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Guidelines for Thesis Presentations

An example

Jennifer Hetzl
Scientific Coordinatrix

2005 by INSO

INSO - Industrial Software

Institut for Automation | Faculty of Informatics | Vienna University of Technology


General remarks: the template

Presentation guidelines

Basics: concepts

Basics: presentation


Presentation guidelines | INSO 2005

General remarks (1)

Slide types
The title slide
Insert personal data
Insert second supervisors name (if applicable)
Omit full academic titles (for TU-internal presentations)
e.g. Thomas Grechenig and Thomas Kltringer

Table of contents
Follows the title slide
Create using Summary Slide option

Presentation guidelines | INSO 2005

General remarks (2)

Slide types (cont.)

Presentation slides
Change the name and short title in footer area via ViewHeader and
footer in the menu bar

Closing slides
Name supporting persons

Q&A, discussion
Invite for questions after closing the presentation

Presentation guidelines | INSO 2005

General remarks (3)

About this document

Are for student presentations only
Can show minor individual adaptations, e.g. in index slides etc.

The template provides a consistent layout, e.g. at final examinations,
thesis presentations, etc.
The template is provided for INSO affiliates only
Copyright INSO 2005

Presentation guidelines | INSO 2005

Presentation guidelines (1)

Structural considerations: concepts

Who are the addressees of the presentation?
Has an effect on the concept of the presentation
E.g. examination committee vs. public, university members vs. external

What audiences knowledge can be assumed?

Has an effect on the realization of the presentation
E.g. concept and extent of the introduction, basics, methods, etc.

What is the presentation scope/intention?

Has an effect on the description of the results and conclusion

What is the focus of the presentation?

Is ideally defined before the concept is designed

Recommended elements
Presentation guidelines | INSO 2005

Presentation guidelines (2)

Structural recommendations: elements

Introduction (approx. 1020%): What?
Provide ToC on one slide
Explain motivation for the thesis (one, max. two slides)
Get the audiences attention and introduce the topic

Background and results (approx. 6080%): Why and how?

Describe problem, incl. scope
Describe basics, incl. definitions, and methods, incl. approach
E.g. development of a model.prototype, validation of a model/hypothesis

Define crucial aspects/questions of the project

Arrange complex data in tables and figures

Presentation guidelines | INSO 2005

Presentation guidelines (3)

Structural recommendations: elements (cont.)

Summary and outlook (approx. 1020%): What?
Summarize in one to three slides, covering fundamentals
Closing slides are the most memorized slides by the audience

Acknowledgements and questions

Thanks goes to the audience and
E.g. supervisor(s), other supporting persons

References are listed (if applicable)

Questions are welcome from the audience and
E.g. supervisor(s), other attendees

Presentation guidelines | INSO 2005

Basics (1)Presentations

Layout: Clear and consistent
Consider professional recommendations
e.g. from

Arrangement of content
Few text per slide, using keywords for illustrations
Create additional slides rather than overload existing slides with content
Present detailed explanations orally, but do not recite
Avoid void or fuzzy statements, heavy use of technical language
Always explains abbreviations and symbols in use

Complex context
Use tables, figures, diagrams etc. for visualization

Presentation guidelines | INSO 2005

Basics (2)Presentations

Principles (cont.)
Layout (cont.)
Animations must be limited to a minimum
Use animations only sparingly when necessary for illustrations and
equipment, e.g. for audio, is available
Multimedia objects may distract the audience

Coverage: the KISS principle

1015 slides are sufficient, incl. opening and closing slides
Adapt coverage to available time (see also next slide*)

Check with supervisor and Science Coordinator
INSO archives
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Presentation guidelines | INSO 2005


Basics (3)Talk

Preparation and style

Planning, concept
Choose either German or English for slides and talk
Keep chosen language in slides throughout the presentation and talk
Ideally, talk and presentation language are identical

Consider two to three minutes per slide
Exceptions: opening and closing slides
Use stopwatch during preparation

Test runs
Receive feedback and get exercise in rehearsals
Prepare for possible audiences questions
Check speech time, volume, etc.
Prepare notes (if necessary)
Readable, neat
Short, clear
Handy, discreet
Presentation guidelines | INSO 2005


Basics (4)Talk

Preparation and style (cont.)

Presentation, talk
Be clear and articulate
Concentrate on audibility, fluency, and tempo; avoid dialect, mumbling, and

Be calm and flexible

Get used to presentation experiences in private test sessions, work group
Jours Fixes etc.

Be clear and precise

Answer questions during the presentation if necessary for understanding, e.g.
abbreviations, or refer to upcoming slides

Be focused and attentive

Get the audiences attention, maintain it using eye contact and questions, and
observe the audiences reaction regularly

Presentation guidelines | INSO 2005


Thank you for your cooperation

Peter Leitner
Thomas Kltringer

INSO - Industrial Software

Institut for Automation | Faculty of Informatics | Vienna University of Technology

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