Attraction and Fidelity

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Attraction and Fidelity

Fasten your seatbelts, because today youre in for something MAJOR. I suggest you read
the entire article.

Theres a ton of DEEP insights today that have massive implications for improving the way
you go about meeting women, attracting them, even the very way you THINK about
attraction itself.

As you know, Get A Great Girl is all about getting the RARE kind of woman who is not only
beautiful, but also warm, and genuinely FAITHFUL in mind and body.

If youve ever been with a woman that you were REALLY attracted to, and then later found
out that she was being unfaithful, you already know just how DEEP these wounds
penetrate, and how DISASTROUS this is to your entire reality for quite a long time,
sometimes YEARS.

Its even worse when it happens AGAIN, and AGAIN.

This FAITHFUL thing is exceptionally rare in the full sense of the world faithful and it is the
reason you never hear about this from the pick up artist and most of the dating guru

The reason they dont talk about this is because its EASIER to just focus on getting quick
short term action and getting physical with a certain TYPE of woman.

Now, Im not even saying anything BAD about promiscuous women, its totally fine in my
books as long as they are HONEST about it, thats all cool.

But the thing is, most guys out there really DO want a girlfriend who is also attractive and a
fun person to be around.

Even guys who want to fool around STILL want to ALSO have their cake and eat it too by
having a girlfriend that they usually lie to regarding being faithful to her and fooling around
on the side with others.

Even guys who CHEAT would still hate to find out that their GIRLFRIEND was cheating on

So pretty much EVERY GUY wants a girlfriend that is faithful and that is attractive.

Now, the thing to REALIZE here is that the very SAME thing that makes it EASY to get
physical with a lot of women is the SAME reason its RARE to get a woman who is
SLOWER to get physical and who is actually FAITHFUL.

The REASON is because, more than ever, ITS in style to NOT BE THINKING LONGTERM, and rather to JUST THINK IN THE MOMENT.

The reason for this is because YOUTH drive the marketing efforts of most companies,
because most companies know that if you can get people when they are YOUNG, they will
be customers for LIFE.

However, the one thing that YOUTH dont BEST understand compared to older people is
LONG TERM THINKING and being more RATIONAL compared to the two things that drive

1: Raging hormones.
2: Peer pressure.

In fact, these two things, raging hormones and peer pressure, make up for the vast majority
of ALL advertising of ANYTHING.

Soap, beer, cars, clothing, magazines, pretty much EVERYTHING.

The hormone component of these ads are obvious, but the PEER pressure stuff might
seem less obvious.

However, the PEER pressure element is EVERYWHERE.

Let me give you a prime example: FACEBOOK.

Facebook really provides you with nothing special at all.

If Facebook evaporated today, NOTHING would really change. Its not like telephones or
cars or email, etc.

But Facebook has the most IMPORTANT psychological element going for it:
Its the Social Network, i.e. THE SOCIAL PROOF NETWORK.

As in Oh my god, what if I am not shown to be COOL on Facebook????

Its not a coincidence the guy who started Facebook was in university at the time,
BOMBARDED by the whole COLLEGE PARTY SCENE and who is the coolest, etc, etc.

Its all about people wanting to show they are cool to other people, and superficially
pretending to befriend others who are cool to show that they themselves are also cool as
a byproduct.

Yes, it has other purposes too, but this is really how it all started and is what the underlying
driving force behind it is.

And guess what?

The HORMONE component of this IS ALSO at play, because so many people unfortunately
just want to know the gossip who is sleeping with who, who is in a relationship, who is
single, etc, etc. And of course all this is on Facebook in one way or another as well.

Never mind the billions of guys who all want to be friends with whatever attractive female
it might happen to be on Facebook, as if they wanted to be friends and not really just want
to sleep with her.

If nothing else, if they can get to be her friend, it might help provide SOCIAL PROOF for
them to get OTHER women.

In other words, this is all part of SOCIAL PROOF. Social proof means that if enough other
people are doing something, then everyone else believes it is the right thing to do.
If enough other people say you are cool, then most people will now think you are cool as
well, etc.

In fact, because so MANY youth are all brainwashed, the sheer NUMBER of them all have
ALSO influenced EVERYONE ELSE, from people in their 30s to people in their 40s, 50s,

So our entire SOCIETY has become more wrapped up in the GET PHYSICAL NOW

This means sexually transmitted infections and diseases have SKYROCKETED to the
point its almost NORMAL to have gotten an sti these days!

And it also means that relationships breaking up is practically EXPECTED amongst most

Let me tell you something even BIGGER: It also means that because EMOTIONS rule
today with such MAJOR force, it has resulted in a world where all the INFORMATION
TECHNOLOGY advances we have made have almost become USELESS, because the
MINDSET is so ruled by EMOTION that most people can not tell FACT from FICTION.

Which means LIES can be spread ever faster than ever before.

So, for example, GOOGLE is a great idea. However, its also almost USELESS in reality.

If you were to type in almost ANY subject into Google, you would get about the SAME
amount of TRUTH and the SAME amount of LIES as your RESULTS.

This is because, of course, there are people out there making money from the fact that most
people would rather PAY for LIES that fit into their raging hormones perspective as well as
their PEER-PRESSURE/SOCIAL PROOF picture of the world.

Scientific social studies have proven that people mostly do NOT listen even when they TRY
to listen, because their perspectives are so ingrained, they FILTER out anything that does
not fit in with the perspective they already HAVE.

Now, imagine how much WORSE this is in a world where emotion is actually PRIZED over

The exact same thing of course has happened in the world of dating advice.

It doesnt even matter that the various pick up artists have been proven to be full of it,
because PROOF only matters to LOGICAL people.

In the old days, people were brainwashed by hardcore religion.

These days, people are allowed to indulge in their OWN emotional illusions and no one will
make you seem uncool for being stupid.

Stupid is in style.

Now that you know that, I can explain to you the MAIN thing about how to get physical
quick with a lot of women, which is NOT the main point of this newsletter, as you will see.

Its just so you know what all the hoopla REALLY boils down to:


This is pretty easy, just go out to a nightclub and youre guaranteed LOTS of women
hanging around. Even better, theyre THERE to meet guys in the first place!


This makes it even EASIER, since after all, most of the women there WANT to get physical,
and the alcohol SHUTS down the nasty THINKING part of the brain.


Shes there to get physical and have a good time, so make everything about laughter and


Even in the superficial world, it STILL feels good to ALSO have SOME kind of connection
with a girl, so try to find something in common that you both share or even do something
together that bonds you, like playing a silly game together.


The last thing she needs is a guy who doesnt GET IT, who doesnt understand that
women are even more physically aroused than men, that she is their to get physical, and
that she still expects YOU to lead the show.

This means that you must escalate towards getting physical and take responsibility for it
and make it all as smooth as possible.

This is because for some weird reason in our society, even promiscuous women are
expected to act a bit less promiscuous than the men she sleeps with. (Which is REALLY
stupid and just causes more repression making these women even MORE likely to be

Now, the thing is, theres nothing EVIL about any of those things!

In fact, some of those things are good!

Its just that its not ENOUGH for attracting a woman who is much MORE than just another
woman that is attractive.

And THIS is the reason I have written ALL the above, its not a rant, its to let you know just
how RARE and how DIFFERENT a genuine QUALITY woman is, AND HOW MUCH INNER

If you want to attract a woman who is far stronger to social pressure than most, if you want
a woman who is faithful, a woman who is intelligent, who is not into drugs or promiscuity,
she needs to see that YOU are THE MAN that is stronger internally than most men.

Remember, SHE has SPLIT APART from the MAJORITY of brainwashed society, and that

So imagine a woman of that fortitude, what kind of MAN she must be with, he will have to
be EVEN STRONGER in his INDEPENDENCE from social proof brainwashing than she is,

if she is to feel FEMININE in his presence.

She needs to see REAL confidence, not just LUST-DRIVEN ENERGY.

And there needs to be a real connection on a deep level, which means, if she is a total
stranger, you have to have the SKILL to convey a LOT about yourself in a BRIEF amount of
time, doing very LITTLE yet communicating a LOT.

And she needs to see your PERSPECTIVE on life and whether its a COMPELLING one or
not. A weak sense of this perspective will DEFINITELY chase away a fantastic quality

If you have all THAT, well THEN its AWESOME to be able to meet her and get all into the
FUN AND GAMES mentality, because now she feels SAFE to go INTO that sexual mode
with you and just totally ENJOY it with you.

If a guy asks me if its worth it, the answer I give is simple:

Do you enjoy being betrayed?

Because if you hang out with the typical young woman who is attractive, she will most likely
just try to use you or at best it will be a short term thing.

So its not even a question of if its worth it or not, theres no other choice its learn how to
get a GREAT girl, or nothing at all.

The wrong woman will cost you a fortune, your emotions, and your health.

She will DESTROY you.

The RIGHT woman will make EVERYTHING feel a trillion times more FUN.

What Ive done over the past several YEARS is focused only on the things that actually
WORK for attracting a RARE type of woman.


One of the first things is DETECTING a quality woman in the first place!

And guess what?

The truth is that a woman reveals her ENTIRE personality to you quite quickly, without her
even realizing it.

You can find out VERY QUICKLY if you are dealing with a quality woman or not.

The trick to this is that you have to be LISTENING with SKILL.

Yes, with SKILL.

This means your mind is not just passively listening, but your mind is actually looking for
certain things or the absence of certain things in what she is saying and doing.

Most people are not only lacking at this skill, but when you ALSO account for the fact that
most men are so mesmerized by a womans beauty, you realize most men cant eve HEAR
what she is REALLY saying because mens emotions keep putting a HALO FILTER over
everything she says, interpreting it all to make her a better person than she really is.

So for example, lets say you meet a woman, and she works in media/tv/
film/music/entertainment (and a ton of women who are attractive DO work in these fields- in
fact if you meet a woman who is attractive who does NOT use her beauty in this way, its
already one good sign) and she is talking to you about her work and she is PROUD to tell
you how she gets clients to do what SHE wants and how she makes them think it is THEIR
idea when it is really hers, so that they will do what she wants, etc, etc.

Now, just about every guy would think nothing of this. In fact, a lot of guys might even be

Meanwhile, this is a time-bomb waiting to happen.

This woman is telling you that she enjoys MANIPULATING people.

She is telling you that HONESTY is not IMPORTANT to her.

Now, this is actually a REAL example that a man brought up during the live taping of Warrior
Within, about a horrific woman who he initially thought was GREAT, before she tore his
heart to pieces with her infidelity.

However, after making the insights from this program, he was able to trace back the steps
to when he met her, and he thought back to the things she originally SAID and DID when he
met her.

He then remembered the SPECIFICS of the things she said, including the details above
about how she, in essence, enjoyed manipulating people.

He realized how with these skills, he could have FORESEEN all of this, and would have
realized right away that this woman was a TIMEBOMB and the last thing on earth that any
man should get into a relationship with.

Most men would never detect the messages a woman is unintentionally really saying about
herself- whether those messages are positive or negative.

You can detect a womans personality, through these SKILLS of sifting out the IMPORTANT
things from what she is saying.

Again, this is a skill that is usually glossed over as not important, meanwhile its almost

Not only does it tell you about the woman, but if she is a great woman, you can then use
this knowledge of her character to help understand her and build a powerful CONNECTION.

Shes giving you all the INFORMATION about herself so that you can actually have a
MEANINGFUL conversation with her, that is not manipulative but based on your real
thoughts about her actual identity- and if its an identity you LIKE, you will be able to validate
her with a genuine compliment about her actual core identity that you respect.

This forms a FAR DEEPER connection than just fluff talk because it is about you
connecting to her CORE.

The ability to detect what kind of woman you are dealing with is ESSENTIAL.

In fact, the reason most people gloss over this skill is for the very reason they NEED this
skill- they REFUSE to believe they have anything they really NEED to listen to or learn,
because they are SO CONVINCED they already KNOW what they need to know.

So this belief that they have, blocks out ANY info that comes in regarding the need to
IMPROVE their listening skills!

And yet, what they know is REALLY just the EMOTIONS they are feeling, but they think its
MORE than an emotion, so if they feel ATTRACTION to a girl, they also feel that this girl
must be GOOD.

In my Warrior Within program, we go DEEP on this, and to be honest, just this ALONE is
worth the entire cost of the program, as learning to detect exactly WHAT kind of woman you
are dealing with RIGHT AWAY can save you INFINITE PAIN!

Notice, by the way, that this woman had NO CLUE she was revealing something that is

In fact, to HER, this IS an attractive thing, thats why she was showing off about it!

And most men would think the SAME.

This is why you want to learn these skills that most men do NOT know.

Similarly, if a woman shows you that she IS honest through the things she is saying without
even trying hard, you can spot the RIGHT woman.

Remember, people reveal themselves because they have no idea that their negative
behaviors ARE negative.

If they realized it, they would CHANGE.

And NO ONE can force them to realize it unless THEY THEMSELVES are open to changing
and learning.

This is why I find it ludicrous that the pick up artist crowd likes to pretend that their advice
ALSO works to get ANY woman to become a girlfriend!

Complete and total b.s. unless by girlfriend they mean cheating girlfriend.

Getting a GREAT girl, especially these days, is truly an entirely different CATEGORY of skill,
and it does NOT mix with the mainstream concept of success with women.

And as powerful as this newsletter is, its barely scratched the surface of the FULL
SPECTRUM on how to get a quality woman. This newsletter just touched the surface on
DETECTING a quality woman, and there is so much more on this, plus all the information
on actually ATTRACTING her as well.

Remember, a rare quality woman that is APART from the majority of the masses is very
DIFFERENT in what attracts her than all the other typical women.

If youd like to get a fantastic woman who would be a great girlfriend, the best thing on earth
you can do is get my Warrior Within program on DVD.

You will learn not only how to see what kind of woman you are dealing with, which will
save you immense time and energy, but you will also learn the truth on how to UNLEASH all
the deepest levels to your INNER GAME to attract her and KEEP her as well.

This isnt lust-driven confidence.

Its about being the kind of man that stands APART from the vast majority of men, because
his power comes from WITHIN, not from social proof or any other gimmick.

THIS is the kind of man such a woman CRAVES, and this program will show you all the
REAL-LIFE ways of developing these skills. This program is zero gimmicks, ALL SOLID

Shes out there right now, looking for the man who understands whats in this program.
Let that man be YOU.

For now, for tomorrow, for ALWAYS,



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