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Some R/T Phraseologies

1. The numeral 9 is spoken as Niner. (2 is Too, 3 is Tree and 4 is spoken as Fower, etc)
2. For numbers, say each numeral individually.
Example: 269 PoB is spoken as Too Six Niner Pee Oh Bee
Example: 10nm Right of track is spoken as One Zero Miles Right
3. VOR & NDB names are spoken by their identifiers.
Example: VTK (Tekong VOR) is spoken as Victor Tango Kilo.
4. When assigned headings to fly, read back the word Heading.
5. When assigned altitudes, read back Feet or Flight Level as appropriate.
6. Gate positions and taxiway names are read back individually.
Example: Gate F31 is Foxtrot Tree One. Taxiway EP is Echo Papa.
7. Avoid saying toand left when reading back altitudes. Instead say Climb 5000 feet,
Leaving FL350 or Descending FL150.
8. Abbreviate where possible. Excessive verbatim readbacks are not required.
9. Say Again when unclear. ATC clearances are important and its better to be sure.
ATC: SQ860, SIN Radar, climb and maintain FL320
(Singapore Eight Six Zero climb and maintain Flight Level Tree Too Zero)

SQ860 climb FL320

(Singapore Eight Six Zero climb Flight Level Tree Too Zero)

ATC: SQ16, Can you accept a higher level, FL350 or FL390?

(Singapore One Six can you accept a higher level, Flight Level Tree Five Zero or Flight Level Tree Niner Zero)

SQ16 Affirm, able FL350, unable FL390

(Singapore One Six Affirm, able Flight Level Tree Five Zero, unable Flight Level Tree Niner Zero)

ATC: SQ378 Climb FL320, Expedite passing FL240

(Singapore Tree Seven Eight Climb Flight Level Tree Too Zero, Expedite passing Flight Level Too Fower Zero)

Climb FL320, expedite FL240, SQ378

(Climb Flight Level Tree Too Zero, expedite Flight Level Too Fower Zero, Singapore Tree Seven Eight)

ATC: SQ979 Descend 9000 feet on QNH 1009

(Singapore Niner Seven Niner Descend Niner Thousand Feet on Q N H One Zero Zero Niner)

SQ979 Descend 9000 feet, 1009

(Singapore Niner Seven Niner Descend Niner thousand feet, One Zero Zero Niner)

Please consult current charts, FCTM and UK CAA Cap413 (RT Manual). Feedback to

Airways Clearance in Singapore

1. Keep the requested Level, PoB and ATIS identifier handy. If PoB is not available, use the
phrase standby PoB in your request.
2. Follow the published format. Add PoB and ATIS identifier at the end.
3. No PDC means No Pre-departure Coordination. Found in the AIP, this procedure allows a
faster way of allocating Flight Levels, without coordinating with the next FIR controller. If
allocated a No PDC level, the aircraft may occasionally have to climb or descend when
handed over to the next FIR (that particular level may be occupied).


Singapore Delivery, SQ976, Good morning

ATC: SQ976, Singapore Delivery, Good morning, go-ahead

SQ976, Bangkok, FL400, E11, Ready in 5 mins, 315 PoB, Information Alpha

ATC: SQ976, Delivery, time 03, standby for your request.

(a few moments later)

ATC: SQ976, Delivery

SQ976, go ahead

ATC: SQ976, cleared to BKK, Mersing Four Bravo Departure, no PDC FL400, Squawk 1353.

SQ976 Cleared to BKK, VMR4B, no PDC FL400, 1353.

ATC: SQ976, Readback correct, contact ground 124 decimal 3, good day.

SQ976, 124.3, good day.

Please consult current charts, FCTM and UK CAA Cap413 (RT Manual). Feedback to

Departure (After Takeoff)


The same Controller may be responsible for Departures and Approach.

It is important to provide your passing altitude for a transponder check.
In Australia and many other countries, you must also report your cleared altitude.
Do advise if you are maintaining Runway Heading.
At some European airports there are additional requirements to state the SID.

Tower: SQ172 contact Approach 120.3

120.3 SQ172

(On frequency 120.3) Singapore Approach, SQ172 passing 700 feet Climbing 3000 feet

ATC: SQ172, you are identified, continue climb FL140

Climb FL140, SQ172

Butterworth Control, SQ191 passing 700 feet Climbing 3000 feet, Runway Heading

ATC: SQ191, Identified, Maintain Runway Heading due inbound traffic, climb FL200

Climb FL200 on Runway Heading, SQ191

Weather Deviation
1. In a radar environment, ask for headings.
2. On airways, ask for the number of miles left or right of track.

SIN Radar, SQ173 request Heading 180 due weather.

(Singapore Radar, Singapore One Seven Tree request Heading One Eight Zero due weather)

ATC: SQ173, SIN Radar, Heading 180 approved, report clear of weather.
(Singapore One Seven Tree, Heading One Eight Zero Approved, report clear of weather)

SQ173 Heading 180, Wilco.

(Singapore One Seven Tree Heading One Eight Zero, Wilco)

Manila Control, SQ618, request One Five miles left of track due weather.

ATC: SQ618, Manila Control clears you to deviate One Five miles left, report clear of

SQ618, deviation One Five miles left approved, Wilco.

Please consult current charts, FCTM and UK CAA Cap413 (RT Manual). Feedback to

Direct Tracks

Lumpur Control, SQ352 request Direct SUKAT.

ATC: SQ352, Lumpur Control, proceed Direct SUKAT.

Direct SUKAT, SQ352.

Chennai Control, SQ490 request Direct GULAM.

ATC: SQ490, Chennai Control, proceed Direct GULAM, report abeam Mike Mike Victor.

Direct GULAM, report abeam MMV, SQ490.

ATC: SQ408 on passing 7000 feet proceed direct VJR

Passing 7000 feet direct VJR, SQ408

(Passing Seven Thousand Feet direct Victor Juliet Romeo, Singapore Fower Zero Eight)

Transiting of FIRs
1. When speaking to a new radar controller in a different FIR, provide your FL & Squawk code.
2. When within the same FIR, Squawk codes are not required.
3. In Chinese Metric Airspace, metric FLs are spoken as Flight Level One One Thousand
Tree Hundred Metres (FL11300m).
ATC: SQ802, Sanya Control, contact Hong Kong Radar 128.75

128.75 SQ802

(On 128.75) Hong Kong Radar, SQ802, maintaining FL350, Squawk 2305.

ATC: SQ802, Hong Kong Radar, you are identified, maintain FL350, say your BEKOL estimate
and preferred level in Chinese airspace

SQ802, Maintain FL350, Estimate BEKOL 47, Request FL10700m

ATC: SQ802, Hong Kong Radar, standby

ATC: SQ234, Brisbane Centre, Contact me on 133.05

133.05 SQ234

Brisbane Centre, SQ234, FL360

ATC: SQ234
Please consult current charts, FCTM and UK CAA Cap413 (RT Manual). Feedback to

VHF Position Reports

1. Only the minutes need to be said (two digits).
2. When the minutes are 00, say on the hour.
3. On FMC/CDU select PROG then POS REPORT page.

ATC: SQ406, Kolkota Control, go ahead your LIBDI position

SQ406 Position




Estimate MABUR 23
(Note: Kolkota was formerly known as Calcutta.)

Please consult current charts, FCTM and UK CAA Cap413 (RT Manual). Feedback to

HF Position Reports
1. Time is spoken in four digits.
2. SELCAL checks allow us to be on SELCAL watch; otherwise HF monitoring is required.
3. Use larger HF frequencies by day, smaller frequencies by night.

Manila Radio, Manila Radio, SQ656 on 8942.

ATC: SQ656, Manila Radio, go ahead.

SQ656 From Singapore to Fukuoka,







On the Hour




ATC: Manila Radio, position copied, standby SELCAL.
(SELCAL Chime Ding Dong)

SQ656, SELCAL Check Okay, SELCAL Watch.

ATC: Manila Radio, Roger, at AKOTA contact Manila Control 119.3

AKOTA 119.3, SQ656

Please consult current charts, FCTM and UK CAA Cap413 (RT Manual). Feedback to

Abbreviated HF Reports
1. Used when CPDLC / ADS established.
2. In Australia, ADS is called Datalink

Singapore Radio, Singapore Radio, SQ912 on 8942

ATC: SQ912, Singapore Radio, Confirm CPDLC established

SQ912 Affirm, Request SELCAL GR-CD

(SELCAL Chime Ding Dong)

SQ912, SELCAL Check Okay, SELCAL Watch

ATC: SQ912 continue CPDLC, secondary 8942 or 5655

CPDLC, 8942 , 5655, SQ912

Brisbane Radio, Brisbane Radio, SQ233 on 8879

ATC: SQ233, Brisbane Radio, confirm Datalink established

SQ233, Affirm, Request SELCAL GR-CD.

(SELCAL Chime Ding Dong)

SQ233 SELCAL Check Okay, SELCAL Watch

ATC: SQ233, Brisbane Radio, Datalink Primary, this frequency secondary, alternate 3476.

Datalink primary, alternate 3476, SQ233.

Aircraft Type
1. Boeing 772 refers to both 200s and 200ERs.
2. Boeing 773 refers to the 300.
3. Boeing 77W refers to the 300ER.
ATC: Kabul calling SQ334, say your Registration mark, type of aircraft, point of Departure
and Destination

SQ334, 9V-SWA, Boeing 77W, Departure Singapore, Destination Paris Charles De


Please consult current charts, FCTM and UK CAA Cap413 (RT Manual). Feedback to

Ride Reports
ATC: SQ850 Request Ride Report

SQ850 Occasional Light to Moderate Turbulence at FL360

ATC: SQ850 Copied, Break Break SQ16 how is your ride?

SQ16 Smooth Ride at FL320

STAR Clearance

Singapore Radar, SQ234 Maintaining FL380

ATC: SQ234, Singapore Radar, Identified, Cleared to Singapore via the LAVAX 1A Arrival,
AKTOD transition, Runway 02, Maintain FL380, Call when Ready for Descent.

Cleared to Singapore LAVAX 1A AKTOD transition, Rwy 02, maintain FL380, Wilco,
289 PoB, SQ234.

ATC: SQ234, Radar, 289 PoB copied, readback correct.

ATC: SQ424, Mumbai Radar, Due traffic hold over MOLGO, proceed direct MOLGO now.

Direct MOLGO and hold, SQ424.

ATC: SQ424, Mumbai Radar, Affirm, expect 30mins delay

Copied SQ424

Met Reports (Rarely Used)

This symbol means met report required in addition to the usual position report.
2. Use select PROG then POS REPORT page to obtain the wind and temperature.

(say this after the usual position report, usually in HF)

SQ424 Spot wind 180 diagonal 30knots, temperature minus 45 degress Celcius

ATC: SQ424 copied your report

Fly Safely!
Please consult current charts, FCTM and UK CAA Cap413 (RT Manual). Feedback to

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