The Last 5 Years

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The Last 5 Years

18th April 2016 Bath Spa University

This was a performance of a new musical that was previously a DVD
starring Anna Kendrick and Jeremy Jordan. In this production MaryHelen played the lead role of Cathy Hyatt and was supported by
Matthew Graham in the role of Jamie Willerstein. This show is about
a 5-year relationship and shows both sides of the goo and bad
times. For Jamie, the start of the show is the beginning of the
relationship whereas for Cathy, she starts the show at the end of the
relationship. It is a little confusing but towards the middle of the
show their paths cross and it makes more sense. Mary-Helen
portrayed a convincing Cathy and the on stage relationship between
her and Matthew was very believable. I thought that for an amateur
production is was very professional.

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