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We Can Write

Name ___________________________________

Rules for Writing

There are rules that good writers follow. Words are spelled
a certain way. Sentences begin with a capital letter.
Sentences end with a mark.
can you paly with me (This doesnt follow the rules.)
Can you play with me? (This follows the rules.)

 Circle the correct word. Write the word.

1. Teri _____ the bug. (sees, seez)

 Choose the right end mark.

Write the sentence.

3. The girl can win (. ?)


Writing Rules for Writing

Pearson Education, Inc. 1

2. Can you hit the _____? (bol, ball)

We Can Write

Name ___________________________________

 Write each sentence. Start it with a capital letter.

Use the right end mark.
1. can Tim run

2. i will get that pet

 Write about a pet you have or would like to have.

Pearson Education, Inc. 1

Follow spelling and sentence rules.

Writing Rules for Writing


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