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Write the answer on the line.




Title page


Table of Contents




Call Number


Body or Text




____________________________1. This is the written sections chapter by chapter.

____________________________2. Dictionary format. Includes new or unfamiliar word. Listed in
alphabetical order. These are the meaning of important words.
____________________________3. Alphabetical listing of name and indexes. Page numbers are
____________________________4. These are the lists of all references used by the author in writing
the book.
____________________________5. This is the first page in the book. It tells you the title of the book
who wrote it ( the author ) and who drew the pictures ( the illustrator) . It also tells you who
published the book.
____________________________6. This is the person who drew illustrations or pictures.
____________________________7. It follows the title and copyright pages. Chapter heading ( titles of
each chapter )
____________________________8. This protects the pages of the book. It also tells you the title of the
book and the name of the author.
____________________________9. This is the name of the book.
____________________________10. This is the name of the person who wrote the book.
____________________________11. This number tells you where the book can be found in the library.
____________________________12. This is the company that makes the book after it has been written
and illustrated.
____________________________13. It holds the pages of the book. It is called the backbone of the
____________________________14. These are words written on the pages.
____________________________15. It is when the book is published.
1. It tells or explains something.

Imperative sentence

2. It tells somebody to do something. It maybe


Asking/ Interrogative

a command or request.
3. It asks a question

Telling / Declarative Sentence

4. It expresses a strong feeling

Exclamatory sentence

___________________1. A made up or make believe story that is not true.

___________________2. A true to life story. It is written to give you information or facts.

Write your answer.

1. What is a book?
2. Why is a book important?
3. What is your favorite book? Why?
4. How will you take care of your book?
Write a sentence using its kind.
1. Declarative
2. Interrogative
3. Imperative
4. Exclamatory

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