Chapter 1

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Garcia, Christiene Marella A.

BPA 1-2
Introduction to Political Science
Summary of Chapter 1: Foundations of Political Science
What is Political Science?
Political Science is a social science discipline that deals with systems of government
and the analysis of political activity and political behavior.
1. Jean Bodin Political science is a branch of social science. That political
science is of great significance and importance in the present day Global
2. Garner Political Science begins and ends with state. It may be defined as
the study of man in the process of governing himself
3. Catlin Politics means either activities of political life or the study of those
activities, which are generally treated as activities of the various organs of
4. R.N. Gilchrist - Deals with general problems of the state and government.
5. Aristotle the first thinker in Greek times to use the term political science.
Scope of Political Science this can be referred as the boundaries of political
I. Political Theory :
1. Political theory
2. Political ideas
II. Political Institutions :
1. Constitution
2. National government
3. Regional and local government.
4. Public administration.
5. Economic and social functions of government.
6. Comparative political institutions.
III. Political Parties :
1. Political parties.
2. Groups and associations
3. Participation of the citizen in the government and
4. Public opinion.
IV. International Relations :
1. International polities.
2. International organization and administration
3. International law.
1. Scope of Political Science concerning the State - Political Science is a
historical investigation of what the state has been.
2. Scope of Political Science with reference to human rights As said
in the first scope, political science has its concern with the State and in the

State, one of its main concern is the citizens. The citizens have their civil,
political and economic rights.
3. Scope of Political Science in relation to government Stephen
Leacock said that, political science deals with government. We can relate
this on what R.N. Gilchrist had said that political science deals with general
problems of the state and government.
Political Science as Art or Science:
In defining art, Art is a systematic knowledge to the solution of problems of
human life. It only means that political science as art has its connection with society
and its behavior. While defining science, Science means a body of systematized
knowledge arranged on certain principles. But then Science also holds its
connections in history, sociology, and economics which pretty sums up on what
political science means. And also in science, we can say that all things are precise,
perfect and exact at all times. But in political events we cannot say that we can
predict it in an accurate act. Hence political science can be called both as science
and as an art.
The two faces of Political Science
Conflict and co-operation are two sides of the same coin. Meaning, Conflict is
where the problem is. Where does it came from? What are the things that
developed the certain problem or issue. While on co-operation, this where is the
problem or issue is being solved. We can see it through its word co-operation We
can find solution in the form of integration.
Normative and Empirical Studies
1. Normative based in postulates, deals, and assumptions or values
2. Empirical based in state structure, political process etc, a system requiring
knowledge of subject by actual experience.
Behaviouralist Movement came into existence after the end of WWII (1939
a. Behavioralism according to Robert A. Dahi a protest movement within
political science associated with a number of political scientists mainly
b. Post Behavioralism - emphasizes that in political research the substance is
more important than the thechnique. This only means that they are more
concern in the current social issues that it is the most relevant and
meaningful to the society.
Political Science and other Social and Human Sciences
1. Political Science and History Political science has a connection to
history, because this is where they based their theories and what had the
others political science said to its matter.

2. Political Science and Economics In the past, economics has been

regarded as a branch of political science. This means that some political
actions mainly affects the economic structure of a certain state.
3. Political Science and Geography One of the elements of the State is
territory. And the meaning of Geo is earth while the graphy means
description. We can relate it to political science, because in other description,
political science is the study of the state.
4. Political Science and Sociology Sociology is the study of the society and
within the society there is people that has relations with each other. One of
the elements of the State is its People. And as said in the previous statement,
political science mainly focuses on the State

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