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Starry Night
A Sinners Extra

by Olivia Cunning

All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or
mechanical means, including information storage and retrieval systemsexcept in the case of brief
quotations embodied in critical articles or reviewswithout permission in writing from the author at

This book is a work of fiction. The characters, events, and places portrayed in this book are products
of the author s imagination and are either fictitious or are used fictitiously. Any similarity to real
persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental and not intentional.

For more information on the author and her works, please visit

Copyright 2014 Olivia Cunning

This work was previously included in the anthology Some Like it Hot, which is now out of print.

Published by Vulpine Press
Cover Design by Charity Hendry
Cover Images by Lenets Tatsiana copyright 2014 and Creatista copyright 2014. Image rights obtained

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
About the Author
Books by Olivia Cunning

Chapter One
Why did I come? Why am I here? I should have said no, Michelle muttered under her breath
as she pushed open the double doors and stepped into her old high schools gymnasium.
She brushed her damp palms over the red silk at her hips and glanced around looking for
She already wished she had followed her first instinct and avoided this event as if it were a
contagious disease. She no longer had anything in common with these people. She still wasnt sure
how her once best friend, Dee Peterson, had talked her into attending their ten-year high school
reunion. In her ten-year-old formal gown, no less. Like they were reliving senior prom all over
again. She felt like a fool. She was pretty sure she was a fool. Why else would she have agreed to this?
The entire gym was decorated the way it had been ten years beforefrom the purple and
silver balloons to the copious white streamers to the tinfoil-crafted stars taped to the walls and
dangling from strings on the ceiling. The theme was written in purple across a huge white banner
above the stage. One Starry Night. Who had thought this was a good idea? A prom revival? Really?
Michelle struggled to keep her eyes from rolling.
She had been glad to leave the cliques of high school behind. She hadnt known who she was
back then, but she had a pretty good handle on what she stood for now. And she was no longer the
scared little follower whod done anything and everything Dee Peterson asked of her. Well sort of.
She was here at Dees whim after all. Apparently, old habits died hard. But maybe she hadnt come
because Dee had pleaded with her. Maybe shed come to see if her so-called friends from high school
had become more interesting people or if they were still the same group of mean bitches shed
allowed to rule her social life all those years ago.
Michelle walked up to the reception table and hunted for her nametag among the dozens still
there. She recognized several names, especially those belonging to the collection of jocks and
cheerleaders who shed once considered her best friends. One name in particular jumped out at her.
Hed been somewhat of a jockbuilt like a tank in high school and, therefore, recruited by an
enthusiastic football coachbut hed spent more time with the choir geeks than his teammates. And
considering he was now a singer, Michelle guessed he hadnt had the same difficulty in knowing who
he was, even in high school.
Sedric Lionheart. She was surprised hed even consider attending. Michelle glanced up at the
attendant. The smiling woman looked familiar, but even the name Claudia Bennett on her badge didnt
ring any real bells.
Is Sedric Lionheart really attending? He happened to be the most famous member of their
graduating class. The lead singer of the metal band Sinners.
Hes on the maybe list. Along with Jake Tremaine.
Michelles cheeks went hot. She wasnt sure how Claudia knew that shed be interested in
seeing Jake. Or more likely avoiding Jake. Jakethe guy whod claimed her virginity, her sanity, her
hold on propriety. Jakethe guy whod fucked her body right and done her heart wrong. No one
knew that shed met him in secret under the boardwalk late at night or how hot that guy had once
made her. Did they? How could they know? Neither she nor Jake had wanted their secret out. She was
too goodie goodie to run with his crowd and he was too misfit to hang with hers, but dear Lord when
theyd been alone together There had been more than sparks between them. Their tryst had been an
insatiable inferno. And she had definitely gotten burned in the end.
Michelle hadnt seen Jake since graduation, when hed pretty much told her he had better

things to do than her. And she wasnt sure she wanted to see him now. Part of her wanted to know what
hed done with his life. Another part was afraid those old wounds would reopen and burn her again.
Shed been over him for a while now, but it hadnt been easy. Their breakup had likely changed the
entire course of her life. And, unfortunately, shed yet to find a lover that made her burn the way he
had, so she still compared all men to the guy. And, she couldnt lie, that really ticked her off.
Oh, I figured everyone already knew about the connection, Claudia said.
Connection? That was a nice way to put it. Shit. Maybe Michelle should flee now before she
made a fool out of herself over a guy she had never admitted to dating.
Jakes a roadie for Seds band, Claudia continued. So theyll probably come together, if
they come at all. I think Sinners is touring in Europe now.
Michelles breath came out in a whoosh. So Claudia didnt know about her affair with Jake.
Not that it mattered much now, but in her popular-crowd teen years, she hadnt wanted anyone to
know how a troublemaking bad boy had gotten under her skin and between her thighs. And all the
while shed shamelessly worn her purity ring like the other virginal cheerleaders. She remembered
being terrified of getting kicked off the squad and somehow that had made being fucked senseless
while wearing that preppy cheerleading uniform all the hotter.
She found Jakes badge in the lineup right below hers, but it was the badge resting above hers
that she touched with bitter regret. Devlin McAllister. The sweetest boy shed ever known. Hed asked
her to prom in front of all her friends and shed had to turn him down. None too gently, she recalled.
If hed have asked her in private, shed have been more careful with his feelings. She might have even
asked him on a date. Not promshed been expected to go with the football teams star running back
and had willingly done her duty as vice squad leader and Dees fucking minion. But because everyone
had been watching the scene and had heard Devlin ask her, shed shredded him. And she still felt like a
complete bitch for doing so. When shed tried to apologize to him later, hed avoided her. Not that she
blamed him. She would have avoided seventeen-year-old-Michelle too. Shed been horrible to people.
And not just to Devlin. It made her sick to her stomach to think of how mean shed been to some of
her classmates. Why had it taken her so long to grow a goddamned spine and stand up for what she
believed in? She doubted shed ever figure out the answer to that question.
Was I ever mean to you in high school? she asked Claudia.
The round faced woman shook her head. I dont think we ever crossed paths in high school.
All I ever cared about was singing in the choir.
Im glad I wasnt mean to you, Michelle said.
You did make my best friend, Joan Carmichael, cry once.
I did? Is she here? I want to apologize to her for whatever I did. Maybe this was why shed
really come. Not because Dee had begged her or because she cared what her co-bitches had become,
but to make amends with everyone shed ever hurt in high school. Michelle hoped she hadnt done
any permanent damage to anyone. She hadnt realized how long a person could carry emotional
scars. She had a few from Jake Tremaine that still pained her on occasion.
Joan said she wouldnt come to this thing for a million dollars, Claudia said, but Ill tell
her youre sorry
For? Michelle asked.
Telling her she was too fat and clumsy to be on the cheer squad.
Michelles face went numb and she rubbed her lips with two fingertips. I didnt say that, did
Fuck. She was sure she had. Dee had hand selected who she wanted on the cheer squad and had
employed her friends to make the other hopefuls feel so bad about themselves that they didnt bother
to try out. It had worked for the most part. The only girl whod been brave enough to try out against

Dees wishes had been Phoebe Gates. Shed made the squad because the coach had recognized her
talent, but she had never been welcomed into the group because Dee had never wanted her in the
group in the first place.
Tell Joan I was wrong. And I wish she wouldnt have listened to me and had tried out anyway.
Im sure she was good enough and no one had the right to make her feel otherwise. Not me. Not Dee
Peterson. Not anyone.
Claudia stared at her with wide eyes. Ill tell her. She wont believe you actually said that, but
Ill tell her.
Is Phoebe Gates here? Because Michelle wanted to apologize to her next.
Claudia shook her head. I think Dee intentionally forgot to invite her.
Michelle wondered why shed ever called that woman her best friend. She didnt even speak to
Dee anymore and as far as she was concerned she never wanted to speak to her again.
Mishy! a loud and enthusiastic voice carried across the gymnasium followed by the rapid
clicking of stilettos in her direction.
Michelle cringed. Never was apparently a very short span of time. Only one person called her
Mishy and refused to stop no matter how many times Michelle told her that she didnt like to be called
that. It seemed shed be unable to avoid speaking to Dee after all.
Michelle turned to find Dee standing uncomfortably close. Oh, just look at you! Dee
squealed and smacked a kiss near each of Michelles cheeks. Stunning as always. And in your actual
prom dress. She whispered close to Michelles ear, None of the others can still fit in theirs. Not a
single one of them. Can you believe they all let themselves go?
I see you were able to fit into yours, Michelle commented as she scanned Dees perfectly
maintained figure and the deep purple satin that encased it. The six-foot tall, willowy blonde still
looked as svelte and athletic as she had when shed been leading the cheer squad.
Dee slid her hands down her slim waist and rested them on her narrow hips. My husband
would divorce me if I let myself go, she said and tossed her head to send long golden waves dancing
about her shoulders.
Michelle struggled not to scowl. Nice man you have there.
Hes such a wonderful provider. I have everything I want. Come say hello to the girls. She
whispered out of the corner of her mouth, I must warn you. Most of them look like hell.
So thats why Dee had insisted on a prom revival. So that she could boast that she still fit in her
prom dress. That her outer beauty hadnt fadedyetand she didnt much care if her inner core was
as rotten as ever. Dee never had recognized the worth of a beautiful soul and that obviously hadnt
changed. Wearing that dress and looking fabulous allowed her to brag and make others feel inferior
to her. Its how shed once maintained her iron fist over the young women of the cheer squad, who
had so desperately needed to belongby giving everyone an inferiority complex. Including Michelle.
She hadnt recognized it in her youth. Shed been too nave to see it. Michelle had always assumed
Dee was just a bitch, but seeing her now made Michelle realize that Dee was a sad and empty person.
Had she always been that way? Michelle wondered if she could get through an evening of dealing
with the womans bizarre emotional needs. She doubted shed tolerate it long. She didnt have much
patience for this kind of bullshit anymore. Shed seen too much of the world and its true horrors to
tolerate First-World pettiness. And thats exactly what this was: pettiness.
I dont keep slim on purpose, Michelle said, wishing shed worn anything but her prom
dress tonight. Even flannel pajamas would have been preferable. Its more of an occupational hazard
in my case. Crawling through savannahs and jungles and tundra with a camera practically glued to
her face kept her fit and often hungry. Her photography didnt provide much opportunity for gluttony
or laziness. There werent any McDonalds restaurants in Madagascar and Greenland and if she was

running, it wasnt for recreational purposes. It was for her life.

You do have a unique career, Mishy, Dee said, gazing down her nose in such a way to
indicate that she thought such work was beneath her.
I have been lucky in that regard, she said. She wouldnt trade her job for the world. Not even
for Dees once-coveted approval.
Dee! Caroline Mitchell and Jenna Farrow started waving Dee over from across the room,
looking positively giddy when Dee waved back. Apparently, Michelle was the only one who no
longer coveted that approval.
Are you coming? Dee asked. Jenna knows all the latest gossip on Phoebe Gates. Did you
know shes on food stamps now? I guess thats what happens when you marry a loser and pop out five
kids in the span of ten years.
Michelle didnt want to gossip about Phoebe. Shed been such a sweet girl. Michelle was
certain there was more to Phoebes story than Jenna knew or cared to share. But if the details didnt
somehow elevate Dees self-worth, she wouldnt want to hear them.
Ill be over in a bit, Michelle said. I need a drink. She eyed the punch bowl, doubting it
contained the kind of drink she would need to get through the evening. And while she wouldnt mind
getting caught up with the rest of her friends, she didnt want to be anywhere near the joy-poison that
was Dee Peterson. Or the women who still felt the need to feed her hunger for superiority.
Michelle feared this particular starry night was going to be the longest, most unbearable night
of her life.

Chapter Two
Devlin smiled at Claudia Bennett who tilted her head at him and scowled. Were you in our
class? Or are you a guest? she asked.
You dont remember the guy who tutored you in algebra for two years?
Devlin McAllister tutored me in algebra.
So you do remember me. He smiled again and took his name badge from the dwindling
collection. He automatically searched for Michelle Tanner s badge. She was the only reason hed
come, but either she wasnt attending or she was already here.
Oh my God! Dev? I didnt even recognize you. When did you become a hottie?
Devlin chuckled. Well, it wasnt in high school, was it?
Claudia circled the table and wrapped him in a fierce hug. I would have never graduated
without your help in math. She snuggled her face into his chest and inhaled. God damn, Dev, not
only are you diabetes-inducing eye candy, you smell good too, she said with a laugh.
He returned her hug but set her away from him quickly. He didnt like to be felt up like a piece
of man meat and female hands seemed to wander when he allowed them to get too close. So how are
your algebra skills these days? he asked as he pinned his badge to his tuxedo jacket.
He hadnt gone to prom. Not because he hadnt wanted to. The girl hed askedthe vicecaptain of the cheerleading squadhad turned him down flat and then laughed with her friends that
hed had the nerve to ask her. So hed decided hed crash this little soiree full of people whod never
appreciated the nice guy who was good at math and videogames, who wore thick glasses, braces and
had suffered from horrible acne. And maybe it was small of him to want to rub his success in their
cruel, stuck-up faces, but he supposed he was entitled to a little boasting after the four years of hell
hed endured at the whims of these people. Well, not all of them. Just the ones who were standing in
the jock huddle across the room, still cliquing it up after all these years.
Im still terrible at math, Im afraid, but I dont really need algebra as a stay at home mom,
Claudia said.
How many children? he asked more out of politeness than interest.
Four, she said, holding up four fingers. All boys.
Im sure theyre a blessing. He patted her arm and turned away scanning the crowd for a
certain gorgeous brunette.
Most days. You have kids? Claudia asked.
No, he said, I havent had time for that stuff yet. Excuse me.
His eyes found Dee Peterson, the meanest girl hed ever had the displeasure of knowing. Tall,
blonde and uncommonly beautiful, she was surrounded by the majority of the varsity cheerleading
squad, who were all twittering excitedly about how wonderful their lives in suburbia were. Michelle
was conspicuously absent from foray. He guessed she had decided not to attend. Hed done a bit of
snooping on her Facebook pageso sue himand had enjoyed looking through all the pictures of
her travels around the world. As a nature photographer, she was absent from her stunning scenic and
wildlife shots. The only self-portrait on her page was her profile picture where she was bundled up in
parka, hat and scarfthe only visible inch of her were a set of sparkling blue eyes, crinkled at the
corners from laughter. Michelle had made quite a life for herself. And he wasnt surprised. Of all the
pretty, popular girls in his class, shed been the only one he ever considered worth his time, even if
shed never felt the same for him. He wasnt sure why he wanted her to recognize how wrong shed
been about him. He was good enough for herhad been then, and definitely was nowbut it was

probably pretty juvenile of him to want to show her up. Prove her wrong. Hed had such a crush on
her in high school and he didnt fall for women easily, so there had to be something great about her.
Something hed picked up on in high school when shed been glued to Dee Petersons hip. Hed
hoped that seeing her in person would remind him why after ten years he still thought about her.
Either that or it would show him that she wasnt as wonderful as he recalled and he could stop
thinking about her for fucks sake.
But she apparently wasnt here, so it didnt matter.
Deciding he might as well leave, Devlin turned to head out the door and caught sight of
Michelle standing at the punchbowl. He almost swallowed his tongue when she slid her silky red dress
up her leg, glanced around to make sure no one was watching and removed a flask from a black
garter on her thigh. She unscrewed the top, took a swig, shrugged her shoulders, and then poured the
remaining amber-colored liquid into a clear plastic cup before topping her beverage off with
nauseatingly pink punch from the bowl on the table.
Things were definitely stirring below his cummerbund when she showed off more thigh and
returned the flask to its hiding place.
So she was here. And she was even more stunning than he remembered. Watching her, he was
instantly transported back to his awkward teen years and his hard-won adult self-confidence took a
sudden nose dive. It was almost instantly returned by Dees distinctive false laugh and the roll of
Michelles eyes as she glanced at the obnoxious woman who Devlin had assumed was her bestest best
friend in the whole wide world for all eternity. So Michelle no longer worshipped the local high
school goddess? Interesting.
Michelle collected her glass of modified beverage and left the buffet table. He expected her to
wander over to the huddle of ex-cheerleaders and ex-football players, but she headed in the opposite
direction to an empty table in the corner. He followed, oblivious to everything in the room, but the
sway of her hips and the way the silk of her dress danced around her long legs as she walked a dozen
paces ahead of him. He had no idea what hed say to her when he caught up with her. Shed probably
think he was a creepy stalker for coming to the reunion just to see her. Hell, he was starting to think
he was a creepy stalker.
Shed just settled into a chair and lifted her glass to her lips when he paused before her table.
His palms went damp, his mouth dry as her eyes slowly rose to examine him from thighs to eyes.
She sputtered on her beverage and lowered her glass. Devlin McAllister? Is that really you?
How had she recognized him? He didnt even recognize himself in the mirror most of the
time. And then he remembered he was wearing his nametag. He glanced down at his badge only to
find the card missing from the plastic sleeve.
Um, hi, um, Michelle, he said, that awkward seventeen-year-old in him choosing one hell of
a time to make an appearance. I wasnt sure if youd remember me.
Of course I remember you. She pulled out the chair beside her and patted it. Sit.
Could he sit? With Michelle? What would he say to her? Why did he feel so unsettled? He
usually had no problem talking to women. Seducing them with a glance. Fucking them until their
bodies trembled with fatigue. Leaving them before they woke the next morning. But this was Michelle
the woman who made all other women just an entertaining hobby of his, because he just couldnt
get her out of his mind. A part of him wished he no longer found her attractive, but all his other parts
wanted him to hike up her silky red dress and get lost between her thighs.
The DJs voice came over the sound system. How about we get this party started with your
class song? There was a spattering of applause and a few whoops of excitement from across the
Eve 6s Heres to the Night began to pour from the speakers.

Would you like to dance? he asked.

She smiled, her gorgeous blue eyes lighting up with delight. Of course I would.
He offered her a hand and when she took it, his heart tried to thump its way through his
sternum. On the dance floor, decency demanded he hold her loosely, but his arms ignored propriety
and tugged her slender body against him, one hand clutching the fabric of her dress at her lower back,
the other stroking the bare skin of one shoulder. He couldnt stop his lips from brushing her collar
He half expected her to slap the shit out of him, but she didnt. She released a throaty chuckle
and relaxed against him, Why, Devlin McAllister, you have changed. she said, her warm breath
tickling his throat and inciting an uprising in his pants.
Not so much, really, he said. Hed been dreaming of holding her like this for years. He
wasnt about to let this opportunity pass him by.
In high school, you practically hid from me.
Because her football hero boyfriend had threatened to kick his nerdy ass if he so much as
looked at his girl. Wayne had given Devlin more than one sampling of what that entailed exactly.
Wayne had particularly enjoyed introducing peoples facesDevlins most frequentlyto the front
of his locker. You were involved with Wayne Bridges at the time. You didnt marry him, did you?
God, no, she said. I like men with a brain in their head. They say some men are ruled by
their little head, well in Waynes case, that would have been a benefit. His little head was the smarter
of the two.
Devlin chuckled, his hand sliding lower over the curve of her ass and drawing her closer. So
why did you date him then?
She sighed morosely. It was expected of me. She stopped swaying gently in his arms and
leaned away to peer into his eyes. Look, Devlin, Im really sorry for how I treated you when you
asked me to prom. In all honesty, Id have rather gone with you than with Wayne, but I was too afraid
of losing popularity and getting on Dees bad side to follow my own wishes. If youd have asked me
in private instead of in front of everyone, I wouldnt have been so damned mean to you. I know thats
not an excuse, but She scowled and shook her head. Im sorry. Can you ever forgive me?
Nope, he said, his fingertips gliding over the bare skin of her shoulder. Her flesh was the
most potent aphrodisiac in the world. But even though he wanted her body, he couldnt resist teasing
her. He wanted far more than a tumble between the sheets with this woman. He wanted her heart. Not
to break it, the way shed broken his, but to treasure it.
Michelles scowl deepened. Oh, she said. I guess I cant blame you. I do want you to know
that Im not that scared little girl anymore. If I see something I want, I pursue it and I dont give a
damn about the opinions of others.
Do you see anything you want? he asked, lifting his eyebrows in question.
She grinned and his heart rate tripled at the suggestion in her striking blue eyes.
I might, she said, but I dont think hes interested.
He pulled her against him and swayed with her to the music once again. Im pretty sure he is.
She burrowed her face in his neck and her hands slid up his back. Her fingertips curled into
his jacket and her soft breasts burned into his chest. His entire body tautened with need. What he
wouldnt give to have her soft lips against his throat; her naked body beneath his; her soft voice
calling his name in passion. He turned his face into her hair and breathed in the sweet floral scent that
clung to the silky brown strands. He stifled a groan when she shifted and her soft breasts rubbed
against his chest. There was nothing in the world but her. It had always been that way for him. It was as
if the decade theyd spent apart didnt exist. He was completely infatuated with this woman. He needed
to find a way to be with her beyond a single dance at a high school reunion.

Someone tapped him on the shoulder. May I cut in? a deep voice said behind him.
Devlins arms tightened around Michelles body, drawing her closer, hoping to somehow hide
her in his jacket so Mr. Buttinsky would go away. She lifted her head to look over Devlins shoulder
and the shock on her face was immediately replaced with wide-eyed elation as she broke into an
exuberant smile. Devlin closed his eyes as she slipped from his arms and eviscerated him yet again.

Chapter Three
Jake was suddenly glad that Sed had threatened to fire him as Sinners guitar technician if he
didnt attend their ten-year high school reunion with him. So Jake had come. Dateless. He wasnt sure
why Sed was so insistent on him attending. It wasnt as if the most famous person in their graduating
class had to come stag. Seds new wife, Jessica, looked stunning in her green evening gowna far
cry better than shed looked in the wedding photos that had been leaked after their recent wedding.
The tabloids had completely trashed Seds disheveled bride, but Jessica seemed to be getting used to
that. Anyone entangled with the lead singer of Sinners, had to know how to handle a littleokay, a lot
of bad press. While the name badge chick went all fangirl over Sed actually making an appearance
eye rollJakes attention turned to the mostly empty dance floor and landed on the curve of a
familiar backside under a sheath of red silk. Unfortunately, some other dudes hand was a bit too
close to that fantastic ass for Jakes liking.
He didnt hesitate to cross the room to stake his claim. Not that he had any right to claim her.
Hed been the one to break it off with Michelle. It had been for her own good, but he was pretty sure it
hadnt felt that way when hed left her crying under the boardwalk without a backwards glance. He
probably should have dumped her before hed fucked her one last time and hed meant to break it off
gently, but shed silenced his attempts to talk his way through the breakup with a kiss and his dick had
refused to let her go just then. God, hed been a cocky asshole in high school. Michelle had been the
best thing that had ever happened to him and hed tossed her aside as if shed been nothing more to
him than a good lay. Walking away from her had been the biggest mistake of his life. For him. For
her, it had probably been a blessing in disguise.
But he was a bit older now. A bit wiser. His dick still got him into trouble on occasion, but it
no longer ruled his life. Much.
Maybe hed agreed to come to this stupid class reunion to see her. And if the guy in the
expensive suit swaying with her on the dance floor didnt make her the happiest woman on the planet,
Jake wasnt against rekindling an old flame. Or stoking it back to the raging inferno that had once
consumed them both.
Jake tapped the suit on his shoulder. May I cut in?
Michelle lifted her head, her gorgeous blue eyes widening with shock. Jake winked at her. He
looked a bit different than he had the last time shed seen him. His mohawk used to be a foot high and
lime green instead of short and blonde. And he had a couple of extra piercings and a few dozen more
tattoos than hed had in high school, but she obviously recognized him. And she didnt immediately
kick him in the nuts, so as far as he was concerned things were going great. Michelle smiled brightly
and eased out of the grasp of the lucky bastard shed been dancing with.
The suit turned around and Jake blinked at the man in surprise. Devlin McAllister? Dude,
what the fuck happened to you?
Michelle patted Devlin on the chest. He looks great, doesnt he?
I almost didnt recognize him, Jake said, turning his appreciative gaze back to Michelle.
But you Fuck, woman, youre hotter than ever.
She grinned and pulled him into an enthusiastic hug. Im so glad you came.
Ill definitely come if you keep pressing your fantastic tits into my chest, he whispered in
her ear.
She gasped and drew away from him, her eyes wide, her cheeks pink. Youre so bad.
You know you like it. In the past, the more obnoxiously crass Jake had been to her, the faster

shed yank his cock out of his pants and bury it in her tight pussy. But maybe shed changed. Maybe
dirty talk didnt turn her on the way it once had. And maybe he was okay with that. They werent a
couple of horny teenagers anymore. Granted, he was still horny.
Perhaps I should leave you two alone, Devlin said.
Please dont, Michelle said, wrapping her arms around Devlins neck and pulling him
against her. Im not finished catching up with you yet.
What about me? Jake said, not sure if he should be honored or offended to be replaced in
Michelles arms by Most Likely to Succeed Yet Die a Virgin.
I want to catch up with you too, Jake, she said, but I promised Devlin a dance.
You promised me a dance as well, Jake said.
I did? When?
Just now.
I was here first, Devlin said, his steel gray eyes none too friendly as he glared at Jake.
No need to fight, guys, Michelle said. Theres plenty of me for the both of you.
She reached behind her, grabbed Jake by the belt and pulled him firmly against her ass so that
she was sandwiched between himself and Devlin.
Jake stiffened. So thats how Michelle rolled now? He supposed it shouldnt surprise him.
Shed always been an insatiable lover. Sometimes her appetite had been more than he could handle,
though hed never admit that to anyoneincluding her. And it wasnt as if he was looking for
anything serious with her. But he did want to have some fun tonight and she did have him all fired up
and he wasnt against sharing with a stiff like Devlin. So why not? He was game.
Jake moved his hands to her hips to pull her soft ass against his rapidly rising cock.
This would be a lot more interesting naked, he said as the three of them found the rhythm of
the next song and moved together.
She chuckled. And much more fun.
Jake wasnt sure what would be more funfucking Michelle or fucking with Devlin. Dude
looked completely scandalized by her assertion. Jake found his embarrassment kind of hot. In high
school he never would have considered being intimate with a guy. But that had been before hed been
further corrupted by Sinners rhythm guitarist. Trey Mills had taught him a thing or two about how to
have a good time and Jake was all about the perpetual party in his pants.

Chapter Four
So this was why shed attended the reunion, Michelle decided. Not to make amends for being
an immature bitch in high school. Shed come to have the time of her life with two hot guys while Dee
gaped at her in wide-eyed disbelief from across the room. She wondered what Dee found more
shockingthe fact that Michelle was dancing and flirting with two men at the same time or the fact
that both guys were not on Dees preapproved dating material list. Either way, Michelle didnt care.
She was just dancing with them. It wasnt as if it would go anywhere. She wouldnt let things get out
of hand.
Speaking of hands, Jakes grip on her hips with his fingertips curled into the excitable flesh
just inside either crest of her hipbones had her belly quivering. Devlins hands rested on her the upper
curve of her ass, leading her in a sensual dance that rubbed her against Jakes thickening cock. She
could still remember what Jake felt like inside her. Thrusting deep and hard. The sounds of their
bodies coming together and her moans echoing the rhythm of the ocean at their backs. She still
remembered how rough the wood of the pier had been against her face and fingertips as hed taken
her from behind. How her breasts had ached as he massaged them in his strong hands. How hot his
breath had been against her neck as he said dirty things in her ear and coaxed her into touching
herself until she shattered in orgasm. Michelles breathing quickened as the music changed and their
dance slowed. She clung desperately to Devlin, fearing shed sink to the floor if there were so much
as an inch between them.
Okay, so maybe things were already out of hand.
Youre thinking about me inside you, arent you? Jake whispered in her ear.
Yes, she admitted.
What Devlin started to speak, but Jakes low, sultry voice cut him off.
And youre thinking of sucking Devlins cock while I take you.
Michelle gasped and tilted her head so she could look up at Devlin. She hadnt been thinking
that before, but she was definitely thinking it now. Yes, she whispered. And I want his mouth on me
as well.
I bet you never realized how hot our little cheerleader was while you were masturbating to
your memories of her pompoms, Jake said to Devlin.
I never
Jake snorted and cut him off again. Youre a fucking liar.
Jake eased Michelles body from Devlins and wrapped an arm around her lower back. Her
knees were shaking so bad, she could scarcely support her own body weight. Lets go sit down for a
while, Jake said. You seem to have forgotten where we are.
Guilty as charged. Though had they been alone, she knew shed already have one hand in
Jakes pants and the other tugging impatiently at her panties.
Come with us, she urged Devlin as Jake led her back to her no longer empty corner table.
He will if I have any say in the matter, Jake said in her ear.
What the hell did he mean by that?
There was a stunning strawberry blonde stranger sitting at the table now. She looked more
than a little out of sorts as her eyes followed the movement of something across the room.
Hey, Jess, Jake said to the woman. Why are you sitting by yourself, gorgeous?
Sed went to get me some punch. Ten minutes ago.
Michelle glanced over to where Sed was standing, surrounded by almost every attendee of the

reunion. He wasnt anywhere near the punchbowl.

Theyre just excited to see him, Michelle said.
Even though he had little to do with any of them in high school, he goes out and gets famous
and suddenly hes the cool kid, Jake said and rolled his eyes toward the ceiling. Ill go get your
beverage, Jess, he offered. I love giving Sed a hard time when hes not meeting your needs.
Jess smiled. That would be wonderful, Jake. Thank you. And I definitely want you to give him
a hard time about it, since he refused to let me get up and get my punch for myself, she said, before
turning her attention to Michelle. Let me guess. Youre an old flame of Jakes.
Not that old, Michelle said with a wry grin.
Oh, I didnt mean
Im just teasing. I know what you meant. Im Michelle and this is, uh, Devlin, she said, not
sure how to introduce him. As her new flame, maybe?
A spark of recognition touched Jesss green eyes. Nice to meet you. Devlin McAllister, isnt
it? The CEO of Stormwall Enterprises? I read an article about you in Time Magazine last year. And I
must say, youre even better looking in person. Jess chuckled. Devlin went pink about the ears.
Nice to meet you too, uh His eyes dropped to the name badge on her chest. Jessica
You were in Time Magazine? Michelle sputtered.
Yeah, he said, pulling out a chair.
She didnt sit. She stared. Had his eyes always been such a remarkable shade of gray? Had they
always been surrounded by thick dark lashes that made the unusual color absolutely riveting?
Probably. Theyd just been hiding behind a pair of thick-lensed glasses before. Her fingers itched to
dive into the thick, silky black waves of his hair and tug that delectable looking mouth to hers.
Why didnt you mention that? Michelle asked. I mean, Time is a pretty big deal, you know.
What she wouldnt give to have one of her photographs featured in Time. Her work had been in
National Geographic a couple of times, but most of her livelihood came from selling stock images
and reproduced prints.
Devlin cleared his throat, a grin curving his sensual mouth at one corner. We havent done
much talking yet.
True. Shed been too busy bumping and grinding against him on the dance floor. What must he
think of her? She supposed she could blame Jake for her improper behavior. He always brought out
the brazen hussy in her. But shed been hot for Devlin even before Jake had arrived and she was still
hot for him now even though Jake was halfway across the room. So she supposed she couldnt really
blame her vaginas enthusiasm for Devlin on another man.
Not that I minded, Devlin added, his voice low and seductive as his eyes met hers and held
her gaze.
Her heart rate kicked up as he inched closer. She licked her lips in anticipation.
Damn, the man was sexy. When had that transpired exactly? Her body shifted closer to his as if
she had no control over her muscles.
Apparently, Jake wasnt the only one she responded to on a purely instinctual level. She hadnt
had much time for romance in the past ten years. Perhaps her cooter had decided its dry spell was
over and it wasnt taking no for an answer. Or maybe because the last few men shed slept with had
been total bores in the sack, she was looking for something a bit more exciting and her body knew a
good time when it brushed up against one.
Have a seat, he said, indicating the chair hed pulled out for her.
She collapsed into it as if her bones had gone soft. Devlin took the seat beside her, shifting his
chair close. So close their knees were touching. Michelle spotted her drink on the table and grabbed it,

taking a huge gulp. The bourbon burned going down and she winced.
Easy, Devlin said, his breath stirring loose strands of her hair, tickling her neck, making her
throb in places shed almost forgotten could throb. Dear lord. He took the plastic cup from her hand
and set it on the table. I want you in full command of your senses when I take you to bed.
Michelle choked. Not on her doctored beverage. On her own saliva.
Not if he took her to bed, but when. She liked his newfound self-confidence even if it did make
her cough.
Devlin rubbed her back not so soothingly.
You, okay?
She nodded, eyes watering as she tried to hack up a lung. Keep it together, Michelle. It wasnt
as if shed never had a gorgeous, considerate man whod been featured in Time-freaking-Magazine
hit on her. Okay, so she hadnt, but this wasnt just any gorgeous guy, this was Devlin McAllister. She
had no reason to be so unsettled around him. Except that he was very good at unsettling her.
Michelle glanced up when Jake stopped at the table between herself and Jessicawho might as
well have turned invisible for all the attention Michelle had minded her. Where in the hell where her
Jake set a cup of punch and a small plate of finger foods in front of Jessica before he patted
her back. There you go, beautiful, he said.
Jessica smiled up at Jake in gratitude which apparently set off territorial alarms in Sedrics
head, because the linebacker-turned-vocalist immediately plowed through the crowd surrounding him
sending bodies scattering in all directionsas he made his way directly to his wifes side.
Im sorry, baby, I got sidetracked, Sed said to Jessica.
Its fine, she said, and took a nonchalant sip of her punch. Thats what roadies are for,
right? Retrieving beverages?
She winked at Jake, who grabbed a chair, turned it around, and set it between Michelle and
Jessica. He then sat facing the chair back and helped himself to several of Jessicas carrot sticks and
pretzels. I thought our job was to entertain the bands wives while they guys are busy entertaining the
fans, he said as he crunched into a carrot stick.
Yeah, that too. Jessica patted his knee.
Sed wrapped a large hand around Jakes throat and squeezed. Dont make me kill you, he
said, before planting a kiss on the smooth skin just to the side of Jakes mohawk.
Jake grinned, so apparently Michelle didnt quite understand the dynamic between the two
men. She wouldnt have been grinning if the large, muscular, highly tattooed metal vocalist had
threatened her life.
So how did you end up a roadie, anyway? she asked Jake. I remember you being a very
accomplished guitarist. And it had definitely done something to her panties elastic. The waistband
had never been able to keep the garment up when hed played those six strings.
Sed released Jakes throat and pounded him in the center of his chest. Yeah, Jake. How did
you end up a roadie? he said with a laugh and took the unoccupied chair on the opposite side of
Long story, Jake said. Im more interested in knowing how Devlin became filthy rich. He
craned his neck so he could see around Michelle and look at the quietest member of their little group.
Im not filthy rich, Devlin said and winked at Jake. I shower daily.
Im more interested in knowing how he got this hot body, Dee Peterson said as she made her
uninvited appearance at the table known. Dee ran both hands along Devlins shoulders, down his
biceps and over his chest. The cut of the mans muscles was apparent even under his well-tailored
clothes, and Michelle suddenly wanted to kick Dees feet from under her for getting to examine his

hard body before Michelle did.

Devlin caught Dees hands before they reached his flat stomach. I discovered my most
innovative ideas come to me when Im hot and sweaty. So I work out. A lot.
Theres more than one way to get hot and sweaty, Jake said, elbowing Michelle in the ribs.
Isnt that right, Michelle?
Michelle stiffened and glanced at Devlin out of the corner of her eye, hoping to gauge his
reaction. His brows drew together in an unpleasant scowl. I uh wouldnt know, she said,
suddenly wanting to take a page out of Sedrics book and strangle Jake.
Dees twenty-member entourage surrounded the table like a bunch of hyenascackling at
everything and looking for prey. Their prey happened to be the two world-renowned men at the table.
Sedric handled the expanding crowd like a pro, but Devlin shifted uncomfortably in his seat and
avoided rapid fire questions by producing noncommittal grunts and the occasional shake of his head.
Michelle was glad that some of the boy she remembered remained in the man and that he was still shy.
He had plenty of self-confidence when interacting one-on-one, but by the way he clutched at the fabric
of his black pants, he wasnt comfortable in a crowd. Or maybe it was just this crowd that unsettled
him. It just annoyed her.
Michelle leaned close to Devlins ear. Its a little warm in here, dont you think?
He caught her eye and his arm circled her back. I only came to see you, he said. Do you
want to get out of here?
She was too busy reeling over his admission of interest to answer his question.

Chapter Five
Devlin didnt wait for Michelles response. He stood from his chair, took her hand and helped
her rise gracefully to her feet. When she continued to hold his hand, his pulse rate skyrocketed. He
couldnt remember the last time holding hands had addled his thoughts.
Excuse us, he said to the nearest barricading body. He had a pathological need to get out of
this place. These people brought back so many memories of being bullied in high school. Hed
thought he was over it, but those old feelings of terror had resurfaced as soon as their table had been
surrounded. He must have been surrounded one too many times in the boys locker room. His gaze
kept wandering to the door of that locker room, which didnt help his oscillation between anger and
fear. He didnt come here to relive high school. Hed come to see Michelle. And he had not
anticipated this visceral reaction to his past at all. He hadnt even thought much about his experiences
in high school until hed opened the lurid purple envelope containing the silver foiled invitation to
this reunion.
Thats my girl youve got there, Devzits, a deep voice said.
Devlin looked up into the sneering face of Wayne Bridges. He cringed, but not out of fear.
Wayne had gotten a bit doughy around the middle and Devlin would very much like to punch the
smirk off of his blotchy face.
Hello, Wayne, Michelle said. She gave him the once over and shook her head. Good-bye,
Wayne. She pushed through the crowd, tugging Devlin after her.
When they were free of the press of bodies, he released her hand so he could rest his palm
against her lower back and direct her toward the exit. It hadnt escaped Devlin that she had just
rebuked Wayne Bridges and was leaving with him, not with her high school boyfriend, but Devlin
refused to gloat. Outwardly.
Leaving so soon? Claudia Bennett said from the reception table as they passed. I didnt get
to catch up with you yet, Devlin McAllister.
I just need some air, Michelle explained.
Devlin held the door for her. They walked down a short hallway to a second set of double
doors and then they were free of his emotional prison. He sucked a deep breath of warm evening air
and closed his eyes to clear his thoughts.
You, okay? Michelle asked.
He opened his eyes to look down into her concerned face. This was not how hed wanted this
evening to go. Hed wanted her to see the confident man hed become, not the embarrassing remnants
of the terrified boy hed once been.
Of course. Its just a bit stuffy in there.
She studied his face for a moment and then lifted a hand to touch his jaw. Your life must have
been hell in high school.
It wasnt so bad, he said. I survived.
We were all so mean to you.
You werent mean to me, Michelle. Unlike your friends, you were actually nice to me when
they werent looking. Which is probably why it hurt so bad when you laughed me out of the cafeteria
when I asked you to prom. In retrospect, he should have never asked her in front of Dee and the rest
of the cheer squad. I was sitting there at the reject table picking over my lunch and watching youas
I always did. Did you know I watched you?
She shook her head and crossed her arms over her belly. I was too full of myself to notice

anything, Devlin.
I still remember it all. It had been raining all morning, but the sun found a break in the clouds
and filtered through the window blinds. The golden rays danced upon the auburn highlights in your
hair. He touched the silky strands that had so enchanted him. She looked up at himher gaze
meeting his and sending his blood coursing through his veins. I was completely under your spell. I
just got up, walked up to you and blurted, Will you go to prom with me? I still remember the stunned
look on your face. For one blissful second, I thought you were going to say yes, and then Dee said,
The nerve of certain ugly people. And then all I remember is you laughing and saying, Why would I go
to the prom with you? I swear I heard my heart shatter even over the laughter of every person in that
Michelle wrapped her arms around his waist and hugged him, pressing her face into the crook
of his neck. He held hergently at first and then his infatuation got the better of him and he pressed
her firmly into his chest. Her warm breath against his throat, the sweet smell of her hair, and the feel
of her curves against his body all drove him to distraction. Michelle was in his arms at last.
Im really sorry for hurting you, she whispered.
You can make it up to me, he said, unable to resist touching his lips to her silky hair.
Her body stiffened slightly in his arms. How?
Say yes, this time.
She pulled away and tilted her head to hold his gaze.
Michelle? he said. Will you go to prom with me?
She smiled devilishly. No, she said and his breath caught as his aching heart threatened to
strangle him. Prom is for losers. But I will go out with you. As long as its not here.
Ashamed that your friends will see us together?
She shook her head and slid her fingers into the hair at the nape of his neck. Ashamed that I
ever called them friends.
She rose up on tiptoes and tugged him closer.
Now are you going to kiss me or do I have to take advantage of you? she asked, lashes
concealing her remarkable blue eyes as she stared at his lips.
He curved them into a half smile. You have to wait.
Dont you know you should never keep a lady waiting? a deep voice said from behind them.
Michelles body went taut. Jake, she said in a breathless whisper.
Do you have a thing for that guy or something? Devlin asked, though he was pretty sure
theyd once been lovers.
Had, she said. God, I had it so bad for him. You have no idea.
Had? Jake touched her bare shoulder.
Probably still do, she admitted with a hard shudder.
You know I would never keep you waiting, Jake said and slipped the strap of her red dress
from her shoulder. Jake held Devlins gaze as he dropped a kiss on her newly exposed skin. It wasnt
so much of a challenge as it was an invitation. Devlin wasnt sure what to make of this guy. Or why
every time Jake touched Michelle, it made Devlins dick stir with added interest.
Well, hello there, Michelle said, shifting her hip against the throbbing flesh in Devlins
Sorry, he said, flustered by his lack of tact and the direction of his thoughts. As soon as Jake
had arrived, his fantasies had drifted from slowly romancing Michelle to ripping off her dress and
fucking her brains out.
When Devlin tried to move away so he could get his erection under control, she grabbed his
ass to keep him pressed against her.

Jake makes me think dirty thoughts, she said. Makes me crave sex.
Its a gift, Jake whispered, pressing another kiss to her shoulder.
Devlin wasnt sure if he should tell this guy to take a hike or sing his praises. If you want me
to leave you two alone
Michelle pressed a finger to Devlins lips and shook her head. I want you, Devlin. Maybe just
for a night. Maybe for something more. I dont know if this attraction between us will go anywhere.
All I know is I cant deny I want you.
What about me? Jake said.
I was hoping youd join us, she said and lifted her hand to stroke his tattooed neck.
You know Im up for that. Jake shifted behind her, probably rubbing his junk against her ass,
and her eyelids fluttered.
Two pairs of eyes stared at Devlin with longing, waiting for his response. If he said no, Devlin
knew Jake wouldnt have a problem sating Michelles lust. He also doubted hed see her again and he
couldnt bear that thought. But could he stand to watch another man put his hands on her? His mouth
on her? His dick inside her? Devlins cock twitched excitedly at the very idea.
My place or yours? he asked.

Chapter Six
Jake blinked at Devlin in astonishment. Jake had thought that by touching Michelle, he would
either send the guy packinga win situation for himor have him step up to bat for the woman he
wanteda win situation for Michelle. Hell, Jake knew he wasnt good for her and would love to see
someone make Michelle happy. But Devlin had actually agreed to her lust-fueled suggestion and if the
way Devlin was looking at them was any indication, he was more than keen on the idea. He was
completely invested. There was so much win in that Jake expected someone to hand him an
enormous trophy.
Wherever is closest, Michelle said.
We can head for the tour bus if you want, Jake said. I dont have a ride though. Sed drove
us here and I doubt hell let me take his Mercedes.
Devlin lifted an eyebrow at him. A tour bus? Youre kidding, right?
Hey! I live on that bus most of the year. And it was a fucking disaster area. The band called it
the pigsty bus for a reason. What do you suggest?
Not a tour bus, he said Well go to my place. Just let me call my pilot.
His pilot?
Devlin stepped away to call his pilotSeriously? Who the fuck had a pilot on speed dial?
and Jake slowly directed Michelle into the shadows of the large bushes to the side of the building.
Where are we going? she asked.
I told you I wouldnt make you wait, he said. I figured Id give you a hand while we wait
for Devlin to figure out his rich-boy plans to impress you.
Dont talk, he said and turned her to face the stucco wall.
He pressed his half-hard cock firmly into her ass and reached around to slide his hand up her
loose skirt.
Do you want to come or dont you?
Yes, she said breathlessly.
Then dont make a sound.
She nodded and spread her legs to give him access to what they both wanted. The skin of her
thigh was like silk as he drew his hand up its inner surface. He cupped her mound through her panties
and she moaned.
Youre making sounds, he said with a grin. Which meant their deal was off, but he wasnt
about to tell her that. Yet.
Over or under? he asked.
Under, she said without hesitation.
He grinned. So she remembered. He used to do this for her during the school day under the
stage in the auditorium. Shed usually requested he touch her over her panties, but was glad maturity
had diminished her already limited inhibition. Thats my naughty girl.
He slid his hand into her panties, fingers spreading her swollen lips to seek the heat at her
core. Her pussy was drenchedsilky and slick. He couldnt resist stroking her folds for his own
Oh, yes, she said, and pressed her face against the wall for support.

He moved his slippery fingertips to the swollen nub of her clit and rubbed rapidly. Her breath
quickened as he drew her toward orgasm. Her body tautened as she teetered on the brink of release
and when she was an instant from falling over the edge, he pulled his hand from her panties.
She groaned in frustration.
I guess a little wait wont hurt you, he said and licked his fingers, sweet with her juices.
Jake, you cant leave me like this, she whispered as he straightened her skirt.
Youll thank me later, he promised.
He cupped her breast and pinched her hardened nipple between his thumb and forefinger,
rubbing the hardened tip until she shuddered. Fuck, hed forgotten how hot this woman could be.
I think Ill gift your first orgasm of the night to Devlin, Jake said. I think hes earned that
Youre such an ass, she growled at him, shoving off the wall and stomping out of the bushes.
Jake chuckled. You know you love me.
She muttered something under her breath that sounded like, Sadistic fuck.
What were you doing in the bushes? Devlin asked with a hint of amusement in his tone.
Jake grinned at the touch of innocence in the mans voice. Jake would be sure to rid him of
that entirely by the end of the night. He had no doubt hed be successful.

Chapter Seven
Michelle linked her arm through Devlins and tugged him away from the bushes where Jake
had defiled her. Sure, shed been an eager participant, but if shed been horny before, she was
desperate now. Shed get him back for this. When she had the mental capacity to think of anything but
riding hard, thick cock. What was it about that guy that got her so worked up anyway? He was crude.
Uncouth. Uncensored. Fucking hot. And now poor Devlin was involved in their disastrous sexual
What was he doing to you back there? Devlin asked and peered at Jake over his shoulder.
Jake was walking several paces behind them with his hands crammed down the pockets of his
jeanswhich he was wearing with a black T-shirt that had a tuxedo front printed on it. His idea of
prom attire, no doubt.
Making me angry, she said. That was only partially true. He had mostly been making her
happy and then leaving her completely frustrated, but she was angry with him for driving her insane.
Did he say something to you that offended you? Did he touch you inappropriately? Devlin
said, his biceps going hard beneath her fingers as he clenched his fist.
Jake chuckled. Youre going to have a great time getting to know her better, Dev. She isnt the
sweet virginal thing you think she is.
I only act like Im in heat around you, Jake Tremaine, she spat. Youre the one who doesnt
know me.
Ah darling, Jake said, you are in complete denial.
Probably, she said under her breath. She did recognize her heightened sexual appetite. Shed
just never had a man other than Jake who grabbed her by the hair and made her confront it with an
open mind. And she couldnt be angry with him for that. But she could pretend she was.
I look forward to getting to know a new side of you, Devlin said and her face went hot.
I bet you are, Jake said with a snort.
Devlin opened the passenger door of a large black SUV and helped Michelle climb inside.
Wheres your pilot? Jake asked with a smirk.
Meeting us at the helipad. You cant just land a helicopter anywhere you choose, you know.
Are you sure about that?
Im sure. Devlin closed her door and then went around to climb in the driver s side while
Jake let himself inside the back.
Nice ride, Jake commented, his fingers drumming on both thighs. Still has that new car
I bought it yesterday to impress Michelle.
Michelle laughed before she realized he wasnt joking. Are you serious?
I had plans for us tonight. They didnt involve Jake Tremaine, Devlin said and pushed a
button to start the ignition.
What kind of plans? Michelle asked.
Romantic ones, he said and backed out of the parking space.
Yeah well, Ive found that spontaneity is always a good thing, Jake said. Things never go as
planned anyway.
Devlin reached across the console and took Michelles hand. He lifted her knuckles to his lips
and brushed a tender kiss against her tingling flesh. Already aroused out of her mind, she pressed her

thighs tightly together and squirmed uncomfortably in her seat.

So, Jake, Devlin said. Tell us how you became a roadie.
Jakes voice was low and hypnotic as it drifted from behind her to her attentive ears. Every
sense in her body was heightened. The methodical stroking of Devlins thumb against her index
finger had to be the most sensual sensation shed ever experienced.
I started as a mediocre musician. Just like every wanna be rock star, it didnt pay my bills. In
fact, I was homeless when Sed found me sleeping in my car. His band Sinners had just cut their first
album and bought a piece of shit bus to head out on their first tour. He said they needed help setting up
the stage and wanted someone who knew a thing or two about guitars and most importantly, he could
pay me. So I took the job. At first, my so-called-pay didnt pay the bills either, he said with a laugh. I
had more than one paycheck bounce in the early days. But I knew Sinners were going somewhere.
Anyone who heard them play knew it. So I stuck with them through the lean years and now I get to
tour all over the world and be a part of the lifestyle I craved for myself.
Do you still play guitar? Michelle asked.
Every night during sound check. I can tune a guitar by ear in seconds and restring one almost
as fast.
He was part of a rock star s pit crew, she reckoned. An invaluable member of a behind-thescenes team. A lot of hard work for very little glory. So youre satisfied being a roadie?
Privileged, he said. The band is like family and they treat their road crew as part of it. If
Sed hadnt offered me a job, Id probably have ended up dead in a gutter long ago.
Or you might have become a rock star, yourself, Devlin said what Michelle was thinking.
Nah, Jake said. I can play, but I couldnt come up with a decent lick if I borrowed Gene
Simmons tongue.
Devlin laughed.
And if you dont write your own songs, Jake continued, you cant put your whole heart into
them when you play, you know?
Michelle wasnt a musician, so she didnt know, but she was sure a lot of successful recording
artists didnt write their own music. Dont a lot of musicians use song writers?
Jake shrugged. I guess, but Im more than content with my path through life. Im heading to
England in a few days. I never thought Id get to travel the world. Ive met some amazing people. Seen
some amazing things.
Michelle smiled at Jakes enthusiasm. There was a big world out there to explore. She doubted
shed ever get tired of discovering natures marvels and immortalizing them with her camera.
Im sure youve seen amazing things too, Michelle, Devlin said, pulling the SUV to a
smooth stop at a red light. He looked at her, searching her face under the light given off by the
I have, she said. So many amazing things. Im truly blessed to do what I do for a living.
Do you travel a lot for work? Jake asked. I dont even know what you do.
I guess Im the only one who checked up on you on Facebook, Devlin said and smiled at her
before accelerating again.
I never pegged you for a stalker, dude, Jake said.
Not stalking. Just curious.
Im a wildlife and nature photographer, Michelle said.
An excellent one, Devlin said. You should check out her work. How did you ever get those
close-up shots of black bears?
She couldnt help but feel pride from his praise. She also couldnt help fucking with him.
Well, first I stripped down naked and then I rubbed honey all over my breasts to lure him close.

Devlin hit a curb as his full attention shifted to her.

What? he said.
She laughed. Gotcha! I just used a zoom lens.
So you looked Michelle up on Facebook to check out her nature photography? Jake said, his
tone sounding unconvinced.
Well, no, Devlin admitted. That was just a pleasant surprise.
You were hoping to find some pictures of her as a naked coed, werent you?
Not gonna lie. I would have enjoyed that.
Good luck finding any of those, Michelle said. I didnt go to college. I trained under a
master photographer.
You didnt go to college? Devlin asked.
She shook her head.
I thought you were going to go to Cal State, Jake said. I specifically broke things off with
you because you were going to fucking Cal State!
Michelles eyes widened. Jake had never raised his voice at her or spoken to her in anger. She
wasnt sure how to deal with this side of him.
I-I had planned to. I even packed up my car and drove toward campus, but when I got to the
freeway exit, I drove right past it. And then I kept driving. I parked my car in the middle of the desert
outside of Vegas, scared half out of my mind for missing freshman orientation, but when the sunrise
woke me the next morning, instead of heading back to L.A., I pulled out my camera and started taking
pictures. And I never stopped. I lived out of my car for years. Sold some stock image to websites,
magazines and a book or two. Then someone used my images to make an inspirational calendar and a
set of posters. My work started to become in demand and eventually I could afford to travel to other
countries. But I did plan to go to Cal State, Jake. I didnt lie to you.
We could have lived out of your car together. You taking pictures. Me playing guitar on street
corners for spare change.
Michelle giggled. Wed have been too busy having wild, uninhibited sex to get any work
done and you know it.
Jake reached over the seat and squeezed her shoulder. Youre right. We never would have
been able to afford enough condoms, much less food.
Michelle glanced at Devlin who was scowling out the windshield. Not that she blamed him. She
probably shouldnt have joked about wild, uninhibited sex with Jake while Devlin was behind the
So whats your story, Devlin? Jake asked. Did you seduce some rich old lady and she left
you millions in her will?
Nothing like that, he said and pulled the SUV to a halt. He put the transmission in park and
nodded in the direction of a waiting helicopter. Were here, he said and left the vehicle without
glancing Michelles way.
You know Im really pissed at you for making me dump you so you could end up not going
to college, Jake said and climbed out of the side door, before slamming it with unnecessary force.
So thats why hed dumped her? If shed known that, she never would have let him walk away
from her. Shed planned on spending the summer after graduation in his bed, but instead had spent it
alone in hers with nothing to hold but her tear-soaked pillow. In hindsight, shed probably driven out
to the desert and started taking pictures because shed been so depressed over their breakup. Maybe
his breaking her heart had been the best thing for her, but not for the reason hed intended. She sighed
at her thoughts. It was all in the past. None of it could be changed. Plus, she had a career she loved
either thanks or no thanks to Jake. Maybe theyd reunited at the class reunion for a reason. Maybe they

were meant to be together.

Devlin opened her door and reminded her of the further complication in her evening plans.
She really liked Devlin too and would love to get to know him better. She was incredibly attracted to
him. The same held true for Jake. How could she want two men at the same time? Especially two men
who were so different from each other. Maybe that was the appeal.
Have you changed your mind about our so-called date? Devlin asked.
She turned in her seat and examined his face. Do you want me to change my mind?
No. He tucked a stray strand of her hair behind her ear sending her pulse into a frenzy again.
I want to be with you.
I want to be with you too.
And Jake? Devlin asked, glancing over his shoulder at Jake who had his hands crammed
into his pockets as he stared at a rock he was toeing with one sneaker.
Michelles heart twisted. I want to be with him as well. Are you going to make me choose
between you?
I hardly know you, Michelle, and you two obviously have a history. I know youd choose
Michelle tilted her head and appraised him. Just looking at him made her thighs quiver. Im
not sure who Id choose if I had to, but Id rather not have to choose at all.
Then climb aboard my helicopter, baby. A tour of the city lights is sure to win me your
favor. He grinned and winked at her.
Michelle laughed and offered him her hand so he could help her out of the gigantic SUV. Her
high heels scraped against the asphalt as she found her footing. If you two start jousting over my
handkerchief, Im out of here, she said.
Devlin laughed. No jousting, he said, but I do get to sit across from you in the chopper.
Only fair, since it is yours and its awesome.
I hope its not the only awesome thing thats mine by the end of the night.

Chapter Eight
Devlin bent over Michelle to help her fasten her seat harness. She stared up at him expectantly
and he stifled the urge to kiss her. He wanted tolord, how he wanted tobut if he kissed her now, he
wouldnt be able to increase her anticipation to the breaking point. He had to admit, he was almost at
his limit already.
Jake slid his hand over Devlins back as he leaned around him to ask Michelle a question.
Have you ever been in one of these things?
A couple times, she said. To shoot photos of remote locations.
So Devlin wasnt going to impress her with a helicopter ride.
Those helicopters werent nearly as nice as this one though, she said. What is thisa
The woman knew helicopters? She was full of surprises.
Yeah, its an EC145.
Her eyes widened. Mercedes makes helicopters?
Devlin flushed. Now he sounded like he was bragging and he hadnt meant to. Yeah. I needed
one for work.
He buckled himself into the comfortable leather seat across from Michelle. His helicopter
seated four comfortably and the seat configuration could be modified to seat eight if necessary. He
was in this chopper more often than he was in all of his cars put together.
Jake laughed. He needed a helicopter, he says.
It was a fact. Devlin did have to get between his offices in a hurry and the LA traffic was
consistently a nightmare, but he wasnt going to argue about it. He already felt like a tool for
mentioning that his helicopter had been built by fucking Mercedes Benz.
How about you, Jake? Michelle shouted as the engine whirred to life. Have you ever been
in a helicopter?
Its my first time, he said and glanced at Devlin. These things are safe, right?
As safe as anything that rises hundreds of feet off the ground.
If were killed before I get the two of you into bed, Im going to take over Hell and figure out
a way to raise the dead.
So Devlin wasnt imagining things. Jake was coming on to him. Sure, he kept making
comments and touching him, but Devlin had convinced himself that Jake was just joking around.
Michelle laughed. You act like youve had a threesome before, she said.
Because I have, Jake said, his hand tightening on his knee as the chopper lifted off the
Maybe that was part of the rock star lifestyle hed been talking about earlier.
Are you being serious, Jake? You wouldnt pull my leg, would you? Michelle asked.
Id rather pull your hair. His other hand tightened on his opposite knee as the aircraft flew
rather close to a skyscraper. Okay, he said breathlessly. When do we land?
You arent afraid, are you? Devlin asked.
Jakes grip on his knees loosened and he clapped his hands together. Of course not. What a
view! he yelled, looking out the window on his side of the chopper.
Indeed, Michelle said, but she wasnt looking outside. She looked from Jake to Devlin and
back again. Great views.
You dont think hes really serious, do you? Devlin asked her.

About not being afraid?

No, about having a threesome in the past.
Who knows what goes on in those tour buses? Horny fans. Rock stars otherwise occupied.
Roadie available. Horny fans do roadie. Yeah, I can see it happening.
Jake turned to look at them. Apparently hed overheard their conversation from his side of the
chopper. Or, rock star otherwise occupied with horny fan. Roadie available. Rock star does roadie
and fan.
Was it Sed? Michelle blurted.
Jake laughed and shook his head. Nah, Sed used to do multiples, but only chicks. You dont
know this guy. I take care of his guitars.
Among other things? Devlin pressed.
Jake laughed. Yeah, well, not anymore. Hes settled down now. Jake shook his head slightly.
Well, as settled down as Trey Mills can possibly be. So, where are we going anyway? To your
private island?
How did you know? Devlin teased.
Jakes eyes widened. No shit. You own an island?
No, but my property is rather secluded. It takes a lot longer to drive there than to fly there.
So are you going to tell us how you became so successful? Michelle asked.
My corporation is in software development. Nothing as exciting as marrying an ancient
heiress in poor health, Im afraid. And not nearly as interesting as having wild sex with rock stars and
their fans.
Jake shrugged. I told you I wasnt missing out on much of the lifestyle. Im sure Europe will
be a blast.
Are you ever going to settle down? Michelle asked Jake with a crooked grin.
Only if its with you, Jake said and turned his attention to the coastline scenery.
Michelle stared hard at her lap and the hands she held folded there.
Devlin bit his lip and folded his own hands in his lap. Perhaps coming between these two was a
mistake. If they were invested in one another, he didnt want to interfere. He liked Michelle. Hed been
infatuated with her for years. But he wasnt in love with her. Yet. Was Jake in love with her? Hed
dumped her a long time ago. That made her free to see other people. But what did Michelle want?
Really. Just a night of hot, meaningless sex with two guys from her past, or was she interested in
pursuing a deeper connection?
Michelle? he said. He leaned across the aisle toward her, hoping Jake wouldnt overhear.
Are you in love with Jake?
She was silent for a long moment as she contemplated her thumbs. I wish I knew, she said
She might as well have said yes.
Devlin sighed. As much as I want you, I dont want to come between two people who love
each other.
What? Why was he saying these things? He did want to come between them. He wanted her in
any and every capacity. He didnt care who got hurt in the process. He was no longer the nice,
complacent doormat shed known in high school. He went after what he wanted and to hell with what
anyone thought of his actions. Right? Devlin stifled a laugh at his own expense. No. Not right. Hed
been pretending to be that guy. That self-serving jerk hed always wanted to be, but it wasnt who he
really was. Maybe nice guys really did finish last, but at least they could live with themselves.
No worries. I dont love her, Jake said. I just want to fuck her. You know, for old times

Now why couldnt Devlin be like that? Because it made Michelles entire body tense and her
eyes narrow. Well, maybe I dont want to fuck you. For old times sake.
Then why are we here, Michelle? Jake said, turning his attention from the window and
resting his gaze on the suddenly fidgety woman beside him.
Because Im horny, she said. And I figure its going to take both of you to fully satisfy me.
Devlin gaped at her.
Youre shocking Devlin again, sweetheart, Jake said with a laugh.
Im seriously starting to worry that hes too vanilla to complement our flavor, sweetheart,
she said.
That sounded like a challenge, Jake said and lifted his eyebrows at Devlin. Are you too
He chuckled. I hope not. He unfastened his seats harness and sank to his knees on the wood
veneer floor at Michelles feet.
What are you doing? she asked, looking down at him in surprise.
He slid his hands under her skirt, up the outsides of her thighs and hooked his fingers into the
elastic waist of her panties.
Showing you that Im not all talk.

Chapter Nine
Michelles breath caught when Devlin tried to tug her panties down. She didnt immediately lift
her hips to aid his motion, so he changed tactics, sliding her skirt up to bunch in her lap. His lips
brushed the inside of her knee and her body jerked in response. He trailed kisses up the inside of her
thigh, slowly making his way toward the hot, swollen flesh between her legs. God, how she ached.
She lifted a hand to touch his hair, finding the dark waves thick and smooth against her fingertips.
His lips caressed a path of pleasure closer to his goal. Closer.
Her fingers curled in his hair beckoning him closer. Closer.
Devlins strong hand gripped her thighs and spread her legs wide and then his mouth was on
her. His tongue swirled against her opening, rubbing the fabric of her panties against her aroused
flesh, heightening the sensation of his touch, driving her mad with the need to feel his mouth against
her bare skin.
Dev, she said in a gasp for breath.
He drew the point of his tongue up her seam, finding the center of her pleasure. He sucked at
her throbbing clit through her panties, providing just enough stimulation to make her crazy. She
prayed the fabric would disappear, but it seemed she needed to take things into her own hands.
She released her grip on his hair and reached for her panties. She wanted them off. She wanted
them off now. Wanted his lips to suck her naked flesh. His tongue to caress her without the hindrance
of satin and lace. But he grabbed her wrists and pinned them to the seat on either side of her hips.
Dev, please, she murmured.
He used his teeth to provide greater stimulationnot nibbling, but rather scraping her tender
lips with the hard edge of his teeth. On bare flesh, it would probably hurt, but it felt so good through
her panties that she shuddered and twisted her trapped hands to grasp his wrists. She had to hold on to
something or she was sure shed launch into space.
Movement to her left drew her attention. Shed completely forgotten that Jake was even there
until he unfastened his harness and left his seat to kneel behind Devlin. Devlin didnt protest whatever
Jake was doing at his waist. His breath came out in a hot, excited huff against Michelles wet panties.
He lifted his head and groaned.
Ever had your cock in another mans hand, Jake asked, in that demanding tone he used on
Michelle when he was gaining her cooperation.
Yes, Devlin said brokenly.
Jakes surprise-widened eyes met Michelles gaze.
Yes, youve had your cock in another mans hand, or yes, you like it now? Jake asked for
Both, he said.
Devlins maddening exploration between Michelles thighs became more desperate, more
intense. She moaned as his lips sucked, teeth nibbled, tongue danced against her covered flesh. She
couldnt see Jakes hand on Devlinno matter how much she wanted tobut she could see the
motion of Jakes arm, the slight rocking of Devlins hips and the rising bulge in Jakes jeans.
She moaned in torment as her orgasm eluded her. Take me, she pleaded, struggling to free
her wrists from Devlins iron grip. Please. I cant stand it.
Devlin centered his attention on her clit, working the saturated fabric of her panties into the
swollen nub. He took her higher, higher. Jakes arm moved faster, faster. Over the sound of the
helicopter blades, she could scarcely hear the repetitive beat of Jakes hand sliding over the flesh of

Devlins cock.
You wanna come in my hand, Dev? Jake asked.
He shook his head. No, he said breathlessly.
Where do you want to come?
In her mouth?
Yes, she thought.
No, Devlin said.
On her tits?
Inside her. Devlin released her wrist and reached under his body to grab something. Stop,
he demanded and the motion of Jakes arm halted.
Sir, well be landing soon, the pilots voice came through an intercom somewhere in the
What does that mean? Jake asked, glancing around as if he just remembered where he was.
Michelle knew the feeling. She was delirious with pleasure. Unfortunately, she hadnt quite attained
orgasm yet.
Devlin? she pleaded for release.
We have to strap into our seats, Devlin said.
Jake leapt into his seat and started fastening his harness as if the pilot had said well be
crashing soon.
Devlin kissed the inside of Michelles thigh and drew the skirt of her dress down as he pulled
away. I promise Ill make it up to you, he said. Soon.
Youre as bad as Jake, she said. Get me all worked up and leave me hanging.
Is that what he was doing to you in those bushes? He glanced at Jake and shook his head at
him. You are rather sadistic, arent you?
Jake grinned. Maybe a little.
Devlin moved to the chair across from Michelle and tucked the biggest, most gorgeous cock
shed ever seen back into his pants. Of course as turned on as she was at the moment, she was
probably a tad partial. Devlin zipped his fly and fastened his harness.
I think well start the tour of my estate in the bedroom, he said and shifted the bulge in his
pants to one side with a wince of pain.
Thank God, Michelle thought and squirmed in her plush leather seat.

Chapter Ten
Jake couldnt decide who he wanted to fuck moreMichelle or Dev. He would have to have
both of them by the end of the night. No doubt about it.
His stomach lurched as the helicopter descended at a dizzying rate. He gripped his thighs, not
wanting to look like a pussy, but dear lord, he was not a fan of helicopter travel. He caught sight of a
sprawling mansion perched atop a cliff overlooking the Pacific Ocean. The exterior lights set the
place aglow, but the inside of the house was dark. Dev really was doing quite well for himself.
Couldnt have happened to a niceror sexierguy.
Jake glanced at Michelle, who was looking at that nice, sexy guy like she had raging PMS and
Dev was the only piece of chocolate around for a hundred miles. She obviously wanted to consume
him as much as Jake did. When Dev had started eating her out through her panties, Jake had been
unable to keep his hands to himself. He could still remember the feel the solid length of Devs cock
against his palm. The drop of precum that had seeped from Devs tip when Jake had asked him where
he wanted to come had completely undone him. While Jake usually preferred women, he had fooled
around with a couple of men in his past and his attraction to Dev was impossible to ignore. He hoped
Michelle wasnt against sharing. He wanted more than a piece of Dev. He wanted to devour him
The chopper touched down smoothly and he and Michelle looked to Dev for direction. He
unfastened his harness and the two of them followed his lead. The scream of the engine died slowly as
it shut down. A moment later the door was opened from the outside and Dev climbed down the steps
to the cement landing pad. He took Michelles hand and helped her descend out of the chopper. Jake
followed, resisting the urge to kiss the solid ground beneath his feet.
Thanks, Jim. Well see you in the morning, Devlin said.
Which meant Jake would have to endure another ride in that flying death trap. Now wasnt that
just fantastic?
The pilot nodded, tucked the steps out of sight and closed the door. The helicopter s engine
started up again and the craft lifted off the ground before theyd made it all the way down the pathway
toward the house. Michelles skirt danced around her legs and her long hair blew into Jakes face as
the chopper whirred away.
So were trapped here until morning? Michelle asked.
Of course not, Dev said. You can always jump from the cliff and swim.
She lifted an eyebrow at him.
Or you could borrow one of my cars and head in that direction. He pointed away from the
cliffs toward the mainland.
Do you want to escape? Jake asked.
Not at all, she said. Just asking.
Good, Jake said, and turned his attention to Dev. So wheres this bedroom you wanted to
show us?
Dev nodded toward the house. Third floor, he said.
Third floor? Christ, Im not sure Ill make it that far, Jake said. He wasnt joking. Who
needs a bedroom when you have a perfectly good foyer?
Dev chuckled. Youre not the patient type, are you?
Not really. No.
The bedroom will be more comfortable for Michelle, he said and wrapped an arm around

her shoulders, before placing a kiss at her temple.

Something tugged at Jakes heart at Devs show of affection. Jealousy? Nah, that was stupid.
He was just horny. He just needed to put his dick into something and soon. But he couldnt help but
glare at the hand Dev was using to gently stroke Michelles bare arm. Jake moved to her other side to
wrap an arm around her waist and gently stroke her hip. But really, what he wanted to do was touch
Devs cock again, taste Michelles sweet pussy, massage her soft tits, have his balls licked and his
cock sucked, preferably at the same time. A hand grabbed his rapidly rising cock.
Someone is thinking dirty thoughts, Michelle said, using her thumb to rub Jakes cockhead
through his jeans.
He realized as the pleasure licked down his length to his lower belly that he hadnt been
receiving as much sexual attention as hed been giving. He hoped it wasnt because he was the only
one ready to roll.
Im more interested in making those thoughts a reality, Jake said, covering her hand with his
to keep her touching him.
Are you thinking about Devlin or me? she asked.
Both, he admitted. Have you ever sucked cock, Dev?
Devlin laughed. You just say whatever comes to mind, dont you?
Yeah, Jake admitted. He couldnt seem to curtail that particular personality trait of his.
Well? Have you?
If I havent yet, Im pretty sure Ill be sucking one by the end of the night. Hows that for an
Mysterious, Jake said.
And sexy, Michelle added with a grin.
Devlin unlocked the door and hurried to a control panel to enter a security code into the alarm
system. Jake glanced around in awe. Because he was friends with many successful musicians, Jake had
been in a lot of awesome housesnone that belonged to him, unfortunatelybut Devlins mansion
was unbelievably vast and opulent. Just wow.
Software? Michelle squeaked. Creating software got you all this?
Dev smiled. Security software, he said. Gotta outsmart the crooks in this world. And big
business is very interested in protecting customer data. Theyll pay a premium to do so.
Ill say, Jake said, wandering out of the three story high foyer with its multi-tiered crystal
chandelier and into the great room.
The elevator to the third floor is over here, Dev said and took Michelles elbow to escort
her toward a paneled door that blended in with what Jake believed was a marble wall.
Jake rushed forward to join them in the small elevator. Dev pushed a button and Jake
immediately moved up against Devs backnot accidentallyand forced Dev to press against
Michelle, who was trapped against the rear wall. Jake buried his cock in the crack of Devs ass and
reached around to unzip Devs fly. In an instant, Jake had the guys dick out of his pants. He massaged
its tip into Michelles mound and she sucked in an excited breath.
I want to guide your dick into her hot pussy and massage your balls while you fuck her nice
and slow, he said into Devs ear. Her cunt is going to grip you so hard when she finally comes.
Dev shuddered. No wonder this guy gets you so worked up, Michelle.
Michelle chuckled. He always says the most delightful things when hes taking advantage of a
And it worked well for him. Well, it did with certain, sexually open partners. If his way of
stating his desires was a turnoffand it was to some peoplehe moved on without regret. He liked
his partners hot and willing, not frigid and boring. If a lover couldnt handle his words, there was no

way theyd be able to handle his actions when he got down to business.
The elevator dinged to announce their arrival on the third floor and the door slid open to the
master suite.

Chapter Eleven
Michelle stepped off the elevator, her mouth agape with wonder. Now this was a master suite.
The bedroom encompassed the entire third floor and was semi-circular in shape. A bank of floor-toceiling windows curved around the side of the room facing the water, giving a spectacular panoramic
view of the ocean beyond the cliffs. An enormous and very inviting bed stood on a platform in the
center of the expanse of windows. Even the ceiling over the bed was made of glass and gave an
unfettered view of the night sky. There was a casual seating area to one side of the platform and a
minibar complete with stools on the opposite side. A spa-like bathroom and several walk-in closets,
complete with a dressing room were just visible through a pair of open French doors along the far
Devlin went to a control panel near the elevator. An instant later, the lights dimmed and
something began to bubble and glow with a soft blue light in the floor at the foot of the bed. A hot tub.
With the same spectacular view of the ocean that the bed enjoyed.
Would anyone like a drink? Devlin asked, loosening his tie as he crossed an expanse of
polished mahogany floor toward the wet bar.
Michelle stifled a giggle when Jake stepped into Devlins path. He stopped short and looked up
at Jake in question.
No one came here for a drink, Dev, and you know it.
She had a bit more experience with Jakes moods than Devlin did. Once the man had his mind
on sex, there was no deterring him. Oh, he never forced the issue. That wasnt his style. With a few
words, he just made a person want him. Desperately. At least it had always worked on her.
After being brought so close to orgasmtwice!and being left wanting, Michelle was
feeling that desperation to her very bones.
Jake slipped the tuxedo jacket from Devlins shoulders and tossed it on a nearby chaise. His
deft fingers went to the buttons of Devlins shirt next and he began to unfasten them in quick
succession. Devlin slapped a hand over Jakes. Wait. What about Michelle?
Trust me; she wants you naked just as much as I do.
I like to take things a little more slowly, Devlin said.
Too fucking bad. Im so hard Im about to burst.
Jake shifted to stand behind Devlin and reached around his body to unfasten another button.
Sweetheart, Jake said to Michelle. Maybe you can convince him that haste is imperative for
my sanity.
Was she supposed to do something? She was too busy staring at the gorgeous contrast the pair
of men created. Edgy, lithe and tattooed Jake made short work of handsome, muscular and clean-cut
Devlins clothes. When Devlin tried to take a step forward, Jake snagged his earlobe in his teeth to
hold him still. Devlin sucked in an excited breath and clutched Jakes thighs for support. Now that
Jake had Devlin where he wanted him, he ran both hands over the bare skin of Devlins cut pecs and
delightful six-pack as he pushed the crisp white dress shirt aside.
As if in a trance, Michelle reached behind her and tugged the zipper of her dress down. Both
men paused and watched her as she slipped the straps from her shoulders and let the silk flutter to the
Beautiful, Devlin said breathlessly as his eyes journeyed from the swells of her breasts
above her strapless bra, down her belly, over the panties he knew quite intimately, along her bare
thigh to the garter strapped there complete with now-empty flask, and down her calves to her red

When Devlins gaze travelled upward and met hers, he yanked open the fly of his black dress
pants and dropped them to the floor, struggling out of Jakes grasp so he could remove every stitch of
his clothing as quickly as possible. Jake followed his lead; tugging his T-shirt off over his head and
removing his jeans, shoes and socks in one sweep. So now she had two gorgeous naked guys at her
disposal and she wasnt sure what to do with them.
Luckily, Jake wasnt afraid to make a first move. Eyes locked with hers, he hurried toward her
and drew her against him. His fingers made short work of her bra clasp and he drew away slightly to
pull the garment free of her body. She shuddered when the hoop in his nipple piercing brushed
against the tip of her breast.
Oh! She pulled away and glanced down at the piece of jewelry.
You like that piercing? he asked.
I think so, she said, lowering her head to offer it an appreciative lick.
Devlin stepped up behind her and took her heavy breasts in his hands. She straightened with an
excited gasp. He rolled one nipple between his thumb and forefinger and rubbed the other against
Jakes ring, teasing her nippleand apparently Jakes as wellinto a hardened peak. She shuddered
when Devlins cock brushed against her ass and wished that her panties would vanish. Shed wished
that in the helicopter too. When hed been pleasuring her through them.
Then I have something else you might like, Jake said and took her hand in his.
He directed her hand to his cock, which she gripped eagerly. Several small hard round objects
pressed into her fingers. She pulled away slightly and looked down, lifting his cock to examine its
underside. There were four barbells piercing his shaft and bordering the thick ridge there with eight
metal balls.
Wanna climb my Jacobs Ladder? he said in a low voice.
What the hell did you do to yourself? Michelle asked.
Devlin released her breast and ran his hand down the length of Jakes cock. This had to hurt,
he said.
Completely worth it. Jake grinned. Youll see what I mean soon enough.
You mean, Michelle will see what you mean.
Jake tilted his head and met Devlins gaze with a challenging stare. I mean both of you will.
His eyes still locked on Jake, Devlins hand slid into the front of Michelles panties. He parted
her lips to draw a finger through her slick heat and she shuddered.
I thought we came here to pleasure her, not each other, Devlin said.
I came to come. I dont care who delivers my pleasure. Jake grabbed Devlin by the chin. Or
who accepts it.
Jake leaned forward and Michelle thought he was going to kiss Devlinthe thought of which
turned her knees weak for some reasonbut he claimed her mouth instead and it was suddenly as if
she had no bones in her legs at all.
The deeper and more desperate Jakes kiss became, the harder Devlin pulled her ass against
his erection.
I havent kissed you yet, he said in her ear. When do I get to kiss you?
She turned her head to separate her mouth from Jakes and turned to face Devlin. She
answered his question by pressing her lips to his. The sparks dancing across her nerve-endings
intensified and she moaned into his delectable mouth, pressing her breasts firmly into his hard chest.
Oh, she was a goner. A complete goner.
Take me to bed, she said against his lips.
His cock jerked against her lower belly at her words. She touched it gently with her fingertips.

Hot, smooth and hard. Just how she liked it.

Youre sure? he whispered into her mouth.
She nodded slightly because speaking would force her to separate her lips from his and even a
hair s breadth between their seeking, melding mouths was too far a distance for her liking. Still
kissing her, he bent and slid an arm behind her knees, lifting her into his strong arms and walking
toward the platform where the bed was situated.
Im really starting to like you two, Jake said as he followed Devlin to the bed.
Devlin laughed against Michelles lips and she couldnt help but smile in return. He set her on
her feet beside the mattress and Jake knelt to remove her panties and, after a few appreciate strokes of
her ankles, her shoes.
I thought I just wanted to talk to you tonight, Devlin said and ran a finger under the garter on
her thigh. Until I saw you hike up your dress and pull out a flask of booze.
She flushedunsure why she would blush considering the intimacy theyd already shared and
were about to intensify. You saw that, did you?
Yeah, and thats when I knew talking wouldnt be enough.
He shoved her shoulder and, unprepared for his uncharacteristically rough action, she tumbled
back onto the bed.
Then I knew, he said. That I had to fuck you.
She opened her legs wide and slid a finger through her slick center. Then Im glad you
caught me in the act, she said, and drew her wet finger up her belly, between her breasts and into her
Could you taste me through my panties, Devlin? she asked. Do you have any idea how
much I want you inside me?
She used her saliva-moistened finger to indicate exactly where she want him, sliding it back
down her body and inserting the tip into her overly excited pussy. She didnt think shed ever been
wetter than she was at that moment.
Devlin grabbed her and pulled her hips to the edge of the bed, his fingers gripping her ass, his
mouth open as he panted in broken gasps.
Excited much, Dev? Jake stood behind him, his eyes locked with Michelles, his hand
working to unroll a condom down Devlins length.
Oh God, hurry, he said.
So you no longer want to take things slowly? Jake teased.
Maybe later.
Do you want him inside you, Michelle?
Jake used one hand to drag the head of Devlins cock through her juices and she shuddered
with need.
Yes. Please. I cant take your teasing anymore.
Devlins cockhead pressed into her opening and she groaned. He moaned in answer, but Jake
wasnt finished toying with them yet. He tugged Devlins tip upward and rubbed it over her clit,
before directing it just inside her again. Devlin sank into her several inches and her body tightened
around him, drawing him deeper.
Please, deeper. Please.
But no. Jake rubbed Devlin against her clit again and he was whispering things into Devlins
ear that Michelle could only catch snippets of. Pull out when shes Dont give it Ill take
She could only guess what they were plotting. Well, what Jake was plotting and Devlin would
be acting on.
Devlin groaned. Please, Jake, he said. Let me take her.

You want to be balls deep inside?

Yes, Devlin and Michelle said in unison.
All right, if you promise to do what I said.
I promise, Devlin whispered. I promise.
Jake shifted his arm and Devlin sank deep. Michelle cried out in bliss, rocking against the cock
that filled her. Finally filled her.
Look at her, Devlin.
Devlin stared. His gaze searched her face, examined every inch of her body, and when he
looked to where their bodies were joined, he thrust into her and withdrew slightly, before filling her
again. His mouth dropped open and his eyes squeezed shut. Oh God.
How many times have you dreamed of this moment, Dev? Jake asked. Your cock buried
inside her. Her body flushed with desire. For you. Does it feel as good as you thought it would?
Better, Devlin said and turned his head to look at Jake. Jake stole Devlins lips in a heated
kiss. Devlin released one of Michelles hips to grab the back of Jakes head and deepen the kiss as he
began to thrust his hips repetitively.
Michelle groaned as that unbearable ache inside was replaced with the fullness and friction she
craved. Jake pulled his mouth from Devlins and leaned over where their bodies were joined. Devlin
unexpectedly changed the angle of his penetration, leaving far too much room between her clit and
his body. She wanted him to grind into her. To send her flying. When Jakes tongue brushed her clit,
Michelle jerked involuntarily and cried out. Oh dear God, yes. Her cries grew louder as Devlins
thrusting cock and Jakes massaging tongue pulled her rapidly toward release.
So close, she crooned. Im coming. Im
Jake turned his head and Devlin pulled out, leaving her stuck in that mind-numbing and
agonizing instant just before release. She tore her eyes open and gasped in surprise when Jake took
Devlins cock in his mouth and began to suck. Devlin held the back of Jakes head as he thrust into his
throat. He groaned, rising on his toes to force himself deeper. Watching them together made
Michelles pussy clench. It was almost worth giving up her orgasm to witness their interaction. Devlin
cursed under his breath when Jake released his cock with a loud pop and turned his attention back to
Michelles clit. An instant later, Devlin was inside her again, pounding her hard and deep while Jake
flicked his tongue over her throbbing center.
Oh yes. Right there. Right there. Yes. Dont stop.
She hoped they were both mind readers because her brain wasnt functioning well enough to
form words. Michelle clung to the sheet, her back arching off the bed as her body quaked with the
first teases of orgasm and then, the bastards left her like that againclose, but unsatisfied. Devlin
pulled out and slammed his cock deep into Jakes throat. Jake swallowed Devlin without choking and
then pulled back to apply strong suction and rapid, repetitive tugs to the head.
Fuck, youre awesome at that, Devlin said and pulled free of Jakes mouth to plunge inside
Michelles achy pussy again. One more and Im done.
Dont stop this time, she pleaded. Dont stop.
One more, Jake said. And then we switch.
Right. I havent forgotten. Lick her, Devlin demanded, his strokes hard and deep. Make her
come. Make her Oh God, hurry.
Jakes tongue brushed Michelles clit and she exploded. Her clenching pussy clamped so hard
on Devlins cock that her hips rose off the bed.
Michelle, Devlin cried as he rammed himself deep and his body shuddered against hers.
Jake sucked her clit into his mouth and she screamed, claiming an earthshattering release that
left her completely disoriented. Her body was still shaking with ecstasy when Devlin pulled out and

Jake moved between her thighs to slide inside herthrusting slow and deep to ride out the final
waves of her orgasm. There was more inside her than just cock, her addled thoughts comprehended.
The row of piercings down the underside of his cock made her moan with delight.
Devlin crawled onto the bed beside her, kissing her lips desperately between gasps for air.
Youre supposed to be kissing her other lips, Jake said.
Yes, I will, Devlin agreed. Just give me a second to worship her.
She was the one who should be worshipping them. Shed never come so fucking hard in her
life and apparently Jake wasnt quite finished with her.

Chapter Twelve
Devlin nuzzled his face against Michelles neck. Hed like nothing better than to hold her
against his sweat-drenched body and drift to sleep, but that would be selfish. Jake had given them both
incomparable pleasure, and the guy had to be aching with need. Devlin massaged soft kisses into
Michelles damp throat, using his nose to brush aside the strands of hair clinging to her golden skin.
The gentle rock of her body reminded him to assist Jake the way Jake had assisted him. He lifted his
head to kiss Michelles lips and found her head tilted back, her mouth wide, eyes squeezed shut. He
was pretty sure shed stop breathing.
Michelle? he asked in concern.
Id say the piercings are a hit, Jake murmured, a hint of laughter in his voice.
Devlin glanced down the bed at Jake who was churning his hips as he claimed Michelle with
slow, deep thrusts.
Michelle took a deep breath and then groaned.
Does that feel good? Devlin asked her.
She opened one eye to try to look at him, but it rolled into the back of her head and her eyelid
fluttered shut again.
Hed take that as a yes.
He extended an arm, sliding his hand down her belly until he found her clit. He massaged it
gently and she nearly launched off the mattress. Just how hard could they make her come this time?
Devlin was determined to find out. His tongue flicked over her beaded nipple as he stroked her clit
Writhing with overstimulation, Michelle grabbed his wrist with both hands. Wait! An instant
later her body convulsed uncontrollably.
Jake groaned, his thrusts growing more rapid. Before shed stopped shaking, Jake pulled out
and rolled her onto her stomach. He hurriedly filled her again, fucking her hard from behindhis
expression tense, his muscles tightening with each deep thrust. Michelle clung to the sheets with both
hands, moaning her pleasure. Devlin just stared. He was already getting hard again.
After a moment, Jake slowed his strokes into those deep, churning motions that made the
beautiful woman in Devlins bed scream.
Do you have any lube? Jake asked.
Huh? Devlins brain had completely disconnected and all he could focus on were the sights
and sounds and scents of sex overwhelming his senses.
Do you have any
As Jakes initial question registered, Devlin scrambled off the bed and hurried to the
bathroom. Did he have lube? Fuck yes, he had lube. He wasnt sure how Jake planned to use it, but
Devlins ass tightened at the thought of being filled with that big pierced cock. Or maybe Jake needed
it for Michelle. Or for himself. Whatever he needed it for, Devlin was completely invested in seeing
what Jakes sexually creative mind imagined next. Hell, not imagined. Devlin imagined sexual acts of
all sorts. Jake acted on them.
When Devlin returned to the bed, Jake was massaging the sexy globes Michelles ass cheeks.
Devlin watched for a moment, his cock fully erect now and wanting to join the festivities.
Heres your lube, Devlin said, trying to hand it to him.
Thats for you, Jake said with a wicked grin.
Oh. He dropped his arm. What do you want me to do with it?

Jake cocked an eyebrow at him and slapped Michelles ass. Her body tensed with shock and
she cried out. That is entirely up to you. I just thought you needed a little encouragement to get in on
Entirely up to him. He glanced from Michelleface down and writhing on his bedto Jake
who was doing her right, apparently. He couldnt compete with a pierced cock and as much as hed
like to explode in her mouth, he doubted she had the mental capacity to suck him off. He examined her
ass, wondering if they could find a way for him to take her from behind while Jake fucked her pussy
raw. And then his gaze dropped to Jakes ass, which was flexing and relaxing each time he thrust into
Michelle. Did Devlin dare claim Jakes body in that way? Did he even want to?
So whats it going to be? Jake asked.
Can we both do her at the same time?
Michelle whimpered.
Jake grinned. Excellent choice.
He glanced around the room and nodded toward an upholstered bench in the dressing room.
Do you want to drag that over here or should we take her over there?
Devlin wasnt sure why he needed a bench, but he went to retrieve it and set it next to the
platform. Jake leaned over Michelles back and spoke gently into her ear.
How are you doing? Are you sore?
She shook her head. Even if I was, I wouldnt admit it. I need this. You have no idea how
much I need this.
He kissed her ear. Then no complaining out of you when you cant walk in the morning.
Devlin can carry me, she said.
Devlin grinned, glad she hadnt forgotten he was in the room.
Jake pulled out and Michelle tried to slide off the bed. Apparently her legs wouldnt support
Shes too tired for cowgirl, Jake said. Were going to have to pile drive her.
Devlin blinked at him. Sounds romantic.
It is for us, Jake said and laughed at Devlins expression.
He had no idea what was in store for any of them, but he followed Jake as he lifted Michelle
and carried her to the padded bench. He placed her on her back and basically folded her in half. Hold
your legs to your chest, sweetheart.
She did as instructed without protest and Devlins cock leapt at the sight of her exposed holes.
Hands shaking with excitement, he opened the tube of lube and prepared her for penetration. Were
they really both going to fuck her at the same time? Devlin had thought he had an interesting sex life,
but it had nothing on tonight and the night was still young. Jake pressed up against Devlins back and
stroked his cock.
I was sort of hoping youd choose my ass over hers, he whispered in Devlins ear. He deftly
unrolled a fresh condom over Devlins length. Maybe later.
Devlins breath escaped him in a huff. What was it about this guy that was such a turn on? And
why did he feel cherished each time Jake took it upon himself to sheathe Devlins cock in latex?
Still standing behind him, Jake urged him forward to straddle the bench. He watched
Michelles face as Jake rubbed Devlins cock over the slippery entrance to her back hole. Her lips
parted and breath caught as he pressed down. Filling her slowly. He thrust gently, getting her body
used to his thickness; his length.
Oh, she moaned. I need it there too.
Jake moved from supporting Devlin from behind and lifted a leg so he could straddle the
bench facing Devlin. Devlin looked down where he was already inside Michelle and watched Jake fill

her pussy with a slow downward thrust.

Oh God, she moaned.
Devlin shuddered at the sensation of Jakes cock rubbing his length inside her. Jake placed his
hands on Devlins hips and directed him to pull out while he thrust and to thrust deep while he pulled
out. Devlin had never experienced anything as intensely erotic or pleasurable in his entire life as
having another mans cock rub against his while he claimed a woman. Claimed Michelle, he reminded
himself. They were inside Michelle. Both of them. Fucking her. Oh God.
He looked up and found Jake watching him.
Feels good, doesnt it? Jake asked.
Devlins only response was a whimper.
Next time, well share her pussy, he said.
Next time
Jakes hand slid over Devlins flank and his finger toyed with his ass. Devlin was too
consumed by pleasure to protest the invasion. In fact, he liked being taken by Jakes thick finger.
When he groaned, Jake tilted his head and stole Devlins lips in a heated kiss. Devlin kissed him in
return, clinging to his back as they claimed Michelles body together. She tightened around their
cocks as an orgasm rippled through her, and he tore his mouth from Jakes to cry out in bliss. How
on earth would he ever go back to having one lover after this amazing experience?
Jake shuddered, his arms clutching Devlins body as he found release and shouted his pleasure
to the ceiling. Devlin locked his knees to hold them both upright as Jake went limp against him.
After a moment of breathing hard against Devlins sweat-slick shoulder, Jake lifted his head.
Did you come too?
Devlin shook his head. But I already did earlier.
But youre still hard, he said. I can feel you against me. He glanced over his shoulder.
Michelle? You good to let him finish?
I dont think so, she said timidly. He could feel her body trembling around him. She had to
be exhausted.
Jake slipped free of her body and eased Devlin out of her by guiding his hips backward.
Devlin winced and groaned in protest as Jake stripped the condom from his cock. Go climb into
bed, Jake said and slapped Devlin on the ass. Ill bring our pretty lady.
Balls aching, Devlin climbed into bed, wishing hed found release with his partners. That
would have been perfection. Watching Michelle crawl up the bed with her pretty blue eyes trained on
his stiff cock was pretty damn close to perfection in and of itself. She licked him from base to tip and
then sucked him deep into her mouth.
Oh God. How many times had he jacked-off while imagining her doing exactly this? When
Jake joined them and the pair of them worked Devlins cock over with their mouths, he wondered if it
was possible to be in love with two people at the same time. He was most certainly in lust with both of
After he spent himself, he collapsed into his pillows and wrapped an arm around Michelle who
was cuddled against his right side and splayed his left hand over Jakes lower back. He stared up at the
night sky through the skylights over his bed and smiled at the stars above.
He hoped this one starry night evolved into something that spanned thousands of nights.
Because for all his millions of dollars and the respect hed earned in his field, for the first time in his
life, Devlin felt complete.

Chapter Thirteen
It was still dark out when Jake opened his eyes after a much deserved rest. Devlin and Michelle
were curled up together beside him, still sleeping and looking entirely content. He smiled to himself
and scratched his hip. Now that had been fun. He couldnt remember when hed last had such a good
time and he was always ready to party. He also couldnt remember the last time hed fallen asleep
after sex instead of finding his clothes and hightailing it out the nearest exit.
Of course, he was pretty much trapped here, seeing as he didnt have a pilot or a helicopter of
his own and he wasnt sure where the garage might be. Not that he wanted to leave. But having an
excuse to stay made it easier for him to roll up against Devlins back and wrap an arm around his
delightful pair of lovers. Michelle was just as amazing and sexy as shed always been and Devlin
Well, hed been an unexpected surprise. Too bad Jake couldnt keep either of them. He placed a tender
kiss on Devlins shoulder and one on the tip of Michelles nosewhich crinkled most adorably
against his lips. He then climbed from the crumpled bed and stretched his arms over his head, his gaze
taking in the glorious view of the night sky and the stars that surrounded him in every direction.
He could totally get used to this view. He peeked at the two still asleep in the bed. And that
view. But no. He was for all intents and purposes a gypsy. No one had been able to tie him down yet,
and he doubted the urge to be constantly on the move would ever leave him.
Still naked, Jake stepped into the inviting hot tub at the foot of the bed and sank into its warmth.
He sighed as it soothed his weary muscles. He sat there for a long time, trying to remember the
constellations and forget the emotional attachments trying to draw him back to the bed. Lost in
thought, he didnt realize someone was out of bed until a naked body slid into the water beside him.
Trouble sleeping? Dev asked, his voice low and calm.
You two are bed hogs, Jake accused.
Dev chuckled. Even though shes small, Michelle does seem to take up more than her fair
share of mattress.
She is hard to ignore no matter where she is, Jake commented.
Dev nodded. I couldnt even ignore her when she was absent from my life.
Jake rubbed his jaw and watched Dev out of the corner of his eye. Jake figured he should be
the happiest guy on the planethed just fucked the girl hed been obsessed with for over a decade
and he was financially set for lifebut Dev didnt look happy. He looked worried.
This night together, Devlin said and drew a deep breath, was amazing, but its probably
ruined any chance I have with her.
I wouldnt say that, Jake said.
Dev massaged the crease between his dark brows. I think she still loves you, Jake.
Jake shook his head. I wouldnt say that either.
And then there are my unexpected feelings for you, Dev said and lifted his gaze to meet
Jakes eyes.
Jakes heart skipped a beat. Me? Man, I dont want you to get the wrong idea
Dev lifted a hand from the water and touched Jakes jaw. His pulse rate accelerated and before
he could stop the impulse, he leaned in and claimed Devs lips in a deep kiss. Yeah, great idea, Jake.
Kiss him before you lie and tell him youre not interested. And while youre doing regrettable things,
are you going to fuck Michelle again before you dump her this time?
He knew he would if shed let him.
He tore his mouth from Devs and rested his temple against Devs forehead to keep his

tempting lips from reach.

You and Michelle are good people, Jake said. You should go off and get married and have
babies and live happily ever after and all that stupid domestic shit. Just forget about me.
I dont want to forget about you, Dev said, his hand sliding up Jakes back. And I hate to
speak for Michelle, but I can guarantee that she doesnt want to forget about you either.
Yeah, well, I can handle the mindless fucking part of this, but Im not open to all the
emotional garbage that comes with it.
Then just fuck, Dev said. Ill handle the emotional garbage.
Beneath the water, Devs hand circled Jakes cock in a solid grip. Jake was instantly hard. His
belly tightened with excitement, quivering uncontrollably as Devs hand stroked his length. Jake
closed his eyes, allowing himself to experience the pleasure of Devs touch and the warm churning
water without getting distracted by the glorious view of the star-speckled sky. Devs free hand touched
Jakes jaw sending droplets of warm water down his throat and shoulder. Jake opened his eyes just
long enough to witness the heat in Devs gaze before his mouth was claimed by a pair of strong
seeking lips and his eyes drifted closed again.
Something stirred in Jakes chestmuch different from the lust churning in his gut. He wasnt
prepared to admit that he was already eyeballs deep in the emotional garbage he had hoped to avoid.
Jake turned his head to break the kiss and looked up to stare at the beauty of the sky overhead so he
could get his mind back in the gutter where it belonged.
Do you think we should wake, Michelle? Jake asked.
Wed better, Dev said with a cocky grin. Shes as much a part of this as the two of us are.
Jake chuckled. You really are a thoughtful guy, Dev.
Only if it gets me what I want. He rose from the water and stepped out onto the platform
surrounding the tub. His dick was partially erect, until his eyes landed on Michelle who lay sprawled
in blissful slumber on the bed, and it jerked as it thickened and lengthened to its fully hardened state.
Damn Jake wanted to fuck the guy. Hed never been so turned on by a man before, not even the
one whod first seduced him.
That makes two of us, Jake said. His balls tightened when Dev crawled up on the bed and
opened Michelles thighs to wake her with deep vaginal kisses. She moaned in delight and slid her
fingers into Devs hair to keep him near.
Nibbling on his lower lip, Jake stared at Devs exposed ass for almost half a minute before he
sought the discarded tube of lube.

Chapter Fourteen
Michelle lifted her head from her pillow and squinted to take in her unfamiliar surroundings.
Damn, it was bright in here. It didnt take her long to recognize that she was in Devlin McAllister s
master suite, that the sun had risen rather high in the sky and that she was alone.
Protesting its fullness, her bladder forced her from the comfort of the bed and she hobbled to
the adjoining bathroom. My god, what had those two done to her last night?
Mmm... What had those two done to her last night? Wow and ow. If that first double
penetration hadnt been enough to make her walk funny for a week, her middle of the night
introduction to being taken by a man who was getting enthusiastically fucked up the ass by another
manwho she knew from experience had the most wonderfully pierced cockhad definitely done
the trick. Devlin was probably walking a bit funny this morning as well, she thought with a grin. And
where had those two disappeared to anyway? Shed been hoping to find them in the shower together
so she could join them and become permanently crippled, but no such luck.
When she finished in the bathroom, she stumbled back into the bedroom and eyed the hot tub
with an appreciative smile. Since sex was out, the hot tub was exactly what she needed to soothe the
ache from her overworked muscles.
Just as she was about to dip her extended toe into the steaming water, the elevator dinged. A
pair of sexy naked men entered the room laughing with each other until they spotted her and their
faces fell. Their cocks rose, however, so she was okay with their laughter dying.
Youre supposed to be in bed, Jake said and shoved the tray of food hed been carrying into
Devlins gut. Devlin caught the tray just before Jake released it.
Michelle gasped in surprise when Jake scooped her up into his arms and carried her to the
bed, dropping her onto the soft surface.
How can we spoil you with breakfast in bed, if you arent in bed? Devlin said, setting the
tray down on a familiar upholstered bench.
How was I supposed to know youd left me here alone because you were going to spoil me?
she said, raising up on one elbow to see what theyd brought her.
We wouldnt have left you alone for any other reason, Devlin said.
She wasnt so sure.
How does your body feel this morning? Jake asked, climbing up on the bed to sit crosslegged beside the tray of food. He reached over the edge of the bed, selected a piece of crisp bacon
from her tray, and munched it while he waited for her reply.
My muscles are achy. Thats why I was heading for the hot tub.
And what about your pussy? Jake asked, taking a bite out of a sausage patty.
Jake, Devlin admonished. You promised if I made you breakfast, today wouldnt be all
about sex.
Im just concerned for her well-being, Jake said, tryingand failingto look innocent. His
attentive cock pretty much gave away the direction his thoughts had taken.
My pussy, she said, is also achy.
I figured youd be sore, Devlin said. Well take it easy on you today.
Not sore, she clarified. Achy.
Jake grinned as he caught on to where she was going. Devlin still hadnt figured out how
swiftly her mood could shift.
It gets that way when it wants cock, she said, and popped a blueberry into her mouth.

Would it settle for tongue? Jake asked and shoved her onto her back in the center of the bed.
Maybe as a warm-up, she said with a laugh. You know how greedy it can be.
So much for my attempts to protect you from his libido, Devlin said and joined them on the
You should probably be more concerned about protecting me from her libido, Jake said
from between her legs.
Hes right, Michelle said and sighed when Jakes tongue flicked over her sensitive clit. Im
constantly horny. Maybe the two of you could manage to keep up with me if you worked together.
She was only half teasing. She didnt want to force either man into a relationship he wasnt
comfortable with, but after a taste of what they could do for her when they warmed her bed together,
she doubted shed ever be able to settle for less. And the fact that the two of them were so obviously
hot for each other was a total turn on.
Michelle stroked the soft strip of hair down the center of Jakes head as his mouth went still on
her. Are you serious, Michelle? he said, his breath teasing the heated flesh between her thighs.
Keeping us both in your bed, Jake clarified.
Yes. Im totally serious about that. She patted his head. Finish what you started, Jake.
She smiled in satisfaction when his tongue began to move against her excited flesh again.
Devlin crawled up to her shoulders and eased her off the mattress. He settled her with her hips
between his legs and urged her to lean back so she was reclined against his hard chest.
I always thought I wanted you all to myself, Devlin said in her ear and cupped her breasts to
massage her nipples. She moaned in pleasure. I sometimes fantasized about bringing you here and
keeping you isolated from the world, to be only mine. Not just as my lover, but as my dearest friend.
My everything.
You are a little twisted in your obsession with me, Devlin, she said with a chuckle.
He gripped her hips and lifted her. She gasped when he penetrated her and she slid down his
cock. Straddling him, with her back to his belly, she shifted so his cock would slide deeper. Jake
licked where her body was joined with Devlins and she shuddered at a sensation shed never
imagined shed experience. Jakes tongue traced her stuffed opening and continued to do something
to Devlin that made him gasp in her ear. She looked down to watch Jake lick and suck Devlins balls.
She was going to try that on Jake later, if hed hold still long enough. Jake had no patience. He gave
pleasure, but when it came to claiming some for himself, he just wanted to fuck.
It was a selfish idea, Devlin said. I never would have acted on it. Not really. And now I
know for sure that youd never be happy here with just me.
Jakes mouth moved to Michelles clit and she rocked her hips to grind herself onto Devlins
cock and against Jakes mouth.
I cant stay here, period, she said. I have to work.
I could support you, Devlin said.
A flash of Dee bragging about her husband being a good provider interrupted Michelles
enjoyment of the moment. I wouldnt want you to, she said.
I figured as much, Devlin said, but we can meet here. The three of us. Whenever were able.
What do you think?
Jake nodded without hesitation and Michelle patted his head to remind him to flick the clit his
tongue had gone still against.
Give me a minute to think about this, she said, though shed already made up her mind. She
just wanted a moment to reflect on how awesome her sex life had just become.
Youre good at math, arent you? she asked Devlin as she rode his cock. Jake matched her

pace by moving his head with her motion.

Usually, but Im having a hard time concentrating Devlins breath caught as Jake
abandoned Michelles clit to suck on Devlins balls again.
Michelle slid a hand over the back of Jakes head to urge him back to her clit so that Devlin
could concentrate. They had important things to discuss and she needed him to be able to think. Her
eyelids fluttered as Jake followed her lead without missing a stroke. It took her a moment to
remember that shed wanted to ask Devlin a question. Because yeah, thinking while Jake was between
your legs wasnt an easy task.
H-how many different sexual positions are there between a man and a woman? she asked.
Im not sure, Devlin said. A lot.
How about between a man and a man?
Also a lot.
So when you combine a man and a woman with a man and a man and combine that same
woman with the other man, what do you get?
A very happy Michelle, Jake said and shifted his tongue to trace her cock-stretched opening
once again.
So I guess Jake is the one whos good at math, she said with a laugh.
No, not math, Jake said. Im just good at sex.
Thats why were going to keep you around, Devlin said, squirming as Jakes attention to
turned to Devlins pleasure once more.
Hey, Jake complained rising up onto his knees to look at him. What about my feelings?
I thought you didnt want to involve your feelings, Devlin said.
Michelle cupped Jakes face between her hands and kissed his resistant lips. Too late. His
feelings are already involved.
Shut up, he said and kissed her back.
Its okay. No one knows but me, she said.
And me, Devlin added.
Fuck you both.
Were both willing. You know that, Michelle said.
Jake looked from one to the other of them, appraising them closely. You know what I think?
he said finally.
I think we have to find a way to make this work, he said.
Michelle smiled. I completely agree.
Jake cocked an eyebrow at her. Good. Now give me some room, Dev. Im going to join you
in there and fuck you both.
In where? Devlin asked.
Jake slid a finger up Devlins cock and into Michelles pussy. In here. You wont even have to
move, Dev. My piercings will rub you while I thrust into her. Im sure I can make you both come that
Only one way to find out. Devlin grabbed her thighs and spread her wider.
Wait! she said. This isnt what I meant when I agreed that we needed to find a way to make
this work. I meant that we need to find a way to be together long term.
I know that, Jake said, and I agree. Is that what you want too, Devlin?
More than anything, Devlin said behind her.
Jake grinned. Im glad thats settled. Now hold on, sweetheart, Im about to bring us all closer

And he did. She should have trusted that Jake Tremaine knew what he was doing. Beneath the
stars or with the morning sun touching upon his tattooed skin, the man always had her best interests at
heart. No matter how unconventional.

About the Author

Combining her love for romantic fiction and rock 'n roll, NYTimes best seller Olivia Cunning
writes erotic romance centered on rock musicians. Raised on hard rock music from the cradle, she
attended her first Styx concert at age six and fell instantly in love with live music. She's been known to
travel over a thousand miles just to see a favorite band in concert. As a teen, she discovered her
second love, romantic fictionfirst, voraciously reading steamy romance novels and then penning
her own. Shes going to have to buy a new snow shovel because she recently moved from the warm
beaches of Galveston, Texas to her hometown in western Illinois. Sometimes family trumps
geography. But no matter where her itchy feet take her, shell continue to write about the rock stars
that exist in her head. And her heart.
Jake Tremainethe wonderfully pierced, dirty-mouthed, bad boy in One Starry Nightis a
minor character in the Sinners on Tour series, which about the sinfully sexy metal band Sinners. Find
out more about Sinners and Olivias other erotic rock-band-seriesOne Night with Sole Regretat
her website:


Backstage Pass
Rock Hard
Hot Ticket
Wicked Beat
Double Time
Sinners at the Altar A Wedding Anthology
Sinners in Paradise A Honeymoon Anthology (first story Take Me to Paradise now available)

One Starry Night rerelease

Try Me #1
Tempt Me #2
Take Me #3
Share Me: A Prequel #0.5
Touch Me #4
Tie Me #5
Tell Me #6
Tease Me #7
Treat Me #8
Thrill Me #9

Loving on Borrowed Time
Twice Upon a Time

Defying Destiny

Special thanks to the lovely ladies who also wrote stories for the Some Like it Hot anthology:
Kristen Proby, Nicole Edwards, Cherrie Lynn and Lainey Reese. It was an honor and a pleasure
working with all of you!
And thanks to Charity Hendry for doing such an awesome job on the cover for One Starry

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