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BULTEH 2000 Ltd.

Industrial Area 19, STARA ZAGORA Tel./Fax:(359 42) 6260 19, 603 449; Tel. (359 888) 714 711;

Mastitis Management on Dairy Farms

Mastitis relevance and milk topics:

1. According to your estimations, what are the sizes of the dairy farms (number

of milk animals) in your region:

a) Dairy farms with 1-10 milk animals .30%
b) Dairy farms with 10-150 milk animals.40%
c) Dairy farms with 150-1000 milk animals20%
d) Dairy farms with > 1000 milk animals..10%
For a population of 24.000.000 of milk animals. (estimated)
If the vast majority of dairy farms in your region, is not bovine (cows), please write
down which dairy animal:

2. Looking at the different dairy farm sizes in point 1: which size of dairy farms

has some awareness about the milk production losses caused by

(subclinical) mastitis?
The dairy farms with 150 1000 and more animals Background: A result
of 600 000 cells/ml for the bulk milktank SCC (somatic cell count) means that there is
an average milk production loss of around 10% due to mastitis. Besides the 10% milk
production loss, there are also many other financial losses due to mastitis: treatment
costs, culling costs, lower animal longevity hence replacement costs, altered milk
composition, higher risk for antibiotics remainders, payment penalties etc
3. What is the maximum penalty free bulk milk tank SCC level for the dairy

farm? (or, which SCC levels lead to a premium milk payment?)

Premium payment for levels below 400.000 Cell/Ml
Ultra Premium payment levels below 200.000 Cell/M
Looking at the different dairy farm sizes in point 1 and the awareness about
mastitis-related milk production losses in point 2: which size of dairy farms
has enough mastitis awareness and enough budget (financial power) to

BULTEH 2000 Ltd.

Industrial Area 19, STARA ZAGORA Tel./Fax:(359 42) 6260 19, 603 449; Tel. (359 888) 714 711;

invest in on-farm cell counter of around 2500$, with an

operational cost of almost zero? The dairy farms with 150 1000 and
more animals Background: Such somatic cell counter will allow to quickly identify
the animals with subclinical mastitis, before the mastitis infection becomes clinical
and often before the infection spreads to other animals. With an average milk price
around 0.30$/liter around the world, the payback time of such investment is usually
around 6 months in most regions.

4. About the on-farm somatic cell counter in point 4: which other challenges do

you see for dairy farms to adopt such reliable and cost-efficient on-farm tool?
Only intercrease the payment levels Background: unreliable cheap technologies
like Electrical Conductivity could be perceived to be a better investment. Besides,
CMT is not regularly applied for mastitis control because not enough automated, too
5. Which agency or which institution is running a National Mastitis Control

Programme in your region and which other players are involved in this
programme (udder hygiene companies, pharmaceutical companies,
veterinary associations etc)? INVIMA Examples: DHIA in USA and Canada,
controle laitier in France offer programs to measure every 4 to 6 weeks, the SCC of
every animal in the herd.
6. About your National Mastitis Control Programme: is it started? If yes, is it

successful? Is the success growing which percentage of farms is already

participating? What are your expectations about the growing mastitis
awareness in your region?
No, there is not a National Mastitis Control Programme.
7. Besides mastitis, which are the other major milk production issues and the

major animal diseases in your region? For instance, how relevant is ketosis
and acidosis?
Ketosis and acidosis is not really relevant, the major issues is Total
and CFU Counting.

BULTEH 2000 Ltd.

Industrial Area 19, STARA ZAGORA Tel./Fax:(359 42) 6260 19, 603 449; Tel. (359 888) 714 711;

Job creation:
1. How many milk analyzers Ekomilk do you service per year, on average?
(or how many milk analyzers are in operation) We receive 120 Ekomilk
for service per year 300 units working

2. How many own offices & partner centers are used for the Ekomilk
services? We are the most popular service center, but we know
there is at least 2 more service center.

3. How many jobs, connected with Ekomilk analyzer activities (milk

sampling, milk analysis, animal health, milk quality, promotion, services,
marketing and etc. ) did you create in your area? We have a 5 people
team working around Ekomilk

4. Besides the number of direct jobs (on your payroll) which you created,
could you estimate and describe the number of indirect jobs created for
milk analysis and milk quality follow-up? In our company , probably 3
more indirect jobs, in the industry every ekomilk creates 1
indirect jobs

Cloud (internet)-connection:
Imagine that Ekomilk results for both bulk tankmilk analysis and per animal
analysis (especially mastitis) could be automatically visualized and securely
shared over the internet between the dairy farm and the milk laboratory or the
milk processor or the veterinary service, on desktop, tablet and smartphone.
1. Do you think that a smart phone/ tablet application for automatic visualition
(dashboards) of milk analysis results and mastitis follow-up will be useful for
your region? YES

BULTEH 2000 Ltd.

Industrial Area 19, STARA ZAGORA Tel./Fax:(359 42) 6260 19, 603 449; Tel. (359 888) 714 711;

2. Do you think that a smart phone/ tablet application for sharing

information (automatic dashboard) about milk production, milk collection, milk
quality and milk payment will be useful for your region? YES
If such application is already in place, please describe.

3. Do you have reliable internet access on most farms, like stable EGPRS/EDGE
connection? Or would most users (farmers, vets, labs) strictly prefer a fully
offline (no internet connection at all) application? strictly prefer a fully offline
(no internet connection at all)

1. What is the price of DeLaval online cell counter OCC in your region? (upfront
instrument investment cost and cost per milk sample) it is around 5000

2. What is the price of Lely Milk Quality Control module for SCC (upfront
instrument investment cost and cost per milk sample) it is not popular in

Its nice to measure milk composition in the milk tank and per animal for
mastitis follow-up and genetic selection but tables of data are hard to
interprete. Measurement data is only useful if its easy to interprete so that
actions (milk payment price, mastitis prevention and treatment etc) could be
1. Which software is popular for collecting of farm equipment data such as
milking machines with milk production data (liters or kg per day?
In general, the software application produces and excel file, so they
uses Microsoft EXCEL
2. Which software is popular for sharing of farm data between farmers or vets or
milk processors or labs? Please describe if any.

BULTEH 2000 Ltd.

Industrial Area 19, STARA ZAGORA Tel./Fax:(359 42) 6260 19, 603 449; Tel. (359 888) 714 711;

Microsoft EXCEL
3. Which software is already used for dashboards and interpretation of farm
data? For instance, if protein level in the milk tank was out of range, the milk
payment to the farm will have been lower. Which graph or dashboard is
showing this to the farmer, which software?
Microsoft EXCEL

4. For the points 1 to 3 about softwares: which softwares require internet

(Cloud) connection?
There is not internet connection required.
5. Did you hear about Remote Diagnosis or Tele-vet modules?
Not, I have not hear about it
6. For the points 1 to 3 about softwares: what is the cost of each of these
softwares? Which softwares are paid monthly (a Saas/Cloud business model
similar to Office 365)?
It is a model like Office 365

Thanks for taking the time to fill this out!

Please return the completed questionnaire before 8th of June 2016 to

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