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City drug abuse rehabilitation

I am writing you today on behalf of the hundreds of thousands of
concerned Albuquerque residents that have watched their city
crumble and succumb to the crime, poverty and death that stems
from drug abuse. In 2010 New Mexico had the second highest
Drug overdose death rate in the nation. This is not an
Albuquerque Police Department Problem or a City government
problem. This problem affects every single person who has the
privilege to call Albuquerque home. Albuquerque is a great
beautiful place with its towering mountains to the east and the rio
running though the center. Only a few of us have had the pleasure
of seeing the hot air balloons in the sky on our early morning
commute or watching the sun set from 10,000 feet above on top
of the Sandias. It is with love and appreciation for the city of
Albuquerque and its people that we at Albuquerque Institute on
Drug Abuse have created a solution to lower Albuquerques drug
abuse and give this great city the opportunity to become a more
prosperous and safe place for all.
Our team at AIDA is ready to do its part to fix problem with 4 new
proposed rehabilitation centers that will be different than the
centers already in place. Our staff is trained in the best methods
of drug abuse rehabilitation therapy and together with your
support and participation, the Albuquerque City Government and
Albuquerque Institute on Drug Abuse can become partners in
putting our city back in the spotlight for good reasons.
First we will begin this proposal by describing the problem at hand
and the current situation. Following we will Present our solution to
this troubling situation. The next portion will include some
information about AIDA and on the final page I have included a
cost breakdown and some additional information on the benefits

of the proposed solution. Finally, I would like to thank you for your
time and I hope our proposal is to your liking.

Problem Description/Current Situation

Drug overdose rates continue to climb in an alarming rate through
New Mexico. In 2014 there were 536 deaths due to drug overdose
in New Mexico. This large number of overdose deaths show that
we as a community need to do more to combat drug addiction in
Albuquerque streets and in New Mexico. The city and state
government needs to step up their efforts to stop addiction at an
early rate. The first step to curbing drug addiction is to research
the areas problem. Our outstanding drug addiction counselors at
Albuquerque Institute on Drug Abuse have done some extensive
research and the findings were rather shocking and upsetting.
Here are a few of the facts we have collected for you. You can
view the full report at a later time.
Overdose deaths in Albuquerque most commonly involve use
of Heroine, Prescription Opioids, Tranquilizers/Muscle
Relaxers, Cocaine and Anti-depressants.

most common Drug overdose deaths in ABQ (2007-present)

Prescription Opioids







The highest drug induced death rate is found in Hispanic

males, then followed by white males.
New Mexico has the second highest drug related death rate
Drug use is a major problem in our society. Aside from death,
there are other side effects such as domestic violence, crime,
poverty, unemployment and mental illness. We believe that
together we can rehabilitate our city and we are excited for
what good may come from a potential collaboration between
the city government and our organization.

We Propose the building of 4 new rehabilitation centers that will
ultimately aid in reducing the drug addiction in our community.
The first step is to fund the project so that we can select 2 perfect
Westside and eastside locations. Once the building of these new
facilities is under way then we will work on hiring and training of
staff. Our centers will have addiction counselors and one full time
employment search counselor in each location. Our new addiction
centers will employ some of the most cutting edge technology
and techniques to cure drug addiction and then a follow up
counseling by a job search specialist who will assist the patients
obtain a job or at the very least draft a resume and cover letter.
We at AIDA care about people and want to see everyone who
comes to our new facilities for help succeed. There are only ten
medium size addiction centers in all of Albuquerque. With a city of
a population nearing a million these 4 new large centers will be
able to assist more patients and compensate for a growing
population for years to come. Long term, the new Albuquerque
rehab centers will reduce Albuquerque drug addiction all over the
city. The lower drug addiction rate will then in turn lower crime
rates and homelessness. By funding these much needed new
centers, the city of Albuquerque will be killing two birds with one
stone. Taking drug addicts off Albuquerque streets will greatly
improve the city life for everyone and we predict a 20% drop in

crime rate within the first year of operation. This is the solution
that this city has been waiting for and with your support we can
make this investment into the citys return be much greater. the
money alone saved from hospitalizations, arrests and
unemployment in several years will pay for the initial investment.
According to the highest drug abuse death raise
was in 2011. Shortly after several new rehab centers opened up
and the rate has stopped climbing as fast. With Albuquerques
growing population we need new and more prepared locations
that are connected in the fight to stop these deaths.

Albuquerque Institute on Drug Abuse is local organization that
was founded in 2001 to fight the cities drug problem and be a
resource that locals can use to obtain help with any drug related
problems. During the past 8 Years AIDA has taken control of two
west side rehab centers and restructured the daily operations and
programs bringing their treatment success rate up by 20%. Our
organization has a good relationship with APD and UNM Hospitals
and work hand in hand with our public servants to combat drug
addiction. In addition to counseling patients and responding to
help calls AIDA also volunteers at local events and fundraises with
a bi annual run for drug abuse awareness. Another major part of
our mission is to reach out to schools and curb the problem before
it begins in our youth. We have implemented the just say no
program in 5 local middle schools and do yearly events to
promote being drug free. This experience working with the
situation at hand combined with our willingness and passion for
helping others and the community makes AIDA the perfect team
to introduce these four newest facilities to our great city with your
help. I hope that you and your staff will pay us a visit at any of our
locations and see firsthand the effects of addiction as well as bear

witness to the amazing work we are blessed to do every day. With

your funding and Gods blessing we will be able to make a huge
impact on the city like never before and all Albuquerque
communities will benefit from our efforts. I want to thank you for
your time and I hope to hear from you soon. Thank you.

Cleaning up New Mexico is a tough job but together we are
confident that if this plan is approved the results will be worth the
investment. The 4 new proposed drug abuse rehabilitation
centers will cost the city a substantial amount but saving lives
and rescuing Albuquerque from drug addiction is priceless. The
first round of expenses will be building and equipment related.
Using the best materials and innovative design that will look great
and last without wasting resources is very important to us. The
total of one location and that buildings equipment is $1,050,000.
Other expenses are detailed below.
Funding Needed


Estimated Cost

New Facilities and equipment

(4 Locations)


Employee training and

background investigations
Marketing and promotion




I want to thank you for taking our time to review our proposal. We
hope that you will think of all the many benefits that will come
from approving this proposal and keep the city overall well-being
as priority in your political agenda. If you have any additional
questions or would like to meet please call me, Luis Cueto at 505555-5555 or email me at

Works Cited novembre 2014. <>.

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