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Students have mainly three basic duties.

They must obey their parent, teacher and elders.

Students must help their parent in homes by following small
orders of parents.
They must not become unresponsive to parent and teacher.
Students must follow the standard discipline.
They must do their study in a set routine.
They must learn and practice good manners and habits.
Their duties must be focus to their study.
Reading habits must be a part of his daily routine.
This reading habit makes them more intelligent.
Besides study they must do regular exercise.
Playing must be a vital part of their routine.
Watching too much TV programs must be avoided.
Students must follow polite behaviour.
This make him very good citizen.
They must know the fundamentals of good eating.
The School Management
Alma International.
Subject: Application for One Week Leave
Respected Madam,
It is stated, that my son Raza Khan student of A-Levels in your well known school. This is
to inform you that Raza is nationality holder of USA but he is staying here due to his study.
Now for renewal of his Visa he has to go USA to his father for one week. I strongly request
you to allow him leave for his genuine problem. Raza is intelligent and competent boy. I
hope he will cover all work which he will skip during his absence.
Thanking You for this anticipation,
Yours Truly,

Sonia Khan.
Mother of Raza Khan.

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