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Vincent Valentine

Software Engineer

0101 Binary Lane
San Jose, CA 95138
(408) 011-0110

San Jose State University
San Jose, CA, 2011-2016
BS Software Engineering

Relevant Coursework

Object-Oriented Design, Data Structures and Algorithms, Database Management Systems, Software Quality Testing, Software
Engineering Process Management, Information Security, Enterprise Software Platforms, Computer Networks, Intro to Articial
Intelligence, Assembly Language Programming, Senior Computer Engineering Design Project I-II

Technical Skills
Java, Python, MySQL, PostgreSQL, Ruby on Rails, Django, Play Framework, JavaScript, CSS, HTML

Media Licensing

Full Stack Developer, 2015-2016

Developed a web platform that enables users to easily obtain and manage media licenses
Set up, deployed, and maintained web platform using Ruby on Rails, Heroku and Amazon S3
Implemented authentication and authorization for users
Integrated APIs including Stripe, Itunes Search, and The Movie Database
Developed frontend design with Materialize and JavaScript


Scrum Master & Developer, 2014

Ensured the Scrum Team was fully functional, productive and focused on goal by utilizing agile methodologies
Facilitated any obstacles that may have arised during a sprint
Successfully deployed an ASP.NET web application for Medical Oce Management and Electronic Health Records


Web Designer & Developer, 2014

Developed a website with Django that allowed users to collect and share ideas through the use of images
Worked eectively in an agile environment with a team of nine by incorporating agile best practices
Prepared detailed reports for project specications and requirements
Developed user interface and application logic to improve and enhance user experience

Mentor Web

Web Architect & Developer, 2014

Collaborated with a team of ve to create a website for professional mentor services using Play Framework
Implemented frontend design with HTML, CSS, and Bootstrap
Wrote technical documentation for requirement analysis, system design, and object design
Prepared status reports for stakeholders to ensure needs of the project were met

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