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Pope Francis in Poland 2016

Idolatry in Europe

Pope Francis in Poland 2016

Idolatry in Europe

Pope Francis in Poland 2016- Idolatry in Europe


Pope Francis in Poland 2016- Idolatry in Europe

World Youth Day, a popish invention, to catch souls of
millions of young people was established by JP II in
1985. First official WYD took place in 1986.

Pope Francis in Poland 2016- Idolatry in Europe

This year, it takes place in Poland, country
where Catholicism was imposed upon
Polish people in 996. This year Roman
Catholicism in Poland(which is in its
morbid state similar to those of Mexico,
Philippines) celebrates 1050 Anniversary of
its the baptism to Vatican.

Pope Francis in Poland 2016- Idolatry in Europe

World Youth Day is celebrated between 26 and 31
July 2016 in Cracow(one of the former capitols of
Poland). WYD already took place in the past in 1991 in
Czestochowa, Poland.

Pope Francis in Poland 2016- Idolatry in Europe

Pope arrived on 27th of July and started his visit with
Wawel. Every place he went was of strategically,
spiritual warfare meaning. Wawel Castle was build by
pagan, Slavic king named Krakus. He supposedly
killed dragon and built the Castle over this place.
After a time- it became a seat of Catholicism!

Pope Francis in Poland 2016- Idolatry in Europe

The crypt beneath the Wawel Cathedral holds
the tombs of Polish kings, national heroes,
generals and revolutionariesWikipedia

This place is one of the strongholds of

Catholicism in Poland. Pope Francis
visited this Cathedral(27 July), and
during the visit, bishops put up the
relics(blood) of JP II for
veneration(bowing down, praying to etc).

Pope Francis in Poland 2016- Idolatry in Europe

Pope with other Catholics were worshiping the Communion
Wafer right there. Before his arrival there were many people
waiting, dancing and singing songs to him. One of the biggest
newspapers in Poland, Gazeta Wyborcza- described in full the
scenes that took place.

Pope Francis in Poland 2016- Idolatry in Europe

Pope entrusted the whole nation to the Queen of
Heaven, Black Madonna of Czestochowa. Pope spent
intimate time with the painting of Black
Madonna(Erzullie) in this place.
Poland predicted it has to spend about 100 million US
dollars for WYD and visit.

Pope Francis in Poland 2016- Idolatry in Europe

Pilgrims felt the spirit of dead JP II. Polish
Government was addressing him: Holy Father. Pope
was rebuking Catholicism in Poland for not supporting
and not taking in Islamic refugees.
Even before the arrival of Francis, Vatican was
condemning some Polish politicians for spreading
refugee-phobia in the nation.

Pope Francis in Poland 2016- Idolatry in Europe

Poland is not following the official theme of
Vatican since Second Vatican Council, that
is- multiculturalism, equality of all
religions and races.
Before pope appeared in Papal window
youths were singing him Abba Father.
When he appeared to address the crowd,
people were running like mad, elbowing
their way to take the best place

Pope Francis in Poland 2016- Idolatry in Europe

People built Ecological Village in
one park, to promote globalist
agenda, like climate change and
ecological salvation among
Catholics. Promoting Laudato Si
Pope pushed not only for Islamic
refugees but underlined the need of
dialogue and acceptance of
different faiths(Islam, Protestant)

Pope Francis in Poland 2016- Idolatry in Europe

Pope in Cracow placed a bouquet of flowers in front of
the icon of Queen of Heaven. He said: "Let the Mother
of God from Czestochowa blesses and protects the
nation. Pilgrims carried the Catholic icons(idolatry)
and sang also songs: Hallelujah and Boat

Pope Francis in Poland 2016- Idolatry in Europe

Next leg of visit is in Czestochowa, in
sanctuary of Queen of Heaven- Jasna Gora.
He was greeted there but General of Pauline
Fathers. Pope presented there gold rose
and kissed the copy of icon.
Before the mass they sung old
songBogurodzica/Birther of God,
worshiping Queen of Heaven.

Pope Francis in Poland 2016- Idolatry in Europe

Pope claims also, that the war that is being waged in
Europe is NOT the religious one(not Islam? Who
then?). Pope celebrated mass, tripped once and offered
bloodless sacrifice of Christ for the n-th
time(denying sacrifice from 2000 year ago!)

Pope Francis in Poland 2016- Idolatry in Europe

Pope was given keys to Cracow. Pope sat on the
throne in Cracow(back from Czestochowa). Behind
him was a huge picture of Jesus. People dressed in
national robes were dancing for him.
Not-married Pope was giving a lecture on
marriage(himself wanted to incorporate perversion!)
and prayed Hail Mary for the married people

Pope Francis in Poland 2016- Idolatry in Europe

Pope visited Auschwitz-Birkenau.
Throughout the ages, Catholicism
persecuted vigorously the Jews.
Even to this very day, there is a
word- Jew used, describing
somebody who is against
This was another occasion for
ecumenism. Chief Rabbi of Poland
sang hymn in Hebrew.

Pope Francis in Poland 2016- Idolatry in Europe

This was another occasion for ecumenism. Chief Rabbi
of Poland sang hymn in Hebrew. Since many years,
Protestants from Polish Ecumenical Council(branch
of apostate World Council of Churches) meet Catholics
during WYD.

Pope Francis in Poland 2016- Idolatry in Europe

This was another occasion for ecumenism.
Chief Rabbi of Poland sang hymn in Hebrew.
Since many years, Protestants from Polish
Ecumenical Council(branch of apostate World
Council of Churches) meet Catholics during
They want to deceive all remaining
denominations(Pentecostals and
Charismatics) into Rome.

Pope Francis in Poland 2016- Idolatry in Europe

Next on the schedule is Way of the
Cross- stations at which they pray to
icons. Pope was greeted by multitudes
when was in his papa mobile.
To recap, Pope was in Krakow on 27th of
July. Then traveled to Czestochowa(28
July). Went back to Cracow/Krakow.
Auschwitz visit is on 29 July.

Pope Francis in Poland 2016- Idolatry in Europe

29th of July is aforementioned Stations of the Cross.
On 30th of July, Pope is to hear confession from Polish
youth and meet with nuns, priests.
On the last day- the 31st of July, Pope want to cap it
off with another mass and selecting another country.

Pope Francis in Poland 2016- Idolatry in Europe

Some Protestant musicians are to sing
for Pope there. They compose even song
especially dedicated to WYD.
In the past, in 2008, Hillsong Church and
Darlene Zschech performed after
Stations of the Cross during WYD.

Pope Francis in Poland 2016- Idolatry in Europe

Polish Ecumenical Council met with Popes back in
1983, 1987, 1997, 1999. JP II celebrated ecumenical
mass. Benedict XVI was in Poland in 2006. He visited
Warsaw, Cracow, Czestochowa and Auschwitz.
There was also ecumenical meeting during his visit.
He mentioned dialogue between Catholicism and
Lutheran, Orthodox and Adventist churches (among

Pope Francis in Poland 2016- Idolatry in Europe

He mentioned ecumenical translation
of the NT and charitable work
between Evangelicals, Catholics and
We cant forget to mention about Billy
Grahams visit to Poland in 1978. He
was speaking in biggest Catholic
sanctuaries in Poland, next to Catholic

Pope Francis in Poland 2016- Idolatry in Europe

He called unsaved Catholics-brothers
and sisters. He visited, just as Popes
did- Cracow, Czestochowa, Auschitz
and Warsaw(among others).
Graham quoted the words of JP II. He
went from Evangelical churches to
Catholic churches. He stood in front of
Black Madonna shrine in Poland,
admiring Romanism

Pope Francis in Poland 2016- Idolatry in Europe

Billy Graham visits Marian Shrine in

Czestochowa, 1978

Pope Francis in Poland 2016- Idolatry in Europe

Billy Graham in Jasna Gora Monastery,

1978 with monks.

Billy Graham opened the door wide open to deceive

all Protestant denomination in Poland.

Pope Francis in Poland 2016- Idolatry in Europe

When Reformation broke in Europe, one of the
recipients was Poland. There were Lutherans,
Calvinists, Anabaptist and Moravian Brothers.
Sigismund I of Poland in 1523 introduced an edict
which forbade Luthers works under the punishment
of burning of books, burning at stake and
confiscation of property.

Pope Francis in Poland 2016- Idolatry in Europe

Janusz III did the same thing. Brest Bible was
the Polish Protestant translation(1563). KJV,
greatest of English, Protestant translation of the
Bible- in comparison, appears in 1611.
Famous Polish Protestants were:Mikoaj Rej,
Andrzej Frycz Modrzewski and Mikoaj
Radziwi Czarny(Lithuanian Noble).

Pope Francis in Poland 2016- Idolatry in Europe

Gdask Bible appears in 1632. Reformation in
Poland was spreading till 1700. Then Poland
chooses Counter- Reformation(Jesuits).
Persecution meant banishment of nonCatholics, dissenters. In 1668- Polish
Parliament, influenced by CounterReformation introduced DEATH
PUNISHMENT for conversion from

Pope Francis in Poland 2016- Idolatry in Europe

In 1717 Protestants are forbidden to be elected to
Polish Parliament.
Today, there is just couple of thousands of
Protestants in Poland. Most of them decided to be on
a path back to Rome.
Lutherans- 61 000
Calvinists- 3,500

Pope Francis in Poland 2016- Idolatry in Europe

Methodist- 4,500
Baptists- 5,200

Adventists- 9,700
Lutherans, Methodists, Baptists, Reformed decided
to join Jesuit World Council of Churches. They want
to influence other denomination to join Pope.

Pope Francis in Poland 2016- Idolatry in Europe

As Martin Luther, John Kalvin and the rest are
rolling in their graves, seeing how their churches
were infiltrated- the only remaining denominations
that refused to go to Rome are Pentecostals and
Pentecostal Church- 22,000
Church of God in Christ-4,100

Christian Pentecostal Community- 3,000

Pope Francis in Poland 2016- Idolatry in Europe

Evangelical Pentecostal Community- 1,040
Poland desperately need prayer to repent from
generational idolatry and that Jesus will break
stranglehold of ecumenism in this country.
So far, Poland had in her history- Three Partitions:

Pope Francis in Poland 2016- Idolatry in Europe

I-st Partition- 1772
II-nd Partition-1793

III-rd Partition-1795
As a result of rejecting Reformation and repentance
Poland was divided between Russia, Prussia and

Pope Francis in Poland 2016- Idolatry in Europe

Poland was erased from the map for 123 years!

Pope Francis in Poland 2016- Idolatry in Europe

Then in 1918
Poland regained
Independence, only
to be attacked
again in 1939 with
the start of II
World War.

Pope Francis in Poland 2016- Idolatry in Europe

Then there was a
time of
Communism and
Martial Law,
which ended in
1989. Its just 27
years of freedom

Pope Francis in Poland 2016- Idolatry in Europe

Now Poland is not only under Catholic sway but
ecumenism want to destroy the remainder of
Protestantism to absorb it into their system.
Then Counter- Reformation will be fulfilled

Pope Francis in Poland 2016- Idolatry in Europe

Pray that Poland will have true, not- ecumenical
Revival! That millions of Poles (38 millions,
population) will open their eyes and find Jesus
Christ, rejecting the false systems.
If you have not received Jesus Christ as your Lord,
King and Savior, do it now. Invite Him to take over
your life and to forgive you all of your sins!

Pope Francis in Poland 2016- Idolatry in Europe

Pray for the baptism in the Holy Spirit (Acts 2 and

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