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"Online Shopping project:-

This project is a web-based online shopping application developed in JAVA LANGUAGE

using Java as front end.
The main aim of ONLINE SHOPPING is to improve the services of Customers and
vendors. It maintains the details of customer payments, product receipts, addition of new
customers, products and also updating, deletion for the same. It also stores the details of
invoices generated by customer and payments made by them with all Payments details like
credit card.
The primary features of the project entitled ONLINE SHOPPING are high accuracy,
design flexibility and easy availability. And also it uses database tables Representing entities
and relationships between entities.


The main objective of the Online Shopping System Java Project is to create a system which is
used to purchase and sell products online i.e. through internet. The entire system is
developed to meet the requirements of any organization. The whole system is designed in
such a way that it contains the entire information required for purchasing and selling products
online. It is developed with a valid a login id and password. The entire system is built taking

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care of user friendliness and security. The above system is flexible and efficient and
facilitates all the users

The central concept of the application is to allow the customer to shop virtually using the
Internet and allow customers to buy the items and articles of their desire from the store. The
information pertaining to the products are stores on an RDBMS at the server side (store). The
Server process the customers and the items are shipped to the address submitted by them.

The end user of this product is a departmental store where the application is hosted on the
web and the administrator maintains the database. The application which is deployed at the
customer database, the details of the items are brought forward from the database for the
customer view based on the selection through the menu and the database of all the products
are updated at the end of each transaction.

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In normal shopping the customer has to go to shopping center for purchase. It causes
wastage of time. More over the shopkeeper's may not display verities of items, which the
customer wants.


In online webstore we can allocate space for starting our business very easily. We can
do it from our home itself. The user can purchase the products from his home itself according
to information by given by him. The user can feel the atmosphere of real shopping
complex.In this project; we mainly used three modules admin module, vendor module,
viditor module.


All projects are feasible when given unlimited resources and infinite time. It is both necessary
and prudent to evaluate the feasibility of a project at the earliest possible time. A feasible
study is not warranted for system in which economic justification is observed,

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technical risk is low, few legal problems are expected and no reasonable alternative exists.
An estimate is made of whether the identified user needs may be satisfied using our recent
software and hardware technologies. The study will decide if the proposed system will be
cost effective, from the business point of view and it can be developed in the existing
budgetary constraints. The feasibility study should be relatively sharp ad quick. The gesture
should inform the decision of whether to go ahead with a more detailed analysis.

Feasibility study may be documented as a separated report to higher officials of the

top-level management and can be included as appendices to the system specification.
Feasibility and risk analysis is detailed in many worries. If there is more project risk then the
feasibility of producing the quality software is reduced. The study is done in three phases
2.3.1 Operational Feasibility

2.3.2 Technical Feasibility

2.3.3 Economical Feasibility

2.3.1 Operational Feasibility

Proposed projects are beneficial only if they can be turned into information systems
that will meet the organizations operating requirements. Simply stated, the test of feasibility
asks if the system will work when it is developed and installed. Are there any major barriers
to implementations? Is there sufficient support for the project from the management? Are
current business methods acceptable to the users? Have the users been involved in the
planning and development of the project? Will the proposed system cause any harm?

The purpose of the operational feasibility study is to determine whether the new
system will be used if it is developed and installed. And whether there will be resistance from
users that will undermine the possible application benefit.

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In the proposed System named Online Webstore the operational feasibility study is
performed with the help of the users of the system and the management. The first challenge
was whether the system meets the organizational requirement. This is checked by the system
requirement collected from the users and the management and the operational feasibility
proved that the system is capable to meet its functional requirements.

During the operational feasibility study the proposed system, is checked whether it
can run with universal standards. All the business methods implemented in the system is
selected according to increase the user acceptance.
There was no difficulty in implemented the software and proposed system is so
effective, user friendly, functionally reliable so that the users in the company will find that
the new system reduces the hard steps.

2.3.2 Technical Feasibility

The technical feasibility study is a study of function, performances and constraints

and improve the ability to create an acceptable system .Technical feasibility is frequently the
most difficult area to achieve at the stage of product engineering process. Considering that
are normally associated with the technical feasibility include

> Development risk

> Resource availability
> Technology

In the proposed system named Online Webstore the technical feasibility study is
conducted by considering the risk related to developing the system, the resources available to
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develop the system and the availability of the technology to develop the system. The
development risk considered the factors like whether the system can implement using
existing technology and the design of the system can run on the real environment. The
resource availability checks the availability of resources like time, human, hardware etc. The
technology using to implement the system is selected according to the technical feasibility
study. The technical feasibility study on the technology found that it can implement all the
functional requirements of the proposed system. The technology selected according to accept
the system globally and the development of the system according to the universal standards.

Technical feasibility study of Online Webstore covered the hardware as well as the
software requirements. The scope was whether the work for the project is done with the
current equipments and the existing software technology has to be examined in the feasibility
study. The outcome was found to be positive.
2.3.3 Economical Feasibility

A cost evaluation is weighted against ultimate income or benefit derived from the
developed system or product. Economic justification is generally the "Bottom line"
consideration that includes cost benefit analysis, long term corporate income strategies,
impact on other profit centers or products, cost of resources needed for development and
potential market growth. When compared to the advantage obtained from implementing the
system its cost is affordable. Also the system is designed to meet the modifications required
in the future. Therefore most of the modifications can be done without much re-work.

The economical feasibility of the Online Webstore is checked and accepted by both
the users and the management of the organization. Since the Online Webstore has to deals
with sensitive data like the software codes of organization the economical feasibility proved
that it is economical and it can help the organization to avoid financial disaster due to the lose
of data. Since Online Webstore is developed using the available resources in the organization
it doesn't added any financial liabilities to the organization. Since cost input for the software
is almost nil the output of the software is always a profit. Hence the economical feasibility
study of Online Webstore found that the system is economically feasible.

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Data Flow is the description of the system's data and how the processes transform
the data. Data Flow diagram depicts information flow, the information flow and the
transforms that are applied as data move from the input to output. It is the starting point of the
design phase that functionally decomposes the requirement specifications down to the lowest
level of details. Thus a DFD describes what data flows (logical) rather than how they are

Unlike detailed flowchart, Data Flow Diagrams do no supply detailed description of

the modules but graphically describes a system's data and how the data interacts with the
system. To construct a Data Flow Diagram, we use
Open End

An arrow identifies the dataflow in motion. It is a pipeline through which information

is flown like the rectangle in the flowchart. A circle stands for process that converts data into
information. An open-ended box represents a data store, data at rest or a temporary repository
of data. A square defines a source or destination of system data.

Rules for constructing a Data Flow Diagram

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Arrows should not cross each other.


Squares, circles and files must bear names.


Decomposed data flow squares and circles can have same names.


Choose meaningful names for data flow


Draw all data flows around the outside of the diagram.


Requirement analysis can be defined as a detailed study of various operations

performed by a system and their relationship within and outside of the system. One aspect of
the analysis is designing the boundaries of the system and determining whether or not a
candidate system should other related systems. During analysis data are collected on the
available files, decision points and transactions handled by the present system. The common
tools used in the analysis phase are Data Flow Diagram, interviews and on site observations.

We can say Analysis as the process of taking known facts concerning a system,
breaking these into their elements and establishing logical relationships between the laments,
with objective of producing a specification of requirements. Analysis can be done in a
disciplined way, using appropriate tools in all stages of the project. During fact-finding, the
use of standard forms will help to ensure that nothing conflicts or is omitted. The tool of
analysis consists of lists, structure charts, grid charts and flow charts. The steps in the
analysis are:

Defining system objectives and results.

Trace back to the actions required for the achievement of objectives and results.
Carry out instructions, which prompt the achievement of objectives and must be
analyzed In relation to the decisions, which produce them.
Confirm the notifications that have been carried out.

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The information based on the decisions can be analyzed into the data and procedures
required to produce it.

At each step it is necessary to:

Identify the relevant facts, and establish the relationship between them.
Compare that set of facts with the sets at each adjoining steps and establish the
relationship between the facts in these sets.

The analysis of the user requirements takes place throughout the investigation and
outline design stages of a system development project, but at some point in time it should be
formally documented. The information collected if not organized or stated formally. The
input to the Software Requirement Specification (SRS) is inherently informal and imprecise,
inconsistent, and it is likely to be incomplete.

Since the collected information is just an imagination stress is given to this phase, which
exactly gives shape to the problem. If the information collected is put in an organized
manner, which will lead to understand the problem clearly will reduce the error. By
correcting the errors in this phase we can minimize the cost of the project.

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A set of fundamental design concepts are evolved over the past decades, although the
degree of interest in each concept has varied over the years, each has stood the test of time.
Each one provides the software designer with a foundation from which more sophisticated
design methods can be applied. Fundamental design concepts provide the necessary frame
work for "getting it right".


Abstraction permits one to concentrate on a problem at some level of generalization

without regard to irrelevant low level details, user abstraction also permits one to work with
concepts and terms that are familiar in the problem environment without having to transform
them to an unfamiliar structure. Two types of abstraction are there, one is procedural
abstraction and data abstraction. A procedural abstraction is a named sequence of instructions
that5 has a specific and limited function. A data abstraction is a named collection of data that
describes a data object.

Software Architecture

Software architecture alludes to "the overall structure of the software and the ways in
which that structure provides conceptual integrity ". Control hierarchy also called program
structure, represents the organization of control. The tree structure used to represent the
control hierarchy.

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Structural partitioning

The program structure should be partitioned both horizontally and vertically.

Horizontal portioning defines separate branches of the modular hierarchy for each major
program function, vertical portioning called factoring; suggest that control and work should
be distributed. Top down in the program architecture. Top level modules should perform
control functions and do actual processing works. Modules reside low in the architecture
should be the workers, performing all input, computation and output tasks.

Data structure

Data structure is a representation of logical relationship among individual elements of

data. Because the structure of information will invariably affect the final procedural design,
data structure is very important as the program structure to the representation of the software
architecture. Data structure dictates the organization, methods of access, degree of
associatively, and processing alternatives for information. The organization and complexity
of a data structure are limited only by ingenuity of the designer. Scalar item array and linked
list are some of the representations of the data structure.

Software procedure

Program structure defines control hierarchy without regard to the sequence of

processing and decisions. Software procedures focus on the processing details of each
module individually. Procedure must provide a precise specification processing, including
sequence of events, exact, decision points, repetitive operations and even data
organization/structure. Information hiding suggests that modules be "characterized by design
decisions that hide from all others".

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Design is defining a model of a new system and continues by converting this model to
a new system. The method is used to convert the model of the proposed system into computer
specification. Data models are converted to a database processes and flows to user procedures
and computer programs. Design proposes a new system that meets these requirements. This
new system may be built by a fresh or by changing the existing system. The detailed design
starts with three activities, database design, user design and program design. Database design
uses conceptual data model to produce a database design. User procedure design uses those
parts of the DFD outside the automation boundary to design user procedures.


Input design is the link between the information system and the users and those steps
that are necessary to put transaction data into a usable form for processing data entry. The
activity of putting data in to the computer for processing can be activated by instructing the
computer to read data from a written printed document or it can occur by keying data directly
ion to the system. The designs of input focusing on controlling the amount of input required
controlling the errors, avoid delaying extra steps, and keeping the process simple. System
analyst decides the following design details.

What data to input?

What medium to use?
How the data is arranged and coded?
The dialogue to guide the users in providing input.
Data items and transactions needing validation to detect errors.
Methods to perform input validation and steps to follow when errors occurs.

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Designing output should proceed in well thought out manner. The term output means
any information produced by the information system whether printed or displayed.

When analyst design computer out put they identified the specific output that is needed
to meet the requirement. Computer is the most important source of information to the users.
Output design is a process that involves designing necessary outputs that have to be used by
various users according to requirements. Efficient intelligent output design should improve
the system relationship with the user and help in decision making. Since the reports are
directly required by the management for taking decisions and to draw the conclusion must be
simple, descriptive and clear to the user. Options for outputs and forms are given in the
system menus.

When designing the output, system analyst must accomplish the following:
Determine the information to present
Decide whether to display, print the information and select the output medium.
Arrange the information in acceptable format.
Decide how to distribute the output of intended recipient.


The overall objective in the development of database technology has been to treat data
as an organizational resource and as an integrated whole. DBMS allow data to be protected
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and organized separately from other resources. Database is an integrated collection of data.
The most significant form of data as seen by the programmers is data as stored on the direct
access storage devices. This is the difference between logical and physical data.

Database files are the key source of information into the system. It is the process of
designing database files, which are the key source of information to the system. The files
should be properly designed and planned for collection, accumulation, editing and retrieving
the required information.

The organization of data in database aims to achieve three major objectives:

Data integration.

Data integrity.

Data independence.

The proposed system stores the information relevant for processing in the MS SQL
SERVER database. This database contains tables, where each table corresponds to one
particular type of information. Each piece of information in table is called a field or column.
A table also contains records, which is a set of fields. All records in a table have the same set
of fields with different information. There are primary key fields that uniquely identify a
record in a table. There are also fields that contain primary key from another table called
foreign keys.

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The goal of coding phase is to translate the design of the system in to code in a given
programming language. For a given design, the aim in this phase is to implement the design
in the best possible manner. Well-written code can reduce the resting and maintenance effort.
During coding, the focus should on developing programs that are easy to read and understand
and not simply on developing programs that are easy to write. Simplicity and clarity should
be strived for during the code phase.
An important concept that helps the understandability of programs is structured
programming. The program that should be organized as a sequence of statements and during
execution the statements are executed in the sequence given in the program. There are many
different criteria for judging of the program, execution time and required memory.

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Table 5.1 :Register

( Stores the login id and passwords of the user)

Table 5.2 :Cart

(Stores the product name , price and total amount)

Table 5.3 :Checkout

(Stores all the user info as address,mobile no. etc.)

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Table 5.4 :Confirm

(Stores all the user data required for delivery purpose)

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FIG 6.1
This is the home page of the online store.

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FIG 6.2
This is the FAQ Page in case a customer needs assistance or has queries.

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FIG 6.3
This is the Registration Page for the new users.

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FIG 6.4
This is the Login Page for already registered users.

FIG 6.5
Pop Up window on successful Login.

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FIG 6.6
This is the category Page for shopping products more easily.

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FIG 6.7
These are the Shoes available on the store.

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FIG 6.8
These are the Clothes available on the
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FIG 6.9
These are the Laptops available on the store.
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FIG 6.10
These are the Mobiles available on the
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FIG 6.11
This is the shopping cart which shows the
product whose buy button is clicked.

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FIG 6.12
This is the Checkout page for obtaining
necessary users details.

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FIG 6.13
This is the confirmation page to ask the user
whether he is sure to make the purchase.

FIG 6.14
The purchase completes here.
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In online webstore the users can purchase the product from his home itself according
to information given by the webstore.The user can feel the atmosphere of real shopping
In this project we are committed to providing customer with easy and secure way to
shop online for quality products. Here we provide an interface for creating shops for different
vendors; and managing their dataset very efficiently. Here overall control of the shopping
complex is done by the administrator. Shops control is done by the shop owner.

This product has great future scope. Online shopping Internet software developed on
and for the windows and later versions environments and Linux OS. This project also
provides security with the use of Login-id and Password, so that any unauthorized users can
not use your account. The only Authorized that will have proper access authority can access
the software.

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Anderson, J.D. (1995) Computational Fluid Dynamics. McGraw Hill, Singapore 1995 .


Barnard, R.W. and Kellogg, C. (1980) Applications of Convolution Operators to

Problems in Univalent Function Theory, Michigan Mach, J., Vol.27, pp.8194.

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