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Kathy Rodriguez
History 1700
Unit 7
Eportfolio Assignment
The quote, History repeats itself, I believe is true due to the fact of racism, religion,
sex, etc. is all still being brought to our attention. In all these topics each single one of them is
still being used against people and causing huge problems in the US by what we see in the news.
For an example; on the news and the media you see people protest due to what cops are doing
which is killing people of color who were innocent and the cops got free out of any charges.
Equality in the US is not happening and seems to be getting a little worse because in many views
it shows white people have the most power compared to people of color. Even with the
presidency going on there are candidates that discriminate people of color and want those people
out of the US.
However, due to cops being an issue right now due to racism that still exists in this world.
It is repeating itself by killing innocent people and cops who are supposed to protect us are
taking advantage of the power they have. Instead of us feeling safe, they make people feel scared
to open the door or even look at them. For an example; people protesting for rights they have and
how they are being taken away. With Rosa Parks she stood up for herself and was tired of being
called names and just because she was African American that stood up for herself. Rosa did not
want to give her seat to someone who was white just because they had power. She got arrested
due to not listening and giving her seat. She made a civil right move during this time and was not
the first to go to jail for not giving up her seat.

Therefore, with people dealing with dating or married to the same sex is also causing a
tragedy into this world. For an example; there was a shooting in Florida at a gay club, 50 people
were killed. At first some people were held as hostage, a good amount of 5 people. It is a tragedy
due to what people say of same sex marriage. Especially the things you hear of the people
opposed to it. Very strong words, swear words, looked down on, and much more on people who
are different. It is sad to see how things are repeating itself and not changes are being made
besides more hate into this world. It relates to Adolf Hitler by wanting to get rid of Jewish
people. It relates to this horrible tragedy by people who want to be happy with being with the
same sex cannot because there people out there who shame them. Yet when you bring up Hitler
and relate to the same topic it is wrong. It is not wrong because it is basically the same thing. For
an example; Hitler treated Jewish as slaves, killed them, and started the holocaust. Many people
who survived the holocaust were psychically, emotionally, and mentally injured. Just how this
event happened in Florida is how the people feel, threatened, not wanted, injured, and much

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