Logos Logike Logic

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Logos; Logike

Skills can be learned.

It is the science and art of correct thinking.
It distinguishes the correct and incorrect argument providing clarity of thoughts and the validity of the inference
It is about the order and consistency, a science of those principles, law and methods, which of man must follow
for the accurate attainment of truth.
Logic as a Science and Art
Logic is science because it demands a body of proven knowledge in obtained and arranged systematically.
Logic is an art because it deals with skills.
Advantages of Studying Logic (Reyes, 1947)
It develops the habit of clear thinking.
- It is only when we learn to think clearly or when others commit mistakes or errors that we can pinpoint such
errors and can correct them
It guides us in drawing conclusion
- A runway in catering better decisions
It emphasizes the importance of definition and precision in the use of terms
- Clarity and accuracy in the use of terms may help avoid confusion in the assignment of meaning
It helps us interpret facts adequately
- Appropriate interpretation of facts in the attainment of truth
It cultivates the habit of looking for assumptions presupposed in reasoning
- Examination of causes of incorrect reasoning puts us on guard against errors both in our thinking and in the
thinking of others.
It trains us in the technique of determining implication
- It enhances ones skill in identifying suggestions and assumptions
It helps us detect fallacies, avoid self-deceptions or paralogism and combat sophism
- The use of common sense or natural logic
It helps us persuade and convince others
- It trains us in the various methods producing a firm belief of thinking others
It stimulates scientific thinking and love of truth
- The aim of logic is to simplify the truth of a statement or an argument of a quality which can assert itself for
credibility and acceptance
It familiarizes us with terminology and problems in philosophy
- Everyone thinks because it is a pathway to love for wisdom
Process of Thinking
Deductive Logic
- Universal to particular
Ex. All Ilocanos are practical.
But, Demetria is a Filipina
Therefore, Demetria is practical.
Inductive Logic
- Specific to general
- It implies sense of probability
Ex. This chalk falls. This book...this pen...this marker...
Therefore, bodily objects fall.
Prepared by: Den Mark D. Aldana
College of Arts, TIP-QC

An Introduction to Logic and Scientific Method by Benito Reyes

Logic and Critical Thinking by Villasoto, Dollentes and Limqueco

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