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Maggie Vogt

What do you think of the information presented?

Teachers will not be replaced by technology but teachers who dont will be
replaced by those who do. Sheryl Nussbaum-Beach
Starting off with that quote in the video made me think about how important
technology really is in a classroom setting. Also I believe the statement Sheryl
Nussbaum-Beach made is more than true and should be considered by people
becoming teachers in the near future. Overall the information that was presented I
found to be highly useful and very informing on the positive side of using
technology in the classroom.

Are there "pros" and "cons" that were not mentioned in the video?
Pros- In the video 10 Pros are listed and I believe they pretty much cover everything
I have thought of as a Pro for using technology in the classroom.
Cons- I am unsure if there were supposed to be Cons listed in this video or not
because right after the 10th item on the Pros the video seems to cut off, so below
are a list of Cons I have compiled.

1. Although students love using it some may not use it correctly and effectively
to do their work.
2. Some students may have a health issue such as Epilepsy that will not allow
them to use it.
3. Even if a student with ADD or ADHD learns easier or quicker with these
technologies they still may get distracted easily or divert their attention to
something else.
4. Complete and total technology use in the classroom rather than partial use of
textbooks could possibly damage your eyes from having to focus on screens
all of the time.

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