Statements For Prelim Exam 104

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Statements for Prelim Exam (Philosophy 104)

1. The human person is a historical being, and this historical nature of his or her
being reveals his or her journey towards humanness. (12 lines maximum)
2. Human beings are not necessarily human; in the persons struggle for
humanness, history is formed. (12 lines maximum)
3. The human person lives in time. Thus, he or she is the bearer and actor of
history. (12 lines maximum)
4. Given the humanisms below, determine whether the awareness of historicity
is being cultivated or hindered. Explain why.
a) Greek Ideal (5 lines maximum)
b) Oriental Humanism (5 lines maximum)
c) Hebrew Understanding (5 lines maximum)


Each group must be composed of 2-4 members only.

Answers must be in English.
Short bond paper, Justified, Calibri, 11pts (font size), Single-spaced
Submission date: Friday, July 22, 2016, CLASS TIME at AVR. Late works
(meaning BEYOND your class schedule) will no longer be accepted.

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