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This report gives an outline description of all MECHANICAL & ELECTRICAL SERVICES to be provided for the proposed
These schematic design are based on preliminary architectural drawings and certain assumptions as noted. Whilst these
layouts and computations will be refined during the Design Stage, the principles and design philosophies established in
the Schematic Design Stage will still apply. Modification of these principles would only occur in the circumstance if
significant change to the building layout.1


Design Philosophy
The proposed end user accommodation is required to provide a high standard of accommodation for the end user as well
as management and end user activities area while at that same time minimizing operating costs. The buildings are to
incorporate the latest in technological features and have the capacity to accept and adapt to future technologies. All
design considerations shall be directed towards maximizing the useful life of the building and its contents and minimizing
life cycle costs.
The building and engineering services design would be based on the following considerations :-

maximization of building efficiency by minimizing plant space requirements

maximization of flexibility to upgrade the building services to accommodate future needs.

Provision of those features representing safe, sound and cost effective engineering and minimum operating costs.



The scope of engineering services to be provided include :

Internal Cold Water And Sanitary Plumbing System

Pumping Services

Electrical Services

LV Switchboard


Feeder Pillar

Main/Submain/Underground Cable


Luminaire & Equipments

Earthing System, Testing & Commissioning

Telephone Services
Internal Telephone
External Telephone
External Lighting




The scope of works for Hydraulic Services will comprise of the following installations.

Cold Water Plumbing System



Sanitary Plumbing System

Pumping System

Design Criteria
The hydraulic services shall be designed generally in accordance with relevant codes and requirements of the local
authorities having jurisdiction over the works. These include :-


State Water Authority (SWA)

Jabatan Kerja Raya
Suruhanjaya Perkhidmatan Air Negara (SPAN) and
Malaysia Water Association (MWA)

System Description
2.3.1 Internal Plumbing And Sanitary System
The contractor shall propose, design, construct and complete and internal cold water supply system and sanitary in
order to provide reliable and sufficient water supply and sanitary system to the proposed project. The internal
plumbing system and sanitary system shall be designed and implemented in harmony with other utilities and
surroundings to meet clients needs in terms of functionality ease of operation and maintenance and durability.
2.3.2 Water Supply System



The information in relation to the project such as location, number of buildings, building height, the basic functions
of the buildings and the related room data etc, shall be obtained from the architecture needs statement or others.
Water Demand
The total water demand for the project shall be estimated based on the basic function of the proposed project. The
contractor shall design, construct, complete and commission the water supply systems to cater for the total
The criteria for demand estimate and total water demand shall be based on the Design Criteria and Standard For
Water Supply System published by The Cawangan Bekalan Air, JKR Malaysia or The Malaysia Water Association
Source of Water Supply
Usually, the State Water Authority (SWA) shall provide the source of water supply. In the case where the SWA cannot
supply the water required, then the Contractor shall propose alternative supply subject to the approval of the SWA
or Jabatan Kerja Raya.

Scope of Work

The water supply system for the project shall include the internal water supply systems. Generally the scope of
work may comprise but not limited to the following items:

Distribution pipes from tapping points to roof top storage tanks or the proposed buildings with or without
pumping system depending on the available pressure at the taping point.
Booster pump house complete with M & E system and automatic control system (In the case where pumping
system is required).


Instruments and meters.


Internal plumbing system for all the proposed buildings.


Testing and commissioning.


All ancillary works necessary for the completion of the project.

Any item which is not specifically stated in the scope of works but is necessary for the completion of the project
shall deem to be included and provided for in terms of design and pricing.

General Requirement, Specification, Design Criteria and Standards

The levels, lengths, dimensions and figures mentioned in this Needs Statement are merely indicative and
approximate. The contractor shall carry out investigation for confirmation for the purpose of detail design and
The design and the implementation of the proposed project shall consider the overall cost i.e. initial capital and
long-term operation and maintenance cost.
All design shall be generally based on the Design Criteria And Standards For Water Supply System published by JKR
Malaysia or The Malaysia Water Association. However, the contractor shall at all time comply with the requirements
of other local authorities. All construction works shall be carried out in accordance to the relevant specifications
currently used by JKR.
All workmanship, materials, components, equipment and instruments shall be chosen taking the environment and
media contact into consideration and for long-life time. It shall be of high quality and resistance to corrosion.
Supporting literature and specifications from the manufacturers should be obtained to substantiate this.

It shall comply with the relevant Malaysia Standard or Codes Of Practice current on the date submission of proposal
or in the absent of the relevant Malaysia Standards, with other Standards or Codes Of Practice proposed by the
Contractor providing that these Standards or Codes of Practice are equivalent or superior to the relevant British
Standards or Codes.


Seeking of Approval

The Contractor shall be required to seek the approval of the various authorities concerned for the works, such as
power supply, consent of landowners and other relevant authorities, etc. The Contractor shall pay all fees, charges
or contributions to the relevant authorities if required.

Professionals Engaged by The Contractor

The Contractor shall engage his own Professional Engineers, Licensed Surveyors, etc whom are registered with the
relevant professional bodies to carry out engineering works such as design, supervise, field works, etc which require
such qualifications.
Distribution Pipes
The contractor shall propose the distribution pipes for the proposed project. Distribution pipes for every house
system shall have its own tapping point and water meter.
In the case where available pressure at the tapping point is not adequate, pumping system shall be required for the
distribution of water to all the building blocks of the project. The system shall consist of suction tank, pump house,
M & E equipment and pumping mains to the roof top storage tanks.
All pipes 100mm and above shall be Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene (ABS) or Poly Propylene Random Type. Air
valves c/w isolating valve, scour valves and gate valves must be adequately and strategically provided.

All fittings connecting the pipe and outlet point (eg. water tap and etc.) shall be stainless steel.
All pipes shall be anchored or restrained by thrust blocks when necessary.
Pumping Station and M & E Works
Contractor shall design and construct a pumping station complete with pump sets and instrumentation. The
pumping system is to deliver water from suction tank to the roof top storage tanks. The system shall have two (2)
sets of pumps, one duty and one standby. Efficiency for pumps must be higher than 70%. The prime mover shall
be sized 10% larger than the maximum power required at the duty point. The pumping system ON/OFF shall be
automatically control.
Instruments and Meters
The contractor shall propose, supply, install, calibrate and commission all instruments and meters that are
necessary to the highest standard of operation reliability and safety. The instrumentation panel shall be installed
within the pump house.
Internal Plumbing


Internal plumbing shall mean cold water plumbing only (water, plumbing system mentioned hereinafter shall
mean cold water and cold water plumbing system respectively).
The criteria and standards shall comply with the requirements of relevant State Water Authority, Local Authority,
Fire Department, as well as those stipulated in the relevant Malaysian and British Standards.

The contractors design shall at least meet the criteria and standards stipulated in Design and Criteria for Water
Supply System published by The Cawangan Bekalan Air, JKR Malaysia Or The Malaysia Water Association, and the
Garis Panduan Reka Bentuk Bilik Air (GRPBBA) for JKR building projects.
Information pertaining to water pressure, availability and quality of public water supply is obtainable from the SWA
or SADA.
Any capital contribution levied by the SWA or SADA to be paid by the Client.
The contractor shall design and install the required plumbing systems to all buildings and other locations within the
proposed site where water is needed.

Plumbing System

The contractor shall design and install the internal plumbing system in accordance to the requirements mentioned
hereinafter in order to deliver water to every plumbing outlets as well as Mechanical and Electrical installations with
satisfactory head and flow.

Individual Building Water Storage Tank

The Contractor shall design and install storage tanks in accordance to the Design and Standards of Water Supply
System mentioned herein before and subject to the approval of the SWA.
The capacity shall be equivalent to one-day supply for the building subject to the approval of the SWA.
Overflow and warning pipes shall be provided for all tanks. The level for the warning pipe shall be 50mm above
TWL, and level for the overflow pipe shall be 50mm above the warning pipe level.
The discharge point of such pipes shall be at location where it is easily noticeable at times of outflow during ballvalves failure.

Convenient and safe access to the storage tanks shall be provided.

All storage tanks shall have clearance minimum 1 meter all round as well as from bottom and top of tanks.


The type, material, quality, finishes and colour of all fittings or plumbing outlets shall comply to the requirements
and subject to approval of the Project Director.


All materials used in all plumbing system shall be approved by the SWA and complying with relevant standards.
Pipes shall be Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene (ABS) or PPR subjected to the approval of the Project Director.
ABS shall comply to BS5391 and BS5392. (15mm 20mm Class E; 25mm-150mm Class D)
The storage tank for buildings shall be of HDPE, POLYTANK subjected to the approval of the Project Director. The
tank shall be non-toxic, water tight, properly supported and suitably protected against corrosion and provided with
dust and insert proof cover.
Testing and Commissioning
All piping system, metering system, instrumentation system and equipment after installation shall be tested and
commissioned. The contractor shall carry out tests on all individual sections of each system and the system as a
whole to prove that the system and equipment have been properly installed, adjusted and calibrated to produce the
required performance as offered. The testing and commissioning shall be carried out by qualified and competent
personnel and shall be witnessed by the representative of the Project Director.

Should the whole or part of the installation or equipment fail to produce the required performance as offered, the
contractor shall be required to carry out necessary modification or replacement of the same at his own cost.
All energy, water etc. consumed during the testing and commissioning shall be paid for by the contractor.
A complete record of the tests and results of such tests shall be submitted in two sets to the Project Director.

Operation and Maintenance


At the time of handing over of the project, the contractor shall supply two sets of manual of the operation and
maintenance of all facilities including pump-sets, instrumentation control, metering system and itemized list of
equipment and spare parts which the manufacturers consider as essential to be kept in ready stock for operation
and maintenance.

Defect and Liability Period

The defect liability period shall be as mentioned in the Contract Document. The contractor shall be responsible for
the maintenance of the completed works through out the said period. The contractor shall repair or replace all
defects, carry out breakdown, scheduled and preventive maintenance works during the said period.


Electricity Supply for Pumping Station Installation and Instrumentation

Normally, electricity supply is to be provided by Tenaga National Berhad (TNB). The contractor shall be responsible
for estimating power requirements for the pumping system for his work. The contractor shall comply fully with the
requirement of TNB, such as construction of substation if necessary. Sufficient power points must be provided for
all installations. In the case where power supply is not available, the contractor shall provide alternative proposal.



Submission of Proposal, Calculations, Drawings and Cost for Approval

The contractor shall submit his proposal together with all design calculations and drawings and itemized cost detail
for approval by the Project Director. Nevertheless, such approval does not in whatsoever relieve the responsibility
of the contractor.
2.3.3 Sanitary System
The works shall cover design, construction and installation of the sanitary system (wastewater system and building
internal soil drainage system) for the whole of the complex.
The design, construction, installation, testing, commissioning of the system shall comply with the relevant
Malaysian Standards, the requirements of Local Council or MBS, the Uniform Building By-Laws and Rules and
Regulations of Local Authorities.
The proposal for the work shall include the following details and information:
Description on the scope of work
Layout plan including detail section or components of the system
Design Criteria and calculations wherever appropriate
Materials and Components Specifications
Works Specification
Original technical information for all proposed system. of Works
The works to be carried out shall include the following:11

Building soil drainage system and waste water system including connection to the external manhole.
Testing and commissioning of the system.
Servicing and maintaining the above works and equipment for a period stated in the conditions of contract.
Providing anchor to counter uplifting force for depth greater than 1.5m from existing ground level.
Submission to JPP for approval
And all other associated works.

Pipe shall be laid in straight line, tightly jointed and at correct uniform gradient to ensure smooth flow of the
effluent and prevent blockages or damages to the pipes.
Adequate cover to be provided for all pipes to avoid damage due to external load. Backfilling shall be done after
satisfactory leakage test.
All pipes materials shall conform to relevant Malaysian Standards and of type approved by Local Authority. The
minimum diameter of pipes used shall also meet the requirements set by Jabatan Perkhidmatan Pembentungan

Verified Clay Pipe

Cast iron Pipe
Concrete Pipe

- BS65 : 1981
- BS416
- DIN 16961

Vertical Soil, Waste and Vent - BS4514

Pipe (uPVC)
Underground soil pipe/stack
- BS4660
Underground waste pipe
- BS5255
All pipe fittings shall conform to BS4514 and BS5255 complete with the inspection opening.
Expansion Coupler shall be installed in every 6 meters for the cold water pipes (20 C 45 C)
Testing and Commissioning of The System
The whole of the sewerage work shall be tested when laid and shall be retest if necessary until passed. Test shall
be by means of water. The method of testing shall be generally as laid down in the latest draft Malaysian Standard
Code of Practice for Design and Installation of Sewerage Systems MS 1228 and Guidelines for Developers on The
Design and Installation of Sewerage Systems by Jabatan Perkhidmatan Pembentungan.
Standard of Effluent Discharge
The standards of effluent discharge from the sewerage and wastewater treatment plant shall comply with all the
parameters of the Environmental Quality Act 1976 Standard A Effluent. Amongst the main parameters are as
Suspended Solids
As-Built Drawing

20 mg/1
< 40 C
6.0 9.0

All as built drawings are to duly prepared, update and maintained throughout the contract period. All such
drawings duly dated where applicable and duly certified by Registered Professional Engineer shall submitted to the
Governments Representative not later than three (3) months after the completion of the construction works and at
the time of handing over of the buildings.


Compliance to Rules and Regulations

All works shall be in accordance with good engineering practice and shall comply with the By-Laws and latest Rules
and Regulations of all Approving Authorities.
A copy of all correspondences with approving authorities shall be extended to the Governments Representative.
Prior to the commencement of the construction works and handing over at the end of the contract period, approval
from all Relevant Authorities must be obtained.
All designs and drawings shall be prepared by Registered Professional Engineers. Detail working drawings,
workshop drawings and amendments etc. shall be submitted and agreed by the Government Representative prior
to construction.
The functional adequacy and professional liabilities of the design shall be sole responsibilities of the contractor.







The design shall be compliance with MS IEC 364 : 1996 and the latest edition of IEC 60364 or BS 7671.

3.1.2 The design for telecommunication system shall base on the recommendation of latest edition of Guidelines Of
Planning Requirement For Cabling Of Buildings For Telephone Services issued by TM Berhad (TELEKOM) : Structured
cabling system shall base on the recommendation of TIA/EIA Standard 568-A and ITA/EIA Standard 569.
3.1.3 The design shall be up to date with consideration of future development, cost saving in terms of operations and
maintenance, easy and safe operation and maintenance and in line with the requirements and purpose of the

All design, installations and equipment offered shall be useful and beneficial to the user. Registered
consulting engineers in the relevant field shall do design. They shall be free from any defects, shortcoming or
wastefulness in terms of every aspect, which cover installation, operation, maintenance, safety, security, aesthetic
etc. as well as related to cost. Design calculations and study reports shall be submitted together with the
3.1.5 One bulk electricity meter shall be provided for the Works excluding any area to be privatized where separate
meters shall be provided.




3.2.1 All work performed, materials and equipment supplied shall be in accordance with the latest Malaysian







(16 th





guideline/recommendations or any other international standards or regulations subject to the approval of the
3.2.2 All work shall comply with the requirement, rules and regulation of the Suruhanjaya Tenaga, Tenaga Nasional
Berhad (TNB), TM Berhad (TELEKOM), Jabatan Bomba & Penyelamat and other supply companies/utility and
companies/local authorities having jurisdiction over the works.

All materials, equipment, etc. shall be new, unused, of good quality, of reputable make, with local service
agents and who have good after sale and approved by the relevant authorities such as Suruhanjaya Tenaga, Jabatan
Bomba & Penyelamat, Tenaga Nasional Berhad (TNB), TM Berhad (TELEKOM), etc. They shall be of the JKR Approved
types and acceptable by the S.O.



3.3.1 The Contractor is required to check with Tenaga Nasional Berhad (TNB) or other relevant authorities whether a new
sub-station is required complete with its associated equipment and cabling.

All materials, equipment, accessories shall be suitable for the function and environment where they are to be
installed/used. They shall be suitable for the local electricity supply system of 415v, 3 phase, 50 Hz/240V, 1-phase,
50 Hz without resorting to the use of adaptors or step-down/step-up transformers. Special precaution and shall be
taken to reduce the harmonics and electromagnetic coupling effects produced by the equipment to minimum levels
such that the operation of the other equipment will not be adversely affected. Equipment susceptible to surges and
voltage variations shall be provided with suitable surge protection and automatic voltage regulating systems.
Where necessary, the equipment shall be compatible with or supplied with the necessary accessories/adaptation for
the Information Communication Technology (ICT) System to be installed in the building.



All cable and wiring, whether for electrical or other services, shall be in concealed conduits/in trunkings/on
cable trays/on cable ladders. All conduits installed shall be GI conduits and all trunkings installed shall be of
galvanized sheet steel and finished with to coats of epoxy paint (standard orange colour). All cable trays/ladders
shall be fabricated from hot dip galvanized steel.

3.3.4 Wiring in surface conduits or by other methods is not allowed unless prior approval of the Project Director / S.O is
3.3.5 All the electrical fittings must be suitable with the concept of the building.
3.3.6 Light fittings, switches power points, switchboards, distribution board and other equipment installed in the external
areas shall be weather-proof, dust-proof and vermin proof type to IP54 or better.
3.3.7 External structures such as feeder pillars, switchboard, etc. shall anti corrosive type. Street/compound lighting poles
shall be cast iron pole.

All cables and current carrying conductors shall be of copper type. All power cables and control cables
installed underground shall be steel wire armoured pvc covered type or XLPE type. Proper ducting and hole systems
shall be provided for the underground cables do as to minimize excavation required for inspection, testing and
maintenance purposes.


All works shall be of good current engineering practices and shall be carried out and supervised by a qualified
and skilled personnel.


Detailed schedules of works indicating the sequence of design, preparation of drawings, fabrication,
construction, execution, installation, testing and commissioning, etc. of each type of installations and works shall be
submitted within one month after the award of the contract.


All design, installations and equipment offered shall be useful and beneficial to the user. Qualified and
competent consultants in the relevant fields shall certify the design. They shall be free from any defects,

shortcoming or wastefulness in terms of every aspect that cover installation, operation maintenance safety,
security , aesthetic, etc as well as related to coast.



3.4.1 All equipments shall be fully tested and commissioned after installation. The contractor shall carry out tests on each
individual section of the system and prove that the individual performance as specified for each equipment can be
achieved and maintained. The Contractor shall also carry out test on the system as a whole to prove that the
equipment has been properly installed and calibrated to produce the required performance as offered. The tests
shall be carried out by qualified and competent personnel according to the local laws.

The Contractor shall certify that the equipment that has been supplied and installed is safe for use and in
compliance with the rules, regulations and requirements of the relevant authorities.


The whole of the works is subject to inspection and will be witness tested during manufacturing at the
manufacturer premises in the presence of at least two Government Engineers (Electrical) nominated, before being
delivered on the site.


A complete record of the tests and results (whether successful or otherwise) shall be kept and updated by the
Contractor. At the conclusion of the tests these records and test certificates shall be complied and submitted to the
S.O. in triplicate sets.


Should the whole part of the installation fail to produce the required performance as specified / offered. The
contractor shall be required to carry out the necessary modification or even replace the work with an approved
alternative at his own cost.




3.5.1 The electrical services shall include the following installations and works :a) Low Tension Reticulation and Distribution System
b) Internal Low Tension Electrical Installation
c) External Lighting Installation

Road lighting

d) External and Internal Telecommunication System

e) Master Antenna TV System
3.5.2 All equipment and plants supplied shall be completed with full set of original operation, maintenance and servicing
instruments and tools
3.5.3 All low tension electrical installations and telecommunication installations including any portion of the works
required to be handed over to the supply company/utility company, shall be to be included in the contract. The
contractor shall deem to have agreed and finalized with the supply company/utility company, before submitting his
tender, regarding the scope of work required on him for the connection of power deem to be included in the
3.5.4 Details services and scope of electrical works in this building is stipulated below :i)

LV electrical & lighting


General lighting - fluorescent & down light fittings

Compound lighting
Power points - 13A socket point, air conditioner & other equipments
Ceiling fan/wall fan - where necessary
Exhaust fan - where necessary
Internal low voltage electrical installation system


Telecommunication System
Internal telecommunication - telephone point & public phone

iii) Testing and Commissioning



3.6.1 External Low Tension Electrical Installations
The external low voltage electrical installation shall consist of feeder pillars, underground cables, control cables etc.
3.6.2 Internal Low Tension Electrical Installations
The internal low voltage electrical installation shall consist of lighting point, power point, small power point, internal
wiring etc.

Distribution Systems
Each house have individual meter and distribution board. All DB shall be incorporated with appropriate types of
ground leakage protection and shock protection and shall at least 20% spare capacity for future expansion.


Wiring and Cabling

Normal and emergency circuit shall not share the same conduit or trunking. The conduit and trunking shall be
clearly labeled to indicate whether they are for normal, essential or emergency circuit.


All essential and emergency sub mains/rising mains shall be of MICC/Fire rated cable. All normal (normal supply)
sub mains and rising mains of substantial ratings shall be pre-fabricated busbar trunking with accessories/fittings
from the same manufacturer.
All cable trays/ladders shall be fabricated from hot dip galvanized steel
All other cabling, whether for electrical or other services, shall be in concealed conduit/in trunking/on cable ladders.
All conduit installed shall be galvanized conduit or high impact UPVC and all trunking installed shall be of galvanized
sheet steel and finished with two of epoxy paint (standard orange colour). Wiring in surface conduit of by other
methods is not allowed unless prior approval of the Project Director is obtained.
The conduit wiring system shall be design in such away, that the system can be rewiring whenever necessary.


Ceiling fans, depending on the layouts and design of the rooms/areas, shall be provided, generally one unit per 10
sq metre area, for all non air conditions area. Wall fans shall be installed in places where ceiling fans are not
All ceiling fans shall be installed in room, dining area and master bedroom and other areas where proper air
changes and ventilation area required.


Power Point


Sufficient power point of suitable types and ratings shall be provided for all equipment to be installed. The numbers
of 13A power point provided for general usage shall be not less that one number per 10 sq meter of area and one
number per 5 meter spacing along corridor.
The exact number and types of power point shall be provided depending on the function of the room/area
Isolators of suitable types and ratings shall be provided for all equipment and plants not connected to 13A switched
socket outlets.

External Lighting Installations

External compound/street lighting shall be provided for the compound and internal roads within the compound of
the building. The compound/street lighting fittings shall be use where cast iron poles. Wall mounted light fittings
shall be use where pole mounted light fittings are not suitable.
Generally, the spacing between the poles shall not exceed three times the mounting height of the pole. The lamp
for the light fittings shall be SON/energy saving type. The illumination level on the ground/road surface shall be not
less what is normally practiced by JKR.
All external compound/street/flood/path lighting shall be provided with time switches with battery receive a manual
by pass or by other appropriate method for automatic and manual switching. The lightings system shall be such
design so that after midnight the lighting level can be reduced if required. External lighting shall be designed to
optimized electrical energy usage.
Sufficient power point/13 A switched socket outlet shall be provided externally and internally at strategic area for
equipment such as vendor machine etc.


3.6.8 External Telecommunication Works.

The design of the telecommunication system shall comply to the specifications and requirements of TM Berhad
External telecommunication infrastructure works complete with ducting, manholes and junction boxes armoured
fiber optic cable etc. shall be provided for this building.
The external ducts and cables shall have about 50% spare capacity for future extensions and maintenance
purposes. The works shall comply with the requirements of the TM Berhad (TELEKOM)
3.6.9 Internal Telecommunication Installations
The internal telecommunication installations shall be design for every house. The whole system shall be design
such that an operator is not required. Each house must have their own unique individual number.
The installation shall be in accordance with the guidelines of the TM Berhad (TELEKOM). Sufficient number of
telephone outlet terminals shall be provided for the present usage and for future extensions.


3.7.1 Within three months after the award of the Contract, the Contractor shall submit four sets of detail design and
drawings to the S.O. for comment.
3.7.2 The drawings shall be accompanied with technical data and catalogues. The Contractor shall also submit shop
drawings and construction drawings to the S.O. for comment prior to fabrication and installation. Installation
manuals shall be submitted before installing any equipment.


3.7.3 Within three months after the completion and handing over of the project, the Contractor shall submit four sets of
prints of as-built drawings, technical information, catalogues, operation and maintenance manuals, spare parts lists,
servicing schedules, testing and setting results etc. to the S.O. for comment and retention. These documents shall
be properly bound with hard covers. If the Project Director is not satisfied with the submissions, the Contractor shall
make the necessary alternations and amendments and resubmit the document within three weeks after the
comment is made.
3.7.4 A copy of the relevant main schematic electric diagram, a copy of the layout drawing showing the electrical
distribution and reticulation systems and a copy of the systems diagram of each of the services shall be supplied
and framed up in the relevant substations, switch rooms, plant rooms and equipment rooms.

3.8.1 Supervision of electrical works shall be done by competent electrical engineer supported by technical staffs.



3.9.1 After the installation works have been completed the contractor shall engage competent Professional Engineers of
the relevant disciplines to carry out inspections, performance tests and other pre-commissioning tests of the
installation and equipment according to the requirements of the relevant authorities and the contract.
3.9.2 The same Professional Engineers shall certify that the installation and equipment have been completed and are
functional and safe to be used/operated according to the requirements of the Contract, the recommendations of the
manufacturers and the requirements of the local authorities and any other authority having jurisdiction over the
work. A set of the above testing results and reports shall be submitted to the S.O. for approval before any
commissioning work to be commenced.
3.9.3 The format of the reports for the final inspection, testing and commissioning of the installation and equipments
shall be submitted to the S.O. for approval. A schedule for Final inspection, testing and commissioning agreed upon

by all the relevant parties shall be submitted to the Project Director at least two week in advance before any final
inspection, testing and commissioning may be witnessed by Project Director/Project Directors representatives.
3.9.4 The Contractor shall also submit four sets of commissioning manual/procedures to the S.O. at least four weeks
before the commencement of the testing and commissioning. Brief lectures on the testing and commissioning
procedures shall be conducted for the Government personnel before the testing and commissioning.
3.9.5 All testing and commissioning works shall be carried out in the presence of the S.O.s representatives unless
otherwise approved by the S.O.
3.9.6 For the major equipment such as main switchboard, generator set, etc, the Contractor shall arrange for the S.Os
representatives to witness the performance/load tests either locally or at some other locations having the testing
facilities or at the origin of the country. The types of the test to be carried out shall inform the S.O. at least two
months in advance before these test are to be carried out.
3.9.7 A complete record of the tests and results (whether successful or otherwise) shall be kept and updated by the
Contractor. At the conclusion of the tests these records shall be complied and submitted to the S.O. in two copies.
3.9.8 Should the whole or part of the installation fail to produce the required performances as specified / offered, the
contractor shall be required to carry out the necessary modification of even replace the work an approved
alternative at his own cost.
3.10.1The Contractor shall arrange for proper training courses, both classroom lectures and on site practices, for the
Government personnel on the operation and maintenance of the installations and equipment at a suitable time
before and/or after the commissioning and acceptance tests. Proper notes, instructions, manual etc. shall be
provided for the trainees.

3.11.1The Contractor shall guarantee the whole installation free from defect and inadequacy in design, manufacturer,
fabrication and installation works during the Guarantee Period after the official handing over the project as specified
in the Contract.
3.11.2The Contractor shall be responsible for maintaining the whole installation, except those works which have been
handed over to the supply company/utility company/local authorities, during the Maintenance Period as specified in
the Contract.
3.11.3The Contractor shall repair/replace all defective/faulty equipment/ works during the Guarantee Period and
Maintenance Period and to carry out all breakdown, schedule and preventive maintenance works during the
Maintenance Period. All materials, replacement parts, equipment, consumable items, labour etc. during the
Guarantee Period and Maintenance Period shall be provided by the Contractor.
3.11.4The consumable items for maintenance to be provided during the Maintenance Period shall included but not limited
to the following items:i)

lamps (all types)


Fuses and mccbs (all types)


Lamp control gears and starters (all type)


Capacitors (all type)


Telephone terminal lighting arrestor blocks


Fuel filters, air filters, belts, lubrication oil, coolant and other items for the generating sets to be
replace/changed during the preventive and schedule maintenance


All times for the equipment and plants which are required to be replaced/changed during the preventative
and schedule maintenance.


3.11.5However, electricity, water, cooking gas, fuel and other utility changes, films, printing papers, toners, etc. are not
included as consumable items for maintenance in the Context of this Contract.
3.11.6The Contractor shall take immediate action to carry out any repair work and restore the installation to its normal
operating conditions upon receipt of the complaint from the officer in-charge of the college or his representatives. If
no action is taken to carry out the repair works within twenty four hours upon lodging of the report, the S.O. shall
reserve the right to engage a third party to carry out the repair works with all the expenses and costs charged to
the Contractor. If any equipment or plant requires more than two days to be repaired or replaced, the Contractor
shall arrange for a similar equipment or plants to be installed and used temporary until such times the equipment
or plants has been repaired or replaced, failing which the Project Director shall reserve the right to arrange for a
similar equipment of plant to be used with all expenses charges to the Contractor.


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