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ISS Procedures

Administrators will enter ISS on a Google Doc form that is shared with the
entire staff. This is the ISS List.
ISS will be assigned two days out to give teachers time to prepare work.
Teachers will be responsible for looking at the list daily and placing their
students work in the ISS teachers mailbox.
The ISS teacher will place completed ISS work in teachers mailboxes after
the student is finished with ISS.
Students will not be allowed to get out of ISS prior completing ALL
assignments. Ms. Crawford/ISS Teacher will have a check out meeting
towards the end of the day with each student. She will inform him/her if she
completed all expectations for the day. If student does not complete all
expectations, he/she must return to ISS the following day.
If a student must return the following day because he/she
did not meet all expectations, Ms. Crawford will notify the
grade level administrator and Monix/Oduyoye will add them
to the ISS list for the following day.
Ms. Crawford (ISS Teacher) will enter ISS into SMS PowerSchool when the
student actually reports to ISS. This will allow teachers to more effectively
track attendance.

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