Essay Pollution

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Every country in the world has problems with pollution and damage to the

environment. Do you think these problems can be solved?

2.Rivers and seas
3.Your own idea.
In current society, not only countries are countries being affected by economic issues,
but also the vast majority of them are also involved in many troubles such as global
warming, the greenhouse effect or air pollution. Even though governments are strongly
striving for to dealing with these sorts of problems, they are not being able to make
reach an agreement to overcome it as everyone has expected.
In regard to the solutions, countries ought to come up with ideas against private
transport with the purpose of significantly cutting down significantly the amount of
fumes given off by cars. Besides, although every day more and more electric cars are
being placed on the market in order to reduce gases, we are not still aware of the
problem caused by pollution to ourselves and the environment as we are stuck in our
traditional ways of living.
Moreover, some people think we should keep an eye on rivers and seas around the
world with the aim of cleaning them up as quickly as possible. From my point of view,
many companies dump litter every single day into rivers every single day so they are
destroying our ecosystem and this is the main reason why we have to be capable of
quitting these actions for the sake of next generations.
In a nutshell, Id rather think that we truly could solve the problem providing kids and
youngsters with a better education about the this issue, and surprisingly enough, the best
way to learn would be teaching by example without any doubt.
1. El writing est muy bien para un nivel B2, tanto en cuestin gramatical como en
2. Aspectos a mejorar:

Te aconsejo que leas el tema de las inversiones para saber cmo utilizar not

Trouble es un sustantivo incontable en ingls, por tanto, no puede llevar s de

plural ni tampoco many (es para contable).

The greenhouse effect lleva artculo the, porque es especfico.

Strive va seguido de for cuando tenemos detrs un sustantivo, pero de to

infinitivo si tenemos un verbo.

Sort y kind van en plural cuando delante ponemos these, tiene que haber
concordancia entre estas dos palabras y el artculo, por tanto, these sorts y these

Llegar a un acuerdo = reach an agreement

More and more = cada vez/cada da ms = no hace falta poner every day.

The environment = lleva artculo the = es especfico (slo hay uno)

Dump litter into a place = preposicin into = la preposicin into se utiliza

cuando es dentro, como in, pero siempre que haya movimiento. En este caso, el
verbo dump implica movimiento.

Provide somebody with something = necesitamos la preposicin with, aunque en

espaol no la utilicemos.

3. Cosas buenas que le dan calidad al writing:


Come up with an idea
Be aware of
Be stuck in
Keep an eye on
Dump litter
For the sake of
Connectors/ linkers: even though, as, besides, moreover, in order to, in regar to, from
my point of view, in a nutshell, surprisingly enough.


Passives: are being affected by (present continuous), are being placed (present
Good variety of tenses: present simple, present continuous, present perfect simple

Ought to
d rather + infinitive without to
Preposition + verb in ing
Have to + infinitive
Would be = conditional

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