Syllabus Med Term

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Robbie Harrison, ATC
Room 211
Course description:
Career and Technical Education (CTE) in Medical Terminology and First Responder is a
course designed to provide a well-rounded and challenging academic experience for
students interested in the medical field. This year long course will cover information
about the 12 body systems and more.
Text Book:
Course Goals/Objectives:
To gain an overview of Medical Terminology and its use within the medical field.
To understand the 12 body systems.
First aid and CPR
Course Required Activities/Expectations:
This course will be comprised of power point lectures, worksheets, bookwork, and in
class labs including group projects. You are expected to participate in class each day as
this will be a large portion of your course grade. This includes class discussion,
activities, labs and group project. You are expected to come to class prepared. Make up
work will be the responsibility of the student. You will be expected to contact me for
make up work. Missing tests must be made up on the students own time (before/after
school, break, lunch,) and they one week from the original test date to do so.
Classroom Rules:
Respect others in the classroom
Show up to class on time
Come to class prepared
Participate in all activities and assignments
Clean up after yourself each day
Cell phones need to be put away during ppts or discussions
Ask anytime before leaving the classroom
Stay seated in you own seat unless otherwise stated
Stay seated in your seat until the bell rings. Do not crowd around the door
Do not enter the middle room or the area around my desk unless permitted

Late Work:
Any work can be made up until the end of each semester. However, all late work will be
accepted for half credit (50%).
Grading Procedures
Grades are based on total points earned for the year. Each assignment is worth points
with projects and quizzes usually worth more in points. Points will be tallied up at the
end of each semester and turned into a percentage.
Grading will be as followed:

I have read this syllabus and understand the classroom procedures, rules, and
requirements necessary to pas this class.

Print Name of Parent/Guardian
Signature of Parent/Guardian

Print Name of Student
Signature of Student

Parent/Guardian Work Phone Number
Parent/Guardian Home Phone Number

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