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Lay the right foundation, unearth the true potential !

Use state of Art Technology of U.S Patented Dermatoglyphics Test to prepare for

Eight Kind of Intelligence

Usability/ Analytic
Science & Math

Art & Music

Dermatoglyphics Multiple Intelligence Test

Do you know Your Childs Inborn Potential & Talent?
Do you know Your Childs Strength & Weakness?
Do you know Right Parenting Method?
Do you know Right Career Path?
Key Benefits
For Age: 2-6: Know inborn potential, parenting style, different teaching methods
to be employed.
For Age: 7-12: Know the Learning Styles and Activities Recommended
For Age: 13-18: Scientific Career Counselling, Relationship Management, Focus
on Employability Skills Enhancement
Best Student Counselling Award Winner in Indian National Awards

Why Brainwonders??
47 Franchisees and 5 Company owned Centres in India
Largest Network of DMIT Reports
Certified with ISO-9001-2008
Certified With The Govt of Ministry in SME Sector
Only Company in the world to have an U.S Patent Act for DMIT.
Awarded as the Best Contribution towards Student Counselling in 2 nd Indian
Education Award 2012
ISO processed technically approved Service Backup

Benefits of U.S Patented DMIT Test

Discover Your Childs Hidden Talent & Potential
Every Child is Unique and they possess different inborn Talents
To use a scientifically proven method (up to 95% accuracy) to reveal a childs
inborn potential (Strength and weakness)
To give parents an insight into their child ad to groom the effectively to the
talents they possess
To enable parents to focus on their childs strength and to eliminate the
guessing game on their talent
Dermatoglyphics report is a very important guideline for a child to refer when
choosing university major that best suit their inborn abilities and potential
Know Your Childs Inborn Leaning Style or Ability
To know exactly the natural learning style a child posses
A kinaesthetic learner is good in expressing their feeling/thought through body
language and prefers
To learn/memorize through operation and movement
A visual learner has sharp observation/visual differentiation and prefers to learn
through observation and reading
An auditory learner prefers to learn through auditory sense/oral practice and able
to assimilate, organize and arrange oral information
To eliminate the trial and error situation when parents send their child to a
certain class (I.e. art class or music class) without knowing if the child is capable
to comprehend
Understand Your Childs innate Characteristic
To understand and to develop an effective way to interact Parents often
misunderstood their children simply because they do not know their inborn
characteristic (curious, Aggressive, rebellious, persistent with your child based
on their inborn communications style
To understand and to develop an effective interaction method with your child
For adults, this test can be used for self-evaluation and compatibility with your
spouse or business partner

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