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Choose the correct tense Present Simple or Present Continuous:

Ex: Tony is watching/ watches his favourite programme now.
1. Everything goes/ is going well for me at the moment.
2. Normally the children are quite sensible , but this morning
they are being/ they are really silly.
3. Do you see/ Are you seeing what I mean?
4. His only bad habit is that he talks/ is talking too loudly.
5. We arent travelling / dont travel by train very often.


Choose the correct tense; Past Simple or Present Perfect

Ex: She visited/ has visited France last year.
1. The wedding took place/ has taken place last Sunday.
2. I didnt apply/ I havent applied with your company before.
3. Agatha Christie wrote/ has written many detective stories.
4. I have been/ was a teacher for ten years.
5. He has lived/ lived in Los Angeles in 1970.


Put the verbs in the correct tense, Past Simple or Past

Ex: As Tina was going ( go) into the meeting , she realized she
was ( be) late.
1. Toni ...................................................(watch) his favourite TV
programme when the TV ...............................(explode).
2. They ...................( run) out of money while
they...........................................(make) the film.
3. He .........................................(break) his leg while
he....................................................................(ski) in the Alps.
4. My mother .......................................................(wash) the
dishes while my father............................................................
(dry) them.
5. We......................................................(see) the accident while
we.........................................................(wait) for the bus.


Choose the correct tense: Past Simple or Past perfect

Ex: As soon as I heard his voice , I knew I met/ had met him before.

1. I couldnt speak to them because when I had phoned/ phoned

them they already left/ had already left.
2. He was very nervous when he drove/ had driven across France
last month because he didnt drive/ hadnt driven on the left
3. She spent a lot of hours studying for her exam because she
had already failed/ she already failed twice.


Complete the sentences with the correct form of take or put and
the words in the box:
my advice;
in charge of;
no notice;
your arm around

for granted;

a risk;

EX: I said she should give up smoking, but she didnt take my advice.
1. Look! Your sister is really upset. Why dont
you ..................................................................her?
2. He s betting $ 10,000 on that horse. He.........................a very
big................. He could lose the lot!
3. Whenever the manager is away, office.
4. You really should appreciate your parents and
5. We tried to attract the waiters attention, but

1. My memory is hopeless! I have to put everything down in my
2. You should help me tidy up the house. Im fed up with putting
everything myself away.
3. Start your homework now! Dont put it off until later.
4. Larry takes after his father. He has the same nose and eyes.
5. The novel was terrific! Once Id picked it up I couldnt put it


Match the prefixes with the correct words:



A You have been abroad for a week Write a letter to your parents
describing your holiday so far.
B. Write a review of a book or film you have read or seen. Dont forget to
mention the title; the type of the book or film; the author; the plot; if you
enjoyed it and if you recommend it or not.

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