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Some Ancient

Greek Anecdotes
Compiled by Der Voron

Once a prig was walking on the street and saw a doctor who usually
treated him, and tried to hide himself from the doctor. The friends
asked him, why? He responded: "I haven't been ill for a long time,
and I feel ashamed before him".

A prig was operated his throat, and the doctor prohibited him to talk.
Then he ordered his servant to respond on his behalf to the greetings
of his friends and knowns, and therewith himself told to everyone
whom he was meeting: "Please do not be angry with me, for my
servant greets you instead of me: it is because my doctor prohibited
me to talk".

A prig wanted to sleep, but didn't have a pillow. So he ordered the

servant to bring him a pot, to put it under his head. The servant said:
"But it is hard!" Then the prig ordered to fill it with the down.

A prig wanted to know if he looks OK when sleeping. For this he lied

before a mirror and shut his eyes.

A prig dreamt that he has stepped on a nail. When he woke up, he

bandaged his foot. A friend asked why he was doing this; after the
prig explained, the friend told: "It serves us fools right: why do we
sleep barefoot!"

Two prigs were walking, and one of them stopped for a while for an
urge. Having returned, he saw an inscription made by his fellow on a
mile-post: "Get me!", and added below it: "And you wait for me".

A heavily loaded boat was sailing along a river, and so it was deeply
sunk. The prig said: "If the water swells, then it will get drowned!"

A prig was sailing in a sea; a strong storm bursted out, and his
servants began crying. "Do not cry", said the prig, "for in my will I
have let all of you go!"

A prig had a good wine in a sealed jar. His servant drilled an orifice in
the bottom of the jar to drink the wine sometimes. The host wondered,
why the wine has fallen and the seal is not broken. A friend advised
him that maybe someone drinks it from the bottom? "You fool",
responded the prig, "the wine level is lowering from the top and not
from the bottom!"

A prig has seen two twin brothers, whose similarity the people were
amazed of. "No", said the prig, "the first of them is similar to the
second more than the second to the first".

A prig spoke with two of his friends. One of them said: "It is not good
to kill sheep, for they give us wool". Another said: "It is not good to
kill cows, as well, for they give us milk". The prig said: "And it is
also not good to kill swines, for they give us meat".

A prig was selling his house and took a brick everywhere he was
going to, as a sample.

A prig came to visit his ill friend. The friend's tear-stained wife met
him and said: "He is gone!" The prig responded: "When he is back,
tell him that I have come to visit him".

A prig's son died. Having met his school teacher, the prig said:
"Pardon, dear teacher, that my son didn't come to school, as he died" .

Some people and among them a prig, were burying a rich man. A
newcomer approached them and asked, "Who is the dead?" To which
the prig responded, "He who is lying in the litter".

Two prigs bought two pots of dried figs, but, instead of eating from
his own pot, each of them pinched figs from other's pot. Having
finished other's pot, each of them wanted to eat from his own pot and
found it was empty. They decided to claim this in the court; the judge
attentively listened to both and ordered them to exchange empty pots
and pay fines each to other.

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