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8th Grade Language Arts

North Boone Middle School / 2016 - 2017

Instructor Information

Email & Class Website

Office Location & Free


Miss Kassandra

NBMS Rm. #1 / Monday Friday

8:43 9:23 a.m.

General Information
Course Description

8th Grade English Language Arts Classes at North Boone Middle School will focus on increasing
students communication skills through reading, writing, speaking, and the study of the
English language. Our primary focus in this English Language Arts Class will be a mastery of
different writing styles, demonstration of the rules of grammar, the ability to express yourself
orally, and the ability to analyze literature, both fiction and non-fiction.

Major Areas of Study

This year, the major units of

study we will cover include,

but are not limited to:
Short Stories
Narrative Writing
Expository Writing
Historical Fiction
Argumentative Writing/ Speech
Realistic Fiction
Writing and Delivery
Language Arts Resources & Course Materials
Texts & Resources
Prentice Hall
Literature: Timeless Voices,
Timeless Themes Silver Edition.
The Outsiders by S.E. Hinton

Parallel Journeys by Eleanor Ayer

Phineas Gage by John Fleischman
Compound by S.A. Bodeen

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The Maze Runner by James

The Devils Arithmetic by Jane Yolen
Milkweed by Jerry Spinelli
The Eleventh Plague by Jeff Hirsch
Soldier Boys by Dean Hughes
The Hunger Games by Suzanne
Night by Elie Wiesel
Soldier X by Don Wulffson
Life of Pi by Yann Martel
Code Talkers by Joseph Bruchac
Hatchet by Gary Paulsen
The Boy in the Striped Pajamas by
Under the Blood-Red Sun by
John Boyne
Graham Salisbury
Required Class Materials
Language Arts Folder and/or Binder
Silent Reading Book
Writing Utensils (Pencils, Pens, Highlighters, etc.)
Notecards (3 x 5 preferred)
Classroom Expectations and Policies
Classroom Expectations
Be present: Be here and ready to learn! When you do have to miss class, be sure to
check the Absent folder for your missing work. Missing or absent work is your
Be prepared: Always be ready at the beginning of class with any relevant assignments,
a writing utensil, and a positive attitude.
Be respectful: Treat all classmates, teachers, and school staff with respect. Always raise
your hand to speak and remember to keep your hands, feet, and belongings to yourself
and in the classroom at all times.
Be responsible: Technology in this classroom is a privilege, not a right. Use your tablets
responsibly. Phones, music players, and other electronic devices are not allowed in the
classroom unless otherwise instructed.
Be committed: Participate in all activities and discussions to the best of your ability.
Complete all homework and assignments on time. Use class time wisely and do your best!
Be original: You are all intelligent and creative students! Use your imagination to create
original work. Plagiarism is not acceptable. If you have a question about what is considered
cheating, do not be afraid to ask before acting.
Be organized: Respect our classroom! Keep your desk and materials clean and
organized. Be sure to return all borrowed supplies to where they belong and throw
away all waste before leaving the classroom.
Be honest: Do not be afraid to ask questions! I am here to help you in any way that I
can. I will not be offended if I need to adjust my teaching to aide in your learning.

Discipline Sequence
A progressive discipline policy is present in this language arts class. The order
for disciplinary action is:

1. Verbal warning and/or student-teach conference

2. Phone call home and/or parent-teacher conference

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3. After school/ lunch detention

4. Office discipline referral

Grading Policy
Grades are based upon homework, quizzes, tests, projects, writing assignments and class
participation. I use a total points system to calculate grades. This means that if you earn
150 points out of a possible 200 points your grade would be a 75% (C). The following
grading scale applies:

A = 90 - 100%
B = 80 - 89%
Absent/Late Work Policies

C = 70 - 79%

D = 0 - 69%

Late and absent work will be graded according to the policy described in the Team
E.I.G.H.T. packet.

If a students absence is excused, he/she will be permitted to make up any

missed work, including homework and tests. The student will be permitted the
same number of days as he/she was absent to turn in the make-up work. The
student is responsible for obtaining assignments from his/her teachers. Students who
are unexcused from school will not be allowed to make up missed work.

NB CUSD 200 2015-2016 Student-Parent Handbook

Additional Information and Resources

District Website

Classroom Website

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Parents/ Guardians: Please detach, complete, and sign the form below to acknowledge
you have read the syllabus for 8th Grade English Language Arts.
Students: Please return your signed copy by Monday, August 22nd for class
Student Name:
Parent/ Guardian Signature:
Parent/ Guardian Contact Info:
In order to best meet the needs of your child in this classroom, I ask that you please use the
space below to share a little bit about his or her strengths and areas for improvement
related to their learning. What have you noticed your child struggling with in the past? In
what ways does your child excel? Lastly, what do you believe makes your child most
unique? (This is your time to brag, parents!)
*Feel free to also use the back of this page to share!

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