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Design & Direction

John Robertson

Game Design
John Grant

Written By
Bill Ward & John Robertson

Bill Ward

Fiction Written By
William Ward

Game Developers
Ben Brownlie, Thorsten Stein, Graham Stenning &
Bill Ward

Game Contributors
Phil Walling, Spencer Warner & Tom Wakeford

Cover Artwork
Adrian Smith

Concept Art
Adrian Smith & Stuart Beel

Christina Robertson, Rod Grant & Printvision

Figure Sculptors
Pete Flannery & Tim Prow

Figure Painter
Andrew Wedmore

Rod Grant

Robert Allen, Jeff Barrass, Sam de Smith, George Halbert,
Dougie Hamill, Burkhard Hannig, Knut Heykena, Oliver
Kanand, Torben Kastbjerg, Torsten Kock, Angus
McNicholl, Mark Nutter, Henrik Olsen, Andrew Paul,
Sbastien Romaire-Denizet, Pascal Saradjian, Ron
Senior, Bjarne Sinkjr, Andres Villaseca, Christian Weiss,
Sven Wichert

Special Thanks
Mark Brendan & Will Cottrell

What is Void 1.1

You have all seen the science fiction films that are around
where heroes battle against corrupt
mega-corporations, aliens and evil
empires and the robots of the future
threaten the very existence of
Well Void 1.1 is a tabletop
game, played with miniatures, that
allows you to create similar conflicts
to those that you have seen in your
favourite sci-fi films.
In the Void 1.1 universe
there are heroes and villains, aliens
and robots. Urban Mammoth produces a large range of miniatures
and models for the Void 1.1 universe
for you to collect and paint. The idea
is that you collect these miniatures
to play the game. The Void 1.1 game
is easily understandable and allows
you to play fast fun games with your
friends in a couple of hours.
Not only will you have a
great time playing the game but
you'll have endless hours of enjoyment deciding what figures to buy,
what forces to build and how you will
paint them.
Currently there are five different armies to choose from and
more will follow soon. These are the
Viridians, Junkers, Syntha, VASA
and the Koralon.
The Viridians are run by a
global corporate democracy, with its
citizens as shareholders of all the
various corporations that form the
Viridian Assembly.
Their armies comprise commandoes, power armoured troopers
and platform mounted weapons car-

ried on the backs of monstrous

lizards. They favour ranged weapons
and try to defeat the enemy at a distance since casualties in war lose
votes in the assembly, however, the
gargantuan lizards are fearsome in
close combat, slashing and rending
their victims with their cruel sharp
The Senate on Ironglass
oversees the harsh militaristic
Junker society, where life is cheap
and invariably short. Their armies
consist of large legions of convict
legionaries equipped with crude but
robust weaponry. A shortage of
effective ranged weapons makes it
imperative that the legionaries close
with their enemies on the battlefield
before sustaining too many causalities. Quad bikes and buggies support these troops, however, Junker
armies rely on sheer numbers to win
the day.
Syntha society is known as
the "collective" and all aspects of life
within it are controlled and monitored
by the Prime Central AI located in
the heart of the Prime planetoid. The
Syntha are a highly trained, wellequipped army utilising cyborgs and
enhanced humans supported by
grav-tanks and robotic weapon platforms. They are the consummate
ranged combat army, however, due
to their programming they can be
inflexible and easily out manoeuvred.
VASA are the policing body
that guard the grav-wells throughout
Pan-Humanic space. They are the
typical elite forces army, utilising

jump troopers and the mysterious

Void Knights, disciples of the Meta
Temples. They like to get in fast
where they can bring to bear their
unrivalled close combat weaponry.
However, it is a small and fragile
army so you have to be careful.
The Koralon are the aliens,
these are serpent like creatures and
they are supported by large numbers
of hybrid humans. These are unfortunate captives that have been
mutated into hideous fighting
machines by the aliens. It is a very
adaptable army that can change to
suit the conditions with good close
combat troopers and useful "gravitic"
technologies for ranged combat.
There are separate Force
books for each of these armies with
more detailed information on their
background as well as comprehensive army lists for you to build their
armies. Additionally there are painting and terrain guides in these books
with hints and tips on how to get the
best from your army.
As well as this we have our
magazine Battle with Miniatures,
there are online versions as well as
printed compendium issues that will
be on hand to give you hints and tips
on all aspects of the hobby.
So go on, build an army and
fight on the battlefields of Void 1.1.
Have fun.

Blue Eden

Sec-Net Bulletin Synform Monitor Locus 01.28.28 Intercept

The following databundle was
simultaneously delivered to all major
media outlets, academic and research
institutions, and public information
receptacles, as well as privately sent to
over four-thousand influential persons
including planetary governors and
elected officials, major shareholders in
key corporations, industrial magnates,
scholars and critics, and certain vocal
As the last survivor of the Blue
Eden expedition it falls on me to make
our story public; enclosed within this
databundle are my personal logs,
those marked 'Dr. Avery Valverde S.A.',
in addition to the logs of twelve other
mission scientists, as well as over seventeen hours of footage of the deadly
fauna we encountered.
Blue Eden was a third stage
project, initiated on a large scale but in
extreme haste. Out of twenty prospective worlds in Rim Sector 52 only one
was immediately habitable and it was
to serve as a springboard for the
colonisation of the entire region.
Unknown to my team safety and surveillance protocols had been severely
curtailed in the mad rush to get surveyors on the ground. Soon there were
hundreds of us in widely dispersed
groups; almost wholly ignorant of our
surroundings and even lacking accurate data on the warm, still oceans that
comprised eighty percent of the world's
At first it certainly seemed as if
the relaxed protocols and double-deal-

ing, the greased palms at the VASA

Viridian Assembly, were yielding handsome returns. And our glowing reports
only made things worse: the potential
of the rich biosphere promised amazing discoveries and blinded us to its
dangers. Soon xenobiologists were
recklessly exploring the unusual archipelagos, the dominant landform on that
ocean world, in direct competition with
one another. Such poor coordination
meant it was months before we
realised the sinister extent of our
predicament; that people were disappearing by the dozens.
Those of us who did suspect
the worst were dismissed as alarmists;
that is until the entire staff of Antilles
base went missing. The mission under
Captain Brahe sent to investigate likewise vanished, leaving only the telltale
of weapons fire and blast damage
around their abandoned site. Clono
base on the great south island then
went silent, and no expedition had
been seen or heard from in weeks. Of
the several hundred men and women
actively investigating the planet, only
the six of us at the upland weather station remained in contact with our orbital
That's when they came for us.
After six days absence Patterson and
Gabe washed up on the surf, alive and
overgrown with the curious coral-like
substance that comprised the thousands of overgrown islands of that
cursed place. We tended to them while

we made plans to evacuate. Rapidly

the infection spread through our team,
and soon Gabe began to act psychotic.
I've enclosed the recording of those
last moments there before my flight,
which will clearly show what I lack the
words to describe, as well as the cursory analysis we ran on the coraline,
as it's now known. In the end, those
who survived exposure to it could no
longer be described as human: killing
them was a kindness.
The details of my escape on
the utility scow are all in the logs,
including the most frightening aspect of
my encounter. Post situational analysis
of the supply vessel's scans by experienced fleet officers confirms that the
objects I detected minutes before
shunting from the system are indeed
vessels of some kind, vessels which
manoeuvre at g's impossible for a
human ship to sustain. What at first
seemed a lethal biosphere on a dangerous world I am now convinced represents the deliberate actions of a nonhuman sentience. We are not alone.
Too many have died for this
information, and billions more are
threatened by its suppression. We
must never forget the disaster of Blue
Eden, we cannot forget that cursed
world or it will mean our extinction.

The name of this planet is

Void 1.1,
and its legacy is yet

The Draconis Alba Galaxy

Viridia-Solaris/Leviathan Binary System

The Viridia Solaris/Leviathan binary system is a twin star
system consisting of the main sequence yellow star Viridia
Solaris and the long dead black dwarf Leviathan and their
The binary system was formed 5.5 billion years ago when
the immense gravity field exerted by Leviathan captured the
young Viridia Solaris system.

Void System
The Void solar system is located in Rim Sector 52, an area of low
star density. It is quite remarkable in that three out of its five orbiting
planets apparently have naturally occurring atmospheres capable of
sustaining carbon-based life forms. VASA quantum scientists place
the chances of discovering a system of this type as incalculably
small, to the point of impossibility. It is the highest scoring
system on the VASA Colonisation Index. Another feature
of the system is the extremely high biosphere reading on Void 1.1.

Void System

Type: Ocean
Periastron: 112 million
Radius: 5,707 km
Orbital Period: 207 days
Population: Unknown
Atmosphere: Humid/Life
Moons: V1.1/m1,
V1.2/m2 and V1.1/m3

Type: Desert World

Periastron: 183 million
Radius: 4982 km
Orbital Period: 3.7 years
Population: Unknown
Atmosphere: Thin
Moons: None

Type: Inert
Periastron: 3027 million
Radius: 2562 km
Orbital Period: 27 years
Population: Unknown
Atmosphere: None
Moons: V1.3/m1

Type: Ice World

Periastron: 512 million
Radius: 4012 km
Orbital Period: 72 years
Population: Unknown
Atmosphere: Thin
Moons: V1.4/m1 and

Type: Ice World

Periastron: 589 million
Radius: 3717 km
Orbital Period: 113
Population: Unknown
Atmosphere: Frozen
Moons: V1.5/m1 and

Void 1.1 is the first planet from

the sun in the Void system situated in
the farther reaches of the eastern arm
of the galaxy known as the Rimworlds.
The Void system was the first of many
systems in which man encountered the
Koralon. It is a single star system with
five planets simply named 1.1 through
to 1.5.
Since the fateful encounter
very little information, beyond what
was gleaned by the research vessels
that escaped, is known about it. It has
been speculated that in addition to the
large infestation on Void 1.1 there is a
second colony on the far side of Void
1.5 where the second moon, V1.5/m2,
acts as a gigantic harbour for the Void
Reef fleet. Void 1.1 has been defined
as a Reef world, a tell tale sign of a
Koralon infestation. It has large, warm,
shallow oceans with a series of archipelagos build of coraline. It has a lifesustaining atmosphere if not a bit too
humid for human habitation. It is not
known if any other of the planets sustain life, Void 1.3 and 1.5 do not have
any breathable atmosphere but 1.2
and 1.4 have thin atmospheres and it
has been suggested that this may be
the first stages of Koralon "terraforming" at work.
It has become clear that the
Koralon have a well-established interstellar empire right out on the galactic
rim, which is thought to be at least as
extensive as humankind's. Initial
encounters with the Koralon were disastrous, resulting in skirmishes
between settlers on the rim and
Koralon battlefleets. Since then a campaign of attrition has been fought
between 'Rimworlders' and the
Koralon, but without heavy VASA support the rim colonies have fallen one by
one. VASA realised that their forces
were over extended, given the scale of
human occupied space, and have conceded the rim to the Koralon, withdrawing their support and leaving the
outlying colonies to face the aliens
alone. In the last few years the war has
reached a bogged down, stalemate,
with some human rebel worlds still
mustering resistance within what is
now ostensibly Koralon space, and the
aliens testing the boundaries of VASA
held territory. The VASA official line on

the Koralon is that they are rapacious,

hostile aliens that cannot tolerate the
presence of a species that might compete with them. Meanwhile scholars
and intellectuals on Gate worlds far
from the front lines debate whether the
war is simply a defensive posture by
essentially peaceful Koralon against
human invaders; whether the whole
thing is a massive cross-cultural misunderstanding; or whether Koralon
really are bug eyed monsters bent on
humanity's destruction.
Koralon are marine amphibians that must certainly have evolved
on an ocean world, though no human
ship has ever came close to penetrating to the heart of alien space. Their
bodies are elongated and serpentine
and can reach massive sizes, though
most are somewhere in the region of 23 meters long. Koralon torsos can
have one or more pairs of limbs; usually arms, though occasionally wings as
well. They carry themselves by slithering along on a carpet of mucous continually secreted from their soft parts,
whilst keeping their heads and torsos
erect. They are thought to have originally been slug-like invertebrates
swimming in the oceans of their home
world (human military forces disparagingly refer to them as 'Slugs'), but a
symbiotic relationship with a microbial
creature that grows like a coral on their
bodies has allowed them to conquer
land. Autopsies on alien soldiers show
that when these microbes die they
leave behind unique silicate skeletons,
which build up to form an incredibly
tough mineral deposit dubbed 'coraline'. Koralon have somehow learned
to control the growth rate of this material, most likely by treating parts of their
growing bodies with hormones. In this
way they are believed to have turned
hydrostatic skeletons into solid bony
structures, as well as growing crystalline armoured plates and natural
weaponry on their outer skins. Other
significant aspects of Koralon biology
includes their ability to generate massive electrostatic charges with their
bodies, like the Volt Newts of Axolotl 9,
and the incredible sonic resonance
(perhaps a development of echo-location, though just how they communicate isn't known) that some Koralon

organisms can project.

Koralon have based their
technology on the mastery they have
over coraline, making even their astronautics and industrial processes a
weird branch of biotechnology. They
grow structures out of coraline to make
'Reef Cities'; build vehicles- called
Reef Ships- and weapons from it. They
even mix it with other substances to
develop field technologies that leave
human scientists baffled. It is known
they can manufacture a coraline-neutronium alloy that generates spatial
rifts when a current is passed through
it. This material is thought to be the
drive mechanism that Koralon use for
grav-shunting. Their mastery of
gravitics is way beyond what humans
know, and they can even make ranged
weapons and other clever devices
such as short range teleporters from
the alloy. The only place in the known
universe that neutronium exists is on
neutron stars, but how the Koralon can
get close enough to them to mine the
element is anyone's guess. A more disturbing aspect of their biotechnology is
that they seem to be able to use it on
other species, adapting it to the subjects' natural talents. Reports have
recently come to light of Koralonhuman hybrid drones fighting alongside the aliens, men and women
hideously transformed into living
Precious little is known about
how the Koralon organise their society,
though they are thought to influence the
growth of individuals for specific tasksworkers, warriors, scientists, etc. This
would make their closest human analogue for a social model the Syntha.
They seem to have a highly organised
caste system that encompasses varying degrees of free will. On the battlefield it has been observed that the more
limbs an individual has, the higher up
the pecking order it usually is. There is
also evidence to suggest that Koralon
colonies are as prone to in-fighting as
human ones are, though revolution
within the infrastructure of a particular
colony seems much less likely. What is
clear is that the Koralon are an enigma,
and only through understanding them
can humanity hope to resolve the war
one way or another.

Two hundred years is simply not enough time to account for the incredible differences in the human population of Elborea. Yes, it's possible that the systemwide anomaly that cut them off from us exerted some as yet undiscovered
mutational influence on their physiology, but I suspect it's more a product of
the native ecology. Dr. Guo has yet to discover any concrete cause in the tissue samples we sent her, and she plans to bring the rest of the team down to
investigate first-hand. Meanwhile I'm still puzzling over the apparent similarities between the native fauna and the colonists, tomorrow I plan to collect
more samples in the jungle.
-recovered from the logbook of Xenobiologist Lenil Fuller, member of the
doomed Elborea Expedition



Agents of Apocalypse or Evolution?

About a hundred years ago
Admiral Nozick's Nu-Utopian fleet
managed to briefly take control of a
Reef World within Koralon territory.
Since then VASA has been anxious to
build upon the intelligence gathered by
that mission, attempting to understand
the aliens' motives and technologies.
Much new evidence has come to light
since then, some of it corroborating
the ill-fated Nu-Utopians' findings,
other evidence contradicting their theories. But the aliens are changing,
evolving, and dragging us along with
them in the form of hybrids and
mutants. And in the hundred years
since Nozick's mission it is no surprise
that some of the findings have become
obsolete. So are the Koralon harbingers of mankind's extinction, or do
they herald a new stage in human evolution?
The following data is an
abridged transcript from the log of the
Pioneer, flagship of the Nu Utopia
independent colony's starfleet- it has
been posted on the sub-ether net infotainment domain. The entries in the
log are the private observations of
Fleet Admiral Nozick. Classified data,
including dates, has been removed by
order of VASA High Command.
Admiral Nozick has expressed certain
views regarding VASA in his logs that
have been left in. Nozick's fate should
serve as a cautionary tale to those
mistakenly believing they can take
matters of galactic security into their
own hands.

Entry 1
Today the Nu Utopian Fleet
set off into the unknown. The Koralon
are mankind's enemy, yet we continue
to concede our territory to them, our
VASA protectorate shirking their
responsibilities. In the course of the
last year alone we have seen our sister colony Arcadia, and our independent allies on Mannheim with whom we
were due to sign a trade concession,
fall to this alien menace. It is high time
that we strike back as a species. For
the sake of our own survival we must
take the battle to them, strike at their
home worlds as they have struck at
ours with such devastating efficiency.
We have petitioned VASA with our
plans for a concerted invasion of alien

space; we have obtained quantum

relay probe data with the co-ordinates
of a small Koralon Reef World fifty-six
light years from Nu Utopia. This planet
could be taken as a beachhead for
sorties into the Koralon Empire, and
would allow us to study their worlds.
VASA has refused to even meet with
representatives of our government. So
it falls upon us to undertake this bold
stroke alone. We are left with no
choice; three days ago an alien scout
vessel was shot down around the
asteroid belt circling our solar system.
We'll be the next colony to fall unless
we take pre-emptive action.

Entry 2
We grav-shunted at 0700,
using the Utopia Six gravwell. 28 battleships, including the Pioneer, armed
with particle cannons, negatron torpedoes, and rail guns; 121 Light Frigates
with more of the same; 1,798 assorted
bombers, transports and light interceptors with Colossus RMD VIIs and highyield plasma bombs; 2 divisions of
light infantry, a division of mechanised
infantry, supported by 3 battalions of
heavy armour and a battalion of
artillery. We do not intend to lose this
battle. When we came out of the
gravwell around a planetoid on the
outskirts of the Reef World system we
found a screen of enemy warships
already awaiting us- they had anticipated our arrival. Had it not been for
the sheer numbers and combined firepower of our fleet this might have gone
disastrously. Our shield systems are ill
equipped to deal with the gravitic
weapons of the Koralon interceptors
and we took heavy casualties, but in
the end we saw off the threat.
Switching to plasma drives it took us
sixteen hours to reach our destination.
Orbiting the Reef World, which we
have dubbed Oceanus, was a fleet of
enemy vessels dominated by two of
the largest Reef Ships I've yet seen.
Great, elongated structures covered in
coraline ridges and bristling with
gravitic ordnance, they looked more
like some terrible beast from the ocean
depths than spacecraft. In terms of
size they were more like space stations than ships- not quite as big as
the Junker Starfactories, but certainly
in that league. Hordes of smaller craft
emerged from the hulls of these mon-

sters as we approached and battle

was joined. The fighting lasted little
over half an hour and our total losses,
combined with the earlier ambush,
now amounted to half the original fleet.
Still, we had won command of
Oceanus' orbital zone and the bombardment and invasion of the surface
could now commence. In the battle
one of the Koralon Motherships was
totally obliterated by particle cannon
fire to its neutronium drive system, but
the other was disabled, leaving it
hanging in space at our mercy

Entry 3
After the battle I joined the
expeditionary force to take the crippled
mother ship. Although her propulsion
system and weapons were neutralised, scans showed that there were
still aliens alive on board. This was a
potentially dangerous situation. We
attached our docking port over a
breach in the outer shell made by a
negatron torpedo. The 19th Nu
Utopian Tactical Company are the fine
men, women and droids who undertook this most hazardous of missions,
and I was proud to be at their head.
The hull, or more accurately the shell,
of the vessel was an intricate honeycomb structure, made up of quite delicate interlocking strands of coraline, in
some places not much thicker than a
man's arm. Within, the vessel had a
life-supporting atmosphere, perhaps
too humid to be entirely comfortable
for humans, but it did prove that the
Koralon require similar levels of oxygen and STP as ourselves to survive.
The best description I can give of the
interior was labyrinthine, and it was lit
by an eerie red glow that seemed to be
emitted by the coraline itself. Heavy
condensation ran over everything, and
pooled on the floors of the interior.
Indeed some chambers were pressure-sealed and filled to the ceiling
with water. We eventually found all the
Koralon clustered around a chamber
deep in the bowels of the ship, seemingly protecting something. There was
a fierce battle and our brave soldiers
made a good account themselves. In
the confined space it was a massacre
and we lost half the company to the
weird gravity weapons and savage
blades of the aliens, but our superior
firepower won the day. The last aliens


Nu-Utopian Log

took the secret of whatever was in the

chamber with them. They instigated an
explosive decompression from which
we barely escaped with our lives.
However, some of the troops and
myself can recall a vague impression
of something huge, multi-limbed and
alive occupying the centre of that
place. Elsewhere we found various
purpose built chambers in the
Mothership, the largest of these being
a cavernous bay in which great vats of
coraline and organic nutrient rich solutions were used to grow smaller reef
ships. It would appear that coraline
scaffolds forming Reef Ship superstructures were placed into the vats, to
grow the shells of everything from single pilot interceptors to vessels as
large as our frigates. We found stockpiles of neutronium in these chambers
too, which seemed to be alloyed with
coraline in smaller vats to make gravity weapons and propulsion systems. It
may take years to unravel the mysteries of the raw neutronium, which for
mankind has been a theoretical element until this day, since all attempts
to refine the substance from captured
coraline/neutronium devices have
been unsuccessful. The Mothership's
weapons array seemed to have been
linked to a honeycomb of cells, each
containing a single Phazon gunner
operating a single weapon, or a number of Phazons acting in unison to
operate larger ordnance. The coralineneutronium grav-drive on the ship had
a direct pipe to a cluster of five hundred Phazon navigators

Entry 4
We have placed a ring of
steel around each of the five major
Reef Cities on Oceanus. The aliens
are hard fighters and hold out to the
last. They never surrender, never give
quarter, but we have them beaten now
thanks to our orbital superiority. It may
be a long siege, but it's only a matter
of time before the Koralon must fall

Entry 5
Victory is ours. We've shattered all significant resistance on
Oceanus by taking the five major Reef
Cities, and now there only remain
minor colonies of aliens that will surely
succumb to our orbital bombardments
in the next few days. Though the city is


much diminished following our bombing campaign and artillery barrages, it

is still a thing of great wonder. How
can such ghastly, savage beasts as
the Koralon manage such feats of
beauty and precision? This morning
for instance I was horrified to learn
how the beasts feed. Thinking that
there were no Koralon left security was
relaxed, and field research teams
were dispatched. I watched as one
troupe of our scientists were set upon
by those winged horrors we have
named Harpykons. The creatures
were clearly starving and they attempted to consume the unfortunate scientists by injecting their stomachs into
the living bodies of the victims to suck
them dry- as a starfish or a jellyfish
does with its prey. Our snipers dispatched the creatures, but it was too
late for the poor souls violated in this
hideous fashion. The cities themselves are built up from coraline reefs.
The Koralon, we know now, bring their
terraforming technologies with them
when they colonise a new planet,
introducing the coraline microbe to
watercourses on the world so that it
propagates naturally. This of course
means that they need worlds with a
large amount of surface water to
thrive. It seems that in common with
our own terraforming technologies this
process can take decades, but eventually large enough reefs will form to
build the massive, multi-level Reef
Cities like the one on whose streets we
are currently camped. Once enough
coraline has concentrated in an area it
will form expansive mineral flats, rising
out of the water. Then Koralon bioengineers can go to work, shaping and
accelerating the rate of coraline deposition to construct vast, geodesic crystalline scaffolds, over which layers of
coraline grow to form domiciles. In this
way the cities grow up out of the seas
and bayous, forming shelves around
one or more central columns. From
each of these stable shelves crystal
spires emerge, interlinked by delicate
webs of coraline. To keep the system
growing a complex system of locks
and screws allows water to circulate
constantly around the infrastructure.
The sheer inventiveness of the
Koralon in their application of this technology staggers me. The Koralon's
power needs were provided for the

most part by the creatures' own bioelectricity, processed through coraline

amplifiers. Battery slave creatures
seem to have been bred with massive
bio-electric organs just for this purpose
(unlike the Phazons who are masters
of manipulating and directing this
energy and therefore enjoy a high-status technician role in society). Within
the structure of these cities, they have
facilities for various purposes such as
defence batteries, farms for the marine
creatures upon which the Koralon
feed, and large growth vats in which
Koralon embryos are bio-engineered
for the roles they will perform in the
colony. How the Koralon breed
remains a mystery and we haven't yet
figured out where the embryos come
from- though in common with the Reef
Mothership, each of the cities had a
chamber at its heart which the Koralon
destroyed utterly rather than allow us
to capture what resided within

Entry 6
At 0615 hours a Koralon
fleet appeared around Oceanus with
no warning. They significantly outnumber us and we've plotted a course
back to the planetoid to attempt a
grav-shunt. In the initial onslaught we
lost most of our remaining vessels.
There is only the Pioneer, seventeen
cruisers and a handful of light craft left.
If we don't make it then maybe this log
will reach someone who can put its
findings to use. Admiral Nozick signing



War with the Koralon has

been a frontier phenomenon for nearly
a century and, no matter how alarming
the reports or disappointing the setbacks, most regarded the alien menace as a problem confined to the Rim.
But the recent assault deep within
human space, an intergalactic war
already being referred to as the
Koralon Incursion, has shattered illusions of safety and distance from this
hostile species that unwillingly shares
the universe with man.
Shattered too is the notion
that Koralon are somehow inferior to
humanity in intellect or innovation, that
they are instinct driven and rigidly
hive-minded. Certainly mankind has
long recognized the astonishing technological accomplishments of the
aliens, including their superior means
of 'phased' grav-shunting that made
this devastating Incursion possible,
but until now their capacity for grand
strategic thinking and, more alarming
still, their understanding and exploitation of humanity's social and psychological characteristics has been
unimagined by the best minds in
human space.
In a simultaneous attack on
five systems, in regions distributed
over a three thousand light year
radius, the Koralon fleets materialized
Independent of grav-wells the Koralon
fleets moved through n-space (fifth
dimensional space) with pinpoint precision, and old human notions of the
galaxy as a maze of systems connect-


ed by grav-lines blinded mankind to

the possibilities of Koralon shunting
techniques. By ignoring spatial dimensionality Koralon shunting also ignores
distance: conceivably the aliens may
appear anywhere in the galaxy. There
are no longer secure systems; all of
pan-humanic space has been laid
Dissecting human space with
an expert eye the Koralon selected
star systems most likely to devastate
mankind, and pave the way for further
conquests. Gateworlds, rich, populous, dominators of trade and travel,
these were the worlds the aliens conquered; deemed invulnerable by virtue
of their location, the Koralon had little
difficulty in brushing aside their nominal defences. Each Gateworld system
possessed deep grav-wells, making
them a crossroads, a vital link for
trade, transport, and communications.
Severing such links, bridges between
hundreds of worlds, made a concerted
response by humanity to the attack
nearly impossible, and left billions cutoff for the first time from the empires
they looked to for guidance.
Algercon, Rzhova, Arkadia,
Actaeon, Yvetot; within days each system was taken and their worlds, all
favoured with rich biospheres and
teeming with life, began rapid, coraline-induced metamorphosis. Here too
the Koralon had shown their foresight,
for each world was conducive to the
swift spread and growth of coraline,
they could each be remade into ideal
alien habitats. With a comparatively

small force the Koralon subjugated

these worlds and incorporated them
and their inhabitants into the alien
empire. They had come to stay.
Clearly they understood their
enemy; the Koralon struck mankind's
weak point with a sudden, overwhelming force, they moved decisively to
consolidate their gains whilst humanity
squabbled over treaty obligations or
fragmented into divisive factions, and
they allowed the rest of human space
to witness the horror of the
Gateworlds' collapse. On some worlds
the aliens permitted sub-ether communications to continue unabated for
many days, apparently aware of the
fear this would engender. For a
species so different from mankind to
posses even a vague understanding of
human emotions and motivations is
remarkable, that they actively
employed such knowledge as part of
an aggressive strategy of psychological warfare almost defies probability.
That man was able to regain
these lost systems is a testament to
his ability to cooperate in adversity,
though the expenditure of lives and
material has been, and continues to
be, enormous. Although the Koralon
fleets have dispersed, in many cases
dissolving back into n-space once it
was clear humanity had the edge, the
planets themselves remain turbulent,
ruined, and teeming with hostile hybrid
species and their Koralon masters.
Worlds like Actaeon and
Rzhova fared relatively well during the
Reconquest, though ravaged and

The Koralon Incursion

infected they were the planets least

suited to Koralon habitation and their
colder oceans delayed the arrival of
the Mother Reefs with their advanced
assimilation techniques. Yvetot Alpha
has already been abandoned by
Ironglass, the small water planet is so
thoroughly infested that VASA plans to
artificially thin its atmosphere from
orbit until its oceans freeze. Its mate,
the Gateworld Yvetot Beta, has been
radically transformed by coraline infection and is teeming with an enormous
amount of Hybrids, the remnants of
the overpopulated Junker cities, and
Ironglass has only begun to wage a
costly war of attrition to regain the
planet's surface.
On Algercon the Viridians face
an unprecedented nightmare snarl of
infected jungle and dense woodland,
the vast acreages of genetically tailored arboriforms have undergone
incredible transformations at the
hands of the Koralon. Reportedly the
hybrid forest is now proving itself an
antagonist for the Viridian and VASA
forces engaged in jungle warfare on
the planet's surface, and the myriad
basins and underground lakes in
which the Koralon hold out are all but
Kyklops in the Arkadian
System, old imperial seat of the tyrant
Iskander, is an oppressively hot world
with placid, shallow seas, the most
ideal of all the worlds to be conquered
during the Incursion. Paradoxically its
human population has been least

affected, the Koralon having immediately taken to the seas in vast numbers and leaving the island city of
Iskandria relatively uninfected, though
its defences, communications and
transport network have been crushed.
But while Tripartite forces reoccupy
the planet, often in open competition
with one another, the deeply submerged Mother Reefs of the Koralon,
protected from orbital bombardments
by gravitically shaped refraction
shields of sea water, continue to work
profound changes on the global climate. It is only a matter of time before
the aliens emerge from beneath the
waves to subjugate the land.
A partial victory for mankind,
this regaining of the Gateworld
Systems while the planets themselves
continue to mutate and revert into a
kind of bio-anarchy and coraline

enhanced species battle over the

shells of dead cities. Many fear that
Koralon Incursion was just the opening
move in a galaxy-wide war for conquest, a testing of the waters before
the aliens commit themselves utterly
to mankind's annihilation. Some have
gone so far as to speculate that this
assault on the Gateworlds was little
more than a feint for, after all, the
Koralon did expand their Rim empire
enormously while mankind was busy
fending of the Incursion. But most
choose not to dwell on the uncomfortable truth the Koralon Incursion has
made clear, and while mankind
rebuilds their shattered worlds, fighting
not only the remnants of the alien
menace but also amongst themselves,
no one utters the unspoken and universal fear; that at any time, anywhere,
the Koralon may return.

First they told us that corporate Viridia would devour us, then it was
the rapacious hordes of Ironglass, soon after the Syntha were the villain of the hour. And what is the latest danger they have cooked up for
us? The perilous threat that requires the suspension of our liberties
and the theft of our very autonomy? Aliens from beyond the rim, hellbent on our destruction. In the centuries that mankind has sailed the
stars how very convenient that it is only now, when our world has
elected self-government, that VASA should find such menacing foes. I
tell you there is no war! The threat to mankind is not on the Rim, but
right here under the VASA yoke!
-Margril Tamm, Bleidas-Colburn Revolutionary Front


The Koralon Fleet

No one knows the true extent

of the Koralon Fleet, but it would seem
to be massive, endless even, since
they just keep coming. Within the fleet
there are many different sizes and
types of vessel, as one would expect
from such an adaptable species.
The main reef ships in
Koralon Fleets are their battleships,
which are classified into four different
size categories by VASA. The smallest
and most numerous are Lamprey
class reef ships, about the size of a
standard human warship. The next
size up is the Remora class reef ship,
which often has fighter escorts of single pilot interceptors, called Razorfins
by human pilots who've faced them.
The third size class is the Kraken, and
these ships are huge; as large as anything the Junkers would make. Kraken
act as mass transports for thousands
of Koralon and their capacious hulls
have many Razorfin bays, as well as
assault craft called Limpet Ships.
These Limpets come in various sizes,
and the largest can carry up to twenty
Larvan sized creatures. Limpets are
stacked in coraline pods on the exterior of Kraken class ships, and when
they get close to an enemy vessel the
pod is ruptured by a bio-electric
charge, spraying a shower of Limpets
over its hull. The Limpets attach themselves with powerful suckers and burrow into the target vessel by secreting
powerful acids and shearing off layers
of armour using coraline cutters. Once
inside, the shells peel back and membranes will unfurl to vacuum seal the
damage, unleashing the Koralon on
the defenders. Finally the largest are


the Dagon class motherships, which

are vast interstellar HQs for the
Koralon, each one a mobile fortress
capable of transporting well over ten
thousand aliens and their commanders.
Although reef ships are big
and can absorb a lot of punishment on
their incredibly tough coraline armour,
which can be electrified to repel
assault craft, human fleets have the
edge over them in terms of manoeuvrability, speed and weaponry. The
most destructive weapon systems on
reef ships are coraline/neutronium
powered grav-cannons. They're certainly potent and human fleet technicians still haven't found an effective
defence against their gravity warping
effects, but their effective range is very
short in comparison with human energy weapons. Grav-cannons are the
standard armaments of Razorfins, and
the larger ships also feature batteries
of them. The simplest fleet weapons
are splinter cannons, which fire
resinous spikes of organic material.
They're light but have far better range
than grav-cannons. There are also
weapon systems on reef ships such as
shard mine layers and lightning barb
launchers, which fire heavy coraline
spines charged with a crackling field of
bio-electricity to overload power systems in the target.
Phazon are very important to
the reef fleet with their mastery of
gravitics. They are pilots, gunners and
navigators for the fleet, and although
they're rare in ground assaults,
Phazon seem to be ubiquitous in
space. Indeed, they seem to have

been bred specifically for the purpose

of operating reef ships and their effectiveness in ground combat is simply a
side effect of these piloting abilities.
Normal propulsion seems to be provided by mindless bio-electric battery
creatures. All of the ships in the
Koralon Fleet have grav-shunting ability though, and VASA scientists have
determined that coraline/neutronium
fuel provides the drive system for this.
Cadres of Phazon seem to link minds
somehow to channel bio-electric energy through the coraline/neutronium
pellets stored towards the back of reef
ships. A gravity warping energy field is
built up which bleeds into complex
conduits and channels throughout the
hull of the ship. When enough charge
is built up space-time collapses
around the vessel, dropping into fivedimensional space surrounded by a
stable bubble of reality. Phazon can
apparently navigate this with ease,
allowing them to reappear wherever
they like. Their grav-shunting abilities
are much more advanced than human
techniques, which rely on the presence of grav-wells. With their stable
bubble method Koralon craft can gravshunt at will. The coraline/neutronium
pellets are also used to power gravcannons, again with Phazon gunners
passing bio-electric charge through
the fuel to generate a gravity warping
The structures of these battleships follow a similar design principle
regardless of size class. All have a
basic, elongated shape rather like a
fish's body, constructed from overlapping plates of coraline. Any number of

spiny fins and sails form ridges along

the hull, and these are thought to
assist both manoeuvrability and maintaining a space-time bubble whilst
grav-shunting. They also provide useful hard points for weapon mounts.
Coloration and nuances of shape tend
to vary from fleet to fleet, indicating
that different factions of Koralon have
slightly different ideas of what is aesthetically pleasing.
As well as the battleships
there are many other, more specialist
reef ships in the Koralon Fleet. For
example the Mother Reefs and their
precursors the Spore Ships, more on
which later. The Koralon also have
highly advanced recon ships that are
more or less invisible to human early
warning systems. Paradoxically, shortrange local radar systems can pick
them up quite easily, but more sophisticated long-range scanners are foiled
by their phased bio-electric cloaking
fields. These recon ships, known as
Morays, are about the size of a cruiser
and for Koralon vessels they're lightly
Standard armaments for Morays are
light too, usually a couple of grav-cannons as primary weapons, backed up
by a battery of splinter cannons. In
addition to gathering intelligence, their
speed and stealth means that they're
used to deploy Spore Ships.

Oh, lets just take our time shall we? Be patient. Debate the issue, commission academic studies and let the politicians poll their constituents,
consult with experts and let no one's opinion go unrecorded. After all,
what need have we for decisive and concerted action when the Koralon
themselves posses enough certainty of purpose to supply an entire
galaxy? I am sure they would bestow this enviable quality of theirs
upon mankind, we needn't even ask.
-Dr. Avery Valverde, the VBC interview


The Mother Reefs

Mother reefs are effectively

interstellar Koralon cities. They are the
key to the Koralon's ability to quickly
settle and assimilate suitable worlds.
Mother Reefs are on the whole large
structures, the biggest being about the
size of Dagon class motherships and
the smallest about the size of Kraken
class reef ships. They have a very different design to most of the reef ships
in the Koralon fleet, consisting of a
large flat disc, atop which the main
body of the mother reef sits. The main
body is a great coraline dome, around
the base and over the surface of which
vents and spires of coraline are clustered. Trailing from the bottom of the
disc are numerous massive, thick tendrils, the largest measuring up to ten
kilometres in length. These tendrils are
only unfurled when the reef comes to
land on a planet though, and whilst in
space they are tucked up under the
body in a sheath of coraline, making
the bottom of the structure smooth and
Mother reefs are primitive,
organic looking structures and VASA
scientists believe that uniquely
amongst the reef fleet they haven't
been purpose built. Other reef ships
are created in sections in huge coraline growth vats under the supervision
of Koralon technicians, but the Mother
Reefs are thought to be living creatures in their own right, and to pre-date
the Koralon in evolutionary terms.
They are believed to have originated
on the same planet as the Koralon and
may be the key to how Koralon came


to explore space. Mother reefs are a

curious mixture of animal, vegetable
and mineral. They are enormous composite organisms made up of vast
numbers of specialised microbes. The
space within the shell is divided into a
labyrinth of hollow chambers, some
filled with water and some with air. The
long tentacles are designed to burrow
into sand and soft rock, extracting the
chemicals that the microbes feed on
and build up the shell with. These
chemicals are processed in a central
stomach region, which is a simple
organic column up through the centre
of the mother reef. This region also
contains bio-electric organs, which
send a weak charge through the feeding tendrils. The bio-electric field
attracts free-floating microbes to add
to the colony and attracts various ions
and separates mineral salts by electrolysis. Originally, they could probably
pull up their tendrils and float on the
ocean surface once they'd exhausted
an area, drifting to new mineral pastures.
By piecing together theories
about Koralon history it is thought that
these mother reefs first provided shelter for the ancient Koralon on their
ocean world. Being an intelligent
species capable of tool use, the aliens
probably began altering the environment within the mother reefs as their
first faltering steps towards developing
technology. This would ultimately have
led to them carrying out experiments in
launching spacecraft created within
the reefs, powered by bio-electric

organs harvested from the Mother

Reefs and grafted onto slave creatures. Eventually they would have
found a way to launch entire reefs, and
take them to other watery worlds.
What isn't clear now is whether the
coraline agent is something the
Koralon encountered before they
began exploring space, or whether it
was something they discovered on
their travels. Maybe they created it
themselves in shell and skeleton building experiments involving microbes.
Whatever the case, the coraline agent
changed the Koralon and their mother
reefs, and they probably had no more
choice in the matter than human
hybrids or altered ecosystems.
Bringing things up to date, the
mother reefs did indeed undergo coraline assimilation, and in common with
other vessels in the reef fleet, their
hard parts are run through with complex channels in which coraline/neutronium gravity waves build up. They
travel in the midst of the Koralon
Fleets, having little or no means of protecting themselves. Inside their great
hollow bodies are brood chambers
filled with coraline cysts, inside of
which lie thousands of dormant
Koralon and hybrids of all kinds. Spore
ships seed planets in preparation for
their landing, and when they come to
ground the mother reefs will head for
shallow water, unfurling their tentacles. Once they've anchored their
feeding tendrils in place and are solidly moored on the planet, bio-electric
signals will go out to activate the

Spore Ships
sporulate matter dropped by the spore
ships. This microbial mat will begin to
migrate towards the reef, picking up
and assimilating other matter as it
goes. Over time this will drastically
alter the environment, eventually turning it into a full-blown reef world. At the
same time coraline propagators will go
to work, changing animal and plant
life. Hybrids and Koralon within the
mother reef will rendezvous with those
dropped by the spore ships to organise raiding forces against human settlements, and most prisoners will be
taken back to the reef where they will
undergo chemical and surgical alteration.

Spore ships are sub-orbital

Koralon craft and their appearance
over a planet usually heralds the first
phase of its transformation into a reef
world. A spore ship consists of a large,
gas filled sphere, around the lower
hemisphere of which four vents are
geometrically arranged. The vents
connect to a sealed seed chamber on
the base of the sphere, which contains
a payload of coraline hybridised microbial spores, and also a number of
modified cysts containing dormant
Koralon and hybrid creatures. Spore
ships are carried in clusters around the
underbellies of Koralon forward recon
vessels. When the Moray identifies a
suitable world for colonisation it will
somehow signal to other recon vessels
in the fleet. The Morays will criss-cross
just beneath the lower orbital level of
the world, avoiding contact with any
human vessels that may be present,
releasing their clusters of spore ships.
The spore ships will be drawn
down to the world's surface by gravity,
the rate of descent regulated by the
tough, gas filled sacs that account for
most of the volume of these vessels.
As they near the surface-or as
favourable wind currents pick up the
spore ship-electrostatic and barometric changes outside the seed chamber
will cause the thin panes of coraline
that seal it to shatter. Clouds of spores

will tumble from the vents to be spread

on the winds, covering as wide an area
as possible. Also released into the
cloud are the chrysalid cysts, which
boast broad propeller like-blades of
coraline. The blades spin the cysts as
they descend, and their large surface
area catches wind currents, again
facilitating a wide distribution.
The sporulate material is dormant when it comes to ground; it is
awaiting a signal that will activate it to
changes. However, the cysts will break
open to release creatures onto the surface of the world. Many of these cysts
contain coraline propagating fauna
that will attack native animal and plant
species, hybridising them. If there are
humans already on the chosen world
then Koralon and human/coraline
hybrids from the cysts will make up the
first wave of attackers. Humans and
Koralon cannot co-exist on the same
world it seems, as the aliens are driven to capture and assimilate all organisms, from bacteria to trees to human
beings into coraline hybrid forms.


The Actaeon Incursion, Day 1, 20:33:14 hrs

The impossible had happened. Lieutenant Kajitani focused on
the minutia of an instrument check, letting the familiar ritual take hold of his
limbs and smooth his tangled mind.
Eyes closed, he filled his lungs with
measured slowness and felt the postadrenal aching of his limbs, the clawlike tightness of his hands. Flexing his
delicate fingers, relaxing the muscles
in his face and back, Kajitani exhaled
with deliberate fullness. For a brief
moment he was at peace, serene. He
opened his eyes to confront again the
unwelcome reality in which he found
himself, and the pale blue orb of
Actaeon hung enormously before him.
Actaeon, home of eight billion
beings like himself, wondrously fragile
and tenaciously enduring Homo sapiens who had found a world of dead
rock and choking vapors and transformed it into a land of green gardens
under blue skies. Here was a world
every bit as fertile as the one that had
sprung his species, a centre of life, a
hub of commerce, a keystone of
mankind's galactic empire. Kajitani
drank in the sight of it through the
transparent duroplaz of his cockpit, an
armoured dome protruding like a blis-


ter from the black splinter that was his

Yesterday he had been one of many
students receiving advanced officer
training at Varez Gravwell, key to the
Actaeon system; an integral and
secure region deep within human
space. Today he was one of the few
defenders of the Gateworld itself, hiding in the shadow of its moon and
awaiting the onslaught of the most
unexpected and impossible invasion
ever to occur.
The Koralon. He had trained
for them, they all had; he knew their
ship's specs and the current estimates
of their capabilities, could quote details
about their grav-cannons, splinter batteries, and lightning barbs, remembered well such things as the speed
and turning radius of a Razorfin from
VR sim-drills, he even understood the
basic principals behind the Koralon's
grav-warp bubble and the frightening
mobility that gave them. This last fact
especially should have told him and
anyone else all they needed to know
about mankind's vulnerability. Yet no
one had foreseen this, a massive
attack on the heart of human space,
and Kajitani's shock and anger, the

shame and rage he felt at his own people's short-sightedness and willingness to disregard the uncomfortable
facts so plainly confronting them, were
things felt by all humanity as news of
the Koralon Incursion spread. But lurking beneath the outrage pulsed a cold
black fear unlike anything mankind
had ever known.
That fear had spread, rippling
outward from the first, stunning impact
of the Koralon invasion. Eight hours
had passed since the alien fleet had
appeared, quite literally out of
nowhere, on the outskirts of the
Actaeon System and the news of it
must have filtered through all panhumanic space in that time. For the
VASA forces at Varez it had been
barely enough time to mobilize and,
together with the Actaeon Home Fleet,
organize a defence in depth using
every available resource. A strike force
had been sent to engage the main
body of the Koralon as they reached
the solar plain close to the gas giant
Alhys while a lesser fleet positioned
itself in a reactive capacity near the
system's sparse asteroid belt, and
nimble interceptors and escorts had
been dispatched to protect the popula-

tion centres: the moons Teron and

Helioceph, the dome colony at
Brandize, and immense Actaeon itself.
Kajitani's sleek fighter was one of a
hundred or so in orbit around the
Gateworld, concealed, it was hoped,
from the advancing Koralon by the
shadow of Actaeon's dense little
moon. He was in the last line of
defence for a planet of billions, a burden that grew heavier with each passing hour.
And he had hours yet with
which to dwell on this fact, or perhaps
to wrestle with the temptation to reminisce over his own short life, for to
contemplate the trivial in an effort to
ease his mind seemed an irresponsible use of his final moments. In the
cold, blue-gray light of Actaeon
Kajitani regarded his dexterous hands,
his secret pride, and told himself he
was exactly where he belonged; this
life was the one he had chosen.
Studying the NavTac display he
watched the first encounter of the
fleets, Koralon and Man; distant
armies killing each other beyond the
range of sight or sense, a lethal warmaking reduced to coloured points
and glowing trajectories on the three-

dimensional grid suspended before his

eyes. Was he witness to the pivotal
battle between these species, his and
The insistent buzz of his
CommDeck startled Kajitani out of his
dour reverie. It was a tight beam transmission from Orbital Seven to his
strike group, priority red. In the seconds it took to decode the message
Kajitani, thoughts racing, puzzled over
the significance of the order; surely
Central Command couldn't be sending
them to assist the fleet? Even under a
hard three G's acceleration it would
take nearly five hours to get there, far
too late to affect the battle's outcome.
But it was not the fleet that needed him
"All units go live, enemy
detected within intercept range, commence active sweeps, correlative data
on wide band from Mother One, repeat
this to all units, we are a go"
Kajitani, feeling as if he had
been jarred awake by some riot of
sound and light, reflexively brought his
systems online as Commander
Matokai boomed his orders over the
AR. Instantaneously his squadron had
formed an integrated sensor web that

scanned the surrounding space with

many eyes and many means, but
processed that data with one, collective mind. Where moments before had
been vacant space, a comforting vacuum between the vulnerable Actaeon
and the invader's fleet halfway across
the system, now loomed scores of
enemy vessels swiftly closing on the
planet itself.
They were Morays, cloaked
harbingers of the alien conquest, and
Kajitani cursed once more the unpreparedness
Undetectable at long range these fast
scout ships were nevertheless easily
spotted by methods as simple as
radar, had anyone thought to deploy
probes to scan for their presence. It
was ships like these that carried the
soldiers and the spores of the enemy;
transforming entire planets into alien
landscapes, infecting worlds as a virus
infects a cell.
The space around him was
alive now as the plasma drives of the
Nightingales and Tercel-class escorts
sprang to life, each spewing a white
flare of ionised gas brilliantly behind it
as the strike force diverged on separate headings. Pulse quickening, limbs


heavy with acceleration, Kajitani

prepared for combat; all fear and
apprehension vanishing from his
thoughts. As his strike wing sped
toward their targets they passed the
brief interval with the businesslike
communications of the professional
warrior, though the occasional errant
boast or heartfelt pledge was sent
through the cold night of space to comfort a distant comrade. Minutes dwindled to seconds, the seconds gone in
an instant, and the VASA fighters
opened fire as they closed. Battle had
been joined, and the outranged craft of
the Koralon fared badly in the initial
Stubbornly maintaining their
trajectory, the Koralon continued their
dive into the planet's upper atmosphere. Kajitani stabbed the darkness
ahead; once, twice, five times the
bright beam of his ion cannon formed
a brief but lethal link between his craft
and the distant Morays. His wing had
destroyed twice their number before
the Koralon returned fire, fouling
instrumentation and retarding acceleration with their weirdly potent gravitic
cannons. Deftly Kajitani compensated
for the anomalous readings, grimacing
at his proximity to the stratosphere as
he continued to gain on the few
remaining alien craft. But the handful
of blips on his scanner suddenly erupted into a swarm: the Morays had
released their spores.
Still he closed with the
invaders, though acceleration constricted his breathing and his cockpit
alarm chirped warning. Beneath him
the night side of Actaeon had grown
dangerously close, the light of its populous cities flickering through the friction of his passage like a moonlit


stretch of ocean. Kajitani pushed his

craft further into the protesting atmosphere, fighting to match course with
the spreading cloud of spore ships. He
adjusted his ion cannon to its widest
dispersion setting, if he could just coax
the narrow needle of his interceptor a
bit closer one broad beam should
effectively neutralize the nearest
The rubbery cushion of the
impact foam was suffocating, filling the
space around his head and mouth.
With a muffled word he deactivated it,
and as it shrunk away the cool night air
of Actaeon rushed in to replace it.
Kajitani stared dully at the fractured
cockpit seal, his head throbbing from
impact and depressurisation. After an
interval he left his ship, and stood on
the surface of the world he should
have died defending.
He had been at the distant
edge of the grav-cannon barrage that
destroyed his strike wing; it had been
enough to send him careening sharply
toward the planet. A thousand-to-one
chance, but the computer had managed to land the unwieldy craft while
he slumbered uselessly in blackout.
Kajitani gazed into the clean night sky,
the stars dimmed by the luminescent
haze of a nearby town. Against this
background of stars moved even
brighter points of light, ominously
streaking toward all corners of the
Kajitani curled his slim fingers
around the butt of his sidearm as he
tracked the racing objects; the sky was
falling, and with it came the Koralon.
The menace of the Rim was now the
peril of all humanity

Infecting Worlds
The coraline microbe is perhaps the most virulent, pernicious and,
indeed, successful self-replicating
microorganism in the known universe.
It combines with nearly every type of
living matter, entering into a symbiotic
relationship with a host organism, producing radical changes while leaving
the infected host alive. The role of this
mutanagen in Koralon physiology is
easily observed; their exo-skeletal
structures and other hard parts are the
product of coraline growth. The directed and undirected influence of coraline
on human beings is also well known, if
not completely understood. But most
dramatic of all is the effect of coraline
on a planet's biosphere, the extraordinary ways in which it rewrites entire
worlds and ecosystems, creating an
alien environment, altered and
hybridised from the lowliest unicellular
organism to the highest sentient being,
even distorting and redirecting global
weather patterns and ocean currents.
The use of coraline infection
must be regarded as the primary
weapon in the Koralon arsenal; it is at
once their means of destroying threatening species and extending their
galactic grasp. Coraline requires life
with which to work its transformations,
and the Koralon overwhelmingly
favour warm, oceanic worlds for colonization and conquest. Mankind has
not yet found a way to halt the spread
of coraline contamination, and methods of planetary reclamation are still
primitive and slow, and many worlds
have been thrown into utter chaos by
the spread of the microbe, sometimes
the result of man's own blundering
experimentation. But more often than
not coraline is introduced by the
Koralon themselves, released from
spores spread in low-orbit by seeder

Once introduced on a world

the coraline infects and alters host
organisms, generally plant life, and
begins to self-replicate. The rapidity of
the spread of the infection is primarily
dependant on temperature and moisture conditions, the initial amount of
sporulate material available, and the
presence of the Koralon themselves
who, it is believed, can influence the
nature and severity of coraline growth
vectors and modify existing strains of
the microbe to take better advantage
of planetary conditions. Once such
modified strains are stabilized they are
used again on other planets with similar biospheres, the primary example
being the designer strains of coraline
tailored specifically to Viridian, and
human, biology.
On favourable worlds critical
mass is reached in a number of days,
past which point rapid transformation
of the planetary eco-system is
unavoidable. At this time enormous
quantities of modified vegetation have
begun the rapid release of carbon
dioxide and water vapour, effecting an
overall, self-reinforcing, warming of
the atmosphere. Somewhat slower is
the gradual warming and desalinisation of a planet's oceans, accomplished with hybrid algal strains and,
once the great Mother Reefs arrive,
native Koralon species of aquatic biomass. New hybrid fauna also makes it
appearance in large numbers; creatures sturdy enough to survive infection undergo a period of pupation
before emerging as radically altered
life forms. If the Koralon have a need
for such monsters they encourage
their growth and specialization, as in
the case of human Hybrids that are utilized by the aliens in war.

As the atmosphere and

oceans adjust to Koralon habitation
requirements further changes are
wrought on the biosphere. One or two
dominant types of hybrid flora emerge,
growing rapidly in the nutrient rich
soup left by the rotting biomatter of
defeated species. Thickets of coraline
spires rise from the ground to release
yet more spores and recycle moisture.
In seas and lakes the reef cities of the
Koralon begin to be visible, shoals of
jagged coraline rising above the water
line. The vast Mother Reefs begin their
descent, dropping slowly through the
stormy atmosphere to lodge in the
shallows of warm seas and the
oceans' coast and sealing the fate of
the planet.
The Mother Reefs begin the
last stage of assimilation that will stabilize the planet into its new mode: that
of a Reef World. By releasing aquatic
spores and hybridising sea life, redirecting currents, and altering the
chemistry of the water through bioelectric conversion processes and corlinazidinal excreta the Mother Reefs
profoundly alter the marine environment. Within months the oceans of
most worlds can be made partially
habitable with such a process, and the
tens of thousands of Koralon living
within the Mother Reef are free to venture into their new domain. Complete
transformation into a mature Reef
World can be accomplished in just a
few years, and soon most terrestrial
life forms die out as the land becomes
inhospitable and the hot-water seas
begin to rise.


Reef World Ecology

The following extracts come

from the report of the chief science
officer aboard the ill-fated Pioneer,
flagship of the Nu-Utopia fleet. They
have been edited to make them accessible to lay persons. It is suggested
that all VASA personnel familiarise
themselves with this abridged document, and those who may in future join
missions to Koralon Reef Worlds
should read the full report, which will
be made available through your superior officers.

Coraline Hybridisation
When the Koralon come to
colonise a world, they use a highly
effective terraforming process based,
in common with the rest of their technology, on the manipulation of the
coraline symbiotic microbe. Coraline
grows on most organic material and
within a decade or so most multi-cellular organisms on a planet where the
parasite has been introduced will be
infested to a greater or lesser degree.
The coraline microbe is a symbiotic
organism, that enhances its host
rather than causes disease, and it is
immensely successful in this role.
Preliminary tests reveal that as much
as 90% of all life on Oceanus, a
mature Reef World, is infested with
coraline microbes.
The one factor that seems
clear in the Koralon's choice of worlds
to colonise seems to be that they must
have a good coverage of surface
water. Whether they have any means
to release water from ice on worlds


with little or no atmosphere or that are

simply very cold, is a source of speculation. It is within the realm of feasibility that the Koralon's bio-electrics and
neutronium energy processing abilities
could be used for atmosphere processing. Of course there was no evidence for this on Oceanus since it is
clear from the fossil record that the
world already had a well-established
life-supporting environment when the
aliens arrived. If the Koralon do
colonise worlds where no biosphere
exists, we presume that they will bring
organisms with them to build ecosystems.

Hazardous Organisms
On Oceanus the team catalogued as many organisms as it could
in the time available, yet still the lists
merely represents the tip of the iceberg. Oceanus must have had a highly diverse, chiefly marine, biosphere
before the hybridisation/terraforming
process was implemented by the
Koralon. The following short list is
intended as a guide for other would-be
conquerors of Reef Worlds such as

Ocean Going Predators

Although most of Oceanus's
surface is covered in water it has plate
tectonics, resulting in areas of deep
ocean and more shallow continental
shelves. In the deep ocean the teams
encountered some very large coraline/octopoid hybrids that attacked the
research vessel. These creatures

ranged in size from 2 metres in length

to behemoths of 30 metres and were
of a variety of species.

Reef Worms
Reef worms have colonised
everywhere that coraline reefs exist
and are amphibious coraline/nematode predators. There is an extremely
diverse range of species ranging from
tiny threadworms to creatures up to 4
metres in length that will attack anything they can swallow, including
humans and Koralon. They catch prey
by lying in ambush within gaps and
tunnels in the reefs, and dragging victims into the reef.

Hybrid Moulds & Slimes

Before the Koralon arrived,
Oceanus seems to have had semisentient moulds and jellies that
roamed the salt marshes and areas
around the lagoons, consuming the
remains of dead animals and plants.
However, with hybridisation they have
become predatory. The coraline
deposits occupy their gelatinous bodies in suspension, and as soon as
something good to eat, like a foraging
animal, treads on them the coraline
hardens, trapping the prey to be consumed at the plant's leisure. Larger
patches of these substances, which
we've dubbed Crystallisers, can be

Coraline Propagators
Coraline propagators are any number
of hybrid plants that have had part of
their anatomy altered by coraline
changes to make the coraline reproduce on other organisms. Plants that
release spores or pollen in response to
vibration stimuli can have their reproductive systems appropriated by the
parasite to spray their seed over anything that makes a movement near to
them. The coraline rich substance rapidly hardens to a practically unbreakable shell, and the coraline microbes
begin to assimilate the victim.

Plant and Animal Defence

Thorns, spines and venom are
the most common natural defences
amongst billions of catalogued organisms on thousands of life-bearing
worlds. Once coraline hybridisation
takes place much that would have
merely been a nuisance before
becomes downright lethal. The key
point here is that any defence mechanism designed to puncture or slash
becomes frighteningly effective, even
against armour, when it is augmented
by coraline.

Sec-Net Bulletin. Gate 59/Region B23 19:30.55hrs,

Commodore Daito, Naval Intelligence, XII Fleet Liaison, G772-S2
Elements of the Ironglass Imperial Fleet have proven remarkably tenacious in the weeks following the Koralon invasion of the Yvetot System.
In a cunning ploy, of which they did not bother to inform us despite our
participation in the battle, the Junkers rigged nearly fifty vessels of
various types with remotely detonated explosives and enticed the
Koralon to grapple and board them. Though Koralon loses were slight
they have abandoned further attempts to board our ships, leaving us
free to spread our fire and engage them at range. Recommend we
develop this 'suicide ship' strategy in future, though clearly we must
find a more humane method than the Junker's use of live crews.




The Koralon Host

The Koralon's development as

an aquatic species has greatly shaped
their means and methods of war. They
overwhelmingly rely on close quarters
combat, as would be expected in
underwater warfare. The simple coraline extrusions that make them such
deadly hand-to-hand opponents are
but the least of that substance's applications, indeed it is the cornerstone of
their military technology; everything
from ship hulls to neutronium staffs are
constructed of coraline, and the millions of Hybrid and composite creatures that swell the Koralon host are
the result of its mutanagenic properties.
The composition of a Koralon
force is heavily dependant on its
expected role and the availability of
subject populations of Hybrids. The
Koralon make great use of hybridised
humans from enslaved worlds, driving
them forward in battle to absorb casualties and overwhelm the foe. As more
worlds fall to the alien the number and
variety of Hybrids in Koralon armies
has risen dramatically, and the
appearance of Stinger Hybrids and the
winged Harpikons have added a large
measure of flexibility to Koralon tactics. It is thought that these Hybrids
are a direct response to the superior
firepower of human forces, and both
types are used to smooth the way for
the Koralon shock troops.
The Koralon have shown a
diabolical creativity in creating composite monsters, hulking man-killers
like the multi-headed hydra and the
heavily armoured Arakterex, thought
by many to be the Koralon's attempt to
create a tank. Such experimental crea-

tures are the result of surgery and

bizarre grafting processes, and their
presence on a battlefield can only
mean that their masters are close by.
Pure Strain Koralon crew the
vast Reef Fleets that strike at human
space from the farthest side of the
eastern Rim, and assault forces fresh
from these areas are comprised
almost entirely of such aliens. During a
planetary assault such a force relies
heavily on the gravitic powers of
Phazon to attack key areas of a
world's defences, attempting to out
manoeuvre human forces until hordes
of Brood and their powerful kin, the
Larvan, can be portaled into striking
distance. Only once a world's
defences are overwhelmed in such a
way, and its biosphere infected with
coraline, does a Koralon force mature
into a war machine capable of defeating the mobilized armies of mankind
on their own terrain.
The influx of new coraline
infected biomatter, such as hybridised
human drones to swell the ranks or
provide raw material for composite
creatures, greatly expands Koralon
strategic options. Great combined
armies of Hybrids and Pure Strains are
raised and sent to other worlds to conquer or, as happens quite often on the
Rim, to wantonly raid and destroy vulnerable human outposts and unprotected colonies. As more worlds fall, as
more human beings become infected,
the Koralon Host expands, and the
Koralon themselves become more
adept as harnessing their biological
weapons and adopting new methods
to defeat mankind.

Sec-Net Bulletin. Gate 812/Region B1 01.19.34hrs

Quantum Relay Probe XF14/003959 has returned clear scans of the
major installations on Far Rim colony Guern-Talous Sigma (feed 32-22,
secure uplink). Best analysis indicates the colony has been untouched
by the wave of Koralon expansion in that sector, and no traces of alien
infestation can be discerned. This despite evidence that Koralon vessels frequent the system and have apparently begun modifying two of
the larger moons of GS5. At present course and speed probe will be
detectable in four days, further orders requested.


The following section contains information to help

you build a force roster and play a game of Void 1.1 using
a Koralon army. Within this section is a comprehensive
army list featuring stats and equipment for your Koralon
units. The armoury and special skills section follow the main
army list entries. See page 45 of the Void 1.1 rulebook for
some hints on point limits. The rules for using a Koralon
army in tournament and competitive play can be found at
the end of the army list.

The Koralon infect and transform other races to
serve their will, and in battle such Hybrids are spent pitilessly. These are living weapons, as expendable to the Koralon
as ammunition is to a human commander. The following
rule applies to the entire army: Any unit in the force may
deliberately fire upon a Hybrid unit, such as one engaged in
an ongoing combat with the enemy, without testing. Even
other Hybrid units care nothing for their fellows. However,
no unit may fire into a combat or otherwise endanger Pure
Strain Koralon.
The Koralon have made monsters out of men,
infecting and transforming entire planets with coraline
spores as they gnaw at the edges of human space. On
worlds where mankind once flourished stalk shambling
abominations of chitin and claw, entire populations mutated
into mindless drones of war. The extent to which the
Koralon direct or influence the many forms of the Hybrids is
still largely a mystery, but the readiness and skill with which
the aliens deploy their newest resource is disturbingly
apparent. Mankind's worst fear is the Koralon's greatest
crime, and to encounter these hybrid monstrosities is to
glimpse a loss of humanity more complete than anything
yet conceived by man.
A nightmare tangle of crab-like claws and scything
limbs, the Reaper hybrid is a fearsome opponent in close
combat. Reapers are the most primitive of hybrids, the
result of simple coraline infection, and, though many do not
survive the transformation, the populations of entire
colonies, even worlds, have been twisted into such hideous
forms. Vicious, almost mindless, hordes of Reapers often
form the vanguard of a Koralon force, scuttling madly forward to swarm enemy positions. Once human, they are
now little more than disposable threshing machines.
Unit Size:

Basic Troops







Troop Type


No. Per Unit






Special Abilities

Swarm, Fast, Impetuous, Fearless, Rough Terrain Specialist:

Broken Ground


Like Reapers, Stinger hybrids are the result of coraline infection of a host body, most often in the form of
spores released from seeder ships. The Stingers, however,
are a somewhat newer form and their existence is strong
proof that Koralon have the ability to manipulate coraline in
ways akin to a designer virus. These new ballistic troops
appear to be a response to superior human firepower, and
they are now a naturally occurring mutation in infected populations alongside the more numerous Reapers, providing
covering fire while their brethren charge into combat.
Stingers are easily recognized by the gruesomely elongated tracheas projecting from their misshapen mouths, a
crudely effective launcher that fires needle-like splinters of
hard resinous material grown in swollen protrusions on the
hybrid's back.
Unit Size:

Support Unit







Troop Type


No. Per Unit






Special Abilities

Swarm, Fearless

Distorted out of almost any resemblance to man
are the Harpikons, winged mutants used by the Koralon to
harass enemy flanks and seize objectives ahead of the
alien host. The extremity of the Harpikon's deformation suggests that these hybrids are more than just the result of
unsupervised coraline infection of a human host, but rather
they are a consciously derived at, and deliberately altered,
mutation that requires some guidance to achieve. As profoundly modified as the Harpikons are they are still not true
fliers, and their membranous wings are only capable of supporting their weight over short distances.
Unit Size:

Basic Troops







Troop Type




No. Per Unit




Special Abilities

Fearless, Jump Trooper, Multiple Shots (x2)


Even stranger than the 'monsters from subspace' story about

the origins of the Koralon is a rumour I picked up in the Piastro
spin-belt, and have heard many times since. The prospectorexplorers all swear they've had encounters with a rogue planet, in most instances a large world hurtling through interstellar
space. A world that appears from nowhere and disappears into
nothing just as quickly, jumping in and out of subspace as it circuits the rim. As with all tales of this sort it's difficult to extract
the kernel of truth from the pretty shell of embellishment, but
one old trader assures me that the appearance of the roaming
world has always heralded the coming of the Koralon.
-R. Habel Qveton, Far Frontiers: A Year On the Rim


The Breeder is a blasphemy against the human
form, little more than a swollen birthing sack topped by an
atrophied torso and shrunken limbs; its probing, insectile,
legs barely adequate to propel its awkward mass. With
piercing shrieks of pain they announce the births of their
unnatural spawn; the skull-swarms, embryonic creatures
with disturbingly human features. The Breeder continually
produces these swarms, which in battle surge forward in
locust-like clumps, blanketing enemies in a deadly flood of
spiny limbs and piercing fangs.
Unit Size:


Troop Type

Controlling Swarms: Once the Breeder has finished its activation all of the Skull Swarms on the table are activated
before the opposing forces activate any troops. They move
directly towards the nearest enemy in LOS. If no enemy is
visible they move directly towards a Koralon unit of the
Support Unit
players choice until they have LOS with an enemy unit, they
MV then change direction to move directly towards the enemy,
even in mid-move. Skull Swarms may not travel through
Portals. In subsequent moves all Skull Swarms on the table
are always activated straight after the Breeders and not
No. Per Unit



When Skull Swarms come to within normal unit cohesion

(2") of another Skull Swarm then they are deemed to have
formed into a squad and follow squad movement and combat rules from that moment onwards.

Special Abilities

Terrifying, Immune to Panic







Troop Type


No. Per Unit


Skull Swarm


Special Abilities

Swarm, Immune to Panic

Special Rules:
You may include a maximum of one breeder for
every 500 points of your army.
Breeders cannot evade. Neither the Breeder nor the Skull
Swarms may rush.
Breeders cannot fight, close combat is resolved normally
but Breeders may not strike back nor may they make
assault moves or counter charges.
Regardless of the number of Breeders in a force they all
activate and perform their actions as if they were part of the
same squad, though they are not considered to be in the
same squad for any other purpose. All Swarm on the table
are also activated at this time, and perform their turn as
soon as the Breeder's turn ends (see Controlling Swarm).
Spawning: When activated all Breeders automatically
spawn one Skull Swarm each, this Swarm may be sacrificed to perform a Regenerate action (see below) prior to
any spawning attempts. Each Breeder in a force may then
attempt to create additional Swarms through successful CD
checks. To attempt to spawn a second Skull Swarm the
Breeder makes a CD check with a -1 modifier. The Breeder
continues to spawn Skull Swarms so long as it passes successive CD checks, but each new spawn attempt suffers a


cumulative -1 penalty to the Breeder's CD. The Breeder

stops producing Skull Swarms for its turn when it fails a CD
check. It may attempt to spawn Swarms every turn.
When a Skull Swarm has been successfully created the
model is placed in base-to-base contact with the Breeder.
All Breeders in a force resolve their spawning simultaneously, and before taking any other action, including moving
the Swarms.

If multiple Skull Swarms are involved in the same close

combat then only those that have charged that turn get the
combat bonuses for having charged and all are then considered as members of the same squad as if they had
attained unit cohesion. The enemy unit thus attacked can
chose to direct any retaliatory attacks against any members
of the Skull Swarm squad.
In close combat the Skull Swarms attack with mandibles
and spiny legs, this counts as a melee attack: to Hit +0,
Dam ST +0.
Targeting Swarms: Skull Swarms may be ignored for the
purposes of normal target acquisition criteria as if the Skull
Swarms were always in cover (please note this refers only
to targeting rules and does not convey a cover save in it's
own right). In addition each individual enemy model firing at
Skull Swarms may choose which group they are targeting,
members of the same unit are not forced to fire at the same
Skull Swarm squad. Squads that divide their fire in such a
way must declare their targets prior to rolling to hit.
Regenerate: A Breeder may also choose to regenerate a
single wound during its turn by sacrificing its initial Skull
Swarm: remove the swarm from play and restore one
wound to the Breeder prior to any attempts at further
spawning. This regeneration cannot heal more than one
wound per turn, nor can it be used to take wounds over their
starting value. Breeders that regenerate may continue to
spawn Swarms as normal.


The horrors of Koralon experimentation are seemingly without end, and composite hybrids like the Hydra are
proof of the alien's diabolical ingenuity. Comprising the
tubular body of an enormous bioelectric worm, a genetic
cousin of the battery slave creatures that supply the
Koralon with energy, and the transplanted intelligences of
multiple human minds, the Hydra is a biological war
machine; engineered and built with the raw material of
other species. In combat the Hydra's grinding ring of teeth
and scything barbs carve a bloody swath through human
armies. These terrifying monsters are also hard to destroy,
their dense flesh is numb to pain and the crackling bioelectric energy field that surrounds them is all but impervious to
small arms. A new variant of the Hydra has recently been
encountered on the Rim, one that combines the firepower
of the Stinger hybrids with the Hydra's latent bioelectric abilities; this Stinger Hydra is reportedly capable of harnessing
its bioelectric energies in a devastating ranged attack.

ing a sparking mass of raw energy in a low arc until it crashes and rolls along the earth in a destructive wave. A Stinger
Hydra may perform this Bioelectric Cascade attack during
the Shooting Phase instead of a normal ranged attack with
its Trachulous. Target any point within Short Range and
LOS and roll a d10; a roll of 4 or less indicates the bioelectric energies have dissipated harmlessly and the Stinger
Hydra may not fire. On a 5 or more the Stinger Hydra successfully launches a stream of bioelectric force at the foe.
Place the Large Directly Placed Template's narrow end on
the targeted point with its wide end facing directly away
from the Stinger Hydra; this is a straight-line attack, the
template should be positioned so that a single imaginary
line may be drawn bisecting the Hydra and its template. Any
model touched by the template suffers a DAM 5 hit. This
attack may be made over intervening friendly models, but
must obey normal targeting rules and LOS. This attack cannot be used in close combat. The Stinger Hydra cannot use
a Bioelectric Cascade in consecutive turns.

Like the Hydra, the Arakterex or Spider Tank is a
composite hybrid, an unnatural combination of multiple
species biologically engineered and surgically grafted into a
potent alien weapon. It is unknown what creature or crea5
tures serve as the arachnidan component of the hybrid, but
the encrusted faces which peer from its armoured head are
unmistakably human, leaving no doubt as to governing
Troop Type
No. Per Unit
intellect of the beast. Its heavy, chitinous shell proStinger Hydra
Trachulous, 1
tects a distended abdomen churning with acid.
Modified nozzle-arms project this deadly fluid,
drenching nearby targets with sheets of steaming, flesh-consuming liquid. Those few that surSpecial Abilities
vive the scalding attack are trampled by the
Multiple Attacks (x2), Multiple Shots (x5), Terrifying,
stone-hard legs of the Arakterex, enormous
MV spikes of reinforced coraline that strike with the
force of a hydraulic ram.
Unit Size:

Heavy Unit

Troop Type


No. Per Unit


Reaper Hydra



Special Abilities

Unit Size:
Special Rules:

Multiple Attacks (x5), Terrifying, Heavy Armour 3

An Arakterex cannot evade.

Special Rules:

The Arakterex has a fire arc to the front for its Acid Jets.

Hydras cannot evade.

In close combat the Arakterex can strike at its opponents

with its scythe-like legs, this counts as a melee attack, to
Hit +0, Dam ST +0.

The Stinger Hydra has a fire arc to the front for its
Bioelectric Cascade attack, and a 360-degree field of fire
for it Trachulous attacks.
Hydras weaken as they absorb injury; for every wound suffered Stinger Hydras lose one level of multiple shots while
Reaper Hydras lose one level of multiple attacks.







Troop Type


No. Per Unit



Acid Jets,


Each of the Hydra's close combat attacks is worked out as

a separate attack with a separate weapon; it does not
receive bonuses from possessing multiple weapons.
A Stinger Hydra can tap the bioelectric field that surrounds
it and direct those energies into a long-range attack, fling-


Heavy Unit

Special Abilities

Terrifying, Tactical Awareness, Find Weakness 3, Heavy Armour

3, Multiple Attacks (x3), Rough Terrain Specialist: Broken Ground



Pure Strain Koralon



Though the nature of the Koralon menace has

changed dramatically since the days of Void 1.1, with the
phenomenon of hybridisation dominating the fears of
mankind and worries over contamination and infection
sweeping pan-humanic space faster than any virus, an
understanding of the aliens themselves is still the key that
will unlock the door of man's salvation. Unsettling as the
hybrids may be, the sheer alieness of the pure strain
Koralon cannot be overstated, and much more needs to be
done to understand their bizarre technologies, strange society, and unfathomable motives.

Unit Size:



The most common pure form of Koralon are the

Brood, a simple, snake-like organism thought by scientists
to be a close representation of the original form of the
Koralon species. Brood comprise a numerous and obedient
labouring class within Koralon society, and have been bred,
or more accurately engineered, to fulfil a bewildering variety of tasks. Those designed for war are larger and more
resilient than their servile kin, better able to operate on land
for long periods of time, and have had their limbs augmented with scything blades and bony protective plates of coraline. Brood fulfil a variety of battlefield roles, from guard
duty to infiltration and penetration, and are often the first
Koralon sent through portals to exploit an enemy weakness.
Unit Size:





No. Per Unit



2 Coraline









Troop Type


No. Per Unit



2 Coraline





Special Abilities

All: Fearless, Rough Terrain Specialist: Amphibious,

Strike First, Multiple Attacks (x2)

Troop Type



Similar in form to the Larvan but with much larger
bioelectric organs, Phazon are the powerful leaders and
navigators of the Koralon fleet. Their mastery of gravitics
allows them to channel potent energies through Phasing
Staffs, producing startling effects and warping space itself.
Phazon are an essential component in any Koralon force,
directing operations and maintaining portals, as well as
launching deadly attacks of their own. The Phazon represent to an extreme degree the awesome achievements of
MV Koralon biotechnology.

Basic Troops


Support Unit


Unit Size:






Troop Type


No. Per Unit





Special Abilities

All: Fearless, Rough Terrain Specialist: Amphibious

Leader: Multiple Attacks (x2)

Options: Every second unit of Brood in a Koralon force may

purchase the skill Infiltrate. If you decide to use this option
then every member of the unit must be upgraded. The cost
of the upgrade is +9 points per model.

It is thought that Koralon social hierarchy tells the
story of Koralon evolution, that the greater complexity and
intelligence found in successive castes mirrors the past
development stages of the aliens' refinement of coraline
based genetic manipulation techniques. Larvan are observably more intelligent and sophisticated than Brood, and in
combat they are often deployed to take advantage of their
initiative and cunning. They posses an extra set of limbs
with which they can manipulate objects, and Larvan are
often led by individuals wielding deadly neutron staffs.

Elite Unit

Special Abilities

Fearless, Tactical Awareness, Rough Terrain Specialist:


Options: Each Phazon in a Koralon force may purchase

any number of Phazon Powers from the list below. All
Phazon have the Obliterate power at no extra cost.
Gravitic Shockwave for 26 points.
Portal for 20 points.
Power shell for 10 points.
Teleport for 15 points.
Tremor for 16 points.


Pure Strain Koralon



Broodmasters are a radical modification of the
Koralon form, and it is unknown whether they represent a
genetically stable sub-caste or are themselves the results
of extreme surgical and chemical manipulation. They are
clearly designed to function as warlords for Koralon land
forces, and are heavily armed and armoured. Ruthlessly
efficient, intelligent and decisive, capable of annihilating
enemy squads with a blast from their neutron staffs or
rending opponents in close combat with steel-hard talons,
the Broodmaster is truly a terrifying opponent, one whose
ultimate purpose is to destroy or subvert all human life.
Unit Size:

Elite Unit







Troop Type


No. Per Unit


Brood Master

2 Coraline


Special Abilities

Multiple Attacks (x3), Inspiring, Terrifying, Sonic Attack, Heavy

Armour 2, Rough Terrain Specialist: Broken Ground

Special Rules:
Broodmasters cannot evade.

They say one spore of this coraline turns a man into a perfect killer,
his bones toughen and muscles swell, his skin secretes a substance
that hardens into armor plate and weapons grow from his limbs. All
knowledge of fear leaves him; he forgets his own safety and cares only
for the destruction of his foes. His obedience is unbounded and
absolute, his sense of self nil. What I wouldn't give for a handful of the
-Proconsul Glave Truculla, from an intercepted dispatch


Acid Jets

Coraline Shield

The Koralon make use of a viscous pseudo-coraline solution with properties similar to gastric and sulphuric
acid, a volatile cocktail of flesh-dissolving and metal-eating
chemicals. This acid is stored in reinforced bladders and,
in battle, pumped though muscular siphon-sacs to be sent
spurting in irregular sheets of burning liquid. The substance
continues to corrode any surface it adheres to, and eats
through armour with ease.

Coraline shields are used as an additional safeguard for many Koralon in battle. Extra armour never goes
amiss in battle, especially when the user is only equipped
for short range or close combat. However, wearing more
armour reduces mobility, so a shield has always been the
perfect solution to this problem.














Special Rules

2 Small Directly Placed Templates or one

Large Directly Placed Template, DAM 7,
Armour Piercing 2, Corrosion

Coraline Blade
Coraline Blades covers a variety of growths that
resemble swords, axes, knives and the like, as well as
encompassing the coraline encrustations around natural
weaponry such as the larger spiked limbs or the barbed
ends of tails. Koralon are natural hand-to-hand fighters,
and these diamond-hard and incredibly sharp weapons are
excellent at close quarters.










1 Handed

Special Rules

Armour Piercing











1 Handed

Special Rules

+1 T against all attacks in front arc


Heavy Coraline Blade

Larger and heavier outgrowths of coraline, such as
enormous scythes or powerful, crab-like claws are used by
the Koralon to crush and rend. Such weapons, though
somewhat clumsy, can cleave a man in two or even peel
the armour from a human vehicle. Perhaps best typified by
the overdeveloped pincers of the Reaper Hybrid, heavy
coraline blades are a devastatingly successful combat
adaptation of the aliens.
















2 Handed

Special Rules

Armour Piercing 2

Coraline Darts

Natural Weapons

Coraline Darts are spiny outgrowths on Harpikons

that they can fire off with surprising effectiveness. Each
dart is a sharp spike of crystal that grows within a capsule
on the back of the Hybrid's arm. There are bioelectric ganglia at the base of the capsule that the Hybrid can activate
with no more difficulty than flexing a muscle, and this energy discharge shoots out the dart at supersonic speed. They
aren't hugely effective weapons, but measure up as well as
any human autopistol.

Various creatures have to make do with the

weapons that nature has granted them, usually teeth and
claws. Many people have underestimated these types of
creatures, but very few have lived to regret it.













1 Handed

Special Rules















1 Handed

Special Rules







Neutron Staff
Neutron Staffs are complex coraline-neutronium
alloy support weapons. The device is full of strange channels and pockets that focus and project an oscillating gravity pulse when the Koralon user passes a bioelectric current through it. The gravity pulse actually causes a wave of
localised distortion similar to the effect generated by the
xaser drives on starcraft. Anything caught in the pulse is
subjected to massive tidal forces that can stretch and separate its molecular structure- a process known as 'dimensional attenuation'. The wave can only affect a relatively
small area, but is devastating within that range.













2 Handed

Special Rules

Small Directly Placed Template, DAM 6


Phasing Staff
Phasing Staffs are made from a similar neutronium-coraline compound to the Neutron Staffs carried by
Broodmasters and Larvan, Phasing Staffs can be manipulated by Phazons to produce a range of useful or destructive gravity warping effects.













2 Handed

Special Rules


The Trachulous is a vile mutation of the human
windpipe; a great, elongated tube distorted and lengthened
into a crude ballistic launcher. It fires coraline spikes similar to a Harpikon's darts, and such ammunition is grown in
sacks of solidifying resin and propelled via a simple bioelectric induction pulse. Though not as effective beyond
short range as a gauss rifle, given time Koralon biomechanics may very well improve on the design. The
Trachulous is believed to be the first weapon system developed by the Koralon specifically as a response to human













2 Handed

Special Rules






The Koralon Incursion is perhaps the most profoundly disturbing event in our history, the only
other comparable event being the Great Flood
itself. Both events force us to re-evaluate ourselves, our species, and our place in the universe. What is so disturbing about this invasion is
not that it exposed our vulnerabilities, issues of
security can be dealt with in time, but that it shattered a most cherished conceit about our own
superiority to the aliens.
We have always likened the Koralon to highly specialized multiorganismic species such as the
insect colonies with which we are familiar; species
which trade flexibility for extreme specialization
and relinquish individualism in favour of an overall
societal consciousness. Under this erroneous
model the Koralon, while formidable and appreciably threatening, were limited to predictable
'straight line' behaviours based firmly on rigid
instinct. Much as a herd of cluster-bugs will follow
the scent trail of their leader into the oblivion of a
campfire so too, it was imagined, would the
Koralon fall prey to some forthcoming bit of human
ingenuity, some trick to exploit their unbending
biological impulses. Clearly we cannot hold such a
false hope any longer, nor can we view the
Koralon as anything less ingenious, adaptive, or
unpredictable than ourselves. That they combine
the flexibility of an individualistic species with the
uniform focus and concerted action of a multiorganismic one means we must understand them for
what they are, not what we suppose them to be.
-Academician N.M. Dirac, from an address to the
Tripartite Council on Koralon Affairs



Immune to Panic

Corrosive weapons are generally clinging, burning

acids or volatile chemicals capable of eating through flesh
and armour with equal ease. Any models that receive an
unsaved wound from a corrosive attack and are not
destroyed outright are considered under the effects of corrosion; place a marker to indicate this. On subsequent
turns affected models take a an automatic DAM 3 hit which
ignores any Heavy Armour saves the model may have.
Heavy Armour is only ignored in this way on subsequent
turns, never in the initial attack. Corrosion is removed from
a model the first time it fails to wound, and only then is the
corrosion marker removed rather than during the marker

Models with this special rule are either exceptionally well disciplined or are simply incapable of losing their
cool. They never panic, and therefore don't need to make
any morale checks that would result in panic if failed,
including Last Man Standing tests, and are immune to the
effects of suppressive fire. If a unit with the Immune to
Panic special rule is joined by an individual who does not
have it, or if an individual with this special rule joins a unit
that does not have it, then the entire unit benefits from the
special rule.

Some models are capable of fantastic bursts of
speed that allow them to temporarily move a lot faster than
their normal movement rate. Models with this special rule
are able move up to half again their MV stat, rounding fractions up, when charging, closing or rushing. So for example a model with MV 4 could add 2 inches on a charge
move, or indeed in any of the other cases listed here.

Models with this special rule can be exceptionally
brave, without emotion, or are so hideous themselves that
other things don't scare them. Fearless models are
immune to the effects of the Terrifying special rule. If a unit
with the Fearless special rule is joined by an individual who
does not have it, or if an individual with this special rule
joins a unit that does not have it, then the entire unit benefits from the special rule.

Find Weakness
Models with this skill can find chinks in heavy
armour systems, either because of their experience,
awareness or intuition. Any non-template weapons of models with this skill gain an armour piercing ability equal to the
user's find weakness level. This is in addition to any armour
piercing ability it may already have.

Heavy Armour
Some models like armoured vehicles and large
monsters are so heavily armoured that they are very difficult to damage with normal weaponry. Attackers need special armour piercing weapons in order to have a reasonable chance of causing damage to these models. Models
with this special rule gain a d10 'heavy armour save' that
can negate damage they have suffered.
When a model has this special rule it will be stated as
'Heavy Armour 4', or 'Heavy Armour 7' etc. The number is
a positive modifier to the d10 heavy armour saving roll, for
example heavy armour 6 adds +6 to the d10 heavy armour
save. The following rule applies;
Heavy Armour Save: If a model with heavy armour
receives wounds, roll 1d10 per wound, adding the indicated modifier. On a score of 10+ the wound is ignored and
the model suffers no harm.


Impetuous troops are hard to control, and have a
tendency to run amok rushing into the fray when more
experienced commanders would rather they hold back.
An impetuous unit must pass a CD check at the beginning
of their turn if they do not want to move towards the nearest enemy in LOS. If there is no enemy within LOS the unit
does not have to take this test. In the assault phase an
impetuous unit MUST assault the enemy if at all possible.
If a leader without the impetuous trait joins a squad then he
overrides impetuous and the unit behaves as normal, only
reverting to impetuous if the leader(s) are removed from

A unit skilled in infiltration knows how to use natural terrain to their best advantage, sneaking up close to
enemy lines without being detected. Infiltrators may deploy
anywhere on the board that is out of LOS and more than
12 " away from the enemy. An exception to this rule is that
infiltrators may be deployed within 6" of other units with the
infiltrate skill so long as they do not have LOS on one
another and are not within 12" of a regular unit. Whenever
deploying infiltrators the situation on the battlefield at the
time of their deployment is what counts, subsequent placement by the opposing player of units closer than 12" or with
LOS to a unit of infiltrators is legal and often unavoidable.
Infiltrators may never deploy in an enemy deployment
zone. An army that includes a unit with the Infiltration special ability which has deployed either within a piece of terrain, or behind an obstacle (i.e. the obstacle is between
them and their opponents) may automatically win the
Initiative in the first turn of the game, providing the first unit
activated is an infiltrating unit. If both sides have Infiltrators,
roll for Initiative as normal. You must declare your intention
to activate an infiltrated unit prior to and instead of any initiative rolls. Infiltrators may deploy normally instead of infiltrating, if so they do not benefit from the special initiative
rules outlined above and are considered a normal unit for
initiative purposes.

Models with this special ability have a positive
effect on the morale of nearby units. Units within 6 inches
and LOS of Inspiring models can re-roll failed morale
checks. They only get to re-roll once per test and must
abide by the result of the second dice roll.

Special Abilities
Strike First
Jump Trooper
Some models, particularly VASA's special forces,
are equipped with sophisticated devices such as gravwings or graviton pulse packs, which enable them to make
great, controlled leaps over intervening obstacles. Others
make use of natural or bio-engineered wing membranes or
similar gliding surfaces. When such troops wish to move or
assault they may make a jump, although not when rushing,
using the following rules:
Jump Troopers carrying out assault orders may
use their jump ability to charge, but not to close.

Enemy models charged by units making a jump

may not counter charge.
When making a jump, models may ignore
obstacles up to 5" in height.

Jumps do not always go exactly to plan, as the

equipment involved is difficult to handle and subject to
environmental influences such as weather, enemy fire and
so on. Before the unit makes its move or assault orders
make one CD check for the entire unit. If the CD check is
passed the unit may move up to 10" and then continue with
its turn as usual. If the command test is failed the leap was
mistimed, or a stray gust of wind has upset the jump troopers' tight formation. The unit may still move up to 10" but
the following rules apply:

If the CD check was failed before carrying out a

move order, the unit suffers an additional -1 'to hit'
modifier to any shooting in it's current turn
If the CD check was failed before carrying out an
assault order, the unit loses all charge bonuses
(including bonuses for special rules like shock
trooper), and can be counter charged.

Models with this special rule have superior reactions and close combat training. In close combat they
always resolve their attack(s) first, and if their opponent is
killed then it may not have its usual return attack. The
speed at which models with this special rule strike is so fast
that it supersedes the normal charging bonus of attacking
first (for further details see the Close Combat section in this

Models with Swarm attack in a confusing mass in
close combat, overwhelming their foe by sheer weight of
numbers. Models fighting creatures that Swarm suffer a -1
penalty to their to hit rolls, up to a maximum of -3, for every
enemy model with the swarm ability after the first that they
are in base contact with. This only works in close combat.
Whilst in close combat it is important to note that a model
can only Swarm one opponent at a time so you must
declare which opponent you are swarming if in base-tobase contact with more than one.

Tactical Awareness
Models with this special rule can attempt to ignore
their normal target priorities. Before the unit shoots make a
CD check for the model. The results of the check vary
depending on whether the checking model is a squad
leader (a sergeant for example) or individual, or a support
model within a squad. Note that if a squad contains both a
squad leader and one or more individuals you can make a
separate check for each model individually if you wish. The
following rules apply.

Multiple Attacks
Models with this special rule make multiple attacks
in close combat. So for instance a model that has Multiple
Attacks (x2) listed in the special rules section of its profile
will attack twice in close combat. Multiple Attacks can be
used to engage more than one close combat opponent.

Multiple Shots
Models with this special rule can shoot more than
once during the shooting phase. So for instance a model
that has Multiple Shots (x2) listed in the special rules section of its profile will shoot twice. Multiple Shots can be
used to fire on more than one target.

Rough Terrain Specialist

Some models, either because of training or natural
ability, can move with ease through certain types of terrain.
Models with this special rule suffer none of the normal
penalties for moving on the terrain listed after the Rough
Terrain Specialist entry on their profiles. Rough terrain
types include Jungle/Forest, Desert, Broken Ground (rubble, rocks), and Amphibious (swimable water obstacles,
swamps and marshes).

Squad leaders and individuals: If the check is

passed the entire unit may ignore normal target
priorities and may shoot at any enemy unit of the
owning players' choice. As with normal shooting all
members of the unit must still fire at the same tar
get unit. If the check is failed, then the unit
hesitates and is momentarily confused. It cannot
carry out its shoot orders this turn.
Support (S): If the CD check is passed the support
model may ignore normal target priorities and can
instead shoot at any unit of its choice, firing at a
different target unit than its fellow squad members
if the owning player so wishes. If the check is
failed, then the support model hesitates and is
momentarily confused. It cannot carry out its shoot
orders this turn.

Some models are so fearsome or vile that enemy
troops quail before them. The range of this effect is a
radius equal to the model's SZ stat in inches. Enemy units
that activate within this area must immediately make a
morale check. Troops that are terrifying are automatically
assumed to be Fearless as well.

Sonic Attack
The Broodmaster's modified throat pouches allow
it to let out a violent ripple of sonic force when surrounded
in combat. If the Broodmaster elects to use a sonic attack
he replaces all of his normal close combat attacks with one
powerful sonic burst: centre a Large Indirect Fire Template
on the Broodmaster's base. Any models touched by the
template (aside from the Broodmaster) suffer an automatic
DAM 4 hit. The Broodmaster must have at least one enemy
model in base-to-base contact to use this attack.


Phazon Powers
A Phazon may only use one Phazon Power in any
single game turn. Powers are used in the phase indicated
under their individual descriptions. Use of a Phazon Power
replaces any action the model may have otherwise taken
during that phase, regardless of whether or not the power
was successfully used.

Gravitic Shockwave
The Phazon's mastery of gravitic forces is second
to none. By concentrating a region's normal gravity at a
single accretion point and striking that point with a wave of
modulated anti-gravity the Phazon creates in effect a
gravitic bomb, a rapidly expanding ripple of concussive
force. This difficult process has variable results, ranging
from explosions little better than a human hand grenade to
large shockwaves capable of crushing man and vehicle
During the hold phase the Phazon may target a
single point within 24" inches and LOS with a Gravitic
Shockwave attack. The Phazon must pass a CD check to
make the attack, the effects of which are highly variable.
Roll a d10 and consult the following:

Place a Small Ranged Template over the

targeted area, any figures touched by it receive
an automatic DAM 5 hit.


Place the Large Ranged Template over the

targeted area, any figures touched by it receive
an automatic DAM 5 hit.


Place the Large Ranged Template over the

targeted area, any figures touched by it receive
an automatic DAM 6 AP1 hit.


Place the Large Ranged Template over the

targeted area, any figures touched by it receive
an automatic DAM 6 (x2) AP1 hit.

The Phazon is adept at storing and channelling the
force of gravity through specially built neutronium-coraline
receptacles, such as the Phasing Staff. While it appears
that only a very few Phazon can truly master the variety of
startling effects that can be produced by such techniques,
all Phazon are capable of the simplest and most direct form
of gravitic manipulation, the release of a destructive wave
of oscillating gravitic flux.
During the shooting phase the Phazon may cast
Obliterate. This is a Large Directly Placed Template attack
originating from the base of the Phazon; every model
touched by this template receives DAM 5 (x2) hit. This
attack obeys normal targeting rules.


Phazon can create a tunnel through n-space, a
mini-wormhole, a stable gateway between two points
allowing near-instantaneous transportation between one
area and another. No power of the Koralon is more ubiquitous, or more feared by enemy commanders than their
ability to bridge distances and ignore obstacles through the
use of these portals.
During the hold phase the Phazon may open a
one-way portal to any point within 36" upon a successful
CD check. LOS is not required but not having LOS to the
exit point of the Portal halves the range at which the ability
may be used (18") and risks a complete failure of the
power: make an additional CD check, if unsuccessful the
Portal attempt fails.
Mark the position of the Portal with a suitable
marker, 2" in diameter, which blocks LOS. The Phazon
itself is considered to be the entrance of the Portal, units
must move into base-to-base contact with it to enter. The
Portal is a one-way conveyance, starting at the Phazon
and ending at the Portal marker. Only models of size 4 or
less are allowed to enter the portal. This applies only to the
size of each individual model, not the combined size of the
squad; which is irrelevant. Once the portal is opened the
Phazon cannot do anything else (including moving through
the Portal) and if engaged in close combat or wounded for
any reason the Portal closes.
When a unit emerges from the Portal each model
in the unit must be placed within 3" of the Portal marker
and must go on Hold orders for the remainder of the turn.
Any number of units may pass through the portal in the
same turn as long as they have sufficient movement to
reach the entrance (base contact with the Phazon) and
there is space around the Portal marker exit.
Enemy units that move to within one inch of the
Portal exit prevent any further units from travelling through
the portal, such a 'blocked' Portal remains in play as long
as the Phazon maintains it but it cannot be used until there
are no enemy units within one inch of its exit.
The portal is removed at the marker phase and needs to be
recast during the next turn if the Phazon wishes to reopen

Power Shell


Koralon force field technology is based squarely

on gravitic manipulation, most often by creating convection
shells of contra-biased gravity or anti-gravity. On the battlefield the Phazon can warp an area's own natural gravity
into a dome of densely swirling oblique gravitic currents to
prevent enemies from assaulting elements of the Koralon
army and to protect them from ranged attacks.

No place on the battlefield is safe from the searching mind of the Phazon, whose gravitic powers can turn the
very ground itself into a weapon. Focusing on the earth
beneath the enemy's feet the Phazon creates a localized
quake of extreme intensity, flinging soldiers to the ground
and disordering squads. Though non-lethal such disruption
can stall an enemy advance or throw a firing line into confusion and allow the Koralon to dictate the tempo of the

During the hold phase the Phazon may cast a

Power Shell around a friendly unit within 12" and LOS.
Place a marker next to the affected unit to indicate this, and
remove the marker during the next marker phase. The
affected unit gains HA 4 against ranged attacks, should the
unit already have an HA rating then count only the highest
Enemy models cannot assault or engage in close
combat with a model protected by a Power Shell and the
Power Shell cannot be used on a target already in combat.
If a unit affected by Power Shell makes an assault move,
or if the Phazon maintaining the shell suffers a wound, then
the power is instantly cancelled.

During the shooting phase the Phazon may target

one unit in LOS with this power after first making a successful CD check. The targeted models must then pass a
CD check with a -2 modifier, and if successful the targeted
unit is unaffected. If the targeted unit fails it counts as activated for that turn, place an activated marker next to it and
remove its hold marker if it has one.

Koralon gravitic technology is capable of bending
space, of escaping real time into the weird universe of
extra-dimensional physics. Just as the vast Reef Fleets
defy interstellar distances by leaping through n-space, so
to can the forces of the Koralon exploit this advantage on
the battlefield, teleporting instantaneously wherever their
strength is needed.
During the hold phase a Phazon may teleport itself
or a friendly unactivated unit within 6" to any point on the
board within 24" and LOS. To do so the Phazon must first
pass a CD test modified by every 2 points, or part thereof,
that the teleported unit's total size is over a base of SZ 2.
For example, a unit of 4 Brood has a combined size of 8,
so the CD test would have a negative modifier of 3 (three
increments of 2 over SZ 2). A single SZ 5 Hydra would
incur a -2 penalty (one and a half increments of 2 over SZ
2, rounded up). This modifier is subtracted from the
Phazon's dice roll, however a roll of 10 is always a success. The teleported units may not be placed within 1" of
enemy models, and count as being on hold for the remainder of the turn.
Scatter: teleporting beyond short range requires a
test for scatter. Make an additional CD check. If the test
fails then roll a scatter die to determine the direction the
teleport deviates and a d10, halving the results and rounding up, to determine the distance in inches the scattered
unit will appear from its intended point. If the teleport point
should scatter into impossible terrain, within 1" of an
enemy model, or off the table edge than re-roll both dice
until a legal result is achieved.

File XRC12/1354 Roku Priority Clearance

Ref. Incursion: Algercon, reconquest of, Sub: Infestations
The local Viridian military authorities have indeed confirmed
that they recovered three Syntha citizens, two males one
female, from the pseudo-reef complex outside of the city of
Granachoul during the fighting. My own inquiries have
gleaned more rumour than evidence, though many of the witnesses claim that these were rather extensively modified
military prosthenes rather than the lower class standards
as we had previously thought. Most disturbingly, and I
repeat this only because the correlative data and my own
instincts seem to support the possibility, several eye witness insist the female was heavily pregnant. In light of Syntha
reproductive processes this has frightening ramifications.


VOID 1.1Tournament Play

Throughout the evolution if the VOID1.1 universe
we have tried to preserve as even a keel as possible
between the forces on the battlefield. This is not only
important for the enjoyment of the game overall but also for
when official events such as tournaments, leagues and
campaigns are run. It is clearly understood that variation is
an important part of the game but balance is more so and
we have become ever more aware of the impracticalities of
maintaining a "free for all" style army plan.
As a general rule when nations ready for war they
have limited resources and more often than not standard
troopers, rather than highly trained specialists or elite
troops, are deployed in greater numbers in the combat
zones. Elite troopers and highly trained specialists, by their
very nature are less numerous than your basic troops, and
as such are deployed with more consideration and will
invariably bolster the standard troops on the ground.
Some balance is needed in the force lists to reflect these
limitations placed on the commander. Whilst we encourage
inventive play, and accept that in friendly games anything
agreed upon by the players should go, when it comes to
competitive play and tournaments things need to be more
structured. As a result, when you create your VOID 1.1
army for competitive games, there are certain guidelines
that should be followed.

Unit Types
To give some structure to the method of army construction the various troops types found within the Force
Books (and subsequent publications) have been split into
four main categories depending on both their level of ability and their abundance within the forces they fight for.
These four categories are

Basic Troops. These represent the core units avail

able to your chosen army. They are plentiful and
will usually form the bulk of any army.

Support Units. As the name suggests these are the

units that support your basic troops. They have
superior training to the basic troops and/or more
specialised equipment.

Heavy Units. This title encompasses most types of

vehicles, Mechs and heavy artillery.

Elite Units. These are the crme de la crme of

your army, your elite warriors with the finest
equipment and highest levels of training and
clearance or your officers and leaders of renown.

In addition to the armies being split into sections

the other slight difference in competitive army selection is
the appointment of your Leader. The rules covering this are
detailed later, in the meantime suffice to say that an individual or squad leader in your army must be assigned as the
force's "Leader", options on who may lead your army
depends on the force in question.


There are very few rules in regards to troop type
limitations in the game. Points limits (other than the overall
points limit for the entire army) are not a consideration and
neither are percentages of the total. All you have to follow,
to have a Tourney legal army, is the following basic layout
(also see the "Tournament Army Composition Table").
Your army must contain a minimum of two Basic Units.
That is the only minimum requirement there is. Depending
on the points that you have left to spend on your force, for
each Basic Unit in your army you may purchase a Support
Unit, for each two Basic Units in your force you may purchase a Heavy Unit and you may purchase an Elite Unit
(there may be further special faction or troop type specific
rules depending on the army you choose such as designated troop transports or internally restrictive ratios but they
will be dealt with as and when they arise).
No. of
Basic Units

No. of

No. of
No. of Elite
Heavy Units Units

(Minimum) 2


















+1 per 2

+1 per 2 Basic

As mentioned, once you have decided what units
you will have in your force, one of these units will need to
be nominated as the forces Leader. The Leader of the
force can take any form from an iron hearted Lictor to a junior Officer mixing it in the front ranks of his forces. The
Leader appointment can be given to any Individual or to
any Squad Leader model (i.e. a squad's Sergeant,
Decurion, Alpha etc.).
Friendly models that are within LOS and 6" of the
Leader may use the Leader's CD stat and any additional
bonuses applicable for all CD based tests. This includes
such things as Panic, Rallying, Last Man Standing, Tactical
Awareness etc. please note that it only effects the roll the
friendly models make, it doesn't convey the skill as such,
so a friendly model would be able to use the leaders' CD
and bonuses when rolling for Tactical Awareness, but the
model will already need to have the skill or be in a unit currently benefiting from the skill to take advantage of that.
In the case of the Leader being attached to a
squad then models need to be with LOS and 6" of the
Leader's Squad rather than just the Leader model itself

Army Consistency
Depending on what type of competitive event is
being run there may be varying degrees of freedom for
spare units to be taken to switch your army around to suit
each game. Some systems, such as ongoing campaigns,
should be ultimately flexible to change your army from
game to game, but some events, such as one day tourneys, should reflect upon the general's ability to prevail
with a single force designed to take on all comers.
This is a matter completely up to the
tournament/event organisers, but our suggestion is that,
for campaigns the organisers adopt either a completely
open format or allow players to take units from a pool, and
for tournaments each player must select and submit their
force prior to the day of the tourney and must stick with that
force throughout. Please note that for the latter case this
would also include "customisable" troops, such as
Prosthene Marines, Biomechs, Meta Knights etc, and sticking with the same powers/upgrades throughout.
What this all means for the player and what we have to
look forward to
Well, for many players this will mean a reorganisation of their forces to some degree or another, but great
care and attention has been taken to ensure that the structure of this project remains not only solid and balanced, but
also as flexible as possible. Yes some armies will need juggling and yes some armies will become unplayable without
serious reconsiderations, but in light of what we aim to do
this is unavoidable and for this we can only apologise.
The upside is that this system of army construction
should make a much more balanced environment for competitive games to be played as well as providing some sort
of template for new VOID 1.1 gamers to decide what troops
they will need or indeed those experienced players looking
at developing another force.
The other advantage of this system is that it also
becomes easier for us to focus our attentions on the creation of new forces, whether they are splinter armies from
the main factions, such as a Pirate Syndicate or a
Suppressor Rapid Response Force, or completely new
armies and races. It is a framework and guideline for us to
work around as much as it is for you.

Koralon Unit Classification

A summary of the Koralon unit classifications follows:

Basic Troops: Reapers, Harpikons, Brood

Support Units: Stingers, Breeder, Larvan
Heavy Units: Arakterex, Hydra
Elite units: Phazon, Brood Master

Leader Options: Koralon work in a completely alien

way to humans. To reflect this, the Leader is
always determined by its position in the society's
hierarchy. If there is a Brood Master present then it
will always be the Leader, failing that the hierarchy
descends as follows; Phazon, Larvan, Brood. An
army must contain at least one of these units and
the highest-ranking present will be the Leader.


Flip, flip, flip. Scores of

images of the shattered city, still, lifeless, devoid of motion. It's the
appalling details you notice in these
empty shots; they jump right out to
confront you in the calm. Scorched
rubble festooned with black-burnt
corpses, limbs scattered amongst the
twisted wreckage of the streets, the
brown waters of the canal choked with
floating dead, the horrible, mangled,
alien forms of the invader
"Ma'am, it's been nearly
twelve hours. All systems report no
activity on this side of the river, and I
haven't any visual confir-"
"Nor do I corporal, nor do I."
Major Ngumo kept her gaze fixed on
the bank of monitors busily autocycling scans from the handful of spyeyes still operating in Pallas. Flip, flip.
What had once been one of the most
beautiful cities in human space was
now a charnel house, a crumbling ruin
and grave for millions. But the Koralon
had not just come to destroy, their conquest was far more pernicious: for
every body lying out in those ruins
there was another, human no longer,
which lie gestating and changing in
some secret hole. Ngumo was expecting them, expecting a vile horde of
them to erupt from hidden places and
overwhelm her compound at any
minute. Flip.
"Corporal Ezakiya," Ngumo
addressed the tech as she stiffly rose
from her chair, turning her back to the
relentless parade of images "take con.
I'm going to check the perimeter." The
major briskly left the control centre, an
underground suite of monitoring stations and communications equipment
specifically designed for emergency
management. To call this an emergency was something of an understatement thought Ngumo, smiling
wryly to herself, more like a worlddrowning apocalypse of first-class
dimensions. Alone, propelling herself
through the bright, antiseptic corridors
below the VASA consulate, she couldn't help but find bitter amusement in
the irony of her situation. At an age
when many of her colleagues were
looking forward to retirement, Ngumo
had wanted only action: requesting
assignment on the Koralon-contested


Rim. Instead she had been sent to one

of the most stable and secure worlds
deep within human space to baby-sit
diplomats and preside over tariff disputes. That is, until the Rim had come
looking for her.
Quickly, through empty subterranean passages and past automated checkpoints, Ngumo made her way
to the surface. The spacious entry hall
of the consulate was a confusion of
equipment, the floor crowded with salvaged bedding and supplies, its once
pristine surface filthy and worn from
traffic. Here billeted an army of sorts,
the last vestige of human authority on
the world of Actaeon, a motley collection of civilian refugees, remnants of
the local constabulary, and Ngumo's
own VASA regulars. She briefly surveyed the makeshift barracks, the
sleeping forms of the off-shift night
watch, the little knots of people in
whispered conversation, the few families huddled over a meal or a secret,
and the even fewer children; their play
subdued and indifferent. Ngumo
walked on.
Emerging into the open-air
courtyard, uncomfortably humid
despite the season, the major ran an
experienced eye over the defences.
The high walls of the compound were
a VASA standard; many times on
many worlds had such walls preserved
a garrison until the arrival of a relief
force. Manning the walls and gate was
a patchwork force; for every trained
pair of eyes scanning the city from that
wall there were three others, scared
and unpredictable, glimpsing demons
in every shadow. Half of these militia
were near the breaking point, she
could see the signs in their posture, in
their searching eyes and shallow
breathing, and the white-knuckled grip
they kept on their antique autorifles.
Ngumo strode boldly down the centreline of the courtyard, nodding curtly
and returning the salute of her officers,
her own consular guard brightening
perceptibly at her approach. It was her
gift, this aura of command, and she
hoped it was enough to keep her force
from cracking.
Before her loomed the
CommTower, the last link this star system had with the rest of human space,

its enormous sub-ether antenna

spearing skyward as if to tether the
heavens themselves to the embattled
earth on which she stood. Ngumo
frowned at the sight; herein lie a mystery she could not fathom. Though this
world was in tatters, its defences
brushed aside, its communications
disrupted and satellites smashed, its
cities empty and people enslaved,
despite this thorough destruction her
thinly garrisoned VASA consulate
remained untouched, seemingly overlooked. For five days they had waited
for the inevitable hammer blow, waited
huddled behind their walls as the
Koralon stormed every bastion and
crushed all resistance planet wide. For
five days they had monitored the horrific conquest and dutifully relayed the
images back to human space.
Ngumo wiped sweat from her
brow, giving little thought to the unusually hot weather, and again replayed
the arguments and speculations of the
last few days in her mind. Undoubtedly
the Koralon possessed a sophisticated
intelligence far above the animal cunning usually ascribed to them, this
Incursion was evidence of that. For not
only had Actaeon fallen to them in one
swift strike, but so to had four other
Gateworld systems, each vital for
strategic or economic reasons, all containing free atmosphere worlds with
populations in the multiple billions.
Five key systems and eight rich worlds
deep within human space plucked with
impunity from mankind's garden and
devoured, and each of those systems
of immeasurable value as a springboard for further conquest. The
Koralon had dissected human space
with an expert eye, revealing not only
a deep intelligence, but also a profound understanding of their foe.
But why should they allow
three of those Gateworlds to continue
hyperspace broadcasts, reporting
every detail of their occupation and
conquest? Climbing to a point just
above the barricaded gate Ngumo
gazed out upon the ruins of Pallas, a
chaotic sprawl of seemingly random
destruction where the gravitic
weapons of the Koralon had rent deep
fissures in the earth, raised whole
mountains of stone, twisted buildings

The Actaeon Incursion, Day 6, 09:02:45 hrs

into fantastic shapes or shorn them
cleanly from their foundations. No survivors, no human voices heard or
faces seen in long days of watching.
Here was a devastation complete and
absolute, yet Ngumo's paltry force
remained strangely untouched, broadcasting its grim report with the seeming approval of the new masters of this
place. Why?
Many of her soldiers had
taken to the belief that the sub-ether
carrier waves of the main aerial somehow inhibited or irritated the Koralon,
and some had begun to regard the
CommTower with a sort of superstitious totemic awe. But Ngumo suspected a simpler explanation, one disturbing in its implications. To continue
to broadcast, to send these images
back to human space, was to advertise defeat. Horror and fear would grip
billions, for despite the best military
encryption it was only a matter of time
before these broadcasts leaked into
the public sector, there to fuel the
panic already sweeping the worlds.
Worse than a panicked populace were
the colonial administrations and splinter worlds that would horde their
resources and close their systems,
greatly complicating any concerted
Confederacy. Had the Koralon, beings
unfathomable to the best minds of
human science, progressed in their
understanding of mankind so far as to
engage in a form of psychological warfare? Despite the radical differences
between species had these aliens
somehow made that leap of understanding that let them look deep into
the hearts of their enemy, while
mankind could only stare back
"Activity." The word burst on
her consciousness with the force of a
gunshot, and Ngumo pressed a finger
to her earpiece as she waited for
Ezakiya to make his report. "Ma'am,
the scattered groups of the residential
area have just merged into one large
body and are crossing the river," the
tech's voice was dead flat, betraying
no emotion, "heading this way, estimating
Ngumo nodded to herself, this was
what she had been dreading.

"Corporal, sound the general alert,

make sure you get a good view of this
and keep that aerial humming."
For all their built-up tension
her soldiers responded well now that
the opportunity to act was upon them.
They moved briskly to reinforce the
perimeter along the line of attack, the
VASA guard patiently assisting the
unsure civilians; organizing fire teams,
checking rifles, distributing ammunition. Ngumo felt an unexpected pride
for this rag-tag army, and suddenly
there was no distinction in her mind
between the grizzled suppressor and
the desperate refugee, the polished
consular honour guard and the provincial colonial marine. Here was
mankind united in common cause, and
their quiet resolve restored Ngumo's
faith in the outcome of this contest:
men and women such as these could
prevail against any odds.
Clearly visible now was the
approaching horde, flowing through
the pulverized city like a plague of
locusts. Ngumo, scanning them
through optifiers, grimaced in disgust
at the degenerate forms of the mutant
army scuttling through the wreckage
they had once called home. As the
Koralon drew ever closer, coming well
within range of the defenders, the men
and women on the wall reacted with
predictable outrage and revulsion at
the sight. No lost battle, ravaged city,
or stolen world could compare to this
affront, this perversion of humanity.
With this foremost in her thoughts, with
the ragged tide lapping at the walls,
Ngumo gave the order to open fire.
A fearsome hail of flechette
and slug raked the mob, and improvised incendiaries turned the space
around the walls into sheets of flame.
The exposed and seemingly mindless
Hybrids died by the hundreds, successive waves clambering over deadpiles to be cut down in turn. Fearless,
the horde pushed aggressively forward, throwing themselves uselessly
against the walls and gate. With an
insane, savage violence they clawed
and battered at the unyielding surfaces before them while the rain of fire
from above continued unabated. The
Hybrid force was blunting itself against
the well-fortified defenders, and their

vast numbers seemed of little use in

the uneven struggle. Humankind was
winning the engagement.
But a strange sensation had
been creeping along the edge of
Ngumo's awareness as she directed
the defence, a vibration in the pit of her
stomach, a tingling along her scalp.
The air itself, reeking of ozone and
charged and crackling with unfamiliar
energies. This sensation grew into a
warning, an intuition of danger, and
Ngumo turned her back to the battle in
sudden alarm.
A pulsating membrane of
force hung defiantly in the courtyard
behind her, an oval of intense gravitic
energy. From the mirror-like surface
emerged creatures sinuous and
strange, so hideously alien in form and
movement that the gibbering araktons
outside the walls seemed almost comfortably familiar. Ngumo shouted to her
soldiers over the din, but few on the
wall heard her as the Koralon poured
forth; their weird weapons flashing in
the reflected radiance of the portal.
The invaders brandished their
glowing staffs, unleashing irresistible
waves of force that broke upon the
wall with the force of a cyclonic storm.
For the briefest instant, Ngumo
glimpsed two more portals flick into
existence just as she and the defenders were swept away; their bodies to
be crushed, or ruptured, or thrown to
the howling pack outside.
Beneath the imposing structure of the VASA consulate, through a
maze of corridors, in an empty control
room, a bank of monitors auto-cycles
an endless stream of images. A shattered CommTower with its twisted aerial, the flattened wall of the consular
compound and the broken beings who
died defending it, the shattered city,
still, lifeless, devoid of motion. Flip, flip,
flip, flip, flip



Miniatures Gallery


Void 1.1 is an exciting, fast paced miniature

tabletop battle system designed for 2 or more
The game is set in a universe where the human homeworlds of Viridia, Ironglass
and Prime battle for colonies in the farthest reaches of the galaxy. Meanwhile VASA,
the policing body of panhumanic space, tries to keep in check the ambitions of these
imperialistic homeworlds. However, the emergence of the alien Koralon brings a
new threat, and what remains to be seen is whether humanity can put aside its petty
rivalries to see off this menace, or become another victim of the aliens.

Koralon Forcebook
War with the Koralon has been a frontier
phenomenon for nearly a century and most regarded
the alien menace as a problem
confined to the Rim worlds. Until now...
In a simultaneous attack on five key Gateworlds all of
pan-humanic space has been laid bare.
The Agents of Apocalypse are here.
The book includes:

Detailed background on the Koralon, the Reef Fleets, the

Koralon Incursion and Reef Worlds.

Comprehensive Koralon army list.

Tournament structures.

New units such as the Breeders and the Hydra.

In order to use this supplement you

need the Void 1.1 rulebook

Urban Mammoth Ltd. 115 Hanover Sreet, Edinburgh, EH2 1DJ. Copyright 2004 Urban Mammoth Ltd,
All Rights Reserved. Void, Void 1.1 and all Character names and the distinctive likeness(es) thereof are
Trademarks of Urban Mammoth Ltd. Urban Mammoth is a registered trademark of Urban Mammoth Ltd.

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