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RUNNING HEAD: Literature Review

Literature Review
Assessing Student Learning
Cristina Ulloa

In partial fulfillment for the requirements for TED 690 Capstone

National University
Professor Carol Shepherd

RUNNING HEAD: Literature Review


Literature Review
Title: How We Should Measure Student Learning
Author: Linda Darling-Hammond
Text: Educational Website
Year: 2015
Learning about the different types of assessments, Linda Darling-Hammond shares how
using well-crafted formative and performance assessments, setting meaningful goals, and
allowing our students to take ownership of their learning process can effectively empower
teaching and learning in todays classroom.
Assessment is definitely the center of learning and teaching, schools use test score to
evaluate student performance, it represents their strengths and weaknesses. How we rely on s
scores to judge student knowledge. Every student is different, they all learn differently and
express their knowledge differently. As educators, we should me variable on the way we evaluate
out students. As teachers, we are used to teach by the test and thats it, we sometimes are too
afraid to go above and beyond what is stated that students should learn.
Todays world requires that our students learn a variety of skills, such as teamwork,
collaboration and citizenship, which are items that cannot be measured on a standard test, and
that are very important skills to be measured.
Standard testing, multiple choice questions and short answer questions are not the only
way or the best way to evaluate student knowledge. Performance based assessments should be
incorporated into standardized tests. It provides students with the ability to demonstrate their
skills and it allows educators to provide immediate feedback. It is faster to intervene if necessary,

RUNNING HEAD: Literature Review


when students are having trouble understanding something; it allows the teacher to go over what
isnt being understood.

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