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Because completion of homework is essential for continued learning, we have a

homework policy at RMS to assist students in this area.
If a student does not have his/her homework completed at a satisfactory level on
the date it is due, the student will be expected to make a homework appointment
with that teacher.
This homework appointment may be made for a time before or after school, at the
teachers discretion.
Students are expected to honor this appointment time and make necessary
arrangements if the time cannot be kept. Students who do not honor the
appointment after a few attempts (at the discretion of the teacher) will be referred
to the office.
Communication will be made to the parent/guardian if a student does not attend
to the homework appointment time &/or shows a pattern of behavior of
late/incomplete homework.
Credit will be given for the homework assignment once it is completed at the
arranged appointment time.
If your student is looking for a quiet place to work on a regular basis, we offer RAFT
(Ralston After School Focus Time) until 5:00 P. M., Monday through Friday, in the 7th
Grade Computer Lab.

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