2007 Fall

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Fall 2007

Old East Village News

O l d E a s t V i l l a g e C o m m u n i t y A s s oc i a t i o n

OEVCA Executive Members

President: OEVCA President’s Message
Annecke Somann
chair@oevca.ca Annecke Somann, President OEVCA OEVCA OPEN MEMBERSHIP
Vice-President: MEETINGS
Frank Filice A BIG CHANGE! The executive members of the OEVCA Board have
Treasurer: It’s a combined newsletter that had previously been recently passed an amendment to conduct all our
Christina Breen published independently by the OEVBIA and the Membership (formerly Board) meetings in an open
OEVCA from the Old East Village. Both organiza- manner.
Heather Philips
admin@oevca.ca tions noticed an overlap with quite a few articles in Our Vision is to aid and empower residents of our
Directors at Large: the past and that the issues came out at about the neighbourhood through advocacy, education and
Greg Anthony same time. The time has come to combine our community involvement in order to establish a
Donna Currie resources to offer all who live or work in the Old positive and healthy relationship with each other
Ted Town East, a single newsletter that provides information and greater London.
Past President: about events happening in both the residential and
Greg Thompson the commercial areas within the Old East Village. Our Purpose is to promote, facilitate, co-ordinate,
Look for more changes in the Old East Village support or undertake activities that will enhance
Subcommittee Chairs News formatting as we respond to comments/sug- the quality of life of the Old East Village.
Garden Club: Donna Currie gestions from our readers and our partnership To this end, we cordially invite any current-paid-
Newsletter: Sonia Wolf up OEVCA member:
develops in producing this newsletter. Thanks are
Tree Nursery:
Laura Macnamara extended to Larry Osborn and Sonia Wolf on their continued on back page...
Web Maven: hard work in getting this done.
Heather Philips

OEVCA Annual General Meeting


When: Tuesday, April 15th, 2008 at 7:00 p.m.

Where: Details To Be Announced Early Spring 2008 on our website: www.oevca.ca
Check out Who: All residents of the OEVCA area * may attend;
our website: Members of the OEVCA may vote**
Agenda Items: Update on past year’s OEVCA activities
Graphic Design: Sonia Wolf, On-going OEVCA activities
English Street Graphics OEVCA Board Elections
We invite your comments,
Suggestions and submissions.
Please contact Annecke Somann, ** Elections: Four executive positions will be decided:
OEVCA President at chair@oevca.ca President
Two Members-at-Large
Nominations will be accepted from the floor. Only members of the OEVCA are
eligible to run, and vote in these elections. Memberships will be available at the
door ($10 per family).
* The Old East Village Community Association takes in the area bounded by:
North: Railroad tracks just north of Central Ave./Elias St.
East: Railroad tracks next to the Kellogg plant
South: Railroad tracks just south of Florence St./Western Fair/York St.
West: Adelaide St.
Old East Village Heritage Conservation District News
It has been a busy year and a half since and approval is necessary. Residents did London Foundation and the Architectural
Council approved the by-law creating Old receive a brochure outlining this at the time Conservancy. Such workshops may focus
East Village as London’s third, and largest, of the District’s creation. If you are new to on a particular theme such as replacing
heritage conservation district. Judging from the area, or have mislaid this, a copy can be heritage windows.
the number of calls and messages received it obtained from the Heritage Planner’s office Possibly by the time this newsletter is dis-
is heartening to see the extent to which the or by looking online. Normally, an altera- tributed, the City’s electronic e-maps will
community is supportive of this initiative. tion application is needed for changes to an show its new heritage website. While the
One needs only to wander through the existing front exterior façade, whether this website identifies buildings that are listed as
neighbourhood to see evidence of a renewed involves a porch alteration, window replace- Priority properties on the City’s Inventory
awareness of the heritage character so ment, cladding removal or replacement, of Heritage Resources or designated under
strongly expressed in many of the buildings and removal or restoration of decorative Part IV or Part V of the Ontario Heritage
there. Equally encouraging is the awareness woodwork. Interior changes, additions to Act, it also allows viewers to access conser-
of residents of the small grant program the rear or side if they are not too large in vation plans and guidelines for each of
available through the London Community relation to the rest of the original structure, London’s three heritage conservation dis-
Foundation for owners of designated prop- exterior repairs using similar materials do tricts.
erties who have projects aimed at conserv- not require an alteration permit. If in
If you want to know what the Inventory
ing or restoring heritage elements of those doubt, contact the heritage planner’s office
says about a particular building enter the
properties. Almost half the grants awarded in advance of any work being done. Keep in
address once you call up the heritage map.
in the 2007 allocation process went to mind that, if an alteration application is
If you want to find a link to the Ontario
homes in Old East Village for such things needed, because it must be approved by the
Ministry of Culture, or even the provisions
as restoration and repainting of Victorian LACH and Planning Committee and
of the Ontario Heritage Act check out the
woodwork detail, repairs to existing porch- Council, there often is a 4-6 week approval
London City Heritage Map at www.lon-
es, conservation of stain glass windows and period before a permit can be granted.
don.ca when it is available. Also available
masonry repairs and restorations. Property Depending on the consultant’s original clas-
there will be the initial report by the con-
owners should keep this program in mind sification of each building in terms of its
sultants for the proposed West Woodfield
when applications are available in January authentic heritage details some approvals
Heritage Conservation District.
for the 2008 budget allocation. Just remem- may be given immediately by the heritage
ber that grants must be for work related to planner. Old East Village Street Signs
heritage conservation and can not be award- Conservation Tips Coming soon Old East Village can antici-
ed for work that has already been carried pate having its own distinctive street sig-
Need some advice as to how to restore or
out. There is no guarantee of receiving a nage recognizing the distinct character of
whether to restore an element that may
grant as the allocation committee must be the district. For more than a year, represen-
have some heritage importance? Start by
mindful of the amount of funds generated tatives from the Old East Community
accessing the Conservation Guidelines that
by the endowment fund and the number of Association have been consulting with the
were produced as part of the creation of the
applications received in determining which City to revise the City’s policy with respect
Heritage Conservation District. This is
applications might be the most appropriate to distinct signage, and, more recently, to
available at the library, the Old East B.I.A
to receive funding in 2008 following the select a sign which responds to the com-
office, and, most accessibly for many on-
application deadline of April 1. Information munity’s identity. While this process has
line on the City’s website. These can pro-
about this program is available on line on taken longer than originally thought, it is
vide some general ideas as to what would be
the London Community Foundation web- hoped that new signs will be erected within
preferable in terms of renovations to the
site. a few months. Thanks are extended to
exterior. For specific projects the heritage
Heritage Guidelines Annecke Somann, Donna Currie and
planner may have additional information
Frank Filice for their diligence in pursuing
A number of questions have been asked that can be shared. Occasionally workshops
this matter.
about when a heritage alteration application are arranged by groups such as the Heritage
by Don Menard

"As I've walked and cycled through the neighbourhood this year I noticed numerous properties being restored, renovated or otherwise
improved. This certainly adds to the pleasure of a leisurely meander through the streets of Old East. Here are some examples!"
by Frank Felice
Heritage House Signs - A Social History of the Old East Village
A few caveats are in order:
In almost every home history we
have done, the year in which the
address first showed up in the city
directory is later than the year
given obtained by lawyers on the
Title Search. The reason, I think,

by Greg Thompson, OEVCA Past-President

A few years ago, Susan and I were driving through Fergus, Ontario
and noticed that many of the homes in the core had signs indicat- is that most of the homes in
ing the year the home was built and the name and occupation of Old East were built on spec
the original occupant(s). Having never been shy about using other by property developers
people's ideas, we thought this might be an interesting project for between 1885 and 1910.
this neighbourhood. Consequently, the title search
Judging from the number of calls that we receive on these signs, will reveal the date in which
people are noticing that these signs are proliferating. It's an inter- the properties were severed
esting way for us to brand our neighbourhood and to draw atten- from the original land grants and sold to developers. But, of course,
tion to the occupations of our first residents. homes were not built and resold to the first occupants until some
We have arranged a bulk price for these signs with Print Studio a time after this.
very good printing shop located at the corner of Dundas and Sometimes, you may run into problems with addresses that don't
Dorinda Streets here in Old East Village. (1050 Dundas Street seem to line up, though this is mainly a problem when you are
East, 519-951-9595, print@printstudio.ca ) They have a template doing a block of homes. Interestingly enough, in a few locations, it
in place and they are charging $20 per sign. The signs are vinyl appears that smaller homes were torn down at the turn of the 20th
lettering on sign-grade aluminum. We've had ours up for nearly century to allow for the construction of the homes we now have. In
two years now and have had next to no deterioration. In our expe- a few of these cases, we seemed to have dropped some addresses
rience the best and safest method of installation is with closed with the bigger lot sizes put in place. When you are out walking
S-hooks hanging from eyelet screws (pry open the S-hooks to around, these sites are quite easy to locate. Look for jumps in street
attach the sign and the eyelet and then close them again, it's very addresses; like from 810 Lorne Avenue to 814 Lorne Avenue. Two
difficult for someone to then remove). Chris Reid at the Old East homes now sit where three used to.
Village Hardware Store on Dundas (at English) has the hardware in The last caveat pertains to accuracy. Mistakes will be made in the
stock. history search. My opinion is that this is relatively unimportant.
Now for the harder part; researching the history of your home. The aim of the project is to capture a snapshot of the neighbour-
Susan and I have now done about 40 homes in the 'hood and it is hood as it first existed; the age of the buildings, the people who first
quite easy (if a little hard on the eyes). lived here and their occupations. It's an exercise in social history not
The Central Branch of the London Public Library has the original title searching.
City Directories on microfiche. These are located in the London
Room (3rd floor) and the reference librarians are eager to help get Okay So I live in the East end, So what!
you set up. The directories begin around 1885. Each year, there are
usually 5 years worth on each microfiche reel. The city directory When my family and I decided to move to the Old East Village
contains two major parts. First there is a Street Directory, in alpha- there were many different options expressed by our friends and
betical order. From the street directory, you will get the year of the family.
home and the name of the first occupant. Pick a year around where Some wondered if raising a child in the village was a safe environ-
you think your home was built and look for the address in the street ment, some felt that the investment was not a sound one, and some
directory section. If the number is not there, move forward to the ( mostly friends of our age and ilk) said cool! At least nobody will
next year, and so on until the address first shows up. If it is there complain if you hang your laundry outside( unlike some of the
reverse the process; go back until the first year in which the address more desirable suburban areas) Well we ve been here for 6 years
does not appear and then move forward one year to the first cita- now and those opinions have changed.
tion. This will be the year in which the first occupant moved in. Now our friends ask us if there are any good houses for sale! They
Once you have located the year in which your street address is first want to move here too! Our family oohs and ahhs over the heritage
cited, proceed to the second section in that year's directory, which homes in the area. People are envious of our garden club, commu-
is the Name Directory, again listed in alphabetical order. This will nity association, events at our school, and the atmosphere of the
give you the occupation of the first resident and, perhaps, the neighbourhood.
employer. (Hint: several times we located year and first occupant We made this happen by bringing a community together, so get
from the street directory but there was no mention in the name involved. Lets make this neighbourhood the envy of our friends and
directory of an occupation and/or employer. If this happens to you, family, so when people ask where you live, we can proudly say, The
check the name directory for the following year(s), you might get Old East Village!
lucky). by Susan Pederson
Hello everyone!
My name is Brittany Moore-Shirley. I’d like
to tell you about my community from my
I know I am very lucky to live in the East
London Community.
It’s not just the beautiful homes and curbside
gardens, but the caring people that live here.
There is always something to do.
I was very excited last year to be part of the
“Investing in Children Art Project” in May,
and the “Fire and Frost Festival” in November,
that created the banners hung on the light
posts between Elizabeth and Adelaide Streets

Tree Planting at Lorne Ave School

during the festival.
In June, I and other Lorne Avenue students
and other community members performed at
On October 22, 2007, with the support of the Lorne Ave School Council and the Old East
“Aeolian Hall Performing Arts Centre”. I
Garden Club, ReForest London planted 4 trees and 12 shrubs in the school yard. All the
look forward to doing again this year, bring-
students at the school helped dig holes, plant trees and shrubs, mulch, fertilize and stake the
ing our community together and to help raise
trees. It was a beautiful fall day, and the kids were very enthusiastic workers. They learned
money for our music program at Lorne
about some of the things trees give us, and what we need to give trees to help them survive.
Avenue P.S. In October many of us enjoyed a
We planted a Sycamore, Sugar Maple, Red Maple, and Hackberry, and four varieties of
Hallowe’en Party at Boyle Community
native shrubs. These trees will provide shade, beauty, and learning opportunities for genera-
Centre, There is always something great hap-
pening in Old East.
Julie Ryan, Reforest London
In the future, when your thinking of invest-
ing in children like me, remember you’re
Garden Club Update investing in adults like you.
So investing in Our Community, keeps us all
involved for many years. You never know, in
The Old East Garden Club had a very productive spring compost/green day sale. The money
the year 2022 your mayor could be from Old
raised at the compost day this past May will be used for community events such as the news-
East, and it could be Me!
letter. The garden club and OEVCA donated another two hundred dollars from the pro-
ceeds of the sale to Lorne Avenue Public school in the Old East Village to put towards the Thank-you!
trees that were planted. The garden club members also joined in and did planting in the (Brittany spoke these words at the AGM of the Old
garden beds on the south side of the driveway for communities in blooms. The plants were East Village BIA on February, 28, 2007 at the
donated by the city of London and looked absolutely gorgeous for a month or so. Aeolian Hall. Deb Mathews, MPP London North
The Old East Garden Club enjoyed two very successful garden crawls in the neighborhood Centre heard this speech that night and had invited
this summer. An afternoon crawl, ending in a bar-b-que as well as an evening crawl which Brittany to Queens Park in Toronto.)
ended with dessert and great company! The garden crawls as well as being social, educa-
tional, are a great way to enjoy the fruits of all the gardeners hard labour over the summer. continued from page 1...
We also hosted a plant cull this September. The turnout was low but the plants for those -to attend our OEVCA Membership
who participated were plentiful and fabulous. Meetings; and
We are hoping to host a couple of garden tours that could also be used as fund raisers in the -to have the opportunity to incorporate
old east village for 2008. We would love to hear from residents in the area that would be membership input, ideas and energy to build
proud to show off their fabulous gardens, front yards or back yards to the rest of London. a stronger, friendlier neighbourhood.
There are some truly marvelous unique and very creative yards in the old east village!
These meetings generally occur once a month
The Garden Club has established the second Monday of each month as our night for get during a weekday evening usually starting at
together meetings. The 2008 garden club plans are already in progress. The wine and seed 7:00 p.m. and ending by 9:00 p.m. Go to
night is hosted in February for a plant seed exchange, compost sale in May, there will be at our website www.oevca.ca to find the sched-
least one private garden club members only plant exchange, and hopefully at least one garden uled meeting times and proposed meeting
tour as a fund raiser. agendas.
If you would like to become a member, or have ideas and suggestions or would like to be a Contact Christina Breen, OEVCA
guest speaker at one of our meetings we would love to hear from you!!! During the school Membership Chair, on how you can become
year the meetings will be held in the community room of the Lorne Avenue Public School, a member by email: ckp6@hotmail.com or
on Lorne Avenue at English. Look for our meeting schedule at www.oevca.ca. by phone: 519-858-2687. Membership
contact Donna Currie, 439-7120 forms are also available on our website at
Carson Public Library
465 Quebec Street, (519) 438-4287

Carson Library Hours

Tuesday 1-5 pm & 6-9 pm
Wednesday 9-noon & 1-5 pm
Thursday 1-5 pm & 6-9 pm
Friday 9-noon & 1-5 pm
Saturday 9-noon & 1-5 pm

Let’s Rock the Library! The Carson Branch runs a limited number of pro-
– Carson’s Teen Annex L.O.U.D. Concert grams, including yearly drop-in craft programs, March
7:00 - 8:30 pm Thursday December 6 Break programs and Summer Reading programs.
London musician, Davita Guslits, is going to rock Wheelchair accessible.
the Carson library with her acoustic renditions of a What’s happening at Carson!
variety of musical favourites. Join us for an intimate http://www.londonpubliclibrary.ca/node/2274
concert that is sure to please! Free!

Holiday Story time with Susan Getchell Support your local library
(2-4 yrs with care giver)
10:15 – 11:00 am, Wednesday December 12 - Carson Public Library!
Join Susan for a morning of stories, songs and activi-
ties to help you get in the holiday spirit. Drop In. It’s • Visit Carson Library:
free. • borrow books, DVD’s, videos, compact discs
and audio cassettes
Drop-in Crafts (2-5 yrs with care giver) • use their computer
10:15 – 11:00 am, Wednesday Mornings • hold a meeting for your organization
Join us on Wednesday mornings for a fun drop-in
craft with a caregiver! • Sign a petition supporting the Carson Library at the
library or through the www.oevca.ca website

General Information • Send an email or a written letter to the London

On December 23, 1915, the first branch of the Lon- Public Library Board Chair, Svetlana MacDonald or to
don Public Library, the East Branch, was opened on any of their Board members
the corner of Dundas and Rectory Streets in the East
London Town Hall. It was moved in 1926 to the cor- Mailing address: London Public Library – Central
ner of Dufferin and Quebec Streets and named after 251 Dundas St.
the Director of London Public Library who served London, Ontario
from 1906 to 1916. The present building was con- N6A 6H9
structed in 1977. info@lpl.london.on.ca
The collection is varied and includes adult and chil-
dren’s books, DVDs, videos, compact discs, audio • Attend a public session of the London Public Library
cassettes, large print books and literacy kits. Board which meets every 3rd Wednesday at 5:30 pm
The branch has five computers for public uses: one at the Central Public Library, 251 Dundas St.
job bank/email, one children’s cd-rom, and three
internet stations.
London Holiday Open House at London InterCommunity
Health Centre
InterCommunity Come join us for festive goodies,
Health Centre and see who we are and what we
Saturday, December 22, 10:30am-
659 Dundas St. (519) 660-0874
Saturday, December 29, 10:30am-
The London InterCommunity Health Centre offers health and 12:00pm
social services/programs to individuals, families, and communi-
Submitted by Shelly Happy, Community Worker,
ties. Currently, a number of programs are open to the commu-
519-660-0874 x254
nity, and we would welcome participation from neighbourhood

Youth Drop-In – Wed. 3:30-6:00pm Boyle Activity Council

Chill with your friends (ages 13+) over games, cooking, music,
and more! The Boyle Activity Council formed in the summer of 2007
For more information, call Shelly at 519-660-0874 ext. 254. with the intent of enabling a group of community-minded indi-
viduals to come together to support the growth of recreation
Men’s Support Group: and leisure opportunities provided at the Boyle Community
Centre. With the support of the City of London and the
Dealing with Anger and Other Feelings – Saturdays London InterCommunity Health Centre, a number of interest-
9:30-11:30am ed neighbourhood residents have taken leadership in helping
For more information, call John at 519-660-0874 ext. 227 design, plan, and implement community-led programming.

Seniors’ Drop-In – Wed. 1:00-3:30pm Currently, a number of new initiatives are open to the
Tai Chi classes – Sat. 10:30-11:30am community:
For more information, call Elizabeth at 519-660-0874 ext. 275 • Drop-In Sports – Wednesdays,
4-6pm, for 10-13 year olds
Children’s Nutrition and Learning Project • Family Sports Drop-In –
Includes a variety of programs run out of Lorne Ave. Public Sundays, 2-4pm
School, Monday – Friday. Volunteers are needed in our nutri- • Parent/Caregiver & Tot Drop-In
tion programming; childcare is provided. – Thursdays, 9:30-11:30am
For more information, call Shelly at 519-660-0874 ext. 254.
In addition, new Winter programs run-
SHAC Club after-school program ning mid-January to March are being
planned. Programs include Nerf Soccer,
Snack, Homework, Activity, Crafts, and more for grades 3-8
Young Artists, Dance Mix, Floor Hockey,
Mon., Tues., Thurs. 3:30-6pm Boyle Community Centre and others. Registration runs Thursday,
Wed. 3:30-6pm Lorne Ave. Public School kitchen December 13, 6-8pm and Saturday,
For more information, call Shelly at 519-660-0874 ext. 254. December 15, 10am-noon @ Boyle C.C.

Multicultural Women’s Support Groups If you are interested in joining BAC to help determine future
Offered in a number of languages and communities. community programming for the neighbourhood, please
contact Shelly Happy, London InterCommunity Health Centre,
For more information, call Vindu at 519-660-0874 ext. 251. 519-660-0874 x254; shappy@lihc.on.ca
For more information be sure to check out our new website
Clinical Services Submitted by Shelly Happy, Community Worker, LIHC,
For information on clinical services, call Liz, our Intake 519-660-0874 x254
Worker, at 519-660-0874 ext.255.

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