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NFIB Minnesota News


National Federation of Independent Business 380 Jackson St., Suite 780 St. Paul, MN 55101 651-293-1283

For Immediate Release

Minnesota Director Mike Hickey, NFIB, 651-235-7401

State Senator Sean Nienow Earns Guardian of

Small Business Award
St. Paul, MN (July 27, 2016) The states largest business group in terms of entities, the
National Federation of Independent Business, MN with 11,000 members statewide, today
announced State Senator Sean Nienow (Cambridge) was awarded the prestigious NFIB
Guardian of Small Business award. NFIB gives out the award at both the federal and
state level to recognize the legislators who have been supportive of small business on
critical issues. To receive the award, legislators had to demonstrate a supportive voting
record for small business during the 2015-16 sessions.
Senator Nienow made many votes in support of small business including voting against a
large gas tax increase. The legislation attempted to extend the states sales tax to gasoline
at the wholesale level and easily would have given Minnesota one of the highest gas
taxes in the country and been very harmful to small businesses and to consumers. He
also opposed an unworkable mandatory family leave bill that was big on new taxes for
both employers and employees, and also created a new government bureaucracy to run it.
Senator Nienow also voted for a significant unemployment insurance tax credit for
employers that returned $258 million dollars back to employers who fund 100% of the
system. Most businesses will receive a 27-29% reduction due to this legislation and we
appreciate his support.
Senator Nienow is a real friend to small business and we are happy to announce the
NFIB Guardian of Small Business Award, said Mike Hickey, NFIB State Director.
NFIB is the nations leading small business association with offices in Washington, D.C. and all 50 state
capitals. Founded in 1943 as a nonprofit, nonpartisan organization, NFIB gives small and independent
business owners a voice in shaping the public policy issues that affect their business. NFIBs powerful
network of grassroots activists sends their views directly to state and federal lawmakers through our
unique member-only ballot, thus playing a critical role in supporting Americas free enterprise system.
NFIBs mission is to promote and protect the right of our members to own, operate and grow their
business. More information about NFIB is available online at

For more information about NFIB, please visit


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