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"It wasn't boy who died yesterday" said the first person; "May be an oldman or an old-woman have died"

said second person; "No. It was oldman, for sure!" said the third person; among these three, if at least one
is lying and one's telling the truth, then, who actually died?
Boy? Old man? Old woman?
The more you make it work, the more healthy it's going to be. Yeah, I am
talking about Brain.
There are twice as many number of Hens as there are Sheep. Total there
are 99(hens + sheep). So, how many number of hens and
sheep(individually) are there?
A little girl asked, 'Mother, What is Wisdom?'.
while showing her the sugar-jar, 'Do you want to have some?' mother
asked. 'No', girl replied. 'Hmm, that egg or this Maida?' asked mother.
Girl- 'Yuck!!';
With warm smile on her face mother said: "When I make cake using all
these ingredients, wouldn't you love to eat it? Wisdom is just like that.
Knowledge, Intelligence, experience, analytical-thinking, skill- with all
these comes Wisdom. Individually they arent that important".
If one employee can finish 1 'crap-load' of work in one day, then how
much work two employees can do in two days?
'Out-of-syllabus', Somebody shouted.
'2+2/2 is how much? BODMAS principle - studied in 4th grade. According
to that answer is 2 or 3?'
'I don't remember that principle'.
Above statements are examples of disinterest in mathematics to most of
the kids.
There are two methods to be good in mathematics. First, 'Practice'.
Means, to learn addition, subtraction, multiplication and division without
using calculator. That trains your brain in tremendous way. Second,
'Realizing'. Realizing how can one reduce the question to an answer.

A problem is different, Logic is different

For the question, 'If a girl breaks her 2 legs falling from 2m height..How
many legs would break if a girl fall from 5m height?', when a guy
answered 5, his parents looked at him with pity-face. His parents said, he
has brilliant score in rapid-math!
weird thing is- High School students are more intelligent than college
students. as they grow up, they fall into so many 'other bobbies'- might
be the reason to lose interest in studies(Interesting things).
Anybody can improve their concentration by being silent for 2hours each
day or by being silent for one whole day, every week. It seems very
difficult at first. Try it, to see the difference.
'I don't have concentration. While studying, I often get distracted by
many things', some students say.
There are 2 reasons. Friends, Internet, Movies are prior than studies.
Second, no interest in studies. why no interest? When studying seems
hard, they lose interest in it. Importantly, Algebra and Science subjects!
Again there 3 reasons:

1. Alinggish refle action

While lecturer lectures, 'Six carbon atoms and 10 Hydrogen atoms are
compared with Benzene ring..', student didnt understand a thing.. this is
because of poor chemistry foundation at his young age.
For a question, 'If tomorrow is yesterday, today is Saturday. What day is
today?', a student don't even bother to think about the answer. Because
he doesn't want to push his brain a little. That's how idiots are born.

2. Problem Analyzing Paucity(PAP)

If a student cant answer for a small question, like 'If 2a + 2b = 4, then b

+ a=?', that character is called PAP. Such students only study for exams
and up to the syllabus. Such students lack logical thinking.

3. Paradigm Shift Deficiency

When you ask a student, 'An elder brother of a beggar died. The person
who died has no younger brother at all. How?', he may not answer. Even
after, he is given a hint 'All beggars dont have to be male, necessarily', if
he cant answer, this 'defect' is called PSD.

Apart from these, there are plenty of 'defects'. Hyper-activity, Anxiety

and etc. When asked, 'If you keep subtracting 7 from 100.. In that
sequence, whats 10th number?', lets assume, a boy comes up with the
wrong answer. Lets give him another chance.
If he gets wrong answer again, its called hyper activity.
To reduce all three defects mentioned above, to reduce hyper activity,
PUZZLES play very-very-important role.
Use yours brains. Stop being zombies.

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