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A Rare Case Presentation of a symtomatic

omphalomesenteric persistent in a child,6 years old

patient,treated with asissted laparoscopic
dr Triandi, dr I Made darmajaya Sp b(K)BA, dr deddy ariyanta spB.spBA
Department of pediatric surgery the center of general hospital Sanglah ,Denpasar,
Bali ,Indonesia
14 juli

INTRODUCTION : The Presence of omphalomesenteric persistent is rare condition that typically
affects the pediatric population. Vitelline duct or omphalomesenteric duct anomalies are secondary to
the persistence of the embryonic vitelline duct, which normally obliterates by weeks 59 of
intrauterine life. These anomalies occur in approximately 2% of the population and may remain silent
throughout life, or may present incidentally sometimes with an intraabdominal complication. This
case report is of rare omphalomesenteric persistent, with a brief review of clinical and treated with
asissted laparoscopic

CASE REPORT : A Child 6 years old, From Bali , came to the department of pediatric surgery in
Sanglah Hospital on June 1, 2016 with the main complaint lump in the belly button. Lump suffered
since birth and grew bigger, pink, complained of discharge is clear and odorless liquid out every time
the amount is not much, nothing out of feces .Pasien is the third child to be born sectio, were born at
term, birth weight 2.9 kg .No fever, abdominal pain does not exist, defecation is normal, normal fart.
Laboratorium result in normal limit,from ultrasonography found looks hipoechoich with echogenic lesions
in the surrounding area until the umbilical abdominal cavity.

DISCUSSION : In this case, the presence of persistent omphalomesenteric is durante operation

findings. Initial suspicion is a persistent uracus to see signs of a physical examination of the
abdomen. In our management asissted laparoscopic surgery, where the installation of two 5-mm
trocars in the right abdomen, making it possible to release the adhesions around omphalomesenteris
duct.setelah releases adhesions around omphalomesenteric duct, operations have continued to widen
the umbilicus so omphalomesenteric duct resection can be lifted and anastomose , post operative
patients without complications
CONCLUSION : we have described a very rare cases with persistent omphalomesenteric asissted
handling laparoscopic where omphalomesentric persistent.preoperative diagnosis is sometimes
difficult. Therefore, when suspected omphalomesentric persistent, minimally invasive surgery
techniques laparoscopi here may be useful for diagnosis and treatment
Keyword: Omphalomesenteric Persistent,Laparoscopy

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