The Filipino Religion

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Before the introduction of Christianity, the Filipinos were mostly pagans. They worshiped spirits
which they believed dwell in objects like trees, mountains, rivers, etc. They worshiped nature, the sun
the moon, and the stars. They also believed in a supreme God or deity. Because of their belief in a
deity and in animate or living things their religion was called animo-delsm.
It was not long after the Spain colonized the Philippines that the Filipinos become Christians. Today,
majority of the Filipinos are Catholics. But a group of Filipino Catholics headed by Mr. Gregorio
Aglipay founded the Philippines Independent church. This splinter, nationalistic group does not
recognize the Pope as the head of the Catholic church. But their beliefs and doctrines are the same as
of the catholic. This group are called Aglipayan after their founder.
Another Filipino church and one of the true Filipino church that has originated in the Philippines is the
IGLISIA NI CRISTO which has a fast growing membership throughout the Philippines and the
According to Encyclopedia Britanica Macropaedia page #246 Volume 6 IGLISIA NI KRISTO is the
largest entirety indigenous Christian church in the Philippines. Its members assert that the early church
was restored in GOD'S chosen nation, the Filipinos when Brother FELIX Y. Manalo launched this
church in 1914. Rapid growth after 1945 produced some 600,000 members by the late 20th century,
imposing chapels throughout the nation, and wealthy centralized organization under Bishop ERANO
G. MANALO, the son of FELIX. Strong discipline from the leaders dictates a literal interpretation of
the BIBLE and suggest individual contributions and the casting of votes, making the church a
substantial political power. Unitarian in theology and Philippines in its language, liturgy, and music it
represents a popular anti-Western movement for spiritual independence.
In spite of the diverse religious groups in the Philippines each with its particular practices; the
Filipinos believe in only one God who is almighty and omnipotent. Religious practices show concern
and love for one's neighbors. Among the Catholics, the Ten Commandment's set the standard of
behavior. They keep images of their saints at home and every church has a patron saint.

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