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Please tell us more about the start-up project (product or service) you have

established or you are working on by addressing the following points:





What is your role in this start-up company/business?

What kind of start-up do you develop and when does it first started?
What make your start-up services/tools different and unique compare to
Who are the target customers and why?
How many staff does the company employ?
How is your business planning to promote your start-up and to target its
international market(s)?
My role as the owner and founder of the technology company
I I founded this business is a technology-based company focused on the
development of education, health and public services. I founded this new
company for 1 year
the service I provide is much different, because we are signifikian
mengkolaborikan service and save that data with cloud services. do not
forget the analysis that we did based apada we did a market analysis and
direct surveys on society. kesehtan integrated services between hospitals,
doctors and patients will create services that support each other wherever
they are. modeling of social network-based services also applied to give
an active role among physicians with community
My business targets No 3:
The societies that have a solid business hours, communities far
from the place of treatment and the communities that do not have
excessive costs
hospitals and pharmacies
I minded that every society needs to get the same treatment, sometimes
they are far from adequate treatment services or even that they are also
less able to communicate with doctors because of their busy waktudan.
with the services we provide methods of consultation will be made online
by which doctor they prefer, and doctors can put up tariff consultation and
treatment or bahkaan patients can melukan booking schedule doctor /
hospital or even exchange information among others tentanng illnesses or
complaints suffered .. when the patient has a severe illness they were not
up too late to get action. or even many poor people who can not afford to
seek treatment dengna this service they will know about their complaints
to anticipate early on about their pain
Just 5
I will do an introduction seminar participants or even do a social networkbased marketing activity

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