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Outsourcing to India is not new, we will try to present Indias talent pool first and then going to

evaluate it along the following parameter.

1) Indian labor force
So to start with, just a quick look at some of the statistics of Indians labor force immediately
starts to give you an idea of the sheer scale of talent that is present in India:
3.1 million annual graduates
Over 2,000 engineering colleges produce million engineering students annually
300,000 annual post graduates
10 million join pre-graduate degree courses per year
19 million students enroll in Universities annually
- With 772 Universities, including 332 State Universities, 128 Deemed Universities, 46 Central
Universities and 216 Private Universities.
In 2012, at least 4 million students went abroad to study, up from 2 million in 2000,
representing 1.8% of all tertiary enrolments or 2 in 100 students globally.
And with a population of 1.2 billion, the stats and the list really do go on and on so as a
starting point we know there is a huge workforce and thats important because youre more
likely to find the talent you need in most professional fields.
2) Language Proficiency
India is the second largest English-speaking nation in the world just behind US. And according
to some estimates the day is not far off when it's going to be the number one nation. Realizing
the vast potential of the English-speaking population, the American Centre Library recently
opened a new section 'English as Second Language'.
The US Embassy's ministercounsellor for public affairs, Michael Anderson, while inaugurating
the section said: ''Although English is widely spoken in India, it's still a foreign language to many
here and in the neighboring countries. Our initiative is to promote the teaching of American
English by providing resource materials to help teachers improve their skills and better prepare
young people for higher education and employment.
Indo-US relation has seen lots of progress in economic, cultural and political spheres and this
initiative is a step towards taking that relationship to a new level, added Anderson...
3) Ability

According to recent surveys, around 82 of the major US companies have said that India is their
first choice for outsourcing.
Leading companies which outsource to India
a) Mastek Limited: It is a premier P-CMM Level 3 and SW-CMM Level 5 company which
provides outsourcing in a number of segments like finance, banking, analytics, and logistics and
so on. It has been in operations since two decades.
b) Orcim Soft, Inc.: It offers a major portion of outsourcing jobs to India in various sectors. The
main areas of expertise include software development, solutions in information technology and
so on.
There are lots of other renowned companies outsourcing to India. Well known global banks and
financial organizations like CITIBANK, JP Morgan, GE Capital and lots more are outsourcing
their products and services to India. In case of software solutions, IT giants like IBM, Microsoft
and others provide outsourcing solutions. These companies even have their offices in various
cities of India. Some of the main domestic players in the industry of outsourcing are Wipro,
Infosys, etc.
Stats on number of people employed in the outsourcing industry in India: - As of 2012, around
2.8 million people work in the outsourcing sector. Annual revenues are around $11 billion,
around 1% of GDP.
Indias technical education best in the world: Hillary Clinton: -US Secretary of State Hillary
Clinton believes the country is one of the best in this field, though it faces a challenge of
providing adequate primary education to millions of children.
"You can look at the very best in Indian education, and it's the best in the world. You can look at
the technical education and it is to be envied. It is so effective,"
4) Experience and exposer
Another hallmark is Indias experience & exposure outsourcing and offshoring to India is not a
recent trend. It started in the late 1980s and R & D centers have been opened up in India for the
past two decades.
5) Credibility
Firstly, lets have a look at some statistics
India is the number 1 outsourcing destination in the world and has been for the past 15 years.
80% of US and European outsourcing firms rank India as their number one outsourcing

India alone accounts for a 55% market share.
15 out of 23 software companies in the world that have attained the impressive SEI-CMM Level
5 certification are India.
It is predicted that India will soon have the worlds highest number of ISO-9000 software
IBM employs 150,000 Indians.
And what do some of the industry leaders who have outsourced to India had to say about.
"Novell made a mistake by not off shoring support services to India earlier. But now, we have a
roadmap to shift the entire technical and maintenance support operations for our worldwide
operations to India. When global IT majors increasingly started offshoring operations to India,
Novell, Inc increasingly found it difficult to compete with them on price. Novells strategy to
move its technical support services to India is part of its effort to achieve those cost-slicing
benefits and provide a better value proposition to its customers. The cost of running a technical
support operation from India is 60% cheaper than running from the US." Jack Messman
Chairman & CEO, Novell
"India has emerged as the second largest destination after the US in the healthcare outsourcing
space. The growing ability of Indian players to analyze big data, discover hidden patterns and
unknown correlations are driving new service offerings in this market," Milan Sheth, partner
and technology industry leader, EY India
The attraction of India for us was not only numbers, but more importantly, the quality of the
talent. Weve taken on people who are innovative and creative and can really contribute to the
business, Tom Hyde, Shell.
We believe that India is the hub of the world where the ICT sector is concerned, Mr Elfrink,
(Cicso Systems).
Finally, Indias IT act 2000, severely punishes cyber criminals, data theft in India is actually a
criminal offense - putting India as now one of only 12 nations with such cyber law. Indias
infrastructure is well developed with state of the art telecom, ISP, and cellular networks, high
speed bandwidth via satellite connectivity, submarine cables and fiber optic networks with
stable democracy.
Sources: Business.mapsofindia, wikipedia, defenceforumindia,,,, forbes,,,

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