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Department of CIVIL Engineering, A.I.T.


External self curing of concrete.



In the present situation there is a need for the search of alternate materials in
the place of water for curing not only to save water for the sustainable development of
the environment, but also to promote indoor and outdoor construction activities even
in remote areas where there is scarcity of water.
If no any curing measure is taken for concrete against natural setting or hardening,
substantial water losses will occur due to fast water evaporation, thus prevents cement
from hydration and leads to dusting or drying crack on concrete surface. In such case,
the strength and durability of concrete will be reduced. After placing of concrete,
curing shall be duly required to avoid water loss and drying crack.
Curing of concrete by which the concrete, after laying, is kept moist for some days is
essential for the development of proper strength and durability. IS 456-2000
recommends a curing period of 7 days for ordinary Portland cement concrete, and 10
to 14 days for concrete prepared using mineral admixtures or blended cements. But,
being the last act in the concreting operations, it is often neglected or not fully done.
Consequently, the quality of hardened concrete suffers, more so, if the freshly laid
concrete gets exposed to the environmental conditions of low humidity, high wind
velocity and high ambient temperature.
To avoid the adverse effects of neglected or insufficient curing, which is considered a
universal phenomenon, concrete technologist and research scientists in various
countries including India, are working on the development of self-curing concrete.
The present work deals with the performance of self curing concrete, its advantages,
applications. Concrete is said to be self cured, if it is able to retain its water content
for the development of its strength. This work explains the performance of self curing
concrete by the application of wax based curing compound.
In the present work, investigation is carried out on 53 grades O.P.C to study
the strength behavior and other parameters of concrete prepared from above
mentioned cement. An attempt has been made to compare different parameters.
The physical properties of cement, fine aggregate & coarse aggregate are
determined in accordance with BIS specifications. Sieve analysis of fine aggregate &
coarse aggregate is also carried out. On fresh concrete workability related tests such
as slump test, compaction factor test and on hardened concrete strength related tests
such as compressive strength test and split tensile strength test were conducted in
accordance with BIS specifications .The grade of concrete chosen for investigation is
M25 of w/c 0.55. The concrete mix design is carried out according to BIS
The result of the investigation clearly indicates that self curing can be adopted
economically in places where there is scarcity of water and in remote places without
compromising with the performance characteristics of concrete including durability.

Construction industry use lot of water in the name of curing. The days are not
so far that all the construction industry has to switch over to an alternative curing
system, not only to save water for the sustainable development of the environment but
also to promote indoor and outdoor construction activities even in remote areas where
there is scarcity of water.
Curing is the process of controlling the rate and extent of moisture loss from
concrete during cement hydration. It may be either after it has been placed in position
(or during the manufacture of concrete products), thereby providing time for the
hydration of the cement to occur. Since the hydration of cement does take time days,
and even weeks rather than hours curing must be undertaken for a reasonable period
of time. If the concrete is to achieve its potential strength and durability. Curing may
also encompass the control of temperature since this affects the rate at which cement
The curing period may depend on the properties required of the concrete, the
purpose for which it is to be used, and the ambient conditions, i.e. the temperature and
relative humidity of the surrounding atmosphere. Curing is designed primarily to keep
the concrete moist, by preventing the loss of moisture from the concrete during the
period in which it is gaining strength. Curing may be applied in a number of ways and
the most appropriate means of curing may be dictated by the site or the construction
method. Curing is the maintenance of a satisfactory moisture content and temperature
in concrete for a period of time immediately following placing and finishing so that
the desired properties may develop. The need for adequate curing of concrete cannot
be overemphasized. Curing has a strong influence on the properties of hardened
concrete; proper curing will increase durability, strength, watertightness, abrasion
resistance, volume stability, and resistance to freezing and thawing and deicers.
Exposed slab surfaces are especially sensitive to curing as strength
development. And freeze-thaw resistance of the top surface of a slab can be reduced
significantly when curing is defective. When Portland cement is mixed with water, a
chemical reaction called hydration takes place. The extent to which this reaction is
completed influences the strength and durability of the concrete.
Freshly mixed concrete normally contains more water than is required for
hydration of the cement; however, excessive loss of water by evaporation can delay or
prevent adequate hydration. The surface is particularly susceptible to insufficient
hydration because it dries first. If temperatures are favorable, hydration is relatively
rapid the first few days after concrete is placed; however, it is important for water to
be retained in the concrete during this period, that is, for evaporation to be prevented
or substantially reduced. With proper curing, concrete becomes stronger, more
impermeable, and more resistant to stress, abrasion, and freezing and thawing. The
improvement is rapid at early ages but continues more slowly thereafter for an
indefinite period.

Covering the concrete with an impermeable membrane after the formwork has
been removed.
By the application of a suitable chemical Curing agent (wax etc).
Curing by continuously wetting the exposed surface thereby preventing the
loss of moisture from it.
Ponding or spraying the surface with water is methods typically employed.

Concrete can be kept moist (and in some cases at a favorable

Temperature) by three curing methods:
1. Methods that maintain the presence of mixing water in the concrete during the
early hardening period. These include ponding or immersion, spraying or
fogging, and saturated wet coverings. These methods afford some cooling
through evaporation, which is beneficial in hot weather.
2. Methods that reduce the loss of mixing water from the surface of the concrete.
This can be done by covering the concrete with impervious paper or plastic
sheets, or by applying membrane-forming curing compounds.
3. . Methods that accelerate strength gain by supplying heat and additional
moisture to the concrete. This is usually accomplished with live steam, heating
coils, or electrically heated forms or pads.

Ponding and Immersion

On flat surfaces, such as pavements and floors, concrete can be cured by ponding.
Earth or sand dikes around the perimeter of the concrete surface can retain a pond of
water. Ponding is an ideal method for preventing loss of moisture from the concrete; it
is also effective for maintaining uniform temperature in the concrete. The curing
water should not be more than about 11C (20F) cooler than the concrete to prevent
thermal stresses that could result in cracking. Since ponding requires considerable
labor and supervision, the method is generally used only for small jobs. The most
thorough method of curing with water consists of total immersion of the finished
concrete element. This method is commonly used in the laboratory for curing concrete
test specimens. Where appearance of the concrete is important, the water used for
curing by ponding or immersion must be free of substances that will stain or discolor
the concrete. The material used for dikes may also discolor the concrete. As shown in
Fig: 01

Fig. 01: Ponding method of water curing

Fogging and Sprinkling

Fogging (Fig. 02) and sprinkling with water are excellent methods of curing when the
ambient temperature is well above freezing and the humidity is low. A fine fog mist is
frequently applied through a system of nozzles or sprayers to raise the relative
humidity of the air over flatwork, thus slowing evaporation from the surface. Fogging
is applied to minimize plastic shrinkage cracking until finishing operations are
complete. Once the concrete has set sufficiently to prevent water erosion, ordinary
lawn sprinklers are effective if good coverage is provided and water runoff is of no
concern. The cost of sprinkling may be a disadvantage. The method requires an ample
water supply and careful supervision. If sprinkling is done at intervals, the concrete
must be prevented from drying between applications of water by using burlap or
similar materials; otherwise alternate cycles of wetting and drying can cause surface
crazing or cracking.

Fig. 02: Fogging minimizes moisture loss during and after Placing and finishing of concrete

Wet Coverings
Fabric coverings saturated with water, such as burlap, cotton mats, rugs, or other
moisture-retaining fabrics, are commonly used for curing (Fig. 03). Treated burlaps
that reflect light and are resistant to rot and fire wet, moisture-retaining fabric
coverings should be placed as soon as the concrete has hardened sufficiently to
prevent surface damage. During the waiting period other curing methods are used,
such as fogging or the use of membrane forming finishing aids. Care should be taken
to cover the entire surface with wet fabric, including the edges of slabs. The coverings
should be kept continuously moist so that a film of water remains on the concrete
surface throughout the curing period. Use of polyethylene film over wet burlap is a
good practice; it will eliminate the need for continuous watering of the covering
periodically rewetting the fabric under the plastic before it dries out should be
sufficient. Alternate cycles of wetting and drying during the early curing period may
cause crazing of the surface.
Wet coverings of earth, sand, or sawdust are effective for curing and are often useful
on small jobs. Sawdust from most woods is acceptable, but oak and other woods that
contain tannic acid should not be used since deterioration of the concrete may occur.
A layer about 50 mm (2 in.) thick should be evenly distributed over the previously
moistened surface of the concrete and kept continuously wet. Wet hay or straw can be
used to cure flat surfaces. If used, it should be placed in a layer at least 150 mm (6 in.)
thick and held down with wire screen, burlap, or tarpaulins to prevent its being blown
off by wind. A major disadvantage of moist earth, sand, sawdust, hay, or straw
coverings is the possibility of discoloring the concrete.

Fig. 03: Lawn sprinklers saturating burlap with water keep the concrete continuously moist.
Intermittent sprinkling is acceptable if no drying of the concrete surface occurs.

Impervious Paper
Impervious paper for curing concrete consists of two sheets of Kraft paper cemented
together by a bituminous adhesive with fiber reinforcement. Such paper, conforming
To AASHTO M 171, is an efficient means of curing horizontal surfaces and structural
concrete of relatively simple shapes. An important advantage of this method is that
periodic additions of water are not required. Curing with impervious paper enhances
the hydration of cement by preventing loss of moisture from the concrete (Fig.04).As
soon as the concrete has hardened sufficiently to prevent surface damage, it should be
thoroughly wetted and the widest paper available applied. Edges of adjacent sheets
should be overlapped about 150 mm (6 in.) and tightly sealed with sand, wood planks,
pressure-sensitive tape, mastic, or glue. The sheets must be weighted to maintain close
contact with the concrete surface during the entire curing period. Impervious paper
can be reused if it effectively retains moisture. Tears and holes can easily be repaired
with curing-paper patches. When the condition of the paper is questionable, additional
use can be obtained by using it in double thickness. In addition to curing, impervious
paper provides some protection to the concrete against damage from subsequent
construction activity as well as protection from the direct sun. It should be light in
color and no staining to the concrete. Paper with a white upper surface is preferable
for curing exterior concrete during hot weather.

Fig.04: Impervious curing paper is an efficient means of curing horizontal surfaces.

Plastic Sheets
Plastic sheet materials, such as polyethylene film, can be used to cure concrete (Fig.
05). Polyethylene film is a lightweight, effective moisture retarder and is easily
applied to complex as well as simple shapes. Its applications the same as described for
impervious paper. Curing with polyethylene film (or impervious paper)
can cause patchy discoloration, especially if the concrete contains calcium chloride
and has been finished by hard steel troweling. This discoloration is more pronounced

when the film becomes wrinkled, but it is difficult and time consuming on a large
project to place sheet materials without wrinkles. Flooding the surface under the
covering may prevent discoloration, but other means of curing should be used when
uniform color is important. Polyethylene film should conform to AASHTO M 171,
which specifies a 0.10-mm (4-mil) thickness for curing concrete, but lists only clear
and white opaque film. However, black film is available and is satisfactory under
some conditions. White film should be used for curing exterior concrete during hot
weather to reflect the suns rays. Black film can be used during cool weather or for
interior locations. Clear film has little effect on heat absorption.

Fig. 05: Polyethylene film is an effective moisture barrier for curing concrete and easily
applied to complex as well as simple shapes. To minimize discoloration, the film should be
kept as flat as possible on the concrete surface.

Membrane-Forming Curing Compounds

Liquid membrane-forming compounds consisting of waxes, resins, chlorinated rubber,
and other materials can be used to retard or reduce evaporation of moisture from
concrete. They are the most practical and most widely used method for curing not
only freshly placed concrete but also for extending curing of concrete after removal of
forms or after initial moist curing. However, the most effective methods of curing
concrete are wet coverings or water spraying that keeps the concrete continually
damp. Curing compounds should be able to maintain the relative humidity of the
concrete surface above 80% for seven days to sustain cement hydration. Membraneforming curing compounds are of two general types: clear or translucent; and white
pigmented. Clear or translucent compounds may contain a fugitive dye that makes it
easier to check visually for complete coverage of the concrete surface when the
compound is applied. The dye fades away soon after application. On hot, sunny days,
uses of white-pigmented compounds are base slab of a two-course floor. Similarly,
some curing Compounds may affect the adhesion of paint to concrete floors. Curing
compound manufacturers should be consulted to determine if their product is suitable
for the intended application. Curing compounds should be uniform and easy to
maintain in a thoroughly mixed solution. They should not sag, run off peaks, or
collect in grooves. They should form a tough film to withstand early construction

traffic without damage, be no yellowing, and have good moisture-retention properties.

Caution is necessary when using curing compounds containing solvents of high
volatility in confined spaces or near sensitive occupied spaces such as hospitals
because evaporating volatiles may cause respiratory problems. Applicable local
environmental laws concerning volatile organic compound (VOC) emissions should
be followed. Curing compounds should conform to AASHTO M 148. A method for
determining the efficiency of curing compounds, waterproof paper, and plastic sheets
is described in AASHTO T 155. ASTM C1151, discontinued in 2000, also evaluates
the effectiveness of curing compounds. Curing compounds with sealing properties are
specified under ASTM C 1315. As shown in Fig:06

Fig. 06: Liquid membrane-forming curing compounds should be applied with uniform
and adequate coverage over the entire surface and edges for effective, extended curing
of concrete.

Steam Curing
Steam curing is advantageous where early strength gain in concrete is important or
where additional heat is required to accomplish hydration, as in cold weather.
Two methods of steam curing are used: live steam at atmospheric pressure (for
enclosed cast-in-place structures and large precast concrete units) and high-pressure
steam in autoclaves (for small manufactured units).
Steam curing at atmospheric pressure is generally done in an enclosure to minimize
moisture and heat losses. Tarpaulins are frequently used to form the enclosure.
Application of steam to the enclosure should be delayed until initial set occurs or
delayed at least 3 hours after final placement of concrete to allow for some hardening
of the concrete. However, a 3- to 5- hour delay period prior to steaming will achieve
maximum early strength. Steam temperature in the enclosure should be kept at about
60C (140F) until the desired concrete strength has developed. Strength will not
increase significantly if the maximum steam temperature is raised from 60C to 70C
(140F to 160F). Steam-curing temperatures above 70C (160F) should be avoided;
they are uneconomical and may result in damage. It is recommended that the internal

temperature of concrete not exceed 70C (160F) to avoid heat induced delayed
expansion and undue reduction in ultimate strength. Use of concrete temperatures
above70C (160F) should be demonstrated to be safe by test or historic field data.
Self curing concrete is the one which can cure itself by retaining its moisture content.
A concrete can made to self cure by adding curing admixtures or by the application of
curing compounds.

Advantages of self curing

1. Reduces autogenously cracking.
2. Largely eliminates autogenously shrinkage.
3. Reduces permeability.
4. Protects reinforcement steel.
5. Provide greater durability.
6. Increases the early age strength.
7. Improved rheology.
8. Lower maintenance.
9. Higher performance.
10. Doesnt adversely effects finish ability.

Ordinary Portland cement (O.P.C)
This is by far the most common cement in use. This is the basic type of
cement which is used on large scale in all general types of construction works. The
details regarding the composition and properties of this type of cement are given in
IS: 269.
This cement is admirably suitable for use in general concrete constructions
where there is no exposure to sulphates in the soil or ground water.
These cements are available in different grades viz. 33, 43 and 53 grade.
43 grade O.P.C.
In these types of cements, the 28days cement strength is expected to have a
minimum value of 43 Mpa.
53 grade O.P.C.
In this type of cement, the 28 days cement strength is expected to have a
minimum value of 53 Mpa.


The use of high grade cement should not be taken for granted to yield high
grade [strength] concrete as the strength of concrete depends on the mixture of
cement, sand, coarse aggregate and water. In fact, the cements grade has no
relationship to the strength of concrete. It is possible to produce concrete of wideranging strength using a particular grade of cement. Moreover the grade has nothing
to do with quality; increase in the grade does not increase the quality of the cement.
Every structure has to satisfy the requirement of strength and durability.
Strength is the ability of the structure to withstand load. Durability refers to the period
of trouble free life.
A structural cement of concrete may possess high strength, but may deteriorate
sooner than expected, making it a material of poor quality. Here the quality is with
reference to concrete and not that of the cement. A grade of cement can be said to be
of good quality if the concrete made with it satisfies both strength and durability
The strength requirements [i.e. the strength of concrete] is satisfies by choosing
the proper amount of cement, limiting the amount of water, consolidating the mixture
well and curing the hardened concrete as long as possible. Durability on the other
hand depends on the several factors that are attributable both to the material and to the
exposed environment.
During a recent survey made in Chennai, the only grades of cement freely
available was found to be grade 53 and grade 43 was available on special order only
and grade 33 was not found available.


Construction industry is growing like day by day even in remote areas and
deserted regions. Even India and other countries are facing lot of problems in
supplying drinking water to their citizens. Hence construction industries are under
pressure in finding out alternative curing methods of curing concrete. The objective of
curing is to keep concrete saturated are nearly saturated as possible until the water fill
the space in the fresh cement paste have been sequentially reduced by the products of
hydration of cement [09]. Curing of concrete is complex phenomenon where the
controlling process is hydration of cement [10]. Hydration is an essential process of
hardened concrete but some micro cracking can occur as a consequence of hydration
especially in HSC.
The literature reports that the different compressive strength trends displayed
by cement paste and concrete specimen suggest that the presence of aggregate is
influencing the behavior of self curing concrete.
In the last 100 years there has been placed a certain amount of long lasting
good performing and economical concrete. However the deficiencies of much of
concrete have been obvious. In the last 75 years there have been great amount of
knowledge generated how to make the concrete better by best means of curing ACI
committee 308 has studied the subjects since BRYANT MATHER called the
industrys attention to SELF CURING.
Water retention of concrete containing self curing agents is investigated.
Concrete weight loss and internal relative humidity measurements with time were
carried out, in order to evaluate the water retention of self curing concrete. Non
evaporable water at different ages was measured to evaluate the hydration. Water
transport through concrete is evaluated by measuring absorption %, permeable voids
%, and water sorptivity and water permeability. The water transport through self
curing concrete is evaluated with age. The effect of the concrete mix proportions on
the performance of self curing concrete were investigated, such as cement content and
w/c ratio.
To achieve good cure, excessive evaporation of water from a freshly cast
concrete surface should be prevented. Failure to do this will lead to the degree of
cement hydration being lowered and the concrete developing unsatisfactory
Curing can be performed in a number of ways to ensure that an adequate
amount of water is available for cement hydration to occur. However, it is not always
possible to cure concrete satisfactorily.
This paper is concerned with achieving optimum cure of concrete without the
need for applying conventional curing methods.

The guide to curing concrete is being re written to recognize the value of

external curing as an adjunct to internal curing.
Curing period is important for concrete in which it attains its maximum
strength. Normally all structures made of concrete are cured for a period of 28 days by
the application of water.
At present, meeting the requirements of drinking water is a global issue. Amidst of
this situation. Construction industry is growing rapidly. The scarcity of water is
forcing the construction industry to switch over to a curing method which can cure
their structures without the use of water. Self curing concrete is the only solution for
these problems. Looking at the demand of drinking water in all the metropolitan
cities, construction of highways and air fields in remote places where water curing is
practically not possible, deserted areas through out the globe, etc. forced to study
on the curing compounds and their performance.
Curing compounds are liquids which are usually sprayed directly on to the
concrete surface and they are an efficient and cost effective means of curing concrete
and may be applied to freshly placed concrete.
When used to cure fresh concrete, the timing of the application of the curing
compound is critical for maximum effectiveness. They should be applied to the
surface of concrete after it has been finished. As soon as free water on the surface has
evaporated and there is no water seen visible.
They may also be used to reduce the moisture loss from concrete after initial
moist curing or removal of form work. In case of columns and beams the application
is done after the removal of formwork on the horizontal surface; the curing compound
is applied upon the complete disappearance of all bleeding water.
After spraying, no further application of water or other material is necessary to
ensure continued curing. The concrete surface should not be disturbed until it has
sufficient strength to bear surface loads. The applied film should not be walked on
before it is fully dry and care should be taken to ensure that the film is not broken.
In case the concrete surface has dried, the surface should be sprayed with
water and thoroughly wetted and made fully damp before curing compound is
applied. The container of curing compound should be well stirred before use. It takes
nearly 10 to 15 minutes for its drying and drying and it forms a thin water proofing
film on the surface.
The fundamental conclusion shows that the efficiency test indeed is significant and
worthwhile test, yielding very reasonable test conclusion. Also at an age other than 7
days, a good correlation can be found between the compressive strength and the


B.Mangaiarkarasa and S.R.Damodaraswamy conducted compressive test on

concrete cubes of 150mm size, the curing compound used is CONCURE WB. Based
on the results of the investigation, they concluded the following.
Self curing concrete develops higher compressive strength then the water
cured concrete in three days.
Self curing concrete using wax based curing has an average efficiency of
Self cured concrete satisfies serviceability conditions also.
Self curing concrete can be practiced in pre fabrication units and in place of
water scarcity as well as exposed weather condition.
Whenever there is difficulty in water curing, self curing concrete will be very
economical in remote areas as well as in water scarcity area.
By adapting self curing compound concrete the sustainable development of
environment is maintained there is no doubt that self curing concrete play a vital
role and dominate the construction industry in future.


External self curing concrete is the one which can cure itself by retaining its moisture
content. Concrete can made to self cure by the application of curing compounds on
the surface of the concrete. The curing compound is applied by means of brushing or
The curing compound used is CONCURE WB which is a product of Fosroc
CONCURE WB is water based concrete curing compound based on a low
viscosity wax emulsion. It is supplied as a white emulsion which forms a clear film on
drying. When first applied to a fresh cementitious surface the emulsion breaks to form
a continuous, non-penetrating white coating. This dries to form a continuous clear
film which provides a barrier to moisture loss, ensuring more efficient cement
hydration, improved durability and reduced shrinkage.
Specifications of CONCURE WB
Base wax
Shelf life 12 months
Coverage 3.5 to 5 m2/litre
Cost - Rs.90/litre
Specific gravity-0.98 at 25 C

single application
no other curing necessary
easy and safe spray application
endures hard wearing surface

Application procedure
The curing compound is applied by brush or by spraying while the concrete is
wet. In case of columns and beams the application is done after the removal of
formwork. On the horizontal surface, the curing compound is applied upon the
complete disappearance of all bleeding water.
After spraying, no further application of water or other material is necessary to
ensure continued curing. The concrete surface should not be disturbed until it has
sufficient strength to bear surface loads. The applied film should not be walked on
before it is fully dry and care should be taken to ensure that the film is not broken.


In case the concrete surface has dried, the surface should be sprayed with
water and thoroughly wetted and made fully damp before curing compound is
applied. The container of curing compound should be well stirred before use. It takes
nearly 10 to 15 minutes for its drying and drying and it forms a thin water proofing
film on the surface. As shown in Fig: 07.

Fig: 07: Application of external self curing compound.

Uses of external self curing concrete
As a spray applied membrane to retain moisture in concrete for effective
Suitable for all general concreting applications and of particular benefit for
large area concrete surfaces, such as airport runways, roads and bridgeworks.
It is also suitable for piece works. Where, it is difficult to curing.
Advantages of external self curing concrete
Improved curing of concrete enhances cement hydration and provides a more
durable concrete.
Control of moisture loss improves surface quality, reducing permeability,
producing a hard wearing; dust free Surface and minimizing potential for
surface cracking and shrinkage.
Fugitive colour provides visual guide during application.
Water based, therefore, non-flammable.


Spray application reduces labour costs and eliminates the need for alternative
curing systems.
The present investigation is carried out to study the behavior of normal and
self curing cured concrete and ingredient material by using O.P.C. 53 grade
cement. The tests were carried out at the Civil Engineering Laboratory of Civil
Engineering Department, AIT Chikmagalur.
Materials used and their properties:
It is well known that strength of the concrete is dependent on the properties of
its ingredients. The materials used in the present investigations are as follows.

53 grade O.P.C.
River sand as fine aggregate
Quarried and crushed stone as coarse aggregate

Test on cement:
The specific gravity, normal consistency, initial setting time, final setting
time and compressive strength of cement were found as per B.I.S specifications. The
results are tabulated in tables.
Test on fine aggregate:
53 grade O.P.C. was used throughout the investigations. The cement was
tested according to B.I.S. specifications to determine its various properties. The
overall quantity of cement required for the investigation was procured in a single lot
and stored in the appropriate manner.
The specific gravity of natural sand was found according to the norms of the
Indian Standards and was used throughout in preparing the required mix of concrete.
Results are tabulated in table.
Sieve analysis of the fine aggregate was also carried out as per the B.I.S.
specifications to determine the grading zone. The results of sieve analysis are
tabulated in table.


Tests on coarse aggregate:

The specific gravity of crushed stone aggregates of 20mm and downsize was
found according to the norms of Indian standards and were used for all concrete
mixes. The results are tabulated in table.
Sieve analysis of the coarse aggregate was also carried out as per B.I.S.
specifications. The results are tabulated in table.
Specimen details:
Two types of specimens namely cubes and cylinders were cast. Cubes were
used for compressive strength test and Cylinders for split tensile strength test.
Curing of the test specimens:
The specimens are stored in the laboratory atmosphere for 24 hours from the
time of adding water to the ingredients. Temperature was maintained at 27 0 20C. The
specimens were removed from the moulds after 24 hrs. And then kept immersed in
clean water for the required age. The water in the tank was changed every week and
the temperature was maintained constant.
Testing of the specimens:
The testing was carried out according to I.S. specifications.
Table 1
Results of test on cement
-- Type of cement

Normal Consistency
Specific Gravity
Setting time (in min)
(a) Initial setting time
(b) Final setting time

53 grade
34.00 %
80 min.
460 min.

IS: 269-1976
Should more
Than 30 min.
Should not be
More than 600min.


Table 2


Compressive Strength in N/mm2(MPa)


Type of cement

3 days

53 grade O.P.C.


7 days


Compressive Strength of Cement

70.6mm X 70.6mm X 70.6mm= Size of the specimen

Table 3
Properties of the aggregate used

Aggregate Aggregate

Grading zone Zone II


20 mm and

IS 383-1963


Table 4
Sieve analysis of fine aggregate
Weight of sample taken =1000gm

IS sieve


Wt. retained

Cumulative % Wt.

% finer

Fineness modulus = 285.40/100

Table 5
Sieve analysis of coarse aggregate
Weight of sample taken =2000gms
IS sieve
Sl.No size



% wt.retained








Fineness modulus =712.85/100



Measurement of workability of concrete:
Workability is defined as the amount of useful internal work
necessary to achieve full compaction. It is also defined as the ease with which
concrete can be placed and degree to which it resists segregation. It is also given a
new definition which includes all the essential properties of the concrete in plastic
condition i.e. mixing ability, transportability, modulability and ease compaction.
Some of the important factors that affect the workability of concrete are,

Relative quantities of paste and aggregate.

Plasticity of the paste itself.
Maximum size and grading of aggregate.
Shape and surface characteristics of aggregate particle.

Consistency of the concrete is an important component of workability and refers in a

way to the wetness of concrete. However it must be assumed that the wetter the mix
more workable it is. If a mix is too wet, segregation may occur resulting in honey
combing, excessive bleeding and sand streaking on the formed surfaces. On the other
hand if the mix is too dry it may be difficult to place and compact and segregation
may occur because of lack of cohesiveness and plasticity of the plastic.
In the present investigations workability connected with physical quantity is
correlated by slump test, compaction factor test and Vee-Bee consistometer test. The
merit of Vee-Bee test is that it simulates atleast in some respects, the compaction of
concrete by vibration in practice.
Slump test:
Slump test gives an idea about consistency of concrete mix and indirectly
measures workability of the concrete. Depending on the slump values of concrete can
be classified into different categories as per IS: 1199-1959.
Classification of concrete
Poorly mobile
Cast mix

Slump value (mm)


In this investigation work, slump test was conducted for all types of cement chosen
for grades M25 and the results are tabulated in the below table


Compaction factor test:

The compaction factor is defined as the ratio of weight of partially compacted
concrete to weight of fully compacted concrete. This test mainly deals with the
amount of energy required to compact a particular mix of concrete, which is a
measure of workability. The test gives a rough idea of workability of the given
concrete mix. Depending upon the compaction factor test values the concrete mix can
be classified into different categories as per IS: 1199-1959.

Compaction factor

Quantity of mix







The results of compaction factor test are tabulated in below table

Table 6
Slump test values of concrete mixes


Grade of concrete

w/c ratio

Slump (mm)

M25 O.P.C.




Details of the standard specimens:
Two types of specimens namely cubes and cylinders were cast. Cubes
were used for compression strength test and cylinders for split tensile strength
test.The details of the standard specimens used in the investigation are shown in table.
Table 7
Details of the standard specimens:
Type of test

Type of specimen

Dimensions (mm)

Compression test


150 x 150 x 150

Split tension test


100 x 200 depth

Test for compressive strength:

The specimens were removed from the curing tank and its surfaces are
cleaned with cotton waste. They were tested in wet condition in a Compression
Testing Machine. The rate of loading was maintained at 140 kg/cm 2/minute as per the
requirements given in the code of practice (IS: 516-1969). Three specimens of
150mm cubes were tested for required age and the average value of compressive
strength was calculated. The results of compressive strength test were tabulated in
Table 7

Average Compressive strength of conventionally cured concrete:

Compressive strength, MPa (N/mm2)

Type of cement
OPC 53 grade

3 days

7 days

28 days


Table 8

Average Compressive strength of external self cured concrete:

Compressive strength, MPa (N/mm2)

Type of cement

OPC 53 grade

3 days

7 days

28 days




Test for Split Tensile Strength:

The tests were performed while they were in wet condition in a
Compression Testing Machine. Three specimens were tested and the mean value was
computed and the results were tabulated in table.
Table 9

Average Split tensile strength of conventionally cured concrete:

Split tensile strength, MPa (N/mm2)

Type of cement

OPC 53 grade

3 days

7 days

28 days

Table 10

Average Split tensile strength of external self cured concrete:

Split tensile strength, MPa (N/mm2)

Type of cement

OPC 53 grade

3 days

7 days

28 days


Interpretation of test results

Setting time of cement:

The initial and final setting time of the cement (53 grade O.P.C) are shown in
the table (1).
Workability of concrete:
The workability test results with respect to slump test are tabulated in table(6)
Compressive strength of concrete:
Normally compressive strength of the concrete is a measure of quality of
concrete for a particular mix. The results of the compressive strength are tabulated in
table 7 & 8 and variations are shown in fig.

Comparison between the compressive strength of conventional cured concrete

And external self cured concrete.

1) Ordinary Portland cement:

From the test results it is observed that the 3, 7 and 28 days compressive
strength of external self cured concrete is more than that for conventional cured
It is observed that the increase in compressive strength of external self cured
concrete is about 22.10% at the age of 3 days, 5.24% at the age of 7 days and 3.32%
at the age of 28 days as compare to conventional cured concrete.


Splitting tensile strength of concrete:

Split tensile strength is the method of determining tensile strength of concrete.
The results and variations of split tensile strength are tabulated in table 9 & 10. And
variations are shown in fig.

Comparison between the split tensile strength of conventional cured concrete

And external self cured concrete.

1) Ordinary Portland cement:

From the test results it is observed that the 3, 7 and 28 days split tensile
strength of external self cured concrete is greater than that for conventional cured
It is observed that the increase in split tensile strength of external self cured
concrete is about 4.95% at the age of 3 days, 11.11% at the age of 7 days and 20.94%
at the age of 28 days as compare to conventional cured concrete.


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