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The author, Sundar Balakrishnan is a qualified astrologer from

Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan, Mumbai holding 2-year Jyotirvid and 3year Jyotirvisharad. He is also a graduate in Commerce and MBAFinance from NMIMS, Mumbai. He practices all schools of Astrology,
namely Vedic, Jaimini, western and KP Astrology in particular. The
author can be contacted on

Mundane predictions for India in the year 2014

Major transits of planets worth noting during the year
February 2014

Mars will join the company of Saturn and rahu in Libra on February 3, 2014.

March 2014

Jupiter becomes direct on March 6, 2014

Saturn turns retrograde on March 3, 2014

Mars turns retrograde on March 2, 2014

Retrograde mars goes back to Virgo on March 26, 2014

May 2014

Mars turns direct in Virgo on May 20, 2014

June 2014

Jupiter transits to Cancer on June 19, 2014

July 2014

Rahu / Ketu goes to Virgo / Pisces on July 15, 2014

Mars transits to Libra on July 14, 2014

Saturn becomes direct on July 21, 2014

September 2014

Mars transits to Scorpio on September 5, 2014

October 2014

Mars transits to Sagittarius on October 18, 2014

November 2014

Saturn transits to Scorpio on November 2, 2014

Mars transits to Capricorn on November 27, 2014

December 2014

Jupiter retrograde on December 9, 2014

Jauary 2014

People will be dissatisfied and will stage protest across the country. There will be some

The cabinet functioning will be un-satisfactory and there will be a possibility of general elections
being declared during this time.

The inflation will be out of control. The finances of the government will be bad. The economic
indices will be negative and will be dampener. The trade balance will adversely get affected.
Interest rates are expected to go up. The prices of gold will go down.

The relationship with neighboring countries will be bad. There will be accidents in the
communication sectors like air, rail, road, etc. There will be border clashes. The neighboring
countries will not co-operate with India in taking the dispute resolution forward. The foreign
relations will be bad and it will be a war-like situation at the border.

Opposition parties will fight amongst each resulting in benefit to the ruling parties. There is likely
hood of new group of opposition coming into limelight. Weather/climatic conditions will be

The stock exchanges will be bearish and volatile. Some noted person from the entertainment
industry will run bad health or expire.

The insurance bill will be delayed by the government. Some senior members of the parliament
will have bad health or expire. There will be strikes and riots of higher order. Serial bomb blasts,
communal tension, are also possibilities. Some senior member of cabinet will be involved in
corrupt dealings. The religious places in the country will be targeted by the terrorists.

Some noted spiritual leaders character will be questionable. The politicians will overplay on the

The parliament proceedings will be very stormy and government stability will be at stake.
Credibility of some senior members of ruling party will be at stake. The ruling party may lose

The legislations of the parliament will be delayed. The FDI and treasury will be affected
negatively. Foreign enemies will play foul with India. The expenditure of the government will be
out of control.

February 2014

The revenues of the government will take a beating. Stock exchanges will be volatile and bearish.
The general economic indices will be in the red.

The relationship with neighboring countries will be stormy. There will be accidents in the
communications sectors like air, rail, roads, etc. There will be territorial strikes at the border. The
prices of real estate will show a down-ward trend. The climatic conditions will be extreme. There
can be natural calamities resulting widespread losses.

The opposition parties will be disintegrate and fight amongst them internally

However, taking the India Independence chart as base and the configuration of three malefic in
the 6th house, there will be widespread riots, communal tention, serial blasts, terror strikes, etc.

The offer of settlement by the neighboring countries will be denied by India, which will result
into severing ties with them. The neighboring countries will do all such acts to provoke India.

Some foreign treaties will be signed by India with respect to retail, communications, FDI, etc.

There will be secret ploys by the foreign countries. There will be general discontent among the
people. The citizens will take to streets to oppose policies of government. There can be
devastation and losses as a result of this.

March 2014

The people will be unhappy over the government policies.

There will be money flows from the insurance, real estate, and entertainment industry. There will
also be FDI inflows.

There will be some diplomatic discussions on the border issues with neighboring countries. There
will be some sops given to the ailing real estate industry.

The opposition parties will be amicable with the ruling party in passing important bills in the

The stock exchanges will be bearish and highly volatile. The investment climate will be dull. The
atrocities on children will increase. Some noted film industry person may expire.

There will be terror strikes or blasts. The relationship with foreign countries will not be cordial.
The diplomatic discussions with the neighboring countries will not be all that satisfactory.

There will be scandals by judges or spiritual leaders. Communal violence also cannot be ruled

The stability of the government will be at stake.

There will be FDIs into the communications and retail sectors.

April 2014

People will get to streets for protests and there could be communal tension. There will be
violence and agitations all over.

Inflation will be out of control, the economic indices will weaken further, stock exchanges will be
bearish and volatile. Interest rates will go up. The trade deficit will also go up.

The relationship with neighboring countries will be affected negatively. There will be accidents in
the communications sectors like, rail, road, air, etc.

The prices of real estate will show some correction downwards. The opposition will become
weak and split.Opposition parties will fight amongst themselves and there will be change in the
alliances. This could be a beginning of forming of 3rd front.

The crime against children will increase. Some noted film personality will run bad health. The
stock markets will be bearish. Some sportsmen will be found scandalous in their activity. There
could be some changes in the education system which will be opposed.

There will be efforts from India to establish good relations with neighboring countries. However,
the efforts of India will be scuttled by the neighboring countries. There could be terror strikes in
the border and blasts as well in some parts of India.

There will be some major agreements signed by foreign affairs ministry. Some noted politician
will run bad health.

There will be mass riots of communal nature, protests, natural calamities, serial blasts, etc.

Government stability will be at stake. Some members of the ruling party will be found corrupt in
their dealings. Governments will take decisions without consulting the opposition. There could be
some split in the ruling party. Some senior member of parliament will expire or face severe health

There will be some signs of neighboring countries coming on table for negotiations with India.
But the presence of Saturn and rahu in 12th will make the discussions a difficult one. Terrorists
will be very active.

May 2014

The people will be dissatisfied and indulge in all kind of protests. The governments credibility
will be questioned by people.

The economic indices will be take a beating. There would be some major scam that could come
on surface.

There could be accidents in the communications sectors like air, rail, road, etc. The negotiations
with the neighboring countries will fail.

There will be some natural calamities like earthquakes. The opposition will fight amongst
themselves and you can see some new face of the opposition party in the making.

The stock exchanges will be bullish.

There can be terror strikes at the border and bomb blasts also cannot be ruled out. There will be
communal violence.

The stability of government will be at stake. The parliament will not function properly. There
could be some major changes in the leadership of the ruling party.

There will be secret forces working against India. There will be terror strikes at the border.

June 2014

The people in general will be dissatisfied with the policies of government and will stage protests
against the government.

The treasury of the country will be in the weak. The economic indices will also show a negative

The relationship with neighboring countries will be normal and there will be some signs of
reaching some sort of agreement with the neighboring countries on various disputed issues.

There will be dispute in the opposition for the position of the Prime Minister. The opposition is
likely to split and the old alliances in the opposition will join the new opposition in the making.

There could fear of drought during this period as there will be scanty rainfall.

The stock exchanges will be weak and bearish. There likely to be some changes in the education

There will be aggressive efforts by neighboring countries to come to some settlement with respect
to the border dispute. But the talks will fail ultimately.

There will be difficulty in formation of government as no party would be able to get a clear
majority. A new group of parties would emerge to form the government.

July 2014

The people will be discontented with the policies of government and will put pressure on
government on important issues concerning their welfare. There could be fear of epidemics which
could result in widespread losses.

The treasury / trade deficit will shown some downward trend. The inflation could also be in the
upward trend.

The neighboring countries will come to terms with India and plead for settlement. Both India and
neighboring countries will at last sit together to find some amicable solution for on the border

Some enactments with respect to retirement benefits of the common people is also expected to be
finalized. The prices of real estate will show upward trend.

The opposition will co-operate with the ruling party. The weather will be very windy and rainfall
will be scanty. Thereafter during the end of the month, the rainfall is also expected to be above
normal as majority of the planets are in airy and watery signs.

The stock exchanges will be in bullish phase. The foreign investors will start their investment in
stock markets.

There could be changes in the education system favorable to the children.

People will resort to all sorts of agitations against the government.

Some senior politicians will face bad health and could also expire. There will be fear of
epidemics and widespread losses due to strikes, riots, etc.

The women section would get due justice from the courts of India.

Prices of gold will increase.

August 2014

People will be generally satisfied with the new government.

The economic indices will remain weak and trade deficit account will also some weakness.
Inflation will be out of control. The prices of gold is expected to come down.

The fear of drought in the earlier period will go away as the shortfall of rains will be made up
during this period. There could be natural calamities arising out of torrential rains.

The stock exchanges will be volatile. The entertainment industry will not do well. Some noted
film personality will have bad health.

India will try to come to terms with neighboring countries on its strained relationship. However,
the neighboring countries will destroy all our efforts.

Some senior members of the political class will expire, have bad health or will be charged with

There will be foreign treaties signed by ministry of foreign affairs with respect to education, stock
exchanges or arms equipments.

The ruling coalition party formed will be very weak and there could be signs of disintegration.

September 2014

People will be satisfied with the functioning of government in general.

The economic indices will be in positive and trade balance will improve. The inflation will be
under control.

The relationship with neighboring countries will show some improvement and move towards
some serious settlement of the disputes. FDIs are also expected from the communications sector.

The opposition parties will behave unruly and will not allow the parliament to function.

There will be strikes, riots and bomb blasts.

Some senior members of the political class will expire or face bad health. There could be fear of

There could be communal violence and some judges of the courts will be found involved in
corrupt dealings.

In spite of opposition trying to stall the parliament, the ruling party will be able to manage the
opposition and pass important bills in the session. There will be flow of FDI into the basic
manufacturing industry.

October 2014

There will be general contentment in the people.

The trade balance will show upward trend. The gold prices will go up. The inflation will come
down. The gold prices will go up. However, the government will also incur some unwanted extra

The relationship with neighboring countries will be normal and show marked improvement
towards some settlement.

There could be accidents in the communications sectors.

Some women member of the opposition party will face bad health.

The opposition will not co-operate with the ruling party. The automobile sector will face
recession. Real estate industry will start looking up and prices will show upward trend.

The stock exchanges will be bullish.

There will be some other foreign country mediating for India on its disputes with the neighboring
countries. But overall the relationship will be cordial.

There will be fear of epidemics.

There could be some transfer of some Supreme Court judges.

The ruling party will be all powerful and care for the needs of the people. The government will
take bold decisions without consulting the opposition which can result in strained relationship.

November 2014

The inflation will go up. The trade deficit will show upward trend.

The relationship with neighboring countries will be strained.

There will be accidents in the communications sectors. There will be foreign investments in the
real estate industry. The prices of real estate will show some signs of downward trend.

The opposition will play communal game and try to disrupt the parliament.

The foreign investors will pull out of the stock markets which can result in indices coming down.

There will agitation by religious and spiritual leaders. There can also be protests by common
citizens on the policies of government.

The ministry of foreign affairs will sign some agreements in the communication and
transportation sectors.

The parliament will not function properly and will be disrupted by the opposition.

The governments will find innovative ways of raising money and this will be opposed by the
opposition. The legislations will be delayed due to oppositions disrupting attitude.

December 2014

People will resort to all sorts of agitations, strikes, riots, etc. This period is going to be the period
of test for the government. People will take to streets and there will be all round protests against
the policies of government.

The inflation will be under control and trade deficit also will reduce. The economic indices will
also improve.

The relationship with neighboring countries will be at peace.

The weather conditions will be extreme as the majority of planets are spread between watery and
airy signs. The prices of agricultural commodities will rise as there will be unprecedented rains.

The stock markets will be normal. Some noted film personality will face bad health. The
atrocities on children will increase.

The prices of gold will come down. The prices of real estate will come down.

The stock exchange will be extremely bullish and investors should be extremely cautious in the
market at higher levels.

Parliament will not function normally as opposition will not co-operate. Important legislation will
not be passed by the parliament as there will be chaos.

@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ JAI HIND and JAI BHARAT @@@@@@@@@@@@@

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