuse power
Board Member of the Month- upon executive board vote
a. Newsletters
o Congratulations to LTG Division 16 Ally John for April!
b. Directives
c. Punctual
d. Committee Work
e. Above and Beyond
District Administrator Bryan Crenshaws announcements
a. Report submission
o Visitation Forms

Michigan District of Key Club International- Spring Board Trainer May 13-15th
Turn in the form to either District Administrator Bryan Crenshaw
or Governor Drake Lambright 15 days (or less) after the club
o Board Reports
Chairs: Send to Governor Drake Lambright, District
Administrator Bryan Crenshaw, and the adult committee
LTGs: Send to Governor Drake Lambright, District Administrator
Bryan Crenshaw, and your Zone Adviser
o All clubs officers must be in attendance
o Meet and train incoming officers
o Must happen by September 1
c. Absences
o Notify Drake and Bryan of any board meeting absences 2 weeks
in advance
d. Failure to perform District Tasks
o Consequences
$5 for late monthly report forms
$10 for late newsletters
o Probation, letter, and email if directives are carried out and
goals are not met
Governor Drake Lambright entertains motion to pause for a 15 minute break
Governor Drake Lambright adjourns the Saturday meeting of spring board for
a 15 minute break at 8:31pm
Goal Setting (follow sheet District Team Time)Led by District Administrator
Bryan Crenshaw
a. Proposal of a District Secretary-Treasurer position
b. More online training (many other Districts have experienced success in
online trainings instead of ZOTCs)for division 2 and 7
c. Strengths of our district: variety of service projects and engaged
d. Problems in our district: clubs not engaged at the District level; large
percentage still do not attend District events
e. All District officer permitted 30 minutes to write down long term and
short term goals for both their position and the District in general
o LTGs: Lift clubs out of suspension
o Chairs: Hold interclub events and increase awareness of guides
o District: increase District service project, increase communication
on the District Board, encourage more people to run for District
District Administrator Bryan Crenshaw introduces the North-South-East West
Governor Drake Lambright entertains motion to adjourn



Michigan District of Key Club International- Spring Board Trainer May 13-15th

Governor Drake Lambright adjourns the Friday night meeting of the spring
board trainer at 9:46pm

Saturday, May 14th

I. Governor Drake Lambright calls the Saturday meeting of spring board to
order at 9:29am
II. Pledge of Allegiance- Led by Governor Drake Lambright
III. Key Club Pledge- Led by Governor Drake Lambright
IV. Secretary Anna Mylvaganam- roll call
a. LTG Division 6 Jonathon Bright is absent
V. Energizer
Reviewing Strategic Plan
b. Review of changes made by the 2015-16 District Board
Critical Issue 1: Committee Work
Critical Issue 2: Transition Between Boards
Critical Issue 3: Involvement of Specific Positions
Critical Issue 4: Membership Development
Critical Issue 5: Distribution of Resources
Critical Issue 6: Kiwanis and Key Club Interaction
Zone Adviser Winne Brys adds that you should send
newsletters to president and secretary of sponsoring
Kiwanis clubs
District Administrator Bryan Crenshaw will generate a list of
Kiwanis sonspors
Critical Issue 7: Technology
Utilization of social media and most effective method per
Mail- guaranteed to receive it
Email- not used as commonly anymore
Parliamentary Procedure and More- Led by District Administrator Bryan
Social Media and Professional Etiquette- Led by District Administrator Bryan
Crenshaw and Associate Adviser for Conferences and Meetings/ Zone
Adviser Lori Litz
a. Dos and Donts of Social Media
Friend Requests Key Club members can friend request Kiwanis
Family but not the other way around
Promote inclusiveness and be respectful- District Officers need to
remember they are representative of the Michigan District
b. Kiwanis Family Etiquete
Notify Bryan of carpooling
Key Club International is requiring a separate parental consent
permission slip Sept 1

Michigan District of Key Club International- Spring Board Trainer May 13-15th
District Administrator Bryan Crenshaw needs to be carboncopied with any communication with Kiwanis Family
District Administrator Bryan Crenshaw needs to be notified if a
District officer is invited to a Kiwanis Family Event
Overnight events require supervision
Call from International Trustee Hojin Yoon
a. Introductions- International Trustee Hojin Yoon talks of the structure of
Key Club International and the timing and travel in his position
b. International News- Discussion of ICON
Things you should know to make your job easier
a. Late newsletters and ERFs
Results in owing money towards SLC ($5 for late monthly report
forms and $10 for late newsletters)
b. Email, email, email!
Governor Drake Lambright suggest that email should be
checked daily
c. Clubs statuses
Suspended status: Dont pay dues by December 1
Inactive status: These clubs have not paid dues in a year and
these clubs would use a reactivation fee (if they have not paid
dues by October 1)
Charter Revoked: Clubs have not paid in two year and are no
longer a Key Club
In summer board, all LTGs will receive a list of suspended,
inactive and revoked clubs
d. Brand Guide
Follow for all flyers
e. Membership Update Center
Secretaries update
Faculty advisers and club secretaries update names and take
out the seniors
Stress to your clubs names MUST be spelled correctly
f. Board Relationship
Dont let it affect the professional aspect of the District Board
g. Paying Dues
Printed roster via mail or pay online with a credit card
Payment should not happen via cash
h. Weebly Website
Should be frequently updated
Newsletters should be uploaded
Governor Drake Lambright entertains motion to recess until 1:30pm
Governor Drake Lambright recesses the Saturday meeting of spring board at
11:14 am




Michigan District of Key Club International- Spring Board Trainer May 13-15th



General Responsibilities: Chairs and LTGs

Governor Drake Lambright entertains motion to recess until after dinner
Governor Drake Lambright recesses the Saturday meeting of spring board
until after dinner
Review of the Morning
a. Ways of communication
b. Dos and Donts of social media etiquette
c. Board Relationship
d. No swearing
e. Parli Pro
Understanding EBOARD Presentations
Team Building Activity
a. Q & A and Reflection
SLC 2017 Details
a. Location
Radisson Hotel (Lansing/ Lansing Center)
Date: March 10-12 2017
Cost is same SLC 2015
b. Registration online
Will be more accurate and neat for names and information, but
may cause the cost for SLC may have to increase
c. Goody bags
Each District officer must collect 400 items for the goody bags,
and then send it to to ensure they are
not copied
LTG Division 2 Caroline Slack mentions she still has the list of
businesses and organizations that had successfully donate itemswill be sent out shortly
All food items must be individually packaged and nonperishable
Governor Drake Lambright entertains motion to adjourn
LTG Division 9 Sarah Boston- so moved
LTG Division 14- Celine White seconds
Vote- motion carries
Governor Drake Lambright adjourns the Saturday meeting of summer board
at 9:57pm

Sunday, May 15th

I. Governor Drake Lambright calls the meeting to order at 9:30am
II. Secretary Anna Mylvaganam- roll call
a. LTG Division 6 Jonathon Bright is absent
b. Zone Adviser Divisions 1 and 2 John Knapp is absent
III. Committee Time
a. Governor Drake Lambright announces committee assignments

Michigan District of Key Club International- Spring Board Trainer May 13-15th




b. Brief meeting with committee to determine meeting time and goals

c. Committee Chair Board Report
Membership Development Chair Charvi Chhatwal
Goal: membership goal of getting primary and secondary
list in half
Projects Chair Tyler Krasicky
o Goal: complete service directory before Fall Rally- New Club Building Chair Jacob
Goal: seek out 5 potential clubs, outline steps, New Club
Building Kit, give an outline
Kiwanis Family Chair Lacey Ives
Goal: review of directives, updating Kiwanis Family kit,
including resources for joining Circle K, increased Circle K
Ads- Led by Associate Adviser for Conferences and Meetings/ Zone Adviser
Lori Litz
Sheet passed out with ad information and costs
Artwork must be submitted in electronic formno paper ads
permitted due to bad quality
Ads must be received by February 10
PDF fillable form for ads sent to board and on District website
a. Delta
Too little communication on Friday
Organize the discussion
b. Plus
No sidebar
Small group collaboration was good
Respectful and organized
Active discussion on Saturday
Good information given
Clearly communicated information with EBOARD presentations
Balanced professional and social aspects
Adult Remarks
a. Summer Board
b. Room cleanup
Governor Remarks
ICON information
a. Flying to Atlanta and there until July 12
b. Registration extended until May 18
c. Sponsorship kit to deal with the costs
Governor Drake Lambright entertains motion to adjourn
Vote- motion carries
Governor Drake Lambright adjourns the Sunday meeting of spring board at
11:14 am

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