PTE Repeated Essay

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1. The environment we are living in is in danger due to various problems...

so who do u
think should be responsible to solve it? Is it the governments, organisation or each
In this modern era, on one hand technology advancement increases standard of human life in the
world, on the other hand, climatic changes affect our planet badly, which led to uneven rainfall,
drought, cyclones and cold waves. Many people believe that single entity cannot control and save
our planet; both the government and the citizens should take action to rectify these environment
To begin with, government should impose and increase taxes against main sources of pollution. For
example, factories like leather, sugar, cement, and distilleries will create high adverse impact on
surroundings. In addition to that, fund must be allocated to recycle, reuse and renewable sectors.
Moreover, It is responsibility to the government to create awareness to the public about conservation
of energy and ensure that the students of a school and a university aware about green planet.
Continuously, every individual must support to the management, whom cares about living
atmosphere. And they should avoid usage of plastics, which affect the surroundings. Moreover,
citizens should avoid the over usage of electrical energy.
In conclusion, By adage union make strength the society and the government should tie hands
together to fights against the harmful predators such as global warming, ozone depletion, acid rain,
because these will cause serious detrimental to our planets.

212 words
2. Our planet is suffering from multitude problem, which one is the
biggest problem and things to do to resolve it.
Advancement in technology and industry makes human life easier. However, they
also create a bad impact on the surroundings. Many people believe that climate
change is the biggest problem in the world, because of its magnitude of damage to
the environment due to which developing countries are mainly affected.
To attain the status of developed country, developing and underdeveloped countries
like India have lesser knowledge on environmental conservation and are unplanned.
Most of the lush green forests are converted to concrete jungles, so ecological
balance is affected, consequently wildlife starts encroaching to our living space. For
example, in India lot of elephants continuously migrate from forest to living space.

Moreover, this climatic change led to cyclones, draught, cold waves and uneven
rainfall. So the government and citizens must take care of surroundings. They must
promote the environmental day to give knowledge about greener planet. The
current generation should take care of the natural resource and male sure that they
are available for the future by planting greens, and reducing usage of non
degradable items that spoils our mother Earth.
In conclusion, the most harmful predator for earth is climate change. So the
government and citizen should take responsibility to control it for the sake of our
future generation.

3. Tobacco, mainly in form of cigarettes, is one of the most-widely used

drugs in the world. Over a billion adults legally smoke tobacco every
day. The long term health costs are high - for smokers themselves,
and for the wider community in terms of health care costs and lost
Do governments have a legitimate role to legislate, to protect citizens
from the harmful effects of their own decisions to smoke, or are such
decisions up to the individual?
In this fast running world, Humans have grown from Stone Age to computer age,
unfortunately, some bad habits have also grown with them. Tobacco in the form of
cigarettes are used by many people , which will affect the human health badly. Most
of the people believe that although government imposes some laws to reduce this
tobacco usage, every sensible individual must be conscious and give up this bad
habit, which affects their own health.
The fact that there is an increase in number of passive and active smokers have
contributed to higher death rate per year. In addition to that, this form of tobacco
usage leads to asthma, lung cancer, heart problems, etc. According to data, 62% of
cancer in the world is caused by tobacco usage. It is the responsibility of the
government to legislate rule to fix the age limit of tobacco consumer.
Secondly, the government should create awareness to students in schools and
universities about cause and effect of tobacco usage. For example, management
can organize rallies and marathons to create awareness to everyone in the society.
Subsequently, strict law suit should be taken against people, who sell these harmful
tobacco products to young students.
In conclusion, the government can only impose law, but it is in the hand of each and
every sensible individual to take care of surroundings and their own health.
228 words

4. Reason of decline in Library day by day.

In this modern era, advancement of technology has made human life easier in many
way and the mode of reading also changed. Two main reasons behind this change
are illustrated in below essay.
Firstly, E-book (Electronic book) replaces the ordinary book. Many people prefers Ebook because of it sleek design and user friendliness. Moreover, it helps to conserve
environment by reducing paper usage. Peoples use this E-book in the form of
Google application, Kindle, Kobo and so on. However, travelers preferring e-book
because of less weight and auto dictionary mode (this mode helps to find meaning
of toughest vocabulary instantly).Although this reading method helps readers, it
affect a few of the publishers and private book sellers.
Secondly, Search engines such as google and yahoo reduce the usage of library. In
older days, if someone wants to refer any research journal means , he need to
search that topic first, after that he has to read thoroughly. It is time consuming
process, but in case of search engine he can find that same journal in matter of
seconds. Search Engine helps to find anything at anytime, but library has certain
time constrains.
To conclude, library has been losing its flavor due to encroachment of technological
development in that field. It is a good sign for change.
213 words

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