ANT3141 Fifth Essay Instructions

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Technical Instructions for All Essays:

Remember that an essay makes a point and defends it. Your introductory
paragraph informs the reader what the point of your paper is, the next 1-5
paragraphs bear out the reasons why your point is valid, and your conclusion sums
up the case you have just (hopefully) made.
Prepare your paper using a standard, easily legible font, such as Times New
Roman 12 pt, Arial, or Verdana, double spaced with 1" margins on all sides. Always
use proper and formal academic language and avoid slang, incorrect grammar or
misspelled words. Make sure your name is listed in the top left hand corner.
Save your file as a Word Document or a Rich Text File. The extensions on your
files should only be one of the following: (.rtf); (.doc); or (.docx).
Do not save your essays as (.pdf) or (.wps). PDFs can be difficult to edit, and
other files may or may not open. If your file has not been saved in the correct
format, it will not be possible for the instructor to open it and could result in a
deduction of points for a late submission.
Always submit your work by the deadline listed in each folder. Late submissions
must be uploaded in the correct format into the "late" folder and will result in a
deduction of points.

Custom Instructions for Essay 5

You have a few choices here. Your essays should be between 300 and 500 words,
but may be up to 1000 words long, exclusive of headers, footers, page numbers or
title. I'm more interested in the insight you bring to your topic and how well you
express your ideas on paper than in the exact word count of your essay.
1. Access the BBC documentary video on Caral under the links tab, and
write a summary and critique of it. Discuss the main points of the film, and
what you take away from it.
2. Access the Engineering an Empire episode on the Aztecs under the
links tab for this course. Discuss its main points and what you take away
from it.
3. Access The Exemplary Center of the Late Postclassic Kowoj Maya by
Timothy W. Pugh by clicking the link JSTOR: Postclassic Kowoj Maya
Article under the subheading Online Fulltext Links under the links
tab for this course. If you want to explore part of the dynamics of
Postclassic Lowland Maya culture, especially with respect to what
happened after the fall of Mayapan, in greater depth, this is for you.
4. Access the documentary The Great Inca Rebellion under the links tab
for this course. Discuss its main points, but to take time to focus on the
role of forensic techniques, and how the different lines of evidence used
by scientists contribute to a more complete picture of the events set forth
in the documentary.

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5. Access the documentary Cracking the Maya Code under the links tab
for this course. Discuss its main points, and what you take away from it.
Be sure to discuss what makes the case of the Maya script unique in the

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