Weathering and Erosion

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Part 2: Instructional Sequence - Engaging Students in the Learning Process

Key Content Standard:

3b. Students know smaller rocks come from the breakage and weathering of larger rocks.

Learning Objective/Goal:The students will (DO __) to (LEARN ___):

Students will complete a foldable to learn about the relationship between weathering, erosion,
and deposition.

1. Review Quiz:
2. Weathering, Erosion, and Deposition Video:
3. Weathering, Erosion, and Deposition Chant:

Introduction (___ min.): Describe how you will 1) make connections to prior knowledge, tap
into their experiences and interests or use a hook, AND 2) let students know what the objective
of the lesson is.

Ask students to share what they remember about weathering and erosion from the previous
week. Then, review vocabulary words.
Vocabulary words: Luster, Rock, Weathering, Erosion, Minerals.
Questions to help refresh their memory:
What happened to the skittle we worked with last week?
What effect did the water have on the skittle?
What is erosion?
What is weathering?
State learning objective.

Body of the Lesson (______ minutes): Describe step-by-step what the teacher and the students
will be doing during the lesson.

Students will review their knowledge of rocks through an online quiz.
Introduce sediment and deposition.
Demonstrate sediment by crushing a piece of chip. Then, demonstrate deposition by placing
the chip crumbs inside a small tray under the document camera. Blow or pour water onto the
chip crumbs.
Inform students that now the crumbs, or sediments, are no longer in the same place because
it got deposited in a new place by the wind.


Students will complete foldable using the provided youtube link to help them fill out their
Stop after each vocabulary word to model how to complete foldable.
Weathering & Sediment - 0:50
Erosion - 0:59
*Note: Skip 1:30 - 1:58

Show students the Weathering, Erosion, and Deposition chant.
Pass out a copy of the lyrics and have students practice following along.
Once students are familiar with the lyrics, include the body movements.
Students will complete Exit Slips.

Closure (______minutes): Describe how you will prompt the students to summarize the lesson
and restate the learning objective.

Restate the learning objective. Have students share what they learned. Questions to ask:
What is sediment?
What is deposition?
What needs to happen first before deposition?
How can rocks be deposited in other places?

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