Metro Connect - June 2016

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Metro Connect - Newsletter

June, 2016

Some time back I took a very difficult decision to resign as MD of Keolis Hyderabad and will return back to the UK to rejoin my family having left over 5years ago I shall finally return back to my home country Wales within the UK, having left there over 30-years ago.
Keolis have rightly taken their time in finding a suitable successor to take the organization forward over the coming years and Im absolutely delighted that
Mr. Eric MOINIER has rightly been selected. Already having 3-years experience working here at Keolis Hyderabad, he has been a trusted advisor to myself as well as Mr. Emmanuel KUHN before me. Mr. Eric MOINIER formally took up the role of MD on the 22nd July 2016 and I have every confidence that,
with your continued support, Keolis Hyderabad shall continue to be a success for our Client L&T Metro and the Keolis Group.
I would like to thank all of you in helping me put Keolis Hyderabad on the international map in support to our strategy that takes the organization forward in
the long-term whilst ensuring our initial focus remains on the pending Stage 2 CMRS Inspection and Stage 1 RAM Demonstration so as to ensure a
smooth transition to Commercial Operations in October and beyond. The initiatives that you all achieved during our annual Keolis Week in June was testimony to what our people here at Keolis Hyderabad can achieve, a fantastic outcome in support to creating this world-class metro for Hyderabad.

So, with Mr. Eric MOINIER now at the helm, I end by saying how very proud I am of you all and that I wish you all the very best in meeting the opportunities
that lie ahead. Thank you - Andy THOMAS, Managing Director


It was an exciting journey
and to see a SEA change
ever since I have joined
Keolis Hyderabad on 6th
October 2013.

The team is always geared

up to roll out the commercial
services and are always
with full of challenges and
accomplishments. I was the sixth employee of Keolis Hyderabad, gradually
the strength of Keolis family increased to 481. Today Operation Division is
around 227 members. The enthusiastic colleagues across the Divisions are
providing us enhanced energy to guide Hyderabad Metro is becoming a
bench mark for all upcoming metro projects, not only in India but for the
entire World.
On the outset of taking over of Stage 2 stations, I have to congratulate all
Hyderabad Keolites for putting in their seamless efforts ensuring safety,
efficiency, punctuality and quality of service comparable with best metros in
the world.
On 27th June 2016, we also received the CMRS approval for NGRI Station.
With this, all Stage 1 is now CMRS Certified, another milestone achieved!! I
appreciate the great effort put in by the O&M team of Keolis Hyderabad in
successful accomplishment of the challenging task.
To ensure the successful CMRS inspection of Stage 2, we shall continue
the same spirits of working together with commitments, while keeping both
our performance and safety standards as our main objectives on the center
To all my dear colleagues, this is the beginning and we are heading towards bigger challenges ahead. Each moment for each of us is a challenge
and each challenge is an opportunity to grow stronger as we go closer to
the launch.
We are thankful to the entire L&T Metro team and appreciate all of them for
being our companions at every moment encouraging and extending the
required support. We continue as partners and work together as one coercive team with a common objective to deliver the best to the city of Hyderabad.
Let all of us stay together and keep WORKING TOGETHER to deliver the
world class services to the citizens of Hyderabad while keeping up this spirit
flowing across all the divisions!! I am sure with all COLLABORATIVE efforts
for CONTINUOUS IMPROVEMENT, we are destined for success.

Operational Excellence


World Environment Day was celebrated at Keolis Hyderabad on 6th
& 7th June 2016 to raise awareness
to protect Mother Nature and planet Earth.
We at Keolis Hyderabad are committed to provide the citizens of
Hyderabad eco-friendly, modern
and safe transport. Being a global
company Keolis Hyderabad constantly recognized the need to mitigate Environmental impacts of Hyderabad Metro Rail O&M works.
The occasion was graced by the presence of L&T Metro Top Management
Mr. A.K Saini and Dr. A.K Dwivedi, along with Mr. Andy Thomas, MD of
Keolis Hyderabad and management team of both partners by planting trees
at Miyapur and Uppal Depot
Following the event, the staff were found actively utilizing the bicycles for
internal travel during works inside the both the Depots, this has significant
impact on the environment by reducing the CO2 emissions and also improving the health due to bicycles ride. Hyderabad weather as if in agreement
also cooperated very well for World Environment Day celebrations at Hyderabad Metro Rail.

Social Responsibility


The most important and much awaited milestone for Hyderabad Metro
Rail and Keolis Hyderabad has been achieved and completed with the
CMRS approval for NGRI Station (Stage 1) on 27th June 2016 and with this
we now have all Stage 1 as CMRS certified. This achievement is commendable and we congratulate each and every employee of Keolis Hyderabad
and L&T Metro along with all other partners of HMR for this success.

Operational Excellence


To celebrate the KeoLife week and to reinforce the SENSE OF BELONGING to the Keolis Group, a curtain raiser was held in OCC, Uppal Depot and the opening inaugural was done by Mrs. Leila FRANCES in the
presence of Mr. Andy THOMAS and the Keolis Hyderabad team. This gathering for the inaugural of the KeoLife week has bloomed with almost 50 onthe-field activities/initiatives in Keolis Hyderabad through the week of 20th to
24th of June 2016 (for more, turn to page 4)

Operational Excellence

Any news? Send your stories to

Metro Connect - Newsletter

June, 2016



On the occasion of World Environment Day, the Bicycle Launch

event was organized on 6th June
2016 at Miyapur Depot.


This event was attended by MD

Mr. Andy THOMAS, CXOs and Mr.
from L&T Metro.

There is nothing in the world that holds back the ability to

achieve. There is nothing called disability. There are only different
Keolis Hyderabad had the privilege to host some differently abled citizens of
Hyderabad for a Station Orientation along with a visit to the Nagole Station.
The idea was to show them our stations and seek feedback about their
ease in using our services and also note some expectations from their side.
Our guests were extremely pleased to see the facility and commended us
on our detailing and the technology. We did not miss some of the basics
Mr. Manoj the CMSO conducted a safety moment at the start and explained
the importance of safety and our commitment towards passenger safety.

The guests also shared some feedback specifically about the time taken by
AFC Gates and the ramp available at street level. The SC and EFO at Nagole station interacted with the guests and answered every query they
asked. Overall a day well spent with our guests. Hyderabad Metro Rail can
definitely feel proud about creating a system which is useful for every type
of citizen

Customer Satisfaction

Keolis Hyderabad is committed to its CORE VALUES which links to a fair
gender equality policy.
achieving a gender balance
across all business units,
ensuring that women have
better access to management positions and raising employee awareness
on other issues.
The 2nd Quarterly WOW meeting was organised on 21st June and Mrs.
Leila FRANCES (International CCO) and Ms. Celine BIEBER (International
DirectorHR) were the guests of honour. The meeting also drew attention
on statutory provisions under The Anti-sexual Harassment Act 2013 and in
consonance to the same a policy has been implemented in Keolis Hyderabad. The Quarterly Women Achievers award was awarded to Ms. Radha
NAMPALLY (Train Operator) for her contribution and support to the team
during the CMRS inspection of stage -1.

Employee Engagement

In the interest of CONTINUOUSLY IMPROVING employee facilities, the

admin team have made significant progress in procuring 50 bicycles for
Miyapur Depot. This was done in COLLABORATION and with the support
of L&T Metro. This initiative has helped us to contribute towards the facilities for our PEOPLE, and making their commute within the depot more convenient.

Employee Engagement

Operations Support takes
full responsibility of maintaining Keolis Hyderabads
Operational documents. We
update the documents regularly, based on the comments received from our
stakeholders (L&T Metro)
and the observations received from our Internal
Auditors. We ensure the distribution of all updated documents on time, both
hard copies and soft copies to all internal departments (Station Operations,
Train Operations, Operations Control Centre & Depot Control Centre). We
have successfully provided all the required Operation documents during the
Stage -1 CMRS inspection, and as a result of our teams hard work, we
have been awarded the COOs Golden Star Award for 2nd Quarter as a
gesture of appreciation by Keolis Hyderabad.
We are also responsible for raising the PRs for all the essential equipment
and document printing required for the complete Operations Division, as
providing these equipments and safety documents helps all operational
staff to do their job efficiently and with confidence. The process involves coordinating with the purchase team, getting the relevant approvals from different department, raising the PR etc., and finally collecting the equipments
and sending them to the different operation departments so that all safety
critical employees of Keolis Hyderabad can do their respective jobs safely.
We have been part of a team which involved our legal department so that
collectively we could understand the safety critical rostering norms and
needs, and enabling us to move forward towards preparing the policy and
then scheduling the manpower accordingly. We, as a team along with our
IT counterparts, have held some informal meetings with a third party software outfit to discuss our needs and the potential solution that they can
We as a team also connect with different operations and maintenance departments to execute ORT test cases for checking the readiness of staff
and equipment and validation of procedures before going for Empty Trial
Run and RAMS demonstration.

Operational Excellence

Any news? Send your stories to

Metro Connect - Newsletter

June, 2016






The maintenance function is a
critical element in the HMR
costs form significant portion of
the total O&M costs.

The Supply Chain Function is the heart of Keolis Hyderabads operations.

At some point everything has to be routed via SCM or touch some segment of this function and hence it has been the most crucial for the companys earnings.
Whether its working together to lead a single division or
the entire organization in
Team is the right mix of talent, skills and personalities
with a clear mission, the
freedom to pursue it and
always structured to succeed.
The team has developed
mechanisms to strengthen teamwork and decision-making and take pride
in many achievements, few which are as follows:

All logistics of shifting material to Miyapur Depot coordinated by

stores, including Motor trolleys, RRV.

Cab movement coordinated for full utilization to ensure maximum

availability to the requestors

Identified and Completed

Miyapur Depot open
issues (Spider web
cleaning, cable drum
movement, parking lot
cleaning, horticulture
waste removal), Housekeeping and Technical
service contractor

Based on the optimization

concept, Keolis Hyderabads
F&A team has organized a one
-day workshop for the Maintenance Managers with the main
objective to deliver cost efficient and economic O&M services to L&T Metro.
The workshop focused on raising awareness on managing and optimizing
maintenance costs. Managers were conversant about the financial aspects
of maintenance activities
and were given an overview
of the budget approved by
L&T Metro.
The focus of the workshop
was also to highlight the
importance of controlling
the maintenance costs so
as to be within the approved budget.
All Managers were to encourage teams to identify
means of optimizing the
costs without compromising on the quality of the work

Provisioned drinking
water cans for all the
stations of stage 2, when huge HK staff were deployed for cleaning
activity @ each station

Significantly reducing PR tats over the last 6 months

All Fire sump and domestic sumps filled in a span of 4 days. (1.4 lakh
liters of water for all the 10 stations)

100% completion of the delivery requirements of CMRS (spares, consumables, tools and assets)

SAP & AMS purchase register Reports developed in coordination with

L&T IT department

Pest control vendor finalized for entire Uppal Depot, and approved
with L&T Metro for implementation


Economic Performance


Fare Collection team has conducted Stage -1 audits on Fare Media Stocks
and Float Amounts from 7th to 9th June 2016.
The main objective of this audit is to identify the requirements of station
level Fare collection equipments for operations and procuring same by indenting the quantities and taking necessary approvals for purchase.

This audit also helps in End-to-End reconciliation of SC reports vs. CC reports Vs. Bank deposits on daily basis, and the reports with any deviations
are escalated to the AFC Maintenance team/L&T project teams.
The team also preforms endto-end testing of AFC equipments at station level to make
sure all snags are rectified by
the vendor prior to the COD.
This audits are surprise
checks on the stations for
checking the float cash & media physical stocks, which
also needs to be tallied as per
the records. Any shortages in
media or float cash are escalated to the HOD, and also
provide them the remedies for non-occurrence of such errors.


Operational Excellence


Economic Performance

Any news? Send your stories to

Metro Connect - Newsletter

June, 2016


KeoLife week represented the five days of on-the-ground events and activities, based on the KeoLife projects of Keolis Hyderabad. The sharing of experience and best practices on a global scale was essential for our common goal: to maximise our performance for the benefit of our customers.

Launch of KeoLife
WOW Meet
New Idea GenerationRolling Stock
Front Line Idea ManagementTracks
New Idea GenerationPSS-OHE
IT Charter Awareness
KeoLifeA New Beginning Celebrations

Safety Workshop
Security Awareness
Skill Enhancement of Security Staff
Security Awareness through Mock
Doctor Service
Visualization at Cafeteria of OCC to en

hance ambience for stress relief of OCC

IT Security Awareness
IT Charter Awareness
Overview of Operational Database
TIMS Demonstration

Uplifting of Performance Management

Visualization Room
IT Security Workshop
Idea generation and establish tracking
of list ideas accomplishment
Certification to Internal auditors

Optimization of Mainte-

nance Cost Workshop

Energy Pledge
Campaign on Cost Saving Ideas

Konformite Principles
Incident Log Awareness
Safety Slogan Aware-

First-Aid Training
DontsDesk Calendar


Devo Bhava
Satisfaction) Awareness Program

Water Pledge
International Yoda Day


Traffic & Road Safety

Rules Campaign

Blood Donation Camp

Quality Awareness
Work Shop on quality


Practical Problem Solving

KeoLife - Typical day of

Problem Solving
Lean Training


Keolis Hyderabad Picture
Gallery at Nagole Station
TO Roster Toll roll out
Video SOP for operations

Meet & Greet the Customer
World Environment Day

a Train Operator

Decoration of

Crew Control Room
on Quality
Charts in Excel




The role of a Train Operator demands hard work and great presence of mind along with courage to handle diverse conditions. It also requires hard work,
stamina, alertness of mind, adaptability to follow difficult time schedules, who is constantly exposed to a demanding work environment which includes solitary work and a heavy responsibility for operating train (in terms of both safety and adhering to the timetable).
Unlike in the past years, organizations and managers today have come forward to accept the impact that work-life has on personal life and vice-versa. This
video on TYPICAL DAY OF A TRAIN OPERATOR shows how a WOMAN plays different roles in one day ensuring her work-life balance is maintained.
Keolis Hyderabad helps and supports employees, especially women to achieve their work-life balance, focusing on their general health and wellbeing while
ensuring work satisfaction and motivation at all times to be able to meet both professional and personal goals.
For more, please click the link for the video which is available at under \\\CBT Room\to_Video.avi


Any news? Send your stories to


Metro Connect - Special Edition

June 2016


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Operational Excellence

Metro Connect - Special Edition

June 2016

Employee Engagement

For further information, please send an email to:

Metro Connect - Bon Voyage Mr. Andy THOMAS

June 2016

Andy has been a guide, a source of inspiration and motivation for me and the rest of the team.
He has brought innovative methods of management (visualization, safety moments) which obtained quickly the adherence from the team.
He successfully enabled the company to pass major milestones like Stage 1 CMRS inspection
and always promoted employee engagement activities. He lifted up safety to the very first priority
in all activities, as well as client support and satisfaction. He is a leader who always keeps smiling, even in tough or conflictive situations. We will all miss his style and his guidance.

It has been a privilege to be associated

with Andy; a speaker for all occasions;
his ability to stimulate enthusiasm among
staff is his greatest asset; his philosophy
for developing people by encouragement
& appreciation and teaching them
fishing & not show them how to fish.
Sreenu RAO, CHRO

A man of definitive approach,

clear vision, fully focused to his job,
keeping full belief on his team and
employee friendly. Great loss to
Keolis Hyderabad. Best wishes for
future endeavor.


I appreciate Andys commitment and patience with all of us during the time being
our MD and am very thankful for having
him had as a mentor. We all have learned
a lot from him and I am sure we will continue to perform according to the vision he
has set for Keolis Hyderabad by carrying
out the companys strategy in the future.

As per my experience, Mr. KUHN

had laid the foundation for Keolis
Hyderabad and it is Mr. Andy
THOMAS who has energized Keolis
Hyderabad with his Operations Expertise.

Srinivas DUDUKA

Caroline HASEKE
Head of Marketing & Sales

Its been a great experience working with Andy. Got to learn many things under his able leadership: Front Line Idea Management, Innovative Planning, Procurement & Delivery of services and
Vendor Management few methodologies which have been effectively implemented in Maintenance Division, resulting in successful outcomes.
His speeches always infused enthusiasm in the team. He is always approachable & ready to help.
His great capacity to simplify complexity and to make it manageable with his amazing listening
skills is commendable. We would like to thank Andy for his continued support and guidance. We
wish him a SAFE and HAPPY Future!

Operational Excellence

For further information, please send an email to:

Metro Connect - Bon Voyage Mr. Andy THOMAS

June 2016

For further information, please send an email to:

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