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Polyphase Induction

Equivalent Circuit

 The voltage and current induced in the rotor

circuit of an induction motor is essentially a
transformer action.

Transformer model of an Induction motor:

 Like transformer, there is a certain resistance
and self-inductance in the primary (stator)
and secondary (rotor) windings, which can be
represented in the equivalent circuit.
 Fig: 6.9

 The stator voltage is,

V1 = (R1 + jX1) I1 + Io Zo
Rotor circuit model
 A voltage will be induced in the rotor circuit
when the voltage is applied to the stator
 Fig:6.10,6.11

R2 1 
 R 2  R 2   1
s s 
Thevenin equivalent circuit
 For simplifying the computations stator side
parameters can be replaced by thevenin
 Fig:6.13
Power Relationships

 The electrical power reaches from stator to

rotor through an air gap. Most of the air gap
power is converted into mechanical power
and rest of the power is wasted as rotor
copper loss.

 The air gap power,

Pag = PMech + Prcu
 The rotor copper loss,
Prcu = 3I R2

 The air gap consumed by variable resistance,

Pag = 3I R2 / s = Prcu / s

 The mechanical power,

PMech = (1 – s) Pag = [(1 – s) / s]* Prcu

 Rotor input,

Pag = (2πNsT) / 60 = kT

kT = 3I R2 / s

 If the rotor resistance is constant, generally

TαI /s
Example 6.5

 The rotor input of a 3-phase, 4-pole, 440V,

50Hz induction motor is 1.5kW. The copper
loss of the rotor circuit is 250W. Determine
1. Slip
2. Shaft speed
3. Synchronous speed
4. Mechanical power developed
Practice Problem 6.5

 The rotor speed of a 3-phase, 415V, 60Hz,

30kW induction motor is 1745rpm. The
friction and windage losses of the induction
motor are 550W. Determine the
1. Mechanical power developed
2. Rotor copper loss
3. Air gap power
4. Slip
Power Stages in an Induction Motor
 The electrical power applied to the stator of
an induction motor is converted into
mechanical power at the shaft of the motor.
During this conversion various losses are
Fig: 6.14
 Fig :6.15
Example 6.6

 The rotor speed of a 3-phase, 6-pole, 50Hz,

45kW induction motor is 900rpm. Total stator
losses are measured 2kW. The friction and
windage losses of the induction motor are
1.5kW each. Determine the
1. Shaft or output power
2. Rotor copper loss
3. Motor efficiency
4. Slip
Practice Problem 6.6
 A 3-phase, 415V, 6-pole, delta connection,
50Hz induction motor consumes power
72kW with a line current of 71A and runs at
a slip of 2%. The stator iron loss is 1.5kW,
friction and windage loss is 2kW. If the stator
resistance per phase is 0.12ohm, determine
1. Rotor input power
2. Rotor Cu loss
3. Shaft power
4. Motor efficiency
Torque-slip Characteristics

 It is the curve that is obtained with the

variation of slip for a particular value of rotor
 The torque under running condition,

T= k1sR2
2 2
R2 + (sX2)
F 6.16
The torque-slip characteristics can be
explained in following ways:

 The torque is zero for zero value of the slip.

Hence, the torque-slip curve will start from
the origin.

 When the motor attains normal speed, slip

is very small so that sX2 is negligible as
compared to R2.
The equation of torque becomes,

T α s / R2

If R2 is constant,

At low values, torque-slip curve is a straight

 As the slip increases torque also increases
and it will be maximum at the following
value of the slip.

s = R2 / X2

This maximum torque of an induction motor is

called pullout torque or breakdown torque.
 If the slip increases more i.e. beyond the
value corresponding to maximum torque, the
term sX2 increases sharply. Therefore, R2
may be neglected as compared to sX2 .

T α s / (sX2)
If X2 is constant,
T α 1/s
 Here, torque is inversely proportional to the
Linear Induction Motor

 The linear induction motor is obtained if the

induction motor is cut and laid in flat position.
 This is designed for high force and long-
stroke applications.
 It is used in the door sliding system, curtain
puller etc.
 LIM provides end-to-end positioning with hard
stop when connected across the supply.
 The secondary winding of LIM is called a
reaction plate.
 When 3-phase voltage is applied to the
primary winding, a traveling magnetic field is
created in the air gap.
 This magnetic field induces a current in the
reaction plate which in turn creates its own
magnetic field.
 The interaction of the two magnetic fields
generates the high force and direct linear
 Fig:6.17

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