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ACT 1 Scene 1

The montague capulet feud is established as a social force in Verona.

Law and honour are introduced as additional social forces at play in Verona
The montague-capulet feud is as passionate among the nobles as it is among the
servants. Tybalt is established as the hot head
As the only government official in the play
Act 1 Scene 2
Capulet says hell give Juliet the chance to accept or reject pariss marriage suit,
yet this generosity suggests a deeper truth, i.e, if capulet can iv Juliet this power
he can also take it away.
The illiterate servant Peter is treated as a second class citizen. First he is given a
task by his master that he cannot accomplish, then he is tricked by Romeo and
Benvolio notes that Rosaline was one the names on the list but this audience
knows Benvolio is wrong and realises that Romeo will meet Juliet at the party.
The audience has a fates eye view of the play.
Act 1 scene 3
Lady capulets fear of talking to Juliet without the nurse being present
establishes her as an ineffectual woman. Th nurses story implies that women
even as infants are seen as sexual objects. Juliets ability to quiten the nurse
shows her strength
Juliets innocence is visible in her lack of thought about love. Lady capulet sees
marriage in material terms. That Lady Capulet married at the age of 13 shows
societal standards
Juliet uses word play to make resistance sound like obedience. She will do what
her mother asks and nothing more.
Act 1 scee 4
Mercutio thinks very little of love, he uses puns to show that love is nothing more
than a excuse for physical attraction. Mercutions banter also shows how friends
exert social pressure.
Romeo says that he dreamed that going to the feast was a bad idea, it shows
fate and foreshadowing.
In the famous Queen Mab Speech, Mercuton reveals the dark desires that hide
behind mankinds ideals. He also shows is wit with words and a tendency to get
carried away.
When Romeo follows his friends to the feast, he gives himself up to fate.
Act 1 Scene 5
Romeos first sight of Juliet is linked to Tibaltss noticing romeo, i.e, love cannot
escae the society surrounding it.

Romeo and Juliets meeting sets a motion in tibalt part in their fate.
Romeo approaches Juliet. Their entire 1st conversation is a 14 line sonnet in
which they develop a complicated religious metaphor that romeo rides into a first
kiss and Juliet guides towards the second.
The prologue and this first meeting b/w romeo and Juliet are in sonnet form. The
play links the proogues theme of fate with romeo and Juliets through

Another social pressure that romeo must face is that of his friends. For the rest of
the play romeos friends continue to think that romeo loves Rosaline.
This scene has a lot of light and dark imagery. Romeo calls Juliet a sun lighting up
the night.

Act 2 Scene 2
The friers comments on moderation contrast with Romeos youthful consistence
on speed and extreme emotion above everything else.
The frier is suspicious of Romeos sudden switch from Rosaline to Juliet, Romeo
responses that Juliet, unlike Rosaline, returns his love.
Though the frier preaches moderation he gets caught up in his own big dreams
of creating peace.
Act 2 scen 3
Mercutios mockery shows similarity b/w tibalt and romeo, tibalt ove honor.
Mercution thinks they are both fools, though he likes romeo and hates tibalt. In a
display of verbal wit, mercution mocks tibaltas a prince of cats, who follows
honor to a ridiculous degee but he admits tibalt is a good swordsman.
Mercutio compares Rosaline to al great heroines of classical literature. Romeo
and mercutio then engage in a banter match with wit and puns (double
Mercutio believes that this bantering romeo is the true romeo. Mercution
compares the nurse to a prostitute. Shakspeares portrayal of casual verbal abuse
of lower cases by nobles even if it is just for fun.
Act 2 scene 4
Romeo as a man can go out into the word and act. Whereas Juliet as a woman
must wait at home.
Act 2 scene 5
There is a contrast shown b/w romeos passions and the friers moderation, and
the prier is right because Romeos end is violent.
Romeo asks Juliet to describe her love for him but she says her love is too large
to be described.

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