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Taylor Jade

Callie Dyches
Ashren Olarte
Research Proposal on the Collaborative Argumentative Portfolio
This report is to update you on our projects progress, topic, and plan of attack. The final draft is
due December 3, 2015, with various due dates in between. There will be a final oral presentation,
accompanied by a slide show, on December 9, 2015.
Selection of a Group
We all have a passion for our chosen topic, and believe that we work well together. We have
exchanged emails and phone numbers, and contact each other on a daily basis.
Selection of a Topic
We have collectively agreed to work on the topic of Free Community College Education. There
are plenty of ideas, articles, and statistics harmonious with the topic we are pursuing.
Work Completed
There are several sections to this project; we have completed:
1. We have brainstormed the subtopics of our major topic, and have considered a list of the
most important points.
2. An outline of assignments and deadlines has been communicated and agreed upon.
3. Two subtopics have been chosen for each person to research.
4. Research has begun, as well as the citing of our sources.
5. Paragraphs have begun, with an analysis, a summary, and sources.
6. We have planned our oral presentation.
7. The research proposal has only to be turned in.
Audience Analysis
We see our audience as our classmates, primarily, and our instructor, secondarily. Our job is to
communicate to the broad spectrum of community college students that they should have free
tuition and cheaper textbookscollege that is affordable and practical to creating and advancing
into a lifelong career. Our job is also to prove a better argument than the opposing money-hating
anarchists in our classroom debate.
Work Remaining
Essay Plan of Attack: Each person will research their chosen subtopics, with 2 supporting
articles/statistics, and 1 opposing. They will then write their combined analysis and summaries
for the rough draft. The first paragraph will be due October 26, the second will be due November
2. On November 2, in our class group period, we will translate the information into our
beginning rough draft, adding an Introduction, Conclusion, and personal experiences. We will
revise into cohesion, and then we will begin our Presentation slides as outlined.

Taylor Jade
Callie Dyches
Ashren Olarte
Summary: Each member will summarize in depth at least two articles of their choosing, for a
minimum of 6.
Review Drafts: Due October 28. Evaluation Drafts: Due November 4.
Annotated Bibliography: Each of our three persons will write a quick summary and analysis of
the articles correlating with our chosen subtopics. There will be at least two articles done per
person, or a minimum of 6, with a high possibility of more in future updates. Due November 9.
Rhetorical Analysis: The work will be shared by all. We will have more details yet to be
presented in class. Due November 18.
Argumentative Strong Response: The work will be shared by all. We will have more details yet to
be presented in class. Due November 30.
Argumentative Position: The work will be shared by all. We will have more details yet to
be presented in class. Due December 3.
Cover Sheets and the Reflection: The work will be shared by all. We will have more details yet to
be presented in class. Due December 3.
Class Presentation: A flash drive will be passed around after the group essay is completed, and
each member will complete slides in a timely manner, in Power Point. Or, if Power Point is not
easily accessible, we will attempt to use Google Docs to transfer information and work
collectively. Due December 9.
Our work is currently progressing in a timely manner. We hope to have the essay and Power
Point presentation done with quality, before finals week gets hectic and rushes the project. We
are anxious to see our final handiwork on a group essay!

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