Beds Concept

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Concept | Installation evacuation center - This conceptual work, organizes the evacuation centers in family cells. The
aim was to provide families with configurable functional units based on the number of members, so they can stay
together during the evacuation. This reduce the negative aspects that lead to psychological, social... and health
problems and stress caused by an extreme situation. Built in rotomolded PE allows the use of colors to sectorize lay
out the evacuation center, and identify sub-sectors for quick access and location.

I had tried to propose paper-tube-based partition systems for evacuation centers to give
the displaced people there a little privacy.
However, I always bumped into the same problem, which was the gap between the
evacuees desire for privacy and the center administrators desire for ease of control. The
administrators would worry that if we gave the evacuees privacy, then they would drink
or get up to no good. Gradually I came to realize that if you made anything too
substantial, then the officials just wouldnt accept it.

This informed the proposal I made in Tohoku (with semi-transparent fabric

being used for the partitions).

The version that we are currently using (No. 4) is

an improvement on previous ones. It is very simple
and suitable for every situation. It's a system made
up of three cardboard tubes of different diameters.
The largest tube (10 cm in diameter) acts as a
column which connects to a smaller tube that
works as a beam. The smallest of all, then, serves
to make the joint solid. It is very simple and
inexpensive; it is enough to drill holes in the tubes
that serve as columns, use a little tape to secure
everything, and hang a curtain to ensure privacy
when needed. Just cut, drill and connect the
components to obtain any dimension.

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